Credit & Copyright: A. Kutyrev (SSAI/GSFC),
D. Rapchun(GST/GSFC),
J. Norris(NASA/GSFC)
R. Canterna & R. Martin (U Wyoming)
Gazing out over the mountaintops from the
InfraRed Observatory (WIRO), astronomers recently
recorded this bizarre looking image of the solar system's ruling
planet, gas
giant Jupiter.
The false-color picture is a composite of images taken to test
a sophisticated digital camera operating at
liquid helium
temperatures and
sensitive to
wavelengths about three times longer than visible red light.
At those
wavelengths (near 2.1 microns) the molecular
hydrogen and methane gas in Jupiter's dense lower atmosphere
strongly absorb sunlight, so the normally bright,
banded planet looks very dark.
But particles and
haze over the equator and poles rise above
the absorbing layers
into Jupiter's stratosphere and
reflect the infrared sunlight.
Also clearly extending into the
Jovian stratosphere is the
famous Great
Red Spot seen here in yellow just under the
equatorial band at the right.
North is up in this view and Jupiter's rapid 10 hour rotation
will soon carry the Great Red Spot behind the planet's right limb.
R. Canterna & R. Martin (U Wyoming)
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NASA Official: Jay Norris. Specific rights apply.
A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
& Michigan Tech. U.
Based on Astronomy Picture
Of the Day
Publications with keywords: infrared - Jupiter
Publications with words: infrared - Jupiter
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