Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://zmmu.msu.ru/files/images/spec/Russ%20Ent%20J/ent21_4%20423_433%20Vikhrev%20for%20Inet.pdf
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Mon Jun 10 07:04:00 2013
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Fri Feb 28 02:16:52 2014
Êîäèðîâêà: Windows-1251
Russian Entomol. J. 21(4): 423433


Four new species of Lispe Latreille, 1796 (Diptera: Muscidae) with taxonomic notes on related species ×åòûðå íîâûõ âèäà Lispe Latreille, 1796 (Diptera: Muscidae) è òàêñîíîìè÷åñêèå çàìåòêè ïî ðîäñòâåííûì âèäàì Nikita E. Vikhrev Í.Å. Âèõðåâ
Zoological Museum, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Bolshaya Nikitskaya 6, Moscow 125009, Russia. E-mail: nikita6510@ya.ru Çîîëîãè÷åñêèé ìóçåé, Ìîñêîâñêèé ãîñóäàðñòâåííûé óíèâåðñèòåò èì. Ì.Â. Ëîìîíîñîâà, Áîëüøàÿ Íèêèòñêàÿ óë., 6, Ìîñêâà 125009, Ðîññèÿ.

KEY WORDS: Lispe kowarzi, Lispe asetopleura, Lispe freidbergi, Lispe hennigi, Lispe subbivittata, Lispe nivalis group, Lispe kozlovi, Lispe brunnicosa, Lispe rigida group, Muscidae, Diptera, new species, new synonym. ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ: Lispe kowarzi, Lispe asetopleura, Lispe freidbergi, Lispe hennigi, Lispe subbivittata, Lispe nivalis, Lispe kozlovi, Lispe brunnicosa, Lispe rigida, Muscidae, Diptera, íîâûé âèä, íîâûé ñèíîíèì.

ABSTRACT. Lispe asetopleura sp.n. is described, the taxonomic notes on the related Lispe kowarzi Becker, 1903 are given; the new synonym is proposed: Lispe kowarzi Becker, 1903 = Lispe pakistanensis Shinonaga & Afzal, 1989 syn.n. Lispe freidbergi sp.n. is described from Near East. Lispe hennigi sp.n. is described, the taxonomic notes and identification key for the related species (Lispe nivalis group) are given. Lispe kozlovi sp.n. is described, the taxonomic notes and identification key for the related species (Lispe rigida group) are given. ÐÅÇÞÌÅ. Îïèñàí Lispe asetopleura sp.n., ðàññìîòðåíû òàêñîíîìè÷åñêèå ïðîáëåìû ðîäñòâåííîãî âèäà Lispe kowarzi Becker, 1903 è ïðåäëîæåí íîâûé ñèíîíèì: Lispe kowarzi Becker, 1903 (= Lispe pakistanensis Shinonaga & Afzal, 1989 syn.n.). Lispe freidbergi sp.n. îïèñàí ñ Áëèæíåãî Âîñòîêà. Îïèñàí Lispe hennigi sp.n., ðàññìîòðåíà òàêñîíîìèÿ è äàíà îïðåäåëèòåëüíàÿ òàáëèöà äëÿ ðîäñòâåííûõ âèäîâ (Lispe nivalis ãðóïïà). Îïèñàí Lispe kozlovi sp.n., ðàññìîòðåíà òàêñîíîìèÿ è äàíà îïðåäåëèòåëüíàÿ òàáëèöà äëÿ ðîäñòâåííûõ âèäîâ (ãðóïïà Lispe rigida).

tionship. Recently two more species-groups of Lispe were proposed and considered: L. leucospila group [Vikhrev, 2011a] and L. pygmaea group [Vikhrev, 2012]. Four new species of Lispe from different regions are described in this paper: L. asetopleura sp.n. ( Ethiopia and Cameroon), L. freidbergi sp.n. ( Near East), L. hennigi sp.n. (Thailand), L. kozlovi sp.n. (Russia, S Siberia and Kazakhstan). The four described species are not closely related to each others and have only few known related species each, but two new species-groups are proposed in this paper: L. nivalis group and L. rigida group. The taxonomy of more than 10 species of Lispe is considered and I hope that this paper will clarify at least a small part of the large genus Lispe.

