Peremennye Zvezdy (Variable Stars) 27, No. 2, 2007 Received 2 December; accepted 20 March.
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Institute of Astronomy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
One of the most extensive sky surveys in the recent years is the
Northern Sky Variability Survey (NSVS, Wozniak et al., 2004a).
Light curves of about 14000000 objects with instrumental
magnitudes between 8 and 15.5 are included in the database of that
survey, for the period April 1999 - March 2000, covering all of
the Northern hemisphere and reaching
in the
Usually, search for new variables follows a standard procedure: a sample of stars from other sources (IR, X-ray surveys) is selected by some characteristics and then this selection is checked for variability in the NSVS database. This procedure does not reflect the whole variety of variable stars in the NSVS.
Several studies based on NSVS data have been published. Preliminary results of ROTSE-I (Akerlof et al., 2000) identified 1781 periodic variables of different types. The catalogue of red variables (Wozniak et al., 2004b) contains the greatest number so far: 8678 variable stars, 6474 of them newly discovered. Kinemuchi et al. (2006) studied 1188 RR Lyr stars, Wils, Lloyd and Bernhard (2006) identified 785 variables of the same type. The catalogue of Gettel et al. (2006) contains 1022 contact binaries. Otero et al. (2004, 2005a, 2005b, 2006a, 2006b) give information about new eclipsing variables from the NSVS. The NSVS database is also used for confirmation and determination of parameters of the objects from the GCVS and NSV catalogues (Kazarovets et al., 2005; Antipin et al., 2005).
Akerlof et al. (2000) estimate the total number of variables to be discovered using the NSVS as 32000, Samus (2006) gives an estimate of tens of thousands expected variables. One of the aims of our research is to estimate the total number of variables which can be extracted from the NSVS database.
As mentioned above, the search procedure adopted to create earlier catalogues makes use of data external to the NSVS to preselect variability candidates.
To look for different types of variables, we rely only upon
internal NSVS data. We select an area on the sky and check for
variability in the NSVS database. Our test area covers 46 deg
in Andromeda, its coordinates are: 23
(2000.0). The galactic latitude is in the
range. The total number of NSVS light
curves in this area is
and every star has
between 1 and 4 light curves, the mean value being 1.875 light
curves per star. Our search is based on the variability parameter
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(1) |
where is the scatter of measurements in the
light curve and
is the median value of the error of a
single measurement. Both values are present in the on-line
distribution of NSVS data in Sky Database for Objects in
Time-Domain - the SkyDOT pages.
There are
light curves in the selected
field with
, at which we cut off our manual
examination. As our detection threshold, we accepted the amplitude
for long-period or irregular variability and the
plus the period
for periodic variables.
Period analysis was performed with the PERANSO code
( by the ANOVA method, most suitable for
light curves with two minima. Table 1 summarizes the data for
detected variables. Its first column presents ordinal numbers of
variables detected in our search, the next two columns are
identification numbers of the variables' light curves in the NSVS
and the variability parameter of the respective light curves.
Examination of all light curves revealed
curves with variability, corresponding to
variable stars (Table 2). In Table 2, the first
column presents the number of the star from Table 1. We identified
the variables with the Tycho/Tycho2 (for brighter stars) or USNO
B1.0 (for fainter stars) catalogues, the identifications are
presented in the second column. Coordinates from the 2MASS
catalogue (USNO coordinates, if the 2MASS identification is not
reliable) are in the third and fourth columns. As a consequence of
low angular resolution of the observations in the NSVS database
per pixel), some of the objects are blended and this makes
it difficult to exactly determine to which star a certain light
curve belongs. In such cases, NSVS coordinates may be considerably
different from 2MASS coordinates. Next columns contain the
instrumental stellar magnitude in maximum
, the
of variations in the light curve, the period
and the variability type. The NSVS data do not allow a detailed
classification of the GCVS level of detail, so we adopted the
somewhat simplified classification of Akerlof et al. (2000) and
Wozniak et al. (2004b). The last column contains star names from
the GCVS, NVS catalogues and those from Wozniak et al. (2004b)
if they exist. A star number in column 1 marked with an asterisk
refers to additional remarks following the Table.
Variables revealed in our search are distributed as follows:
The light curves of new variable stars are presented in Fig. 1 (irregular or semiregular variables), Fig. 2 (eclipsing binaries), and Fig. 3 (other periodic variables).
We subdivide all the light curves into 19 subsets for different
ranges of (Table 3). The first column of Table 3 contains the
range for the subset. The next column is the number of light
, belonging to the subset. Columns 3 and 4 contain the
cumulative number of light curves,
, and
. The number
of light curves with variability,
, cumulative number,
, and its logarithm,
, are presented
in the next three columns. The last column shows the predicted
number of light curves with variability,
, for
the respective subset. The data from Table 3 are graphically
presented in Fig. 4, as the function:
Diamonds in Fig. 4 represent data for subsets with . Some of the light curves of variable stars with
multiple light curves have
, such data are displayed as
crosses.The relation (2) for lower values of
can be
linearly approximated as:
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(3) |
Its extrapolation to
gives an estimate
for the expected number of light curves with variability in the
selected field. Thus, the predicted total number of curves with
detectable variability is
This number correspond to
variable stars, i.e.
