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Russian Entomol. J. 22(4): 301303


New species of Graphomya Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 (Diptera: Muscidae) from North Australia Новый вид Graphomya Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 (Diptera: Muscidae) из северной Австралии Nikita E. Vikhrev Н.Е. Вихрев
Zoological Museum of Moscow University, Bolshaya Nikitskaya 6, Moscow 125009, Russia. E-mail: nikita6510@ya.ru Зоологический музей МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова, Большая Никитская ул., 6, Москва 125009, Россия.

KEY WORDS: Graphomya allarufa, Muscidae, Diptera, new species. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: Graphomya allarufa, Muscidae, Diptera, новый вид. ABSTRACT. Graphomya allarufa sp.n. is described from Australia, Queenslend. РЕЗЮМЕ. Graphomya allarufa sp.n. описан из Квинсленда, Австралия. fore-, mid-, hind- femur or tibia respectively; ac acrostichal setae; dc dorsocentral setae; a, p, d, v = anterior, posterior, dorsal, ventral seta(e). Graphomya allarufa Vikhrev sp.n. Figs 14
Holotype , [Australia] Earl Hill [16.8S 145.7E], N. of Cairns, N Qld / 8 May 1967 / H.D. Colless. Right hind leg broken, only femur left from right fore leg, right antenna broken. Paratype, 1, [Australia, Qld] 5 miles [8 km] W of Tully [17.93S 145.85E] / 23 Apr.1955 / K.R. Norris.

The flies of the genus Graphomya are medium to large Muscidae with remarkably large, usually hairy eyes and distinctly striped scutum. The frons is narrow in males and broad in females; arista is long plumose; the notopleuron, meron and katepimeron are setulose; the vein M is curved forward, the vein R4+5 setulose near the radial node at both sides. The genus is distributed mostly in the tropical areas of the Old World, at least 10 species are known from South Asia, but poorly represented in generally arid Australia where 2 species only were recorded: G. campbelli Mackerras, 1932 [Pont, 2012], known from North Territory and Queensland and widespread Graphomya rufitibia Stein, 1918. However species of Graphomya are usually widely distributed [Vikhrev, 2011], so the faunas of the adjacent regions were taken into account, the Oriental fauna of Graphomya was considered by Emden [1965], the fauna of New Guinea and Oceania by Vockeroth [1972]. Nevertheless a new and nice species of Graphomya described here distinctly differs from all known species.

Material and methods
The holotype and paratype are kept in the Australian National Insect Collection (ANIC), Canberra, Australia. Geographical coordinates are given in the Decimal Degrees format. The following generally accepted abbreviations for morphological structures are used: f1, t1, f2, t2, f3, t3 =

DESCRIPTION. Male (Figs 12), body length 5.8 mm. Head with large eyes covered by whitish hairs, upper anterior facets distinctly enlarged, the narrowest distance between eyes equal to diameter of the anterior ocellus. Fronto-orbital plates narrow; interfrontalia visible only in anterior third; parafacials 1.5x as wide as diameter of anterior ocellus; gena narrow, as wide as antenna. Fronto-orbital plates, parafacials, face and gena brownish, interfrontalia black, occiput brownish-grey dusted. Fronto-orbital plates with 89 inclinate setae of various length in anterior half, otherwise bare. Antenna brownish, postpedicel obscurely yellowish at base; arista with longest hairs 34x as long as antenna width, apical third of arista bare. Palpi yellow; mentum of proboscis brown, subshining. Thorax entirely yellowish-red with dainty golden-whitish pollinosity: a pair of evenly narrow submedian vittae present along dorsocentrals and extend on the lateral surface of scutellum; a pair of wider lateral vittae present along postpronotal lobe, notopleuron and supraalar area; golden-whitish pollinosity also present on posterior part of anepisternum and on katepisternum. Thorax evenly covered with sparse groundsetulae, thoracic setae: ac 0+1; dc 2+4, all strong; postpronotal 2, intraalars 1+2, supraalars 0+2; prealar seta strong; notopleuron with 2 strong setae and sparse setulae; katepisternals 0+2; anepisternum with distinct seta on upper anterior area; meron with 46 setulae below posterior spiracle, without stronger seta(e); katepimeron with 23 setulae; scutellum bare ventrally. Spiracles yellow. Wings hyaline, veins yellow, halters yellow; calypters whitish. Vein R4+5 with 45 setulae near radial node on both sides, setulae extend till almost half distance to r-m crossvein; vein M curved forward at apex; wing tip closer to apex of R4+5 than to apex of M1+2.


