системы автоматизации, автоматизированные системы , информационные системы , мобильные и встраиваемые системы , программное обеспечение, вычислительные системы , средства связи, базы данных, информационные технологии, технологии программирования, обработка изображения, параллельные вычисления, информационное моделирование , математическое моделирование , вычислительный эксперимент, информатика, методы вычислений, численный анализ, ...
... О UNИX . ... Actions are tools that work on a page or the whole wiki, but unlike macros they do not add to the page content when viewing a page, rather they work on that page content. ... The following actions are added to the list of user-defined extension actions at the bottom of each page (or in the "More actions" menu). This happens to any mixed-case extension, for other actions (all lower-case) see the list further down this page. ... Display a page (the default action). refresh . ...
... The main interest of researchers was focused on TiO2:Co and TiO2:V thin films, that reveal an essential difference in their behavior: TiO2:Co films demonstrate either strong magnetization, MO response or AHE independently on presence or absence of magnetic Co clusters inside the films. ... It has been found that: thin films TiO2:Co(0.5%, 1.3% and 5%) have either magnetization or MO signal of Transversal Kerr effect with the absence of magnetic clusters. ...
Ссылки http://magn115.phys.msu.ru/Rus/DETI2/AnnoRusPart2012.pdf -- 121.5 Кб -- 17.01.2014
Ссылки http://magn.phys.msu.ru/Rus/DETI2/AnnoRusPart2012.pdf -- 121.5 Кб -- 17.01.2014 Похожие документы
... Елена Фоменко (2 курс). ... Руководитель В. И. Буник, отдел биокинетики НИИ ФХБ им. А.Н.Белозерского МГУ. ... Руководитель А.Г. Евстафьева, отдел химии и биохимии нуклеопротеидов НИИ ФХБ им. А.Н. Белозерского МГУ. ... Руководитель Н.В. Чичкова, лаборатория молекулярной биологии гена отдела химии и биохимии нуклеопротеидов НИИ ФХБ им. А.Н. Белозерского МГУ. ... Руководитель А.Г. Евстафьева, лаборатория молекулярной биологии гена отдела химии и биохимии нуклеопротеидов НИИ ФХБ им. А.Н. Белозерского...
Oxana V. Dzhosan oxanad@mail.ru Scientific Data Visualization System for HighPerformance Computing MSU_VIZ Visualization system MSU_VIZ for Blue Gene /P Blue Gene /P MSU_VIZ Blue Gene /P front-end MSU_VIZ PC workstation Display MSU_VIZ 2D display - Data calculation - Video rendering - Video enhancement - Video compression - Video resizing - Display ... It is used for stereoscopic displays. ...
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... Urusov V.S. Theoretical analysis and empirical manifestation of the distortion theorem. ... Urusov V.S., S.Churakov, N.R.Khisina, Wirth R. Ab initio crystal structure refinement and proton dynamics of the hydrous olivine (MgH2SiO4) 2(Mg2SiO4). ... Urusov V.S., S.V.Churakov, N.R.Khisina, Wirth R.First principle study of (MgH2SiO4) n(Mg2SiO4) hydrous olivine structures. ... Урусов В.С. Мой Вернадский (мысли после чтения антологии 'В.И.Вернадский - pro et contra'). ... 2003. ... Доклады АН. ...
... Главная :: Проекты . ... Проекты: . ... На сегодняшний день существуют инструменты, позволяющие лишь в некоторой степени оценить степень использования ресурсов вычислительных комплексов. ... Разрабатываемый программный комплекс призван ответить на ключевые вопросы в области эффективности, причем как для администраторов вычислительных систем, так и для пользователей. ... 50 самых мощных вычислительных систем СНГ . ... Информационно-аналитический центр . ... История Московского университеты" . ...
... Lecture Cycle: The Cold War: US and URSS, Countercultures and Citizen Diplomacy . ... This lecture offers a comparative analysis of the cultural impact of the cold war on both countries. It then focuses on the countercultures and introduces citizen diplomacy as a bottom-up strategy to end the Cold War. ... Films for the Cold War Lecture Birgit (recommended to see) . ... Russkii vopros (UdSSR 1947; Michail Romm) . ... Sekretnaja missiia (UdSSR 1950; Michail Romm) . ... The Northstar (USA тАЩ43) . ...
Лекции Dr. Sheldon Landsberger, профессор университета Техаса USA. Дубна, 14.04.2014 . Информируем Вас и приглашаем посетить лекции Dr. Sheldon Landsberger, . Professor in the Nuclear and Radiation Engineering Program in the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Texas at Austin, USA . ... Applications in Environmental Analysis Лекции будут проходить в конференц-зале ЛНФ в следующие дни: . ... Аннотация в приложении: hep.msu.dubna.ru/main/file.php/74/Landsberger.zip . ...
... Вакансии . ... Ярмарки вакансий и выставки . ... Technical Requirements Analysis (Functional Decomposition and Call Flows). Provide Business Requirement Specifications, Software Requirement Specifications, and Product Feature Descriptions. ... Substantial experience in requirement analysis and requirement management. ... In order to expand the development of our product globally, jNetX is currently looking for a Requirement Analyst to Product Management Department, based in Moscow. ...
International Conference Fluxes and Structures in Fluids : Physics of Geospheres FLUXES AND STRUCTURES IN FLUIDS : PHYSICS OF GEOSPHERES International Conference PROGRAMME FLUXES AND STRUCTURES IN FLUIDS CO-SPONSORS RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES RUSSIAN FOUNDATION FOR BASIC RESEARCH NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION (USA) THE CONFERENCE IS ORGANISED BY ... D.M. Klimov (Russia), Prof. S. Kimura (Japan), Acad. ... Coffee Break 2-nd Morning Session 11:30 13:00 Section 1 11:30 11:45 .. ...
... PHYSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR ECOLOGY, MEDICINE, AND BIOLOGY LaserElectron X-Ray Source for Medical Applications E. G. Bessonov, A. V. Vinogradov, and A. G. Tourianskii Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskii pr. ... It includes two electron storage rings (E 50 MeV) placed in the vertical plane and two laser resonators located in the horizontal and vertical planes. ... Electrons can be injected into the storage rings singly or during several cycles through the injectors. ...
Federation of European Societies on Trace Elements and Minerals PRELIMINARY SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM 09.06.2010 SESSION 1. Trace element and mineral analysis of environmental and biological samples: bulk determination, speciation and quality control. ... 10.06.2010 SESSION 2. ... SYMPOSIUM ORGANIZATION Venue The 4th International Symposium on Trace Elements and Minerals in Medicine and * Biology will take place in the Hotel "Okhtinskaya" (4, Bolsheokhtinsky prospect, 195027 St.Petersburg, Russia). ...
Ссылки http://www.fbm.msu.ru/sci/sno/conf/russia/IV%20FESTEM%20Symposium.pdf -- 315.9 Кб -- 26.12.2009 Похожие документы
... Institute of Nuclear Physics, . ... I have been directly involved in theoretical and phenomenological analysis -- within the D? collaboration -- devoted to a search for single top quark production in the electroweak processes. ... 1] B. Abbott et al. ... D0 Collaboration], ``Inclusive jet production in p anti-p collisions,'' hep-ex/0011036. ... D0 Collaboration], ``Search for electroweak production of single top quarks in p anti-p collisions,'' hep-ex/0008024. ... Phys.Rev.Lett. ...
... The factors that play the key role in complex formation are as follows: the rate of protein diffusion to the docking site; long-range electrostatic interactions between protein surfaces, geometric and chemical complementarity of binding areas; molecular mobility at the proteinprotein interphase, hydrogen bonds, Van der Waals interactions, hydrophobic interactions, and salt bridges. ... Three-dimensional protein molecules are constructed on the basis of data extracted from the Protein Data Bank. ...
Search of Novel Crystalline Materials , Study of their Properties and Crystallization Processes . ... The work of group for the search of novel crystalline materials are held at M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University since 1964. The main aim of investigations are search and study of new promising multifunctional materials with unusual physical properties: ferroelectrics, superionic conductors, nonlinear optical materials, laser crystals, piezoelectrics, etc. ...