Material and methods
The majority of the specimens studied are in the Zoological Museum of Moscow University, in this case not indicated in text. Other collections are abbreviated as follows: ISEA Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals, Novosibirsk; TAUI Tel-Aviv University, Israel; ZIN Zooligical Institute, St.-Petersburg. Localities (where possible) are given in a form: country, administrative region, geographical coordinates, the latter are given in the Decimal Degrees format. Abbreviations. In the collector names N.Vikhrev is abbreviated as NV. The following generally accepted abbreviations for morphological structures are used: f1, t1, f2, t2, f3, t3 = fore-, mid-, hind- femur or tibia; ac = acrostichal setae; dc = dorsocentral setae; a, p, d, v =

My estimation is that there are 200 or slightly less species of Lispe Latreille worldwide, mainly from warm regions of the Old World. The Holarctic species of Lispe were divided by Hennig [1960] into 6 species groups: L. tentaculata group, L. palposa group, L. uliginosa group, L. caesia group, L. longicollis group, L. scalaris group and several species with unclear rela-


N.E. Vikhrev (Fig. 2), weakly sclerotized, cercal plate as shown in Fig. 3. Female differs from male as follows: body size 4 4.5 mm; whitish spot on anterior part of scutum more distinct; t3 blackish, abdomen ovate. DIAGNOSIS. Lispe asetopleura sp.n. is obviously related to Lispe kowarzi Becker, 1903, detailed differences are given in the identification keys below (see Remarks). ETYMOLOGY. The name indicates that characteristic Lispe-setulae on anepimeron (= pteropleura) are entirely absent in this species. DISTRIBUTION. So far known from Ethiopia and Cameroon. Lispe kowarzi Becker, 1903 Figs 47.
Lispe kowarzi Becker, 1903: 116. Type locality: Egypt: Cairo, Asyut, Aswan, Faiyum. Lispe pallitarsis Stein, 1909: 259. Type locality: Indonesia: Java, Semarang. Lispe pakistanensis Shinonaga & Afzal, 1989: 91, syn.n. Type locality: Karachi, Pakistan. MATERIAL EXAMINED. Cambodia : Kep prov., Kep, 10.50œN 104.33œE, 06.XII.2010, NV, 1, 2; Koh Kong prov., Koh Kong env., 11.6œN 103.0œE, 28.XI04.XII.2010, NV, 1. India: Goa state, 26.II.2008, K.Tomkovich, 1, 1; Rajasthan state, Sawai Madhopur env., 26.02œN 76.38œE, 26.II.2011, NV, 2; Uttarakhand state, Haridwar, 29.96œN 78.19œE, 10.IX.2011, NV, 1. Iran: Sistan (presently Sistan and Baluchestan prov., 27œN 61œE), V.1898, N. Zarudnyi, 4(ZIN). Israel: Kinneret L. env., 27.X.2011, NV, 8, 1. Malaysia, Borneo: Sabah prov., Kota Kinabalu env., 28.XII.2011, NV, 6, 2. Morocco: Essaouira prov., 25.III.2009, NV, 1. Myanmar: Shan state, Inle L., 30.XI.2009, NV, 1. Senegal: Fatick reg., Sine-Saloum estuary (14.1œN 16.7œW), 26.III.2007, NV, 3. Thailand: Chanthaburi prov., Khao Khitchakut env., 04.XI.2009, NV, 1, 1; Chonburi prov., Pataya env., XIXII.200609, NV, 28, 14; Mae Hong Son prov., Pai env., 11.XI.2009, 2; Phuket prov., 14.II.2009, NV, 1, 3; Rayong prov., Ban Phe, 08.XII.2008, NV, 1; Trat prov., Ko Chang Isl., 14.XII.2011, NV, 1. Turkey: Antalya prov., Manavgat env., IXX.200609, NV, 11, 9.

anterior, posterior, dorsal, ventral seta(e); prst presutural, post postsutural. The abbreviation for the tarsi as tar followed by a pair of digits separated by a hyphen was proposed by Vikhrev [2011b]: the first digit (1 to 3) gives the leg number and the second digit (1 to 5) the number of the tarsal segment. For example, tar14 = 4th segment of fore tarsus; tar31 = hind basitarsus.