23 variables can be detected if the search covers the rest of the
range. Thus, the concentration
of variables per light
curve in the field appears to be:
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(4) |
If we assume this approximation to be valid for all NSVS data, and
the concentration to be uniform for the survey, then an
estimate of the total number of variable stars can be made. There
are about
light curves in the NSVS,
and the total number of variable stars that can be expected to be
extracted from the survey is:
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(5) |
If we take into consideration only really detected variables, i.e.
, then
, and this number corresponds
to the total number of variables
, which may be considered a lower limit to the total
number of variables detectable in the NSVS.
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100 - 200 | 11 | 11 | 1.041 | 1 | 1 | 0.000 | |
50 - 100 | 25 | 36 | 1.556 | 6 | 7 | 0.845 | |
20 - 50 | 71 | 107 | 2.029 | 14 | 21 | 1.322 | |
10 - 20 | 121 | 228 | 2.358 | 21 | 42 | 1.623 | |
8 - 10 | 88 | 316 | 2.500 | 19 | 61 | 1.785 | |
6 - 8 | 123 | 439 | 2.642 | 31 | 92 | 1.964 | |
5 - 6 | 130 | 569 | 2.755 | 23 | 115 | 2.061 | |
4 - 5 | 271 | 840 | 2.924 | 28 | 143 | 2.155 | |
3 - 4 | 682 | 1522 | 3.182 | 30 | 173 | 2.238 | |
2.6 - 3 | 470 | 1992 | 3.299 | 10 | 183 | 2.262 | |
2.2 - 2.6 | 1019 | 3011 | 3.479 | 19 | 202 | 2.305 | |
1.8 - 2.2 | 2543 | 5554 | 3.745 | 26 | 228 | 2.358 | 228 |
1.6 - 1.8 | 2082 | 7636 | 3.883 | 9 | 237 | 2.375 | 237 |
1.5 - 1.6 | 1447 | 9083 | 3.958 | 5 | 242 | 2.384 | 242 |
1.3 - 1.5 | 4030 | 13113 | 4.118 | 5 | 247 | 2.393 | 253 |
1.1 - 1.3 | 8560 | 21673 | 4.336 | 7 | 254 | 2.405 | 269 |
0.9 - 1.1 | 16665 | 38338 | 4.584 | 1 | 255 | 2.407 | 288 |
0.7 - 0.9 | 11956 | 50294 | 4.702 | 0 | 255 | 2.407 | 298 |
0.4 - 0.7 | 1661 | 51955 | 4.716 | 0 | 255 | 2.407 | 299 |
Total : | 51955 | 255 | 299 |
This publication makes use of the data from the Northern Sky Variability Survey created jointly by the Los Alamos National Laboratory and University of Michigan. The NSVS was funded by the Department of Energy, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the National Science Foundation. This publication makes use of data products from the Two Micron All Sky Survey, which is a joint project of the University of Massachusetts and the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center/California Institute of Technology, funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the National Science Foundation. This research also has made use of the SIMBAD database, operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France, NASA's Astrophysics Data System Abstract Service, and the USNOFS Image and Catalogue Archive operated by the United States Naval Observatory, Flagstaff Station ( The authors thank Dr. N. Samus for critically reviewing the manuscript.
Akerlof, C., Amrose, S., Balsano, R., et al. 2000, Astron. J., 119, 1901
Antipin, S., Pastukhova, E., and Samus, N., 2005, IBVS, No. 5613
Dahlmark, L., 1999, IBVS, No. 4734
Gettel, S., Geske, M., and McKay, T., 2006, Astron. J., 131, 621
Kazarovets, E., Pastukhova, E., and Samus, N., 2005, PZ, 25, 2
Kazarovets, E., Samus, N., Durlevich, O. et al., 2006, IBVS, No. 5721
