Credit & Copyright: Dave Kodama
This gorgeous skyscape spans some 10 degrees across the
heroic constellation
Perseus, about the size of a generous binocular
field of view.
The deep exposure includes bright stars,
emission nebulae,
star clusters, and, of course, the
famous Comet Holmes.
To identify the celestial landmarks,
just place your cursor over the image.
The brightest star in view, Alpha Persei, is itself
surrounded by a loose cluster of stars - the
Alpha Per
Moving Cluster -
at a distance of about 600 light-years.
But, at a distance of a mere 14
light-minutes bright
Holmes still dominates the scene with its
fluorescing greenish coma
and foreshortened blue tail.
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NASA Official: Jay Norris. Specific rights apply.
A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
& Michigan Tech. U.
Based on Astronomy Picture
Of the Day
Publications with keywords: comet Holmes - Perseus
Publications with words: comet Holmes - Perseus
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