1. Lispe asetopleura sp.n. and taxonomic notes on Lispe kowarzi Becker, 1903
Lispe asetopleura sp.n. Figs 13.
Holotype , Ethiopia: Oromia reg., Langano Lake, 1590 m asl, 7.646œN 38.706œE, 1315.III.2012, NV. Paratypes, 19, 9. Cameroon: Northwest reg., 2, Bamenda env., [H 6.01œN 10.35œE], 1200 m asl, 18.XI.1987, F.Kaplan (TAUI). Ethiopia: Amhara reg.: 1, 1, Blue Nile R., 1070 m asl, 10.08œN 38.19œE, 31.VII.2012, NV; Oromia reg.: 9, 1, Ziway L., 1640 m asl, 7.91œN 38.73œE, 1113.III.2012, NV; 6, 6, Langano L., 1590 m asl, 7.646œN 38.706œE, 13 15.III.2012, NV; 1, 1, Awasa L., 1690 m asl, 7.079œN 38.478œE, 1516.III.2012, NV.

DESCRIPTION. Male, body length 3.54.0 mm. Head. Frons 0.4 of head width, distinctly narrowed at anterior quarter. Fronto-orbital plates glossy-black in posterior third, math black in middle third, whitish dusted in anterior third; interfrontalia matt black; frontal triangle wide, glossy-black. Fronto-orbital plates with 2 pairs of inclinate, 1 pair of reclinate setae and with an outer row of fine setulae. Parafacials whitish dusted, narrow, with a row of setulae. Cheeks whitish dusted, 1.5 times as wide as antenna width. Occiput grey dusted, with a pair of large glossy-black spots in upper half. Antenna black, unusually long (almost equal to distance to mouthmargin), aristal hairs longer than antenna width. Vibrissae strong, palpi yellow. Thorax black, lower pleura thinly grey dusted, upper pleura, scutellum and disc of scutum glossy black excluding a small and not very distinct whitish dusted spot at level of humeral calli. Thoracic setae weak: prst ac in 34 rows; dc 0+1; postpronotal 1 weak; intraalars absent; supraalars 1+1, the presutural one weak; notopleural 2, posterior seta 2 times shorter than anterior one; katepisternal setae 1:1:1, arranged in equilateral triangle; meron bare. Anepimeron bare: Lispe setulae entirely absent. Wing distinctly blackish, vein M straight, calypters whitish, halter black. Legs mostly black with whitish dusting, but fore tarsus from apex of tar11 to tar15 yellow; t2 and mid tarsus yellow (except brownish tar25); t3 and hind tarsus dirty yellow (except blackish tar35). f1 with pd row and 34 short pv at apex; t1 compressed laterally, with strong pv seta; f2 with short submedian a, with 1 apical and 1 preapical pd setae; t2 with strong ad and pd; f3 with a short ad row; t3 with av, ad and pd setae. Pulvilli small. Abdomen glossy black with small white lateral spots on anterior margin of tergites 3 to 5. Sternite 5

DISTRIBUTION. Widespread in S Palaearctica and Oriental region. REMARKS. L. kowarzi is distributed throughout a wide area from N-W Africa in the West to Indonesia in the East. All examined specimens have anepimeron with 13 setulae above the posterior katepisternal seta, though these setulae are not easily visible against the background of the black pleura. All examined males have the ventral setae on posterior femora always present and strong: f2 with 34 long ventral setae on the basal half, f3 with 2 pv setae, in basal the half and beyond middle. So, L. kowarzi is always reliably differs from the related Afrotropical L. asetopleura sp.n. But the intraspecific variability of L. kowarzi is significant and obviously correlates with geography, so that the species may be divided into two subspecies: the Western one, L. kowarzi kowarzi Becker, 1903 and the Eastern one, L. kowarzi pallitarsis Stein, 1909. L. kowarzi kowarzi is represented by specimens collected in N. India, Pakistan (as L. pakistanensis [Shinonaga, Afzal, 1989]), Turkey, Israel, Morocco

