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Arthropoda Selecta 21(3): 247254


A survey of Transcaucasian Dipoena sensu lato (Aranei: Theridiidae) with a description of new species Обзор закавказских Dipoena sensu lato (Aranei: Theridiidae), с описанием нового вида Mykola M. Kovblyuk1,5, Yuri M. Marusik2,5 & Mikhail M. Omelko Н.М. Ковблюк1,5, Ю.М. Марусик2,5, М.М. Омелько3,4,5


Zoology Department, V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University, Yaltinskaya Street 4, Simferopol 95007, Ukraine. E-mail: kovblyuk@mail.ru 2 Institute for Biological Problems of the North, RAS, Portovaya Str. 18, Magadan 685000, Russia. E-mail: yurmar@mail.ru 3 Gornotaezhnaya Station FEB RAS, Gornotaezhnoe Vil., Ussuriyski Dist., Primorski krai 692533, Russia. E-mail: omelkom@gmail.com 4 Far Eastern Federal University, Sukhanova 8, Vladivostok 690950, Russia. 5 Zoological Museum, University of Turku, FI-20014, Turku, Finland. 1 Кафедра зоологии, Таврический национальный университет им. В.И.Вернадского, ул. Ялтинская 4, Симферополь 95007, Украина. 2 ИБПС ДВО РАН, Портовая 18, Магадан 685000. 3 Горнотаежная станция ДВО РАН, с. Горнотаежное, Уссурийский район, Приморский край 692533, Россия. 4 Дальневосточный федеральный университет, ул. Суханова 8, Владивосток 690950, Россия. 5 Зоологический музей, Университет Турку, FI-20014, Финляндия.

KEY WORDS: Abkhazia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, new species. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: Абхазия, Грузия, Азербайджан, новый вид.

ABSTRACT. Seven species of Dipoena sensu lato belonging to four genera: Dipoena Thorell, 1869 (2 species), Lasaeola Simon, 1881 (3 species), Phycosoma O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1879 (1 species) and Yaginumena Yoshida, 2002 (1 species) were found in Transcaucasia. One new species, Lasaeola dbari sp.n. is described from Abkhazia. Lasaeola tristis (Hahn, 1833) is recorded from Caucasus for the first time. РЕЗЮМЕ. Семь видов Dipoena sensu lato из четырех родов обнаружены в Закавказье: Dipoena Thorell, 1869 (2 вида), Lasaeola Simon, 1881 (3 вида), Phycosoma O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1879 (1 вид) и Yaginumena Yoshida, 2002 (1 вид). Один новый вид Lasaeola dbari sp.n. описан из Абхазии. Lasaeola tristis (Hahn, 1833) отмечен на Кавказе впервые.

Dipoena Thorell, 1869 is one of the largest genera in Theridiidae. Currently it includes 155 extant species [Platnick, 2012] distributed all over the globe, although most of the known species are restricted to the Holarctic. Until recently this genus encompassed several dozen more species until Wunderlich [1988] revalidated Lasaeola Simon, 1881 and removed several species to the new genus Dipoenata Wunderlich, 1988. Three species were transferred from Dipoena to Yaginumena

Yoshida, 2002. Later Fitzgerald & Sirvid [2003] revalidated Phycosoma O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1879 though to be a synonym of Euryopis Menge, 1868, and transferred some Dipoena into this genus. The taxonomic limits of Dipoena and the revalidated or recently described new genera are not very clear [cf. Wunderlich, 2008: 285286]. None of them have clear diagnostic characters. Species previously considered in Dipoena sensu lato are relatively poorly studied in the former Soviet Union and particularly in the Caucasus. Only six species belonging to this group are known from Caucasus (North Caucasus, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia). The first species, Dipoena melanogaster (C.L. Koch, 1837) was reported as recently as 1997 from Georgia [Mkheidze, 1997]. Dipoena nigroreticulata (Simon, 1879) was recorded from Azerbaijan by Guseinov [2002]. Phycosoma inornatum (O.Pickard-Cambridge, 1861) and Lasaeola prona (Menge, 1868) were reported from Azerbaijan by Marusik et al. [2005a]. At the same time Yaginumena maculosa (Yoshida et Ono, 2000) was recorded from several localities in East and West Caucasus [Marusik et al., 2005b]. The fifth species Dipoena braccata (C.L. Koch, 1841), was reported by Ponomarev & Mikhailov [2007] from North Caucasus. While studying Theridiidae of Caucasus we found one species new to Caucasus and one species new to science, which seems to belong to Lasaeola. It has an unusual abdominal pattern and an extremely long embo-


