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Astronomy Picture Of the Day (APOD)
![Аполлон-12: автопортрет](https://images.astronet.ru/pubd/2019/11/25/0001548819/BeanConrad_Apollo12_960.preview.jpg)
Is this image art? 50 years ago, Apollo 12 astronaut-photographer Charles "Pete" Conrad recorded this masterpiece while documenting colleague Alan Bean's lunar soil collection activities on Oceanus Procellarum. The featured image is dramatic and stark.
![Стереоснимок Аполлона-12 и Сервейора-3](https://images.astronet.ru/pubd/2019/11/25/0001549365/KF-ApAn48-7133-4_1024.preview.jpg)
Put on your red/blue glasses and gaze across the western Ocean of Storms on the surface of the Moon. The 3D view features Apollo 12 astronaut Pete Conrad visiting the Surveyor 3 spacecraft 50 years ago in November of 1969.
![Восход Ориона](https://images.astronet.ru/pubd/2019/11/22/0001545147/orion_kopa1024.preview.jpg)
Looking toward the east in the early hours of a September morning this single exposure made with tripod and camera captured a simple visual experience. Rising above the tree-lined slope are familiar stars in planet Earth's northern night and the constellation Orion the Hunter.
![Симеиз 147: остаток сверхновой](https://images.astronet.ru/pubd/2019/11/21/0001543793/Simeis147_HaOIIIRGB_Lindemann1024.preview.jpg)
It's easy to get lost following the intricate looping filaments in this detailed image of supernova remnant Simeis 147. Also cataloged as Sharpless 2-240 it goes by the popular nickname, the Spaghetti Nebula.
![Aрп 273: битва галактик от телескопа им.Хаббла](https://images.astronet.ru/pubd/2019/11/21/0001544076/Arp273_HubblePohl_960.preview.jpg)
What's happening to these spiral galaxies? Although details remain uncertain, there sure seems to be a titanic battle going on. The upper galaxy is labelled UGC 1810 by itself, but together with its collisional partners is known as Arp 273.
![Млечный Путь над маяком в Уругвае](https://images.astronet.ru/pubd/2019/11/19/0001542380/LighthouseMilkyWay_Salazar_960.preview.jpg)
Can a lighthouse illuminate a galaxy? No, but in the featured image, gaps in light emanating from the Jose Ignacio Lighthouse in Uruguay appear to match up nicely, although only momentarily and coincidently, with dark dust lanes of our Milky Way Galaxy. The bright dot on the right is the planet Jupiter.
![Пролетая около астероида Аррокот](https://images.astronet.ru/pubd/2019/11/18/0001541564/apper.preview.png)
What would it look like to pass asteroid Arrokoth? The robotic New Horizons spacecraft zoomed past Arrokoth in January, 3.5 years after the spacecraft passed Pluto. If this object's name doesn't sound...
![Молодые звезды в облаке ρ Змееносца](https://images.astronet.ru/pubd/2019/11/17/0001540714/RhoOph_WISE_960.preview.jpg)
How do stars form? To help find out, astronomers created this tantalizing false-color composition of dust clouds and embedded newborn stars in infrared wavelengths with WISE, the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer. The cosmic canvas...
![Звездные потоки в NGC 5907](https://images.astronet.ru/pubd/2019/11/16/0001539898/ngc5907_gabany_rcl1024.preview.jpg)
Grand tidal streams of stars seem to surround galaxy NGC 5907. The arcing structures form tenuous loops extending more than 150,000 light-years from the narrow, edge-on spiral, also known as the Splinter or Knife Edge Galaxy.
![M16 и туманность Орла](https://images.astronet.ru/pubd/2019/11/15/0001539277/M16_HaSynLumLumRGB1024.preview.jpg)
A star cluster around 2 million years young surrounded by natal clouds of dust and glowing gas, M16 is also known as The Eagle Nebula. This beautifully detailed portrait of the region was made with groundbased narrow and broadband image data.
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