Four new species of Lispe Latreille, 1796


Figs 16. Lispe spp. 13. Lispe asetopleura sp.n., : 1 holotype; 2 sternite 5; 3 cercal plate. 46. Lispe kowarzi Becker, : 4 sternite 5; 5 cercal plate, specimen from Turkey, Antalya; 6 cercal plate, specimen from Thailand, Chonburi. Ðèñ 16. Lispe spp. 13. Lispe asetopleura sp.n., : 1 ãîëîòèï; 2 ñòåðíèò 5; 3 öåðêè. Lispe kowarzi Becker, : 4 ñòåðíèò 5; 5 öåðêè, ýêçåìïëÿð èç Òóðöèè, Àíòàëèÿ; 6 öåðêè, ýêçåìïëÿð èç Òàèëàíäà, ×îíáóðè.

and Senegal: dc 1+3 (1+2), only anterior postsutural pair is weak (Fig. 7); katepisternals 1:1:1 all strong; abdomen without white spots (in males rather indistinct spots on tergite 4 is sometimes present); all setae on head, thorax and legs stronger. L. kowarzi pallitarsis is represented by specimens collected in Thailand, Cambodia and Malaysian Borneo: dc reduced to 0+1 (or 0+2, in this case the anterior pair is very weak); anterior katepisternal reduced or hair-like if present, lower katepisternal usually hair-like; abdomen with whitish spots in both sexes; all setae on head, thorax and legs weaker. The scanty material from S. India and Myanmar seems has intermediate characters. Palpi in both subspecies are usually blackish, but may be dirty-yellowish. Male terminalia of 6 specimens were examined, those of L. kowarzi kowarzi and L. kowarzi pallitarsis look similar (Figs 5, 6) and similar to drawings given by Hennig [1960: textfig. 121 and plate XX, fig. 400]. So far I prefer to treat L. kowarzi kowarzi and L. kowarzi pallitarsis as subspecies of L. kowarzi Becker, 1903. Both subspecies of L. kowarzi may be distinquished from L. asetopleura sp.n. as follows:
Anepimeron bare: Lispe setulae entirely absent; t2 yellow or dirty yellow in female. : f2 and f3 without ventral setae; cercal plate deeply divided (Fig. 3); sternite 5 smaller, subtriangular in shape (Fig. 2). : scutum with whitish dusted spot anteriorly; palpi yellow .................. ............................................................. asetopleura sp.n. Anepimeron with 13 setulae above posterior katepisternal seta; t2 dark, at most translucent reddish. : f2 with 34 long ventral setae on basal half, f3 with 2 pv setae, in

basal half and beyond middle; cercal plate divided on very apex only (Figs 56); sternite 5 bigger, subquadrate in shape (Fig. 4). : scutum entirely glossy black, palpi black to dirty-yellowish ........................ kowarzi Becker

It is much easier to distinguish females of L. asetopleura sp.n. from females of the L. kowarzi kowarzi distributed in North Africa and Western Asia, the regions adjacent to Sub-Saharan Africa from where L. asetopleura sp.n. is known. In addition to the characters given above:
0+1 strong dc; abdomen with distinct white lateral spots on anterior margin of tergites 3 to 5 ............................... .......................................................... asetopleura sp.n. 1+2 strong dc; abdomen evenly black, without white spots .............................................. kowarzi kowarzi Becker

SYNONYMY. Lispe pakistanensis Shinonaga & Afzal, 1989 belongs to the L. kowarzi kowarzi which has 1+2 dc and the abdomen entirely black, its description fits L. kowarzi. Diagnosis (Remarks) metallic black body and very long 3rd antennal segment [Shinonaga & Afzal, 1989: 92] also fits L. kowarzi. So, Lispe kowarzi Becker, 1903 = Lispe pakistanensis Shinonaga & Afzal, 1989, syn.n.

2. Lispe freidbergi sp.n.
Lispe freidbergi sp.n. Figs 810.
Holotype : Egypt: Sinai, Ein Shinar, 2000 m als, (28.52œN 33.94œE), 24.IV.1998, F.Kaplan & A.Freidberg (TAUI).


