Астронет: Астрономическая картинка дня Марс вблизи противостояния http://variable-stars.ru/db/msg/1307626/eng |
Credit & Copyright: Fabio Carvalho
and Gabriela Carvalho
Tonight Mars is between
opposition (April 8) and closest approach (April 14)
looping through
the constellation Virgo
opposite the
Sun in the night sky.
That makes it prime season for telescopic views of the
the Red Planet, like this one from April 3rd.
The clear,
sharp image was captured with a high-speed digital camera and
16-inch diameter telescope from Assis, Brazil, Planet Earth.
Mars' north polar cap is at the top left.
Also visible are whitish
clouds - water vapor clouds condensing in the cold atmosphere above
the peaks of Mars' towering volcanos.
The exact dates of closest approach and opposition are
slightly different because of the planet's elliptical orbit.
Still, get your telescope out on the night of closest
approach (April 14/15) and you can view both Mars
and a total
eclipse of the Moon.
Mars will be about 1/100th the
angular size of the Moon.
Authors & editors:
Robert Nemiroff
(MTU) &
Jerry Bonnell
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NASA Official: Jay Norris.
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& Michigan Tech. U.