Variable stars in Lacerta: area of 2°.3×2°.3, center α=22h50m δ=54°00′ (2000.0). Part I
PZP, vol. 20, N 2 (15.12.2020) | E. G. Lapukhin, A. M. Zubareva, E. Kryukova, F. Khamrakulov | (PDF)
Discovery of five new eclipsing systems of W UMa type
PZP, vol. 20, N 1 (3.09.2020) | A. Liakos | (PDF)
Discovery of five W UMa systems
PZP, vol. 19, N 3 (25.12.2019) | A. Liakos | (PDF)
Variability types and light elements for several suspected variable stars
PZP, vol. 19, N 2 (18.12.2019) | E. V. Kazarovets | (PDF)
New variable stars in Perseus: area of 2°.3×2°.3, center α=02h00m δ=59°00′. Part I
PZP, vol. 19, N 1 (29.05.2019) | E. G. Lapukhin, A. M. Zubareva, Y. Wang, M. Dokuchaeva, S. Kartashov | (PDF)
Investigation and New Light Elements of 15 Variable Stars
PZP, vol. 18, N 3 (28.12.2018) | E. V. Kazarovets, E. N. Pastukhova | (PDF)
New Variable Stars in Cepheus: Area of 2°.3×2°.3, Centered at α=22h00m, δ=60°00′ (2000.0). Part III
PZP, vol. 18, N 2 (5.12.2018) | E. G. Lapukhin, S. A. Veselkov, A. M. Zubareva | (PDF)
New Variable Stars in Cepheus: Area of 2°.3×2°.3, Centered at α=22h00m, δ=60°00′ (2000.0). Part II
PZP, vol. 18, N 1 (9.02.2018) | E. G. Lapukhin, S. A. Veselkov, A. M. Zubareva | (PDF)
New Variable Stars III
PZP, vol. 17, N 4 (26.12.2017) | A. V. Khruslov / Tula, Russia | (PDF)
Variable Stars in Cygnus Discovered with Kourovka Planet Search. Part III: Pulsating variables of Delta Scuti type
PZP, vol. 17, N 3 (25.12.2017) | A. A. Popov, A. M. Zubareva, A. Y. Burdanov, V. V. Krushinsky, E. A. Avvakumova, K. Ivanov | (PDF)