N.E. Vikhrev

Fig. 7. Lispe kowarzi kowarzi Becker with prey Allotrichoma (Ephydridae), Turkey, Antalya prov. Ðèñ. 7. Lispe kowarzi kowarzi Becker ñ æåðòâîé Allotrichoma (Ephydridae), Òóðöèÿ, ïðîâ. Àíòàëèÿ. Paratypes, 5, 5. Egypt: Sinai: 1, Catherine Mt. env.: Wadi Tlach, 1500 m asl (H28.58œN 33.92œE), 15.VII.1974, F.Kaplan; 1, 1, Ein Shinar, 2000 m als, (28.52œN 33.94œE), 11.VII.1969, A.Freidberg, 1, Ein Shinar, 2000 m als, (28.52œN 33.94œE), 24.IV.1998, F.Kaplan & A.Freidberg; 1, 1, Wadi El Arbain, 2000 m asl, (28.526œN 33.962œE), 14.VII.1974, F.Kaplan, 27.VIII.1975, D.Gerling; 1 , Sinai W Harza, 12.IV.1981, T.Furman (TAUI and ZMUM). Israel: 2, Negev, Ramon Mt. env., 30.5œN 34.6œE, 950 m asl, 02.V.1995, M.Irwin (TAUI).

DESCRIPTION. Male, body length 66.5 mm. Head densely whitish dusted. Fronto-orbital plates densely whitish to yellow-whitish dusted, with 4 inclinate and 2 reclinate setae and an outer row of setulae. Interfrontalia blackish, frontal triangle rather indistinct, subshining black, narrow in anterior half. Face and parafacials yellowish, cheeks whitish, occiput whitishgrey dusted. Antenna: pedicel yellow(ish); postpedicel black; arista long plumose in basal part, the longest hairs twice as long as antenna width. Vibrissae strong. Palpi yellow, remarkably enlarged, about as long and wide as length of antenna. Thorax. Pleura densely grey dusted, scutum brownish-grey dusted with 3 narrow black vittae: median one and 2 submedian along dorsocentrals. Thoracic setae: dc 2+3, pstr ac hairs in 4 rows, postpronotal 2, intraalars 1+2, supraalars 1+1. Katepisternals 1:2, anepimeron with 5 setulae, meron bare. Wings hyaline, with yellowish veins, the vein M not curved. Legs colour: femora black densely grey dusted, knees and tibiae yellow, tarsi black on dorsal surface and yellow on ventral surface. f1 with complete rows of 8 pd and 1213 pv setae. t1 without setae except preapicals. f2 ventrally with 2 complete av and pv rows of

short but strong spine-like setae and with 1 pd preapical. t2 with 1 submedian p seta. f3 with 2 rows of av and pv spine-like setae, these setae are twice longer than the similar setae on f2 and look somewhat irregulary placed, 2 setae in av row beyond middle are much longer than others, at least as long as femur width. t3 with submedian ad and pd. Hind coxa bare on inner posterior surface. Pulvilli of all legs large, as long as length of last tarsomer. Abdomen densely grey dusted, tergites 3 to 5 with paired L-shaped more or less fused spots, the pattern is more distinct on tergite 4, more vague on tergite 3. Dorsal setulae on tergites 6 and 5 elongated. Sternite 5 Fig. 10; cercal plate Fig. 9. Female differs from male as follows: f2 and f3 without ventral rows of spine-like setae (though some females have on f3 2 av setae beyond middle more or less elongated). DIAGNOSIS. The main diagnostic characters of L. freidbergi sp.n. are: unusually large palpi; pedicel yellowish; arista long plumose; body densely grey dusted; all tibiae entirely yellow; t1 without setae, t2 with 1 pd, t3 with 1 ad and 1 pd; posterior femora without strong setae in female; posterior femora with 2 rows of ventral spine-like setae in male; structure of male genitalia. L. freidbergi sp.n. is probably related to L. nana Macquart, 1835 and recently described L. emdeni Vikhrev, 2012. These species share the following characters: large palpi; the yellow(ish) colour of tibiae; the tibial chaetotaxy; the general abdominal pattern (the abdominal pattern of L. emdeni is very similar to that of L. freidbergi sp.n.); the general shape of cercal

Four new species of Lispe Latreille, 1796


Figs 810. Lispe freidbergi sp.n., : 8 paratype; 9 cercal plate; 10 sternite 5. Ðèñ 810. Lispe freidbergi sp.n.: : 8 ïàðàòèï; 9 öåðêè; 10 ñòåðíèò 5.

