Credit & Copyright: NASA, Bill Ingalls
Space shuttle Endeavour is home to stay.
In a rare night
landing last week,
Endeavour glided onto a runway in
Cape Canaveral,
completing a 16-day mission that included a visit to the
International Space Station (ISS).
All told, space shuttle
Endeavour flew 25 flights since being deployed by NASA
in 1992, spending a total of 299 days in space.
Endeavour's next mission will be a stationary one in the
California Science Center.
Even as Endeavour was landing, the space shuttle Atlantis was being
rolled out in
preparation for the last mission of any Space Shuttle, a mission
currently scheduled to being on July 8.
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Publications with keywords: space shuttle - space shuttle Endeavour - landing
Publications with words: space shuttle - space shuttle Endeavour - landing
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