Khruslov, 2005, PZS, 5, 6
Kinemuchi, K., Smith, H., Wozniak, P., and McKay, T., 2006, Astron. J., 132, 1202
Otero, S., Hoogeveen, G., and Wils, P., 2006a, IBVS, No. 5674
Otero, S., and Wils, P., 2005a, IBVS, No. 5630
Otero, S., Wils, P., and Dubovsky, P., 2004, IBVS, No. 5570
Otero, S., Wils, P., and Dubovsky, P., 2005b, IBVS, No. 5586
Otero, S., Wils, P., Hoogeveen, G., and Dubovsky, P., 2006b, IBVS, No. 5681
Samus, N., 2006, ASPC, 349, 3
Samus, N., Durlevich, O. et al., 2004, Combined General Catalogue of Variable Stars
Wils, P., Lloyd, Ch., and Bernhard, K., 2006, MNRAS, 368, 1757
Wozniak, P., Vestrand, P., Akerlof, C. et al., 2004a, Astron. J., 127, 2436
Wozniak, P., Williams, S., Vestrand, W., and Gupta, V., 2004b, Astron. J., 128, 2965
No | ID | ![]() |
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No | ID | ![]() |
1 | 6186115 | 3.167 | 43 | 3547609 | 5.000 | 69 | 6208993 | 2.133 | 95 | 6217788 | 4.667 |
2 | 6186577 | 3.083 | 43 | 6152420 | 4.333 | 70 | 3556454 | 20.667 | 96 | 3563428 | 1.896 |
3 | 6187334 | 4.545 | 43 | 6202530 | 5.348 | 70 | 3602473 | 19.100 | 96 | 3608642 | 1.933 |
4 | 6187630 | 1.714 | 44 | 3548903 | 6.364 | 70 | 6161158 | 7.636 | 96 | 6166548 | 1.940 |
5 | 6139890 | 3.020 | 44 | 3595661 | 9.750 | 70 | 6212453 | 21.455 | 96 | 6218514 | 2.269 |
5 | 6189126 | 2.741 | 44 | 6154088 | 5.200 | 71 | 3558091 | 4.286 | 97 | 3563745 | 1.615 |
6 | 6188888 | 4.400 | 45 | 3552715 | 1.137 | 71 | 6210669 | 4.389 | 97 | 3608929 | 2.846 |
7 | 6189231 | 111.636 | 45 | 6202233 | 1.526 | 72 | 3557127 | 9.800 | 97 | 6166219 | 1.268 |
8 | 6189117 | 5.600 | 46 | 3552235 | 5.769 | 73 | 3559429 | 5.000 | 97 | 6218135 | 1.900 |
9 | 6141665 | 1.556 | 46 | 6202829 | 38.769 | 73 | 6210124 | 6.818 | 98 | 3565288 | 1.396 |
10 | 6141226 | 5.625 | 47 | 3552035 | 2.680 | 74 | 3558846 | 9.000 | 98 | 6216130 | 1.608 |
10 | 6190599 | 3.833 | 47 | 6203386 | 3.158 | 74 | 6211799 | 5.500 | 99 | 3565538 | 20.000 |
11 | 6189799 | 78.615 | 48 | 3550366 | 10.500 | 75 | 3559834 | 1.722 | 99 | 6215912 | 18.727 |
12 | 6190823 | 2.182 | 48 | 3596992 | 6.800 | 75 | 6211628 | 1.938 | 100 | 3564585 | 5.400 |
13 | 6190476 | 1.926 | 48 | 6155303 | 3.063 | 76 | 3560782 | 2.949 | 100 | 6217647 | 3.800 |
14 | 6191048 | 3.909 | 48 | 6205797 | 4.412 | 76 | 6210513 | 3.633 | 101 | 3608657 | 2.348 |
15 | 6191796 | 7.000 | 49 | 3553878 | 1.154 | 77 | 3560802 | 13.214 | 101 | 6168680 | 3.333 |
16 | 6192152 | 4.480 | 49 | 6203881 | 1.289 | 77 | 6210777 | 14.231 | 102 | 3564994 | 7.833 |
17 | 6192307 | 23.889 | 50 | 3550888 | 1.964 | 78 | 3559333 | 5.000 | 102 | 6218809 | 7.000 |
18 | 6144773 | 2.286 | 50 | 3597481 | 1.851 | 78 | 6212638 | 6.100 | 103 | 3566117 | 7.214 |
19 | 6193197 | 6.645 | 50 | 6155931 | 1.868 | 79 | 3560610 | 1.200 | 103 | 6217539 | 4.467 |
20 | 6192361 | 2.200 | 50 | 6206475 | 1.887 | 79 | 6211350 | 1.867 | 104 | 3564685 | 1.333 |
21 | 6193521 | 8.643 | 51 | 3553020 | 49.722 | 80 | 3603453 | 2.857 | 104 | 3609749 | 2.195 |
22 | 6193347 | 4.650 | 51 | 6205585 | 99.385 | 80 | 6163539 | 2.071 | 104 | 6219862 | 1.674 |
23 | 6193574 | 7.091 | 52 | 3554519 | 11.111 | 81 | 3560869 | 2.813 | 105 | 3610070 | 2.700 |
24 | 6145821 | 5.182 | 52 | 6204296 | 10.813 | 81 | 6211762 | 3.200 | 106 | 3567233 | 2.083 |