plates. Lispe flavipes Stein, 1913 described from 2 females collected i n South Africa, Willowmore (H+33.29œS 23.49œE) [Stein, 1913], the dry area situated on about 850 m asl, seems to be another related species. These two species share the following characters: a yellow pedicel; at least the tibiae is yellow; the absence of ventral setae on f2 and f3 in females; the general abdominal pattern. Pont [1991] reported the female of undeterminated Lispe sp., collected in Saudi Arabia, Riaydh env. (again hilly desert) and related to L. flavipes. Both L. flavipes and Lispe sp. from Riaydh differ from L. freidbergi at least by the mostly yellow femora and absence of av seta on t3. Males of L. freidbergi sp.n. have two rows of ventral spines on the posterior femora, females have all the femora ventrally bare. The ventral femoral spines are also present in most species of the Lispe caesia species group, but in this group the ventral spines are more developed in female sex and present on the fore femur, too. Species of the Lispe caesia group are active hunters on adult Diptera and they use ventral spines for capturing prey, in this case both sexes need the armed femora, including the fore femur. Thus, ventral spines of L. freidbergi sp.n. are probably used only for holding of female by a male. ETYMOLOGY. The new species is named in honour of Dr. Amnon Freidberg (TAUI). DISTRIBUTION. So far known from Egypt (Sinai) and Israel (Negev).

3. Lispe hennigi sp.n. and taxonomic notes on Lispe nivalis group
Lispe nivalis species-group Four species listed below, L. bivittata, L. nivalis, L. subbivittata and L. hennigi sp.n. form the well defined Lispe nivalis species-group. This group is related to Hennigs [1960] Lispe tentaculata group, both groups sharing the following characters: arista long plumose; vibrissae strong; t1 without p seta; t2 with 1 p seta only; t3 with strong ad and weak pd, without av; scutellum usually with hairs at apex below (in Lispe tentaculata group these hairs present in L. tentaculata (De Geer, 1776) and L. draperi Séguy, 1933); meron with hairs above hind coxa; fresh water habitats. The L. nivalis group differs from the L. tentaculata group as follows:
disc of scutum mostly shining black, with only thin dusting; strong dorsocentral setae reduced to 0+2; sternite 5 membranose, reduced to a pair of small sclerites with weak sclerotization (Fig. 18); cercal plate small, of pincers-like shape (Fig.1417) ............ L. nivalis group disc of scutum with dense dusting; dorsocentral setae not reduced, 2+4, 2+3 or 1+4; sternite 5 not reduced, with strong sclerotization; cercal plate bigger, not of pincerslike shape ...................................... L. tentaculata group


N.E. Vikhrev

Figs 1113. Lispe nivalis species-group: 11 Lispe hennigi sp.n., holotype; 12 Lispe nivalis Wiedemann, ; 13 Lispe subbivittata Mou, . Ðèñ 1113. Lispe nivalis species-group: 11 Lispe hennigi sp.n., ãîëîòèï; 12 Lispe nivalis Wiedemann, ; 13 Lispe subbivittata Mou, .

Lispe bivittata Stein, 1909 Fig. 14.
Lispe bivittata Stein, 1909: 262. Type locality: Semarang (Java, Indonesia). Lispe ochracea Becker, 1910: 150. Type locality: Sokotra (Yemen). Lispe nigrifacies Becker, 1914: 83. Type locality: Formosa (Taiwan). Lispe haha Snyder, 1965: 266. Type locality: Haha-jima Isl. (26.67œN 142.15œE), Japan. MATERIAL EXAMINED. Cambodia: Koh Kong prov., Koh Kong env., 11.6œN 103.0œE, 01.XII.2010, NV, 1 . India : Uttarakhand, Haridwar, 29.96œN 78.19œE, 10.IX.2011, NV, 3, 2 , Rishekesh env., 29.976œN 78.209œE, 1216.IV.2012, K.Tomkovich, 4, 3. Myanmar: Shan state, Inle L. env., 20.66œN 96.96œE, 2630.XI.2010, NV, 1. Thailand: Mae Hong Son prov., Pai env., 25.XI.2010, NV, 13 ,; Nakhon Ratchasima prov., Khao Yai NP, 14.43œN 101.37œE, 11.II.2009, NV, 2, 3; Phuket prov., 08.087œN 98.368œE, 19.II.2009, NV, 16 ,. Vietnam: Lao Cai prov., Sapa env., 18.IV.2012, A.Ozerov, 1, 1.

