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821. http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2011.DSPA.Lukin.Hinting.en.pdf
IMAGE INTERPOLATION WITH AUTOMATIC HINTING BASED ON GRADIENT SPARSITY Alexey Lukin Laboratory of mathematical methods of image processing, Dept. of Computation Mathematics and Cybernetics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia 1. Introduction Many algorithms exist for image interpolation: linear filtering methods (such as bilinear, bicubic or Lanczos filters), nonlinear edge-adaptive methods, and a super-resolution method. ...
[ Текст ]  Ссылки http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2011.DSPA.Lukin.Hinting.en.pdf -- 62.4 Кб -- 04.04.2011
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822. http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2010.DSPA.Semashko_Krylov.AC.ru.pdf
C., .. .. , , http://imaging.cs.msu.ru , . ... SVM [2]; 4. ... Active Contour Model [1]) ­ . ... 1] Kass M., Witkin A. and Terzopoulos D. "Snakes: Active Contour Models" // International Journal of Computer Vision. ... 3] Cohen Laurent D. "On Active Contour Models and Balloons" // Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing : Image Understanding. 1991. 53(2). pp. ... 4] Cohen L. D. and Cohen I. "Finite-Element Methods for Active Contour Models and Balloons for 2-D and 3-D Images" // IEEE Trans. ...
[ Текст ]  Ссылки http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2010.DSPA.Semashko_Krylov.AC.ru.pdf -- 316.0 Кб -- 27.01.2011
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823. http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2010.Graphicon.Sorokin_Krylov.QualityEst.en.pdf
Short Reference Image Quality Estimation Using Modified Angular Edge Coherence Dmitry V. Sorokin, Andrey S. Krylov Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics Moscow Lomonosov State University, Moscow, Russia {dsorokin, kryl}@cs.msu.ru Abstract A new short reference image quality metric is introduced in this paper. ... The suggested metric has been compared with RTAEC metric (the relative short reference metric based on angular edge coherence function for the whole image) [5]. ...
[ Текст ]  Ссылки http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2010.Graphicon.Sorokin_Krylov.QualityEst.en.pdf -- 372.6 Кб -- 19.12.2010
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824. http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2010.PRIA.Nasonov_Krylov.Metrics.en.pdf
BASIC EDGES METRICS FOR IMAGE DEBLURRING A.V. Nasonov, A.S. Krylov 2 2 1 Laboratory of Mathematical Methods of Image Processing, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, nasonov@cs.msu.ru, kryl@cs.msu.ru The paper presents a new adaptive full reference method for quality measurement of image deblurring algorithms. ... Edge displacement. ... Full-reference basic edges metrics for quality measurement of image deblurring algorithms have been proposed. ...
[ Текст ]  Ссылки http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2010.PRIA.Nasonov_Krylov.Metrics.en.pdf -- 260.7 Кб -- 12.12.2010
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825. http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2010.ICPR.Nasonov_Krylov.SR_Med.en.pdf
Fast super-resolution using weighted median filtering Andrey V. Nasonov, Andrey S. Krylov Laboratory of Mathematical Methods of Image Processing Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics Lomonosov Moscow State University nasonov@cs.msu.ru , kryl@cs.msu.ru Abstract--A non-iterative method of image super-resolution based on weighted median filtering with Gaussian weights is proposed. ... It was shown that the weighted median filtering reduces the errors caused by inaccurate motion vectors. ...
[ Текст ]  Ссылки http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2010.ICPR.Nasonov_Krylov.SR_Med.en.pdf -- 386.4 Кб -- 11.05.2010
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826. http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2010.DSPA.Tkachenko_Lukin.Denoising.en.pdf
... Additive noise is summed with the clean signal y[t] and does not depend on it: x[t] = y[t] + noise[t], where t is time and x[t] is the observed signal. ... This approach is able to improve quality of many audio processing algorithms (such as noise reduction) by adaptively varying STFT time-frequency resolution based on local properties of the signal: estimates of spectrogram sparsity. ... Calculation of several copies of the signal processed with different STFT window sizes; 2. ...
[ Текст ]  Ссылки http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2010.DSPA.Tkachenko_Lukin.Denoising.en.pdf -- 45.2 Кб -- 07.04.2010
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827. http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2010.DSPA.Lyubimov_Lukin.CWM.ru.pdf
... Thus, the development of a method of synthesis of signals of finite duration, optimal in the sense of maximum concentration of energy in specified frequency ranges, is the actual problem. ... Erik Larsen, Ronald M. Aarts, "Audio Bandwidth Extension: Application of Psychoacoustics, Signal Processing and Loudspeaker Design", John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0-470-85864-8, September 2004. ... Time-frequency decomposition, 2. ... Shaping of the energy spectrum envelope of high-frequency content, 4. ...