24 | 6195309 | 6.583 | 53 | 3554901 | 62.786 | 82 | 3561118 | 3.917 | 106 | 6220235 | 7.333 |
25 | 6145959 | 3.056 | 53 | 6204430 | 70.615 | 82 | 6211539 | 4.000 | 107 | 3569143 | 9.900 |
25 | 6195466 | 4.700 | 54 | 3553463 | 4.417 | 83 | 3560181 | 6.385 | 107 | 6219568 | 9.091 |
26 | 6145748 | 2.400 | 54 | 6205838 | 3.917 | 83 | 6212739 | 6.667 | 108 | 3568410 | 15.250 |
26 | 6195243 | 8.200 | 55 | 3554667 | 3.909 | 84 | 3560867 | 2.278 | 109 | 3568744 | 1.103 |
27 | 6146625 | 9.818 | 55 | 6205337 | 3.000 | 84 | 6212163 | 2.563 | 109 | 3613282 | 1.833 |
28 | 6146897 | 12.500 | 56 | 3552095 | 3.762 | 85 | 3559745 | 9.355 | 110 | 3570253 | 2.625 |
29 | 3547289 | 4.229 | 56 | 3598584 | 3.786 | 85 | 3605370 | 13.103 | 111 | 3613265 | 1.692 |
29 | 6195086 | 11.465 | 56 | 6157531 | 4.000 | 85 | 6214417 | 9.733 | 112 | 3570601 | 8.308 |
30 | 3546966 | 1.679 | 57 | 3555211 | 0.974 | 86 | 3560628 | 5.958 | 113 | 3614244 | 8.091 |
30 | 6195550 | 1.506 | 57 | 6205431 | 1.202 | 86 | 6213406 | 6.100 | 114 | 3571956 | 8.176 |
31 | 6147628 | 2.200 | 58 | 3554560 | 20.000 | 87 | 3562336 | 6.600 | 115 | 3572834 | 2.326 |
31 | 6197257 | 1.875 | 58 | 6207069 | 25.556 | 87 | 6212191 | 6.500 | 116 | 3572667 | 8.810 |
32 | 3547061 | 15.182 | 59 | 3556338 | 3.200 | 88 | 3560466 | 47.067 | 117 | 3572711 | 4.571 |
32 | 6196777 | 20.700 | 59 | 6205354 | 4.400 | 88 | 6164110 | 22.059 | 118 | 3615389 | 6.545 |
33 | 3547859 | 9.273 | 60 | 3553940 | 1.758 | 88 | 6215818 | 85.583 | 119 | 3573890 | 11.500 |
33 | 6197085 | 10.300 | 60 | 6157013 | 3.075 | 89 | 3562846 | 6.000 | 120 | 3572275 | 8.364 |
34 | 3547537 | 33.444 | 60 | 6207739 | 1.370 | 89 | 6213143 | 5.636 | 120 | 3616412 | 3.200 |
34 | 6198369 | 49.857 | 61 | 3553359 | 3.700 | 90 | 3561083 | 12.647 | 121 | 3616581 | 10.100 |
35 | 3548459 | 11.000 | 61 | 3599707 | 8.182 | 90 | 6164281 | 9.720 | 122 | 3573034 | 2.462 |
35 | 6198178 | 6.455 | 61 | 6157883 | 4.700 | 90 | 6215983 | 11.625 | 122 | 3617166 | 4.214 |
36 | 6151020 | 53.615 | 62 | 3552946 | 5.769 | 91 | 3562822 | 4.583 | 123 | 3574480 | 1.568 |
37 | 6150652 | 2.476 | 62 | 3599331 | 6.000 | 91 | 6214723 | 4.917 | 124 | 3574249 | 5.909 |
37 | 6200568 | 2.500 | 62 | 6158399 | 6.941 | 92 | 3561438 | 1.568 | 124 | 3618229 | 6.500 |
38 | 3547362 | 2.338 | 63 | 3555230 | 7.300 | 92 | 3606866 | 4.867 | 125 | 3575069 | 2.379 |
38 | 6151022 | 2.189 | 63 | 6207329 | 9.500 | 92 | 6165437 | 1.941 | 126 | 3575950 | 17.000 |
38 | 6200982 | 1.375 | 64 | 3557230 | 4.308 | 92 | 6217269 | 2.000 | 127 | 3618839 | 2.400 |
39 | 3547577 | 6.294 | 64 | 6207305 | 4.238 | 93 | 3561748 | 5.636 | 128 | 3619146 | 3.545 |
39 | 3594632 | 7.143 | 65 | 3557969 | 5.364 | 93 | 3607121 | 13.400 | 129 | 3576200 | 30.273 |
39 | 6150834 | 5.308 | 65 | 6207074 | 5.900 | 93 | 6165627 | 11.818 | 130 | 3619554 | 6.000 |
39 | 6200769 | 5.167 | 66 | 3558064 | 1.414 | 93 | 6217509 | 6.273 | 131 | 3577456 | 3.800 |
40 | 3550226 | 2.429 | 66 | 6207285 | 1.840 | 94 | 3562295 | 3.333 | 132 | 3577684 | 3.214 |
40 | 6199438 | 5.846 | 67 | 3555958 | 2.521 | 94 | 3607613 | 3.364 | 133 | 3577652 | 1.605 |
41 | 3548394 | 3.625 | 67 | 6159146 | 2.143 | 94 | 6165629 | 3.067 | 133 | 3621269 | 4.625 |
41 | 6150988 | 6.280 | 67 | 6210116 | 2.385 | 94 | 6217511 | 2.846 | 134 | 3578849 | 4.143 |
