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На этой странице приведены все страницы, которые ссылаются на http://rtm-cs.sinp.msu.ru/manual/apache/sourcereorg.html. Показаны документы 1 - 1 из 1.
1. Upgrading to 1.3 from 1.2
In order to assist folks upgrading we are now going to maintain a document describing information critical to existing Apache users. Note that it only lists differences between recent major releases, so for example, folks using Apache 1.1 or earlier will have to figure out what changed up to Apache 1.2 before this document can be considered relevant. Old users could look at the src/CHANGES file which tracks code changes. ... There have been numerous changes to the default config files. ...
Сохраненная копия
Ссылки http://rtm-cs.sinp.msu.ru/manual/apache/upgrading_to_1_3.html -- 14.4 Кб -- 23.03.1999
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