The T Tauri Star Forming System
What did the Sun look like before there were planets?
A prototype laboratory for the formation of
low mass stars like our Sun is the
T Tauri system, one of the
brighter star systems toward the
constellation of
young systems, gravity causes a
gas cloud to condense.
The situation then usually becomes quite complex,
as some of the infalling gas is heated by
collisions so high that it is immediately expelled as an
outgoing wind.
Complex geometries including
jets and
disks form as the
infalling and outflowing gas collide
and interact with a changing
magnetic field.
Pictured above is a false-color image of the
T Tauri system itself, which turns out to be a
In a
few million years, the central condensate
will likely become hot enough to ignite
nuclear fusion, by which time much of
the surrounding circumstellar material will
either have fallen in or have been driven off by the
stellar wind.
At that time, a
new star will shine.
Authors & editors:
Robert Nemiroff
(MTU) &
Jerry Bonnell
NASA Web Site Statements, Warnings,
and Disclaimers
NASA Official: Jay Norris.
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& Michigan Tech. U.