41 | 6200937 | 1.941 | 68 | 3557654 | 4.167 | 95 | 3562913 | 5.167 | 135 | 3578756 | 3.600 |
42 | 3547157 | 1.842 | 68 | 6209964 | 4.167 | 95 | 3608209 | 7.364 | 136 | 3621797 | 2.803 |
42 | 6152131 | 2.417 | 69 | 3559411 | 1.889 | 95 | 6165877 | 5.938 |
No | USNO B1.0/ | ![]() |
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Type | Name |
Tycho2 ID |
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[mag] | [mag] | [days] | |||
1 | 1387-0480726 | 23 00 04.67 | 48 47 36.1 | 12.00 | 0.31 | 195.9 | SR | |
2 | 3626-00107-1 | 23 00 23.92 | 48 18 09.7 | 10.40 | 0.28 | 19.974 | EA | |
3 | 3626-00834-1 | 23 01 02.15 | 47 53 44.0 | 10.10 | 0.15 | 52.9 | SR+L | |
4 | 3626-00396-1 | 23 01 35.51 | 48 39 11.3 | 12.55 | 0.25 | 20.345 | EB | |
5* | 1348-0502527 | 23 01 48.63 | 44 48 29.1 | 12.91 | 0.64 | 0.73893 | EB | |
6 | 3626-01166-1 | 23 02 22.43 | 47 21 29.2 | 9.88 | 0.14 | 24.34 | SR+L | |
7* | 1368-0523132 | 23 02 33.14 | 46 49 48.4 | 9.44 | 2.78 | 265.5 | M | NSV14395 |
8 | 1381-0572277 | 23 02 52.10 | 48 06 10.1 | 11.66 | 0.46 | 52.3 | SR+L | W8401 |
9 | 1342-0511619 | 23 03 25.74 | 44 12 13.5 | 13.05 | 0.35 | 2.6670 | EA | |
10 | 3622-02298-1 | 23 03 43.68 | 46 29 15.6 | 10.87 | 0.15 | 22.46 | SR+L | |
11* | 3631-00011-1 | 23 03 50.99 | 48 51 53.5 | 9.64 | 2.57 | 198.1 | M | AZ And |
12 | 1373-0593303 | 23 04 15.60 | 47 19 51.9 | 12.45 | 0.30 | SR+L | ||
13 | 1383-0527110 | 23 04 18.55 | 48 19 48.0 | 13.00 | 0.30 | 0.20085 | RRAB | |
14 | 3627-00110-1 | 23 04 22.82 | 47 03 18.5 | 10.33 | 0.14 | 60.24 | SR+L | |
15 | 3627-00436-1 | 23 05 22.84 | 47 40 34.8 | 11.16 | 0.57 | 0.9351 | EA | AA And |
16 | 1385-0485929 | 23 06 04.06 | 48 35 24.8 | 11.70 | 0.35 | 0.23385 | RRAB | |
17 | 1382-0557956 | 23 06 06.37 | 48 15 55.5 | 11.50 | 0.30 | 61.1 | SR+L | W8420 |
18 | 1342-0512794 | 23 06 21.64 | 44 12 18.3 | 12.68 | 0.30 | 1.0974 | EA | |
19* | 1372-0594633 | 23 06 36.23 | 47 15 30.6 | 12.30 | 0.46 | 0.39678 | EW | |
20 | 1393-0484769 | 23 06 38.12 | 49 23 27.5 | 11.73 | 0.47 | 1.2121 | EA | |
21 | 1372-0594793 | 23 06 54.93 | 47 16 36.3 | 11.23 | 0.35 | 78.5 | SR+L | W8425 |
22 | 1384-0496799 | 23 07 15.07 | 48 28 41.3 | 11.80 | 0.35 | SR+L | ||
23* | 1380-0585624 | 23 07 18.40 | 48 05 36.2 | 10.62 | 0.25 | 143.4 | SR+L | |
24 | 3228-00350-1 | 23 07 29.23 | 44 29 50.0 | 10.15 | 0.25 | 37.31 | SR+L | |
25 | 1345-0502344 | 23 07 37.30 | 44 31 18.1 | 11.44 | 0.25 | L | ||
26 | 1351-0505564 | 23 07 41.88 | 45 09 31.2 | 9.04 | 0.56 | SR | ||
27 | 1341-0510466 | 23 08 07.81 | 44 10 45.7 | 10.07 | 0.36 | SR+L | W8435 | |
28 | 1340-0493850 | 23 08 19.80 | 44 00 47.9 | 11.38 | 0.76 | 98.2 | SR+L | |
29 | 1390-0488955 | 23 09 15.37 | 49 01 32.8 | 12.10 | 1.80 | 290.9 | M | W8444 |
30 | 1382-0559992 | 23 09 19.93 | 48 14 47.5 | 13.56 | 0.39 | 0.5864 | EB | |
31 | 1352-0513026 | 23 09 35.25 | 45 16 44.6 | 12.70 | 0.25 | 27.064 | C: | |
32* | 3627-01580-1 | 23 10 12.43 | 47 34 14.2 | 9.15 | 0.40 | 0.9375 | EA | |
33 | 1382-0560936 | 23 10 50.28 | 48 15 49.2 | 9.56 | 0.31 | L | ||
34* | 1370-0565053 | 23 11 30.06 | 47 02 52.6 | 10.86 | 1.44 | M | ||
35 | 3627-01393-1 | 23 11 47.20 | 48 03 18.3 | 10.20 | 0.45 | SR+L | ||
36 | 1340-0495435 | 23 12 23.52 | 44 05 33.8 | 10.70 | 0.36 | SR+L | W8461 | |