[ Текст ]  Ссылки http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2010.DSPA.Lyubimov_Lukin.CWM.ru.pdf -- 197.7 Кб -- 06.04.2010
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828. http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2010.DSPA.Tkachenko_Lukin.Denoising.ru.pdf
... Multi-Resolution FFT: MR FFT), .. STFT : ( . ... STFT), : , »­ , (Short Time Fourier Transform: STFT) . ... This approach is able to improve quality of many audio processing algorithms (such as noise reduction) by adaptively varying STFT time-frequency resolution based on local properties of the signal: estimates of spectrogram sparsity. ... The effect of this adaptive algorithm is selection of high frequency resolution for tonal signals and selection of high time resolution for transients. ...
[ Текст ]  Ссылки http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2010.DSPA.Tkachenko_Lukin.Denoising.ru.pdf -- 132.5 Кб -- 06.04.2010
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829. http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2010.DSPA.Nasonov_Krylov.SRWMed.en.pdf
USING WEIGHTED MEDIAN FILTERING FOR FAST IMAGE SUPER-RESOLUTION Nasonov A.V., Krylov A.S. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Laboratory of Mathematical Methods of Image Processing http://imaging.cs.msu.ru A method of image super-resolution (SR) is presented -- reconstruction of a high resolution image from several low resolution images. ... Even small errors in motion estimation results in serious degradation of the reconstructed image. ...
[ Текст ]  Ссылки http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2010.DSPA.Nasonov_Krylov.SRWMed.en.pdf -- 93.5 Кб -- 04.04.2010
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830. http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2010.DSPA.Nasonov_Krylov.SRWMed.ru.pdf
http://imaging.cs.msu.ru -- , . ... 1, 1] , -- [­0.25, 0.25]. ... BEP (Basic Edges Points) ( ) , BEN (Basic Edges Neighborhood) -- , . ... J.A. Leitao, M. Zhao, G. de Haan Content-Adaptive Video Up-Scaling for HighDefinition Displays // Proceedings of IVCP 2003, vol. ... K. Malczewski, R. Stasinski Super Resolution for Multimedia, Image, and Video Processing Applications // Recent Advances in Multimedia Signal Processing and Communications, Vol. 231, 2009, pp. ... Image Processing, Vol. ... Vol. ...
[ Текст ]  Ссылки http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2010.DSPA.Nasonov_Krylov.SRWMed.ru.pdf -- 420.3 Кб -- 04.04.2010
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831. http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/BandwidthExtension09.pdf
Audio Engineering Society Convention Paper Presented at the 127th Convention 2009 October 9­12 New York, NY, USA The papers at this Convention have been selected on the basis of a submitted abstract and extended precis that have been peer reviewed by at least two qualified anonymous reviewers. ... Additional papers may be obtained by sending request and remittance to Audio Engineering Society, 60 East 42nd Street, New York, New York 10165-2520, USA; also see www.aes.org. ...
[ Текст ]  Ссылки http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/BandwidthExtension09.pdf -- 42.6 Кб -- 12.10.2009
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832. http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/ComplexCortexTransform09.pdf
... Following the approach of Daly [1], this paper introduces several algorithm improvements allowing for more accurate calculation of threshold elevation and modeling of the facilitation effect during phase-coherent masking. ... Section 3 introduces the Complex Cortex Transform (CCT) and its computation algorithm. ... CCT cc (9) 4. 4.1 USING CCT FOR MODELING OF MASKING Modeling Threshold Elevation Using CCT Magnitude 3.4 Properties of the Complex Cortex Transform 1. ...
[ Текст ]  Ссылки http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/ComplexCortexTransform09.pdf -- 321.4 Кб -- 31.08.2009
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833. http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2009.Graphicon.Nasonov_Krylov.Ringing.en.pdf
... A method of ringing level estimation for 2D images with unknown ringing parameters is introduced and used to perform real image deringing. ... In [6], the ringing metrics is defined as maximum of the differences between pixel values of the reference image and the processed image in the edge neighborhood. ... In section 2, we perform scale-space analysis of ringing effect and present a method of ringing level estimation for 1D edges with known ringing parameters. ... Real edges are not infinite. ...
[ Текст ]  Ссылки http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2009.Graphicon.Nasonov_Krylov.Ringing.en.pdf -- 1663.5 Кб -- 23.08.2009
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834. http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2009.Graphicon.Krylov.Iris.ru.pdf
... 6,7], , 100% . ... 500 , 100. ... Local Intensity Variation Analysis for Iris Recognition", Pattern Recognition, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. ... Extraction of Singular Points in Fingerprints by the Distribution of Gaussian-Hermite Moment", IEEE Proc. 1 Int. Conf. ... 4] A. Estudillo-Romero, B. Escalante-Ramirez, "The Hermite Transform: An Alternative Image Representation Model for Iris Recognition", LNCS, no. 5197, pp. ... Keywords: iris recognition, Hermite transform, iris key points, biometrics. ...