M.M. Kovblyuk, Yu.M. Marusik & M.M. Omelko

Figs 16. Habitus of Lasaeola dbari sp.n.: 13 male, dorsal, lateral and frontal, respectively; 46 female, dorsal, frontal and lateral, respectively. Scale 0.2 mm. Рис. 16. Габитус Lasaeola dbari sp.n.: 13 самец, дорсально, латерально и фронтально, соответственно; 4-6 самка, дорсально, фронтально и латерально, соответственно. Масштаб 0,2 мм.

lus and insemination ducts. In this the new species is described alongside a brief survey of Dipoena sensu lato species in the Caucasus.

Material and methods
Specimens were photographed using either a JEOL JSM-5200 scanning electron microscope or an Olympus Camedia E-520 camera attached to an Olympus SZX16 stereomicroscope at the Zoological Museum, University of Turku. Digital images were montaged using CombineZM image stacking software. Photographs were taken in dishes of different sizes with paraffin at the bottom. Different sized holes were made in the bottom to keep the specimens in the correct position. Figures had been made previously and in some cases we were unable to generate scale bars for the digital photographs. All measurements are given in mm. Drawings we made either by using a grid method with a MBS-9 stereomicroscope or a Leitz stereomicroscope with a camera lucida. The bleached epigyne of the holotype female was temporarily coloured with Chlorazol Black. The epigyne was macerated using KOH solution.

Acronyms: IZA Institute of Zoology, Baku, Azerbaijan; TNU Zoology Department, Taurida National University, Simferopol, Ukraine; ZMMU Zoological Museum of the Moscow State University, Russia; ZMUT Zoological Museum, University of Turku, Finland; EFH E.F. Huseynov; YMM Yu.M. Marusik.

Taxonomic survey
Lasaeola dbari sp.n. Figs 118.
MATERIAL. Holotype (ZMMU) and paratype (ZMMU), ABKHAZIA, Gudauta District, Myusser Part of Pitsunda-Myusser Reserve, 43њ10N, 40њ25E, 23 m, moist canyon, 1524.07.2009 (M.M. Kovblyuk & N.N. Yunakov). Paratype: 1 (ZMMU), Abkhazia, environs of Kelasur, clay shadowed cliffs, 42њ58N 41њ04E, 11.10.2004 (YMM).

ETYMOLOGY. The species name is a patronym honouring our colleague Dr. Roman S. Dbar, head of the State Ecological Service in Abkhazia, who helped to arrange the expedition of MK to Abkhazia. DIAGNOSIS. The new species can be easily recognized by its characteristic pattern of transverse stripes,

A survey of Transcaucasian Dipoena (Aranei: Theridiidae)


Figs 712. Male palp and epigyne of Lasaeola dbari sp.n.: 7, 10 male palp, retrolateral; 8, 11 male palp, ventral; 9 male palp, prolateral; 12 epigyne, ventral. Scale 0.2 mm. Abbreviations: Co conductor; Cp copulatory opening; Eb base of embolus; Fo fovea; Id insemination duct; Ma median apophysis; Ta tegular apophysis. Рис. 712. Пальпа самца и эпигина Lasaeola dbari sp.n.: 7, 10 пальпа самца, ретролатерально; 8, 11 пальпа самца, вентрально; 9 пальпа самца, пролатерально; 12 эпигина, вентрально. Масштаб 0,2 мм. Обозначения: Co кондуктор; Cp копулятивное отверстие; Eb основание эмболюса; Fo ямка эпигины; Id осеменительный (копулятивный) канал; Ma медиальный отросток; Ta тегулярный отросток.

unusual for Lasaeola species. L. dbari sp.n. can be distinguished by the structure of the copulatory organs. Males have a very long embolus, unknown in other congeners. The base (Eb) and beginning of the embolus are clearly visible. Females of the new species appear to have the longest insemination ducts among all Lasaeola and members of related genera.