37 | 1351-0507811 | 23 12 33.59 | 45 11 58.8 | 11.97 | 0.28 | SR+L | ||
38 | 1351-0507944 | 23 12 53.26 | 45 06 03.3 | 12.73 | 0.27 | 31.1 | SR+L | |
39 | 1354-0521070 | 23 12 53.23 | 45 29 13.2 | 10.86 | 0.36 | 58.6 | SR+L | |
40 | 1386-0488556 | 23 13 20.02 | 48 39 26.6 | 12.15 | 0.58 | SR+L | W8469 | |
41* | 3623-02323-1 | 23 13 22.90 | 46 08 51.1 | 11.62 | 0.69 | 2.7676 | EA | TT And |
42 | 3229-02131-1 | 23 13 26.27 | 44 01 26.1 | 11.00 | 0.10 | 0.16878 | DS | |
43 | 1343-0517147 | 23 13 52.37 | 44 20 08.7 | 11.64 | 0.35 | L | ||
44 | 3229-02271-1 | 23 15 31.46 | 44 11 25.1 | 9.34 | 0.23 | L | ||
45 | 1387-0489759 | 23 16 03.21 | 48 46 35.6 | 12.70 | 0.25 | L | ||
46 | 3640-00992-1 | 23 16 09.86 | 48 01 29.9 | 10.67 | 0.20 | 0.61128 | RRAB | |
47 | 1374-0597426 | 23 16 22.09 | 47 29 09.4 | 11.80 | 0.30 | L | ||
48 | 3229-01054-1 | 23 16 52.99 | 44 29 18.3 | 11.20 | 0.46 | 0.7426 | EB | |
49 | 1385-0492074 | 23 17 26.14 | 48 33 06.1 | 12.70 | 0.15 | 0.45366 | RRAB | DE And |
50* | 1344-0510547 | 23 17 29.50 | 44 26 14.9 | 12.85 | 0.25 | 0.45559 | EW | |
51* | 1367-0520136 | 23 17 59.60 | 46 45 12.3 | 9.42 | 3.05 | 308.9 | M | AO And |
52* | 3644-02114-1 | 23 18 02.35 | 48 46 58.3 | 10.82 | 0.58 | 0.71121 | AC And | |
53 | 1389-0492848 | 23 18 18.82 | 48 57 31.4 | 8.90 | 2.86 | M | AI And | |
54 | 1368-0531134 | 23 18 20.89 | 46 53 36.3 | 10.55 | 0.18 | 43.7 | SR+L | |
55 | 3640-00047-1 | 23 18 40.26 | 48 11 21.1 | 10.13 | 0.14 | SR | DF And | |
56 | 3229-01483-1 | 23 18 58.37 | 44 05 48.5 | 11.16 | 0.19 | 44.6 | RV | |
57 | 1385-0492948 | 23 18 59.18 | 48 31 30.0 | 13.60 | 0.30 | 0.9786 | EA | V452 And |
58 | 1368-0531664 | 23 19 31.36 | 46 52 25.8 | 10.98 | 1.23 | 266.4 | SR+L | W8498 |
59* | 3644-02160-1 | 23 19 31.93 | 49 27 24.9 | 9.34 | 0.18 | SR+L | ||
60* | 3636-00729-1 | 23 19 32.55 | 45 55 32.0 | 12.22 | 0.60 | 4.279 | EA | NSV 14500 |
61 | 3229-00049-1 | 23 19 45.40 | 44 49 29.5 | 8.83 | 0.28 | L | ||
62 | 3229-00048-1 | 23 19 50.52 | 44 07 33.4 | 11.49 | 0.43 | 0.33271 | EW | |
63 | 3640-00752-1 | 23 19 58.89 | 47 14 34.6 | 9.08 | 0.30 | SR | EU And | |
64 | 1387-0492673 | 23 21 00.87 | 48 46 09.6 | 12.30 | 0.80 | 241.7 | SR+L | |
65 | 3644-00437-1 | 23 21 17.37 | 49 28 46.7 | 9.70 | 0.25 | L | ||
66 | 1394-0495072 | 23 21 27.18 | 49 25 39.4 | 11.98 | 0.12 | SR+L | ||
67 | 1358-0513837 | 23 21 45.32 | 45 52 08.6 | 12.68 | 0.46 | 1.5098 | EA | |
68 | 1372-0603608 | 23 22 32.36 | 47 15 41.3 | 10.53 | 0.20 | 50.9 | SR+L | |
69 | 1392-0493896 | 23 23 00.63 | 49 14 33.7 | 13.05 | 0.40 | 0.41255 | EW | |
70 | 1346-0505774 | 23 23 04.84 | 44 37 05.5 | 9.78 | 0.67 | SR+L | W8522 | |
71 | 1371-0592715 | 23 23 05.80 | 47 06 51.9 | 11.63 | 0.35 | 56.7 | SR+L | |
72 | 3636-00338-1 | 23 23 14.17 | 45 24 58.9 | 8.73 | 0.29 | SR | EV And | |
73 | 1384-0506412 | 23 23 33.36 | 48 27 10.7 | 9.78 | 0.45 | SRA | BT And | |
74 | 3636-01830-1 | 23 24 01.81 | 46 52 12.6 | 8.85 | 0.39 | L | NSV26077 | |
75 | 3640-01137-1 | 23 24 29.12 | 47 43 50.1 | 11.55 | 0.10 | 1.6116 | EA | |
76 | 1392-0494655 | 23 24 30.19 | 49 12 56.7 | 12.32 | 0.48 | SR+L | ||
77* | 1390-0497457 | 23 24 38.66 | 49 03 01.9 | 10.75 | 0.58 | 239.1 | SR+L | DH And |
78 | 3636-02029-1 | 23 24 41.26 | 46 38 26.3 | 9.15 | 0.21 | L | ||