[ Текст ]  Ссылки http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2009.Graphicon.Krylov.Iris.ru.pdf -- 432.5 Кб -- 21.08.2009
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835. http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2009.Graphicon.Krylov_Nasonov.IntComb.en.pdf
Combined linear resampling method with ringing control Andrey S. Krylov, Andrey V. Nasonov, Alexandra A. Chernomorets Laboratory of Mathematical Methods of Image Processing, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, {kryl, nasonov}@cs.msu.ru Abstract New method to combine different linear interpolation algorithms is suggested. ... Sinc (or 'ideal') interpolation. ... The detailed overview of linear image interpolation methods can be found in [1]. ...
[ Текст ]  Ссылки http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2009.Graphicon.Krylov_Nasonov.IntComb.en.pdf -- 381.4 Кб -- 21.08.2009
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836. http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2009.ICIG.Krylov_Nasonov.Deblur.en.pdf
Adaptive image deblurring with ringing control Andrey S. Krylov, Andrey V. Nasonov Laboratory of Mathematical Methods of Image Processing Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Moscow Lomonosov State University kryl@cs.msu.ru; nasonov@cs.msu.ru Abstract The paper presents an adaptive image deblurring method with ringing control. ... Estimate Gauss radius of the blur operator G. This is performed using the analysis of the edge width (see Section 3). ... Edge width estimation. ...
[ Текст ]  Ссылки http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2009.ICIG.Krylov_Nasonov.Deblur.en.pdf -- 1388.7 Кб -- 19.08.2009
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837. http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2009.PRIA.Krylov_Nasonov_Ushmaev.SuperRes.en.pdf
VIDEO SUPER-RESOLUTION WITH FAST DECONVOLUTION * A. Krylov1, A. Nasonov1, O. Ushmaev 2 1 Laboratory of Mathematical Methods of Image Processing, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991, Russia, Moscow, Leninskie ... Informatics Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 119333, Russia, Moscow, Vavilova, 44, 2, (499) 135-62-60, olegu@biolink.ru Super-resolution problem is posed as an inverse ... It depends on given images. ...
[ Текст ]  Ссылки http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2009.PRIA.Krylov_Nasonov_Ushmaev.SuperRes.en.pdf -- 230.5 Кб -- 19.08.2009
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838. http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2009.ICIP.Krylov_Lukin_Nasonov.IntEdgePres.en.pdf
EDGE-PRESERVING NONLINEAR ITERATIVE IMAGE RESAMPLING METHOD Andrey S. Krylov, Alexey S. Lukin, Andrey V. Nasonov Laboratory of Mathematical Methods of Image Processing Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Moscow Lomonosov State University kryl@cs.msu.ru ABSTRACT In this paper, an edge-preserving nonlinear iterative regularization-based image resampling method for a single noise-free image is proposed. ... The initial image z0 is approximated using non-iterative interpolation methods. ...
[ Текст ]  Ссылки http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2009.ICIP.Krylov_Lukin_Nasonov.IntEdgePres.en.pdf -- 225.1 Кб -- 06.08.2009
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839. http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2009.ICIP.Nasonov_Krylov.RinMetr.en.pdf
SCALE-SPACE METHOD OF IMAGE RINGING ESTIMATION Andrey V. Nasonov, Andrey S. Krylov Lab. of Mathematical Methods of Image Processing, Faculty of Comp. ... Ringing effect (Gibbs phenomenon) appears in images as oscillations near sharp edges. ... One of the main problems of image deringing is to detect the presence of ringing effect and to estimate the necessary ringing suppression level. ... T V values of edges with ringing artifacts are greater than T V values of edges without ringing effect. ...
[ Текст ]  Ссылки http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2009.ICIP.Nasonov_Krylov.RinMetr.en.pdf -- 225.3 Кб -- 06.08.2009
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840. http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2000.NFAO.Krylov.en.pdf
NUMERICAL PROJECTION METHOD FOR INVERSE FOURIER TRANSFORM AND ITS APPLICATION Andrey S. Krylov and Anton V. Liakishev Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Moscow State University, Vorobievy Gory, 119899 Moscow, Russia e-mail: kryl@cs.msu.su Abstract Numerical pro jection method of the Fourier transform inversion from data given on a finite interval is proposed. ... Pro of. ... The pro jection method in the case of the Hankel transform [22] is based on the system of Laguerre functions. ...
[ Текст ]  Ссылки http://imaging.cmc.msu.ru/pub/2000.NFAO.Krylov.en.pdf -- 169.0 Кб -- 15.03.2009
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