COMMENTS. We placed the new species into Lasaeola because of some similarity in the epigyne of L. dbari sp.n. with that of the type species L. prona (Menge, 1868). DESCRIPTION. Male/female. Total length 1.88/1.80. Carapace: 0.85/0.77 long, 0.72/0.70 wide, 0.6/0.42 high. Abdomen: 1.12/1.20 long, 1.0/1.0 wide. Eyes (after larg-


M.M. Kovblyuk, Yu.M. Marusik & M.M. Omelko

Figs 1318. Epigyne of Lasaeola dbari sp.n.: 1314, 1617 ventral; 15, 18 dorsal. 1415, 1718 after maceration. Scale 0.2 mm. Abbreviations: Cp copulatory opening; Fd fertilization duct; Fo fovea; Id insemination duct; Re accessorial receptaculum, Rp proper receptaculum. Рис. 1318. Эпигина Lasaeola dbari sp.n.: 1314, 1617 вентрально; 15, 18 дорсально. 1415, 1718 после мацерации. Масштаб 0,2 мм. Обозначения: Cp копулятивное отверстие; Fd оплодотворительный канал; Fo ямка эпигины; Id осеменительный (копулятивный) канал; Re дополнительная рецептакула, Rp настоящая рецептакула.

est diameter): AM 0.098/0.07; AL 0.084/0.07; PM 0.098/ 0.098; PL 0.084/0.084. Eyes interdistances: AMAM 0.07/ 0.098; AMAL 0.014/0.028; PMPM 0.056/0.056; PM PL 0.056/0.042; AMPM 0.07/0.07; ALPL 0/0; AM clypeus 0.378/0.252; ALclypeus 0.364/0.28. Habitus and pattern as in Figs 16. General coloration is yellow. Tibia I and IV slightly darkened distally. Abdomen is grey with two white median bands and four pairs of white stripes. Leg podomere lengths (/)
I II III IV femur 0.90/0.85 0.88/0.75 0.63/0.55 0.88/0.80 patella 0.33/0.35 0.33/0.33 0.25/0.30 0.33/0.35 tibia 0.70/0.60 0.58/0.45 0.43/0.40 0.63/0.60 metatarsus 0.68/0.6 0.55/0.425 0.43/0.4 0.65/0.63 tarsus 0.38/0.40 0.38/0.35 0.35/0.35 0.38/0.35 Total 2.98/2.80 2.70/2.30 2.08/2.00 2.85/2.73

Male palp as in Figs 711. Tegular apophysis (Ta) triangle-shaped in ventral view with a pointed tip; conductor (Co) elongate, sharply pointed; embolus long and thin with a massive base (Eb). Epigyne as in Figs 1218, with bean shaped fovea (Fo), long insemination ducts (Id) and two pairs of receptacula (Re and Rp) subequal in size. Proper receptacula (Rp) round with short converging fertilization ducts (Fd). Accessorial receptacula (Re) droplet shaped. DISTRIBUTION. Known only from the type locality. Lasaeola prona (Menge, 1868) Figs 1922.
Dipoena p.: Miller, 1967: 290, pl. XIII, f. 1619 (). Dipoena p.: Roberts, 1985: 176, f. 78b ().

CAUCASIAN RECORDS. This species has been reported from Naxзэvan only [Marusik et al., 2005a]. COMMENTS. This species is properly described in the above-mentioned papers. Specimens from Finland and Naxзэvan have a slightly different median apophysis. DISTRIBUTION. This species has a Holarctic range. Lasaeola tristis (Hahn, 1833) Figs 2326.
Dipoena t.: Miller, 1967: 289, pl. XIII, f. 14 (). Dipoena t.: Roberts, 1995: 269, f. (). Dipoena t.: Roberts, 1998: 284, f. (). L. t.: Knoflach & Pfaller, 2004: 137, f. 20f (). For complete list of references see Platnick [2012]. MATERIAL E XAMINED: AZERBAIJAN: 1 , 14 (ZMMU), SE Azerbaijan, Lenkoran District, environs of Aurora Vill., 38њ40N 48њ52E, 2328.04.2001 (YMM).

Dipoena p.: Roberts, 1995: 269, f. (). Dipoena p.: Roberts, 1998: 284, f. (). Dipoena p.: Paquin & Dupйrrй, 2003: 215, f. 24022404 (). For complete list of references see Platnick [2012]. MATERIAL EXAMINED: AZERBAIJAN: 2 , 4 (ZMMU), NE part of Naxзэvan, Shakhbuz Dist., Batabat locality, 39њ31,9N 45њ47.3E, 2100 m, subalpine meadows & under stones, 3.06.2003 (YMM).

COMMENTS. The species is well described in the above-mentioned papers. Here we provide SEM figures of the palp. Caucasian specimens have no differences with those from Finland.

A survey of Transcaucasian Dipoena (Aranei: Theridiidae)


Figs 1934. Male palps of Lasaeola prona (1922), L. tristis (2326), Dipoena melanogaster (2730) and D. nigroreticulata (31 34): 19, 26, 29, 33 prolateral; 20, 23, 27, 31 ventral; 21, 24, 28, 32 retrolateral; 22 prolateral-anterior; 25 ventro-anterior; 30, 34 anterior. 1922 from Naxзэvan (Azerbaijan); 2230 from Lenkoran (Azerbaijan); 3134 from Baku (Azerbaijan). Abbreviations: Co conductor; Eb base of embolus; Em embolus; Ma median apophysis; Ta tegular apophysis. Рис. 1934. Пальпы самцов Lasaeola prona (1922), L. tristis (2326), Dipoena melanogaster (2730) и D. nigroreticulata (31 34): 19, 26, 29, 33 пролатерально; 20, 23, 27, 31 вентрально; 21, 24, 28, 32 ретролатерально; 22 пролатерально-спереди; 25 вентрально-спереди; 30, 34 спереди. 1922 из Нахичевани (Азербайджан); 2230 из Ленкорани (Азербайджан); 31 34 из Баку (Азербайджан). Обозначения: Co кондуктор; Eb основание эмболюса; Em эмболюс; Ma медиальный отросток; Ta тегулярный отросток.


M.M. Kovblyuk, Yu.M. Marusik & M.M. Omelko Dipoena nigroreticulata (Simon, 1879) Figs 3134.
D. n.: Miller, 1967: 287, pl. XII, f. 49 (). D. n.: Finch, 1999: 66, f. 1ab (). For complete list of references see Platnick [2012]. MATERIAL EXAMINED: AZERBAIJAN: 1 (IZA) Absheron Peninsula, Baku, Institute of Zoology garden, 11.09.2001 (EFG).

CAUCASIAN RECORDS. Absheron Peninsula [Guseinov, 2002]. COMMENTS. Here we provide the first SEM figures of the male palp because this species is rather poorly known. The structure of the male palp is rather different from that seen in D. melanogaster (Figs 2730), the type species of the genus. DISTRIBUTION. The species is known from Portugal to Poland [Helsdingen, 2010] and from Azerbaijan. Phycosoma inornatum (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1861) Figs 3538.
Dipoena inornata: Wiehle, 1937: 187, f. 186189 (). Dipoena inornata: Roberts, 1985: 176, f. 78c (). Dipoena inornata: Roberts, 1995: 268, f. (). Dipoena inornata: Roberts, 1998: 283, f. (). For complete list of references see Platnick [2012]. MATERIAL EXAMINED: AZERBAIJAN: 1 (ZMMU), Naxзэvan, ca 3 km E of Akhura Vill., 39њ34N 45њ11E, 1400m, 2.06.2003 (YMM).

Figs 3538. Male palp of Phycosoma inornatum from Finland: 35 ventral; 36 retrolateral; 37 conductor; 38 anterior. Abbreviations: Eb? base of embolus. Рис. 3538. Пальпа самца Phycosoma inornatum из Финляндии: 35 вентрально; 36 ретролатерально; 37 кондуктор; 38 спереди. Обозначения: Eb? основание эмболюса.

DISTRIBUTION. This species is distributed from Western Europe to Altai, south to the Mediterranean and Tajikistan. The record from Azerbaijan is the first for the entire Caucasus. Dipoena melanogaster (C.L. Koch, 1837) Figs 2730.
D. m.: Miller, 1967: 286, pl. XII, f. 13 (). D. m.: Roberts, 1985: 176, f. 78f (). D. m.: Roberts, 1995: 270, f. (). D. m.: Roberts, 1998: 285, f. (). For complete list of references see Platnick [2012]. MATERIAL EXAMINED: AZERBAIJAN: 1 (IZA), CN Azerbaijan, Khyzy Dist., env. of Yarymja Vill., 6.06.2000 (EFG);1 (IZA), N Azerbaijan, Ismailly Dist., Ismailly Reserve, 1200 m, 11.07.2001 (EFG); 1 juv. [a05] SE Azerbaijan, Lenkoran Dist., env. of Aurora Vil., 38њ40N 48њ52E, 2328.04.2001 (YMM); 1 (IZA), SE Azerbaijan, Lenkoran Dist., env. of Apo Vill., 28.05.2003 (EFG).

CAUCASIAN RECORDS. Within the Caucasus this species has been recorded from Naxзэvan only [Marusik et al., 2005a]. COMMENTS. This species is well described in the above-mentioned papers. Here we provide figures of the male palp made from Finnish specimens. DISTRIBUTION. This species is restricted to the West Palaearctic and known from Western Europe to Azerbaijan. Yaginumena maculosa (Yoshida et Ono, 2000) Figs 3942.

Dipoena m. Yoshida & Ono, 2000: 147, f. 3739 (). Y. m.: Yoshida, 2003: 169, f. 462465, 593 (). Y. m.: Marusik et al., 2005b: 125, f. 112 (). Y. m.: Yoshida, 2009: 389, f. 324325 (). MATERIAL EXAMINED: AZERBAIJAN: 4 , 5 (ZMMU), Lenkoran Distr., environs of Aurora Vill., 38њ41N 48њ17E, 36 m, 2129.05.2003 (YMM); 1 (ZMMU), Lenkoran Distr., Hyrcan Reserve, 38њ38,5N 48њ47,5E, 23.05.2003 (YMM); 2 (ZMMU), Absheron Peninsula, env. of Baku, Mardakyan, 40њ 29.26N 50њ09.6E, 14.08.1994 (EFG); 2 , 1 (IZA), same locality, 27.06.1996 (EFG). ABKHAZIA: 1 subad. (ZMMU), environs of Pitsunda, Ldzaa Vill., Pinus pityusa along seashore, litter, 43њ10.255N, 40њ22.370W, 16.10.2004 (YMM).

CAUCASIAN RECORDS. Khosta (Krasnodar Area, Russia), Abkhazia, Central and West Georgia [Otto & Tramp, 2011] and Azerbaijan [Dunin, 1989]. COMMENTS. This species is well described in several of the papers mentioned above. DISTRIBUTION. This species is restricted to the West Palaearctic and known from Western Europe to Azerbaijan.

CAUCASIAN RECORDS. Abkhzia, SE Azerbaijan [Marusik et al., 2005b]. COMMENTS. This species was well described by Marusik et al. [2005b]. Judging from the shape of the male palp it seems that the species does not belong to the genus Yaginumena (type species Y. castrata (Bцsenberg et Strand, 1906)). DISTRIBUTION. This species is known from the Caucasus and Japan only [Marusik et al., 2005b].

A survey of Transcaucasian Dipoena (Aranei: Theridiidae)


Figs 3942. Male palp and epigyne of Yaginumena maculosa after Marusik et al. [2005b]: 39 male palp, ventral; 40, 42 epigyne, ventral; 41 epigyne, dorsal. Рис. 3942. Пальпа самца и эпигина Yaginumena maculosa, по: Marusik et al. [2005b]: 39 пальпа самца, вентрально; 40, 42 эпигина, вентрально; 41 эпигина, дорсально.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank R.S. Dbar (Sukhum, Abkhazia) for logistic help and N.N. Yunakov (Magdeburg, Germany) for help with collecting in expeditions in Abkhazia, and B. Knoflach (Innsbruck, Austria) for consultations dealing with the terminology of copulatory organs in Lasaeola. We are very grateful to E.F. Huseynov (Baku, Azerbaijan) who provided us with material used in this study. We sincerely thank Seppo Koponen (Turku, Finland) who arranged our stay in Turku and provided lab equipment. English of the final draft was kindly checked and edited by David Penney. This work was supported in part by the Karadag Nature Reserve and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grants ## 110401716 and 12-04-01548).

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M.M. Kovblyuk, Yu.M. Marusik & M.M. Omelko
Yoshida H., Ono H. 2000. Spiders of the genus Dipoena (Araneae, Theridiidae) from Japan // Bull. natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo. Ser.A. Vol.26. P.125158. Yoshida H. 2003. [The spider family Theridiidae (Arachnida: Araneae) from Japan]. Arachnological Society of Japan. 224 pp. [in Japanese]. Yoshida H. 2009. [Theridiidae] // The Spiders of Japan with keys to the families and genera and illustrations of the species. Kanagawa: Tokai Univ. Press. P.356393 [in Japanese].

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Responsible editor S. Koponen