79 | 3640-00731-1 | 23 24 48.92 | 48 30 07.3 | 12.45 | 0.20 | 1.2138 | EA | |
80 | 3242-00444-1 | 23 24 50.69 | 43 34 52.9 | 11.52 | 0.17 | 8.230 | C: | |
81 | 1384-0507301 | 23 25 07.63 | 48 25 02.6 | 11.35 | 0.17 | SR+L | ||
82 | 1387-0494785 | 23 25 10.66 | 48 44 44.2 | 10.70 | 0.16 | 31.1 | SR+L | |
83 | 1372-0605032 | 23 25 12.63 | 47 14 48.6 | 10.67 | 0.43 | 57.8 | SR+L | |
84 | 1381-0587069 | 23 25 19.25 | 48 07 45.7 | 11.45 | 0.18 | SR+L | ||
85* | 1357-0528214 | 23 25 41.71 | 45 42 04.6 | 12.02 | 1.42 | SR+L | V338 And | |
86 | 1370-0571459 | 23 25 44.81 | 47 05 14.0 | 11.62 | 0.49 | SR+L | W8534 | |
87 | 3644-01974-1 | 23 26 11.53 | 49 13 15.0 | 9.40 | 0.22 | 112.4 | SR+L | |
88* | 1352-0519966 | 23 26 42.58 | 45 14 56.7 | 9.26 | 2.68 | 262.2 | M | AL And |
89* | 1389-0497399 | 23 26 56.38 | 48 57 21.3 | 11.78 | 0.42 | 3.3892 | IS | DI And |
90 | 3637-00416-1 | 23 27 06.68 | 45 33 22.0 | 11.27 | 0.61 | 0.38044 | EW | LO And |
91* | 1378-0620232 | 23 27 37.99 | 47 48 01.7 | 10.60 | 0.20 | SR+L | ||
92 | 3242-00507-1 | 23 27 52.08 | 44 54 15.0 | 12.22 | 0.36 | 0.38542 | RRC | |
93 | 3242-00009-1 | 23 28 08.07 | 44 56 21.1 | 9.90 | 0.46 | SR+L | ||
94* | 3637-00396-1 | 23 28 27.49 | 45 22 40.3 | 10.63 | 0.42 | 1.7176 | EA/RS | |
95* | 1356-0529574 | 23 28 56.89 | 45 38 29.4 | 10.53 | 0.24 | SR+L | ||
96 | 1354-0527514 | 23 29 33.51 | 45 26 23.3 | 12.63 | 0.58 | 10.063 | EA | |
97 | 1359-0512348 | 23 29 33.62 | 45 59 09.4 | 12.82 | 0.32 | 0.4556 | EW | |
98 | 1386-0497150 | 23 29 43.21 | 48 36 57.8 | 12.90 | 0.40 | 0.6945 | EA | |
99* | 1389-0498655 | 23 29 47.01 | 48 57 19.0 | 9.90 | 0.57 | 193.8 | SR+L | DL And |
100 | 3641-01548-1 | 23 29 53.81 | 46 58 08.3 | 9.35 | 0.20 | L | ||
101 | 1335-0492761 | 23 30 34.31 | 43 30 42.4 | 11.71 | 0.22 | SR+L | ||
102 | 3637-01152-1 | 23 30 37.25 | 46 24 04.2 | 10.62 | 0.29 | 0.09966 | DS | |
103 | 1381-0590162 | 23 30 49.96 | 48 11 31.9 | 10.92 | 0.48 | 63.9 | SR+L | |
104 | 1352-0521597 | 23 30 55.26 | 45 16 23.5 | 13.81 | 0.67 | 3.2041 | C: | |
105 | 3243-01131-1 | 23 32 01.32 | 43 49 20.4 | 8.58 | 0.12 | 0.38956 | E | V0389 And |
106 | 3637-01335-1 | 23 32 41.34 | 46 47 57.5 | 10.67 | 0.23 | 2.84822 | EA | |
107 | 3645-02066-1 | 23 33 39.95 | 48 49 05.9 | 9.25 | 0.49 | ZAND | Z And | |
108* | 1363-0512296 | 23 34 07.67 | 46 20 02.3 | 10.63 | 2.97 | M | V339 And | |
109 | 1346-0510292 | 23 35 12.33 | 44 39 33.9 | 13.72 | 0.42 | 0.36169 | EW | |
110 | 1374-0607334 | 23 35 28.51 | 47 28 25.4 | 12.05 | 0.18 | 64.4 | SR | |
111 | 1337-0495784 | 23 35 33.34 | 43 46 56.6 | 13.30 | 0.30 | 0.36346 | EW | |
112 | 1369-0548757 | 23 36 03.75 | 46 55 46.2 | 10.87 | 0.44 | SR+L | W8573 | |
113 | 3243-00962-1 | 23 36 27.78 | 44 07 24.2 | 10.43 | 0.47 | 1.5580 | EA | |
114 | 3641-00151-1 | 23 36 45.01 | 48 40 15.6 | 11.38 | 0.57 | 0.9862 | EB | AD And |
115 | 1388-0498738 | 23 37 38.14 | 48 53 26.5 | 12.70 | 0.40 | 78.9 | SR | |
116 | 1384-0513395 | 23 37 38.48 | 48 24 11.9 | 12.20 | 1.20 | INSB | BM And | |
117 | 1382-0578479 | 23 37 45.69 | 48 13 22.9 | 11.14 | 0.24 | SR+L | ||
118* | 1336-0497796 | 23 37 55.42 | 43 36 36.5 | 10.44 | 0.48 | SR+L | ||
119 | 1392-0501449 | 23 38 40.21 | 49 12 23.4 | 10.48 | 0.55 | 121.6 | SR+L | W8586 |
120 | 3243-00348-1 | 23 38 48.75 | 44 24 45.4 | 9.27 | 0.35 | 2.0232 | EA | V392 And |