N.E. Vikhrev

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Figs 14. Graphomya allarufa sp.n.: 12 holotype; 34 paratype; 1, 3 lateral view; 2 posterodorsal view; 4 dorsal view. Рис 14. Graphomya allarufa sp.n.: 12 голотип; 34 paratype; 1, 3 сбоку; 2 сверху сзади; 4 сверху.

Legs: femora and knees yellow yellow; tibiae and tarsi black. t1 without setae except preapicals. f2 in basal third with 45 fine v setae and with 2 pd at apex. t2 with 2 p-pd setae: before middle and in apical third and with 1 p-pv seta below middle. f3 with a row of av setae (about as long as femur width) and 23 pv before middle. t3 with 1 submedian av and 1 submedian ad setae. Abdomen without distinct marks or spots. Tergites 1+2 and 3 dirty-yellow, tergite 4 dark, with traces of yellowish pollinosity laterally, tergite 5 dark with distinct yellowish pollinosity and indistinct mediam vita. I have not dissected abdomen of the single available male specimen, because in Graphomya the abdominal pattern is usually more important for diagnostic than the male terminalia. Female (Figs 34), differs from male as follows: body length 6.4 mm. Head with eyes dichoptic and bare, upper anterior facets of eyes not enlarged. Frons gradually widened anteriorly from 0.22 head width at vertex to 0.38 at lunula.

Interfrontalia black with rather indistinct, narrow, grey dusted frontal triangle. Fronto-orbital plates and parafacials about 2x wider than in male, densely grey dusted. Gena also wider and grey dusted, but median third of gena undusted brown as in male. Fronto-orbital plates with about 10 pairs of inclinate setae and with 2 pairs of proclinate setae posteriorly. Abdomen with only tergite 1+2 translucent yellow; tergites 3 and 4 black with yellow dusting laterally; tergite 5 densely yellow dusted. DIAGNOSIS. Both sexes of Graphomya allarufa sp.n. are unmistakable from all known species of Graphomya due to entirely yellowish-red thorax with dainty golden-whitish pollinosity which forms narrow submedian vittae along dorsocentrals and wider lateral vittae along postpronotal lobe, notopleuron and supraalar area. ETYMOLOGY. The name allarufa is a noun in apposition being a combination of 2 words: the given name of my red-haired wife Alla and a Latin adjective rufa which means red, in feminine gender.

New species of Graphomya from North Australia
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. I thank David Yeates and Chris Manchester (Canberra, Australia) for the possibility to examine the material from ANIC. I thank Oleg Kosterin (Novosibirsk) for his corrections of the text.


Emden F. I. 1965. The Fauna of India and the Adjacent Countries. Diptera, 7, Muscidae, part 1. Government of India, Delhi. xiv + 647 p.

Pont A.C. 2012 (year of last revision) Family Muscidae // N.L. Evenhuis (ed.), Catalog of the Diptera of the Australasian and Oceanian Regions. Online version: http://hbs.bishopmuseum.org/ aocat/hybotidae.html Vikhrev N.E. 2011 Notes on synonymy of two species of the genus Graphomya Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 (Diptera, Muscidae) // Far Eastern Entomologist. Vol.231. P.512. Vockeroth J.R. 1972. A review of the World genera of Mydaeinae, with a revision of the species of New Guinea and Oceania (Diptera, Muscidae) // Pacific Insects Monograph. Vol.29. P.1134.