Peremennye Zvezdy

Published articles of Pastukhova, E.N.

Found 44 documents

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  • 29 апреля 2013 (Kazarovets, Pastukhova) Light Elements for 29 Semiregular Variables from the NSV Catalog
  • 9 апреля 2013 (Berdnikov, Pastukhova) VBIc Photometry for Five Eclipsing Variables
  • 23 января 2013 (Kazarovets, Pastukhova) Light Elements for 30 Mira Type Variables from the NSV Catalog
  • 5 декабря 2012 (Kazarovets, Pastukhova) Light Elements for Five Eclipsing Variables from the NSV Catalog
  • 9 ноября 2012 (Berdnikov, Pastukhova) Types of Variability and Light Elements for 13 New Variables.
  • 1 июля 2012 (Kazarovets, Pastukhova, et al) New Variables in Pegasus: How Can We Use WASP0 Data
  • 22 апреля 2011 (Kazarovets, Pastukhova) Types of Variability and Light Elements for 35 Suspected Variables from the NSV Catalog
  • 24 ноября 2010 (Kazarovets, Pastukhova) Twenty-five Newly Recovered Variable Stars from the NSV Catalog
  • 13 декабря 2010 (Antipin, Kazarovets, et al) NSV 07340, a New RR Lyrae Variable with Equidistant Triplet of Frequencies
  • 16 ноября 2010 (Kazarovets, Pastukhova) A Study of Six Variable Stars

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