121 | 1340-0505196 | 23 39 06.29 | 44 03 06.0 | 9.40 | 0.52 | SR+L | ||
122 | 1354-0531767 | 23 39 12.43 | 45 27 51.7 | 12.85 | 0.63 | 0.33802 | EW | |
123 | 3642-02010-1 | 23 39 51.91 | 47 45 01.8 | 12.70 | 1.50 | 1.6324 | EA | EX And |
124* | 1348-0518558 | 23 40 40.76 | 44 48 55.9 | 9.26 | 0.26 | L | ||
125 | 1372-0613113 | 23 40 42.27 | 47 14 26.0 | 12.00 | 0.30 | SR+L | ||
126 | 3642-02398-1 | 23 41 29.68 | 47 35 43.8 | 8.22 | 0.40 | 95.3 | SRD | WY And |
127* | 1337-0498239 | 23 41 43.33 | 43 45 17.1 | 12.11 | 0.17 | 0.51885 | EW | |
128* | 1341-0523884 | 23 41 54.99 | 44 10 40.8 | 10.48 | 0.20 | BY | HH And | |
129 | 3638-01097-1 | 23 42 09.08 | 46 24 34.0 | 10.14 | 0.87 | SR+L | W8599 | |
130 | 3244-00262-1 | 23 42 29.52 | 43 46 01.8 | 10.27 | 0.24 | SR+L | ||
131 | 1378-0628992 | 23 42 57.30 | 47 49 20.1 | 11.14 | 0.23 | SR+L | ||
132 | 1384-0516099 | 23 42 58.31 | 48 27 16.0 | 11.15 | 0.20 | SR+L | ||
133 | 1356-0536414 | 23 43 47.32 | 45 40 45.4 | 12.23 | 0.40 | L | ||
134 | 1381-0598307 | 23 44 18.90 | 48 08 50.1 | 11.10 | 0.17 | SR+L | ||
135 | 3638-01617-1 | 23 44 53.55 | 45 41 11.5 | 11.06 | 0.39 | 23.183 | EA | WW And |
136* | 1335-0498073 | 23 44 59.42 | 43 31 25.0 | 13.20 | 1.45 | L |
5: Information in the VSX database (reported by J.S. Shaw, D. Hou).
7: NSV14395=W8400, Mira type, with
11: AZ And=W8405.
19: Discovered by Gettel et al. (2006).
23: Information in the VSX database (discovered by M. Nicholson).
32: The other name is SAO 52758.
34: Very big amplitude
, but not found as
variable by Wozniak et al. (2004b).
41: The period in the GCVS is
50: Visual binary, separation
, the other
component with the 2MASS coordinates:
The NSVS data accuracy is insufficient to determine which
component varies.
51: AO And=W8491, the period in the GCVS is
52: A multiple-period star. The primary period in the GCVS is
, but this period cannot be found in the NSVS
data. The third GCVS period based on the NSVS data is
59: The other name is SAO 52908.
60: The NSV coordinates are shifted by approximately
from the NSVS position.
77: DH And=W8526.
85: V338 And=W8533.
88: AL And=W8538.
89: The GCVS describes DI And as type IS (a rapidly changing
irregular variable). Khruslov (2005) found a period
91: USNO coordinates.
94: X-ray source 1RXS J232827.5 +452242.
95: USNO coordinates.
99: DL And=W8549.
108: V339 And=W8565.
118: Information in the VSX database (discovered by M. Nicholson).
124: Information in the VSX database (discovered by M. Nicholson).
127: The NSVS coordinates are influenced by a close object of similar brightness, USNO 1337-0498237.
128: X-ray source 1RXS J234155.0 +441047.
136: Discovered by Dahlmark (1999). The NSVS coordinates are influenced by a close object of similar brightness, USNO 1335-0498064.
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Fig. 1. Light curves of irregular and semiregular variable stars. Title numbers correspond to those in Table 2. |
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Fig. 2. Light curves of eclipsing binaries. Title numbers and periods correspond to those in Table 2. |
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Fig. 3. Light curves of periodic variable stars. Title numbers and periods correspond to those in Table 2. |