Credit & Copyright: Guido MontaßÈs
One might say this was a bell weather day for the
Sierra Nevada mountains.
In January, just as the Sun was setting above the district of
AlbayzÌn in
a huge cloud appeared as a bell capping the
Veleta peak.
Such a
Cap cloud is formed by air forced upwards by a
mountain peak, with the air then
cooling, saturating with moisture,
and finally having its
molecular water condense into
cloud droplets.
Such a bell-shaped
cloud structure is unusual as air typically moves horizontally, making most clouds
nearly flat across at the bottom.
Vertical waves can also give additional
lenticular cloud layers, as also seen above.
Given the fleeting extent of the great cloud coupled with
momentarily excellent
sunset coloring,
one might considered this also a
bellwether day
for an accomplished photographer.
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Based on Astronomy Picture
Of the Day