1, 2, Tan-Tan prov., Draa R., 28.528œN 10.947œW, 11.V.2012, NV, 4 . Portugal : Viseu distr., Póvoa Dão, J.Almeida, 10.VIII.2010, 1. Spain: Canary Islands, Tenerife, Buenavista, temporary pool, 2526.III.2011, NV, 16, 11.

DISTRIBUTION. SW Palaearctics and Afrotropical region . Lispe subbivittata Mou, 1992 Figs 13, 16.

DISTRIBUTION. Widespread in the Oriental region from India to Bonin Islands . Lispe nivalis Wiedemann, 1830 Figs 12, 15.

Lispe bivittata spp. subbivittata Mou, 1992: 376. Type locality: Laoning prov., N-E China. Lispe subbivittata Mou, 1992, stat.n. MATERIAL EXAMINED. Ethiopia: Amhara reg., Blue Nile R., 1070 m asl, 10.08œN 38.19œE, 31.VII.2012, NV, 1. India: Rajasthan state: Jaipur env., 26.96œN 75.85œE, 22.II.2011, 5, 1; Sambhar env., 26.92œN 75.19œE, 24.II.2011, 6, 3; Sawai Madhopur env., 26.02œN 76.38œE, 25.II.2011, 2, 2; Chambal R., 25.85œN 76.56œE, 26.II.2011, 2 , 3 ; Akbarpur env., 27.46œN 76.54œE, 02.III.2011, 3, 1, all collected by NV; Uttarakhand state, Rishekesh env., 29.976œN 78.209œE, 12 16.IV.2012, K.Tomkovich, 1, 2.

DISTRIBUTION. Needs to be clarified, discussed below. Lispe hennigi sp.n. Figs 11, 17, 18.
Holotype : Thailand: Mae Hong Son prov., 19.57N 98.28œE, 650 m asl, 2025.XI.2010, NV. Paratypes: 1, 2, the same label.

Lispe nivalis Wiedemann, 1830: 659. Type locality: Cape of Good Hope, South Africa. Lispa elephantina Becker, 1903: 117. Type locality: Aswan (Egypt). MATERIAL EXAMINED. Ethiopia: Amhara reg.: Blue Nile R., 1070 m asl, 10.08œN 38.19œE, 31.VII.2012, NV, 10; Tana L. env., 1800 m asl, 11.54œN 37.39œE, 24.VIII.2012, NV, 6, 2; Karakore env., 1500 m asl, 10.375œN 39.933œE, 08.VIII.2012, NV, 4, 2; Oromia reg.: Ziway L., 1640 m, 7.91œN 38.73œE, 11.III.2012, N.Vikhrev, 1, 1; Langano L., 1590 m, 7.646œN 38.706œE, 15.III.2012, N.Vikhrev, 1, 1; Debre Libanos, 2500 m asl, 9.732œN 38.816œE, 2930.VII.2012, NV, 3; Dedre Zeit, Hora L., 1900 m asl, 8.757œN 38.993œE, 10.VII.2012, NV, 5, 2. Morocco: Essaouira prov., 23.III.2011, A.Gusakov, 2; 15.V.2012, NV, 13, 8; Ouarzazate prov., 12.V.2012, NV,

DESCRIPTION. Male, body length 5.56 mm. Head dark, densely dusted. Fronto-orbital plates blackish in upper half, densely yellow-whitish dusted in lower half, with 3 inclinate and 2 reclinate setae and an outer row of setulae. Interfrontalia blackish, frontal triangle not reaching lunula. Face and parafacials yellowish, cheeks whitish-yellow, occiput grey dusted. Antenna black, arista long plumose with the longest

Four new species of Lispe Latreille, 1796


Figs 1418. Lispe nivalis Lispe subbivittata Mou; 17 Ðèñ 1418. Lispe nivalis subbivittata Mou; 17 Lispe

species-group. 1417 Cercal plates: 14 L. bivittata Becker; 15 Lispe nivalis Wiedemann; 16 Lispe hennigi sp.n. 18 sternite 5, Lispe hennigi sp.n. species-group. 1417 Öåðêè: 14 L. bivittata Becker; 15 Lispe nivalis Wiedