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Arthropoda Selecta 17 (12): 8185


A new species of Pelicinus from Barrow Island, Western Australia (Araneae: Oonopidae) Новый вид Pelicinus из острова Барроу, Западная Австралия (Araneae: Oonopidae) Ricardo Ott1,2 & Mark S. Harvey2 Р. Отт1,2, М.С. Харвей2
1 Museu de Ciкncias Naturais, Fundaзгo Zoobotвnica do Rio Grande do Sul, Rua Dr. Salvador Franзa, 1427, 90690-000, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul Brazil. Email: rott@fzb.rs.gov.br. 2 Department of Terrestrial Zoology, Western Australian Museum, Locked Bag 49, Welshpool DC, Western Australia 6986 Australia. Email: mark.harvey@museum.wa.gov.au.

KEY WORDS: taxonomy, morphology, spiders, Australasia. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: таксономия, морфология, пауки, Австралазия.

ABSTRACT. Pelicinus saaristoi sp.n., the first species of Pelicinus to be recorded from the Australasian region, is described from north-western Australia. РЕЗЮМЕ. Описан Pelicinus saaristoi sp.n. из северо-запада Австралии, первый представитель рода в Австралазии.

ges taken with a Leica DFC 500 digital camera attached to the Leica microscope. Male palps and female genitalia were examined with an Olympus BH-2 compound microscope following immersion in clove oil, and illustrated with the use of a drawing tube. The map was prepared with ArcMap 9.1 (ESRI) using data stored in an Access database.

Oonopidae Simon, 1890 Pelicinus Simon, 1891
Type species: Pelicinus marmoratus Simon, 1891 by original designation.

The spider genus Pelicinus was first proposed by Simon [1891] for P. marmoratus Simon, 1891 from the Caribbean island of St Vincent. Only two other species are currently included within the genus: P. mahei (Benoit, 1979) from the Seychelles and Canary Islands, and P. vernalis (Bryant, 1945) from North America [Platnick, 2007]. The limits and relationships of the genus are poorly understood, but the morphology of the male palp suggests that the genus can be readily characterised. A fairly enlarged and rounded bulbus, a relatively short embolus with small, slender accessory sclerites and a conspicuous hump near the basal portion of the embolus [Saaristo, 2001: fig. 40B] are considered to be the main reasons for defining this genus at present. Recent collecting of small spiders through the aid of pitfall traps has revealed a plethora of unusual and unnamed oonopid spiders throughout Australia. Amongst some recently collected spiders was a new and interesting small species of Oonopidae herein described as a new species placed in the genus Pelicinus. Although this species is the first of the genus to be found in the Australasian region, we are confident that more will be found. The specimens examined for this study are lodged in the Western Australian Museum, Perth (WAM). Measurements are in millimeters. The descriptions follow the protocol of the PBI Oonopidae (http://research.amnh.org/oonopidae) with some modifications. The specimens were examined with a Leica MZ16A, and digital images were composed using the software program AutoMontage Pro Version 5.02 (p) utilizing multiple ima-

Pelicinus saaristoi sp.n. Figs 14.
MATERIAL EXAMINED. Holotype , AUSTRALIA: Western Australia, Barrow Island, site 17, 20њ4738S, 115њ2724E, 2429.IV.2005, wet pitfall trap, K. Edward & S. Callan (WAM T83647). Paratypes: 1 , AUSTRALIA: Western Australia, Barrow Island, future construction village, 20њ4900S, 115њ2616E, 17 22.V.2006, wet pitfall trap, S. Callan et al. (WAM T83648); 1 , Barrow Island, current airport, 20њ5201S, 115њ2419E, 24 29.IV.2005, wet pitfall trap, K. Edward & S. Callan (WAM T83649); 1 , Barrow Island, new airport, site QUNA 1, 20њ5156.8S, 115њ 2422E, 25.VIII.1.IX.2004, wet pitfall trap, K. Edward & L. Mould (WAM T73219).

ETYMOLOGY. This species is named for Michael Saaristo, whose outstanding contributions to the study of spiders and, in particular the Oonopidae, have been inspirational. DIAGNOSIS. This species differs from all other members of the genus Pelicinus by the body covered with stout pinnate seta; by the narrow dorsal scutum, covering 1/2 to 3/ 4 of abdomen width, and by the presence of a stout, spurlike disto-lateral process on the fang base. DESCRIPTION. Male holotype. Length: total 1.31, carapace 0.65, abdomen 0.74. Carapace yellow, without any pattern; pyriform in dorsal view, pars cephalica slightly elevated in lateral view;


R. Ott & M.S. Harvey
dorsal of pedicel (Fig. 1D); plumose hairs at pedicel absent; matted setae on anterior ventral abdomen in pedicel area absent; dorsal scutum weakly sclerotized; covering 1/2 to 3/4 of abdomen, strong narrowed at anterior and posterior ends; pale-orange, without color pattern; top surface smooth, sides surface smooth; anterior half without projecting denticles; dorsal scutum not fused to epigastric scutum; epigastric scutum weakly sclerotized, surrounding pedicel, unmodified, slightly indented above pedicel; postepigastric scutum weakly sclerotized; pale-orange, short, covering about 1/2 of abdominal length, fused to epigastric scutum, anterior margin unmodified, without posteriorly directed lateral apodemes; spinneret scutum present, weak incomplete ring; dorsal area setae present, stout, pinnate; postepigastric area setae present, needle-like; spinneret scutum with a fringe of stout setae. Legs yellow, not darkened, femur IV not thickened, same size as femora IIII; spines absent; leg setae stout and pinnate; patella I + tibia I shorter than carapace. Male epigastric region with sperm pore visible, at level of anterior spiracles, oval, unmodified; epigastric furrow insertion without omega-shaped insertions. Palp normal, not strongly sclerotized; cymbium yellow, bulb pale, proximal segments yellow, embolus light, slightly darkened at retroposterior edge; trochanter normal; femur normal, two or more times as long as trochanter, without posteriorly rounded lateral dilation; attached to patella basally; patella not enlarged; tibia shorter than patella, not enlarged; tibia not enlarged; cymbium and bulb semi-fused with clearly defined seam between, cymbium not extending beyond distal tip of bulb; bulb 1 to 1.5 times as long as broad, globose on lateral view, elliptic on dorsal view (Figs. 2A, E); cymbium relatively complex with several different sized and shaped setae; laterally with longer setae; dorsal with shorter setae; all stout, pinnate; anterodorsal tip of cymbium with round depression from which arises patch of short, stout, pinnate hairs; posterior to this feature additional series of 45 short, stout, semi-clavate non-pinnate setae (Figs. 2AE); embolus curved prolaterally; dorsally covered with sinuous ridges (Fig. 2C); spermatic opening inconspicuous (on base of internal duct visualization, expected to be on distal third of embolus; Fig. 2C, D); two short skinny accessory structures arising basally to embolus at pro- and retrolateral sides; prolateral broad lamellar process at base of embolus (Figs. 2BE). Female paratype (WAM T83648; except internal genitalia). As in male except as noted. Length: total 1.45; carpace 0.69; abdomen 0.96. Carapace posterior eye row slightly recurved. Palp without spines; ventral with longer and narrower setae; dorsally with stout and shorter setae; all clearly pinnate; anterodorsal tip as in male; no visible claw. Abdomen postepigastric scutum very short, only around epigastric furrow, apparently not fused to epigastric scutum, anterior margin unmodified; no external visible or remarkable characters. Internal genitalia ( paratype; WAM T83649) ventral view with no apparent apodemes or muscle attachments; large, broad receptaculum with apparent very strong posterior wall; anterior surface covered with small pores; relatively long, twisted, well-sclerotized duct (glandular duct/ spermatic duct?) reaching to inverted triangular shaped sclerite (spermatheca?); anterior spiracles openings connected by strong sclerotized ridge (connection between this ridge and epigastric scutum unclear). DISTRIBUTION. Pelicinus saaristoi sp.n. is known only from Barrow Island in north-western Western Australia (Fig. 4).

Fig. 1. Pelicinus saaristoi sp.n., male holotype: A dorsal; B ventral; C lateral; D abdomen anterior view. Scale lines: AC 0.5 mm; D 0.25 mm. Рис. 1. Pelicinus saaristoi sp.n., самец, голотип: A сверху; B снизу; C сбоку; D брюшко, спереди. Масштаб: A C 0,5 мм; D 0,25 мм.

anteriorly narrowed to 0.49 times its maximum width; with rounded posterolateral corners, posterolateral edge unmodified; without spikes or posterolateral spikes; lateral margin rebordered, without denticles; elevated portion of pars cephalica smooth, surface sides smooth; clypeus curved downwards in frontal view and vertical in lateral view; clypeus high, ALE separated from edge of carapace by their radius or more, median projection absent; non-marginal pars cephalica setae and clypeus setae, stout and pinnate; posterior non-marginal pars thoracica setae absent; 6 eyes, well developed, all subequal; ALE circular, PME circular, PLE circular; from above view, posterior eye row straight; eye interdistances: ALE-ALE separated by ALE radius to ALE diameter, ALE-PLE separated by less than ALE radius, PMEPME touching for less than half their length, PLE-PME separated by less than PME radius. Sternum yellow, unmodified, longer than wide; not fused to carapace; median concavity absent; smooth, without pits; anterior margin with continuous transverse groove, posterior hump absent, posterior margin not extending posteriorly of coxae IV, posterior border as sclerotized as anterior areas; setae sparse, needle-like, evenly scattered, originating from surface; stout setae near lateral borders; posterior border with a row of six stout setae. Mouthparts chelicerae, endites and labium yellow; chelicerae slightly divergent, anterior face unmodified; fang directed medially, normal, without prominent basal process, tip unmodified; with stout spur-like distal process, laterally, at fang base (Fig. 3D); setae needle-like, evenly scattered; no visible specialized setae on cheliceral paturon inner margin. Labium triangular, not fused to sternum, with anterior margin indented at middle; labium with 12 setae on anterior margin; with 23 setae on lateral borders. Endites distally excavated, anteromedian tip unmodified, posteromedian part unmodified; 23 stout setae on posterior area. Abdomen ovoid, without long posterior extension; dorsum with soft portions pale, without color pattern; book lung inconspicuous; pedicel tube very short, unmodified; scuto-pedicel region unmodified, scutum not extending far

New Pelicinus from Barrow Island


Fig. 2. Pelicinus saaristoi sp.n., male holotype (AE) and female paratype (F, epigynum ventral (WAM T83649)): A palp anterodorsal; B retrolateral; C embolus dorsal; D embolus prolateral; E palp dorsal. Abbreviation: bh embolic basal hump; bp basal process; con conductor (?); cs clavate setae; emb embolus; gld glandular duct (?); hp hair patch; rec receptaculum; scl sclerite (?). Scale lines: 0.1 mm. Рис. 2. Pelicinus saaristoi sp.n., самец, голотип (AE) и самка, паратип (F, эпигина снизу (WAM T83649)): A пальпа свпереди-сверху; B ретролатерально; C эмболюс, сверху; D эмболюс, пролатерально; E пальпа, сверху. Сокращения: bh базальный бугорок; bp базальный вырост; con кондуктор (?); cs булавовидные волоски; emb эмболюс; gld канал железы (?); hp пучек волосков; rec рецептакула; scl склерит (?). Масштаб 0


R. Ott & M.S. Harvey

Fig. 3. Pelicinus saaristoi sp.n., female paratype (WAM T83648): A dorsal; B ventral; C lateral; D chelicerae, anterior view. Scale lines: AC 0.5 mm; D 0.2 mm. Рис. 3. Pelicinus saaristoi sp.n., самка, паратип (WAM T83648): A сверху; B снизу; C сбоку; D хелицеры, спереди. Масштаб: AC 0,5 мм; D 0,2 мм.

DISCUSSION. The male genital characters of Pelicinus are quite similar to some other oonopid genera, most notably Farqua Saaristo, 2001, Myrmopopaea Reimoser, 1933 and Silhouettella Benoit, 1979 [Reimoser, 1933; Saaristo, 2001]. In these genera the male secondary genital structures are usually represented by a large rounded bulbus and a relatively short embolic set with one central stout embolus and, in some cases, slender accessory (conductorlike?) sclerites arising from the basal portion of the embolic set. Accessory structures were not depicted in the drawings of Myrmopopaea jacobsoni Reimoser, 1933 provided by Reimoser [1933], but we suspect that accessory structures are indeed present. Based upon genital characters, Lionneta Benoit, 1979 seems to be most similar to this group, mainly by the globose bulbus of the male palp, and the large elliptical receptaculum of the female genitalia. However in this genus the embolus is very long and slen-

der, and the anterior leg segments are beset with paired ventral spines, which serves to distinguish Lionneta from other genera. Pelicinus differs from Myrmopopaea by the absence of the accessory structures on the embolic set [see Reimoser, 1933: fig. 3]; from Silhouettella by the absence of a hump on the anterior portion of the bulbus above the base of the embolic set (see Saaristo, 2001: 318, fig. 26); and from Farqua by the presence of less cylindrical and a stouter embolus, with a broad basal hump-like lamellar process [see Saaristo, 2001: fig. 47]. The internal female genitalia of P. saaristoi exhibit a remarkable, large receptaculum which is very similar to Silhouettella loricatula (Roewer, 1942) [Burger et al. 2006]; however, the lateral apodemes are totally absent. Other remarkable similarities between these two species include the presence a pore field on the receptaculum and the presence of a paddle-like sclerite on the anterior genital area.

New Pelicinus from Barrow Island


port. The specimens were kindly provided by Jonathan Majer, Shae Callan, Karen Edward, Brad Durrant and Nadine Guthrie. We also thank Julianne Waldock for her assistance.

Benoit P.L.G. 1979. Contributions а lйtude de la faune terrestre des оles granitiques de larchipel des Sйchelles (Mission P.L.G. Benoit J.J. Van Mol 1972). Oonopidae (Araneae) // Revue Zool. Afr. T.93. P.185222. Bryant E.B. 1945. Some new or little known southern spiders // Psyche, Camb. Vol.52. P.178192. Burger M., Graber W., Michalik P., Kropf C. 2006. Silhouettella loricatula (Arachnida, Araneae, Oonopidae): a haplogyne spider with complex female genitalia // J. Morphol. Vol.267. P.663677. Platnick N.I. 2007. The world spider catalog, version 8.0 // American Museum of Natural History, online at http://research. amnh.org/entomology/spiders/catalog/index.html. Reimoser E. 1933. Fauna Sumatrensis, Araneina. I. Systematischer Teil // Tijdschr. Ent. Vol.76. P.396400. Roewer C.F. 1955. Katalog der Araneen von 1758 bis 1940, bzw. 1954. Vol.2. Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Bruxelles. Saaristo M.I. 2001. Dwarf hunting spiders or Oonopidae (Arachnida, Araneae) of the Seychelles // Insect Syst. Evol. Vol.32. P.307358. Simon E. 1891. On the spiders of the island of St. Vincent. Part 1 // Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1891. P.549575. Wunderlich J. 1987. Die Spinnen der Kanarischen Inseln und Madeiras: Adaptive Radiation, Biogeographie, Revisionen und Neubeschreibungen. Langen, West Germany: Triops Verlag. 435 S.

Fig. 4. Distribution of Pelicinus saaristoi sp.n. in Barrow Island. Рис. 4. Распространение Pelicinus saaristoi sp.n. на о-ве Барроу.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. The background work to this project was supported by the Australian Biological Resources Study, and is supported by the Planetary Biodiversity Inventory project The Megadiverse, Microdistributed Spider Family Oonopidae funded by the National Science Foundation. We thank Dr Norman I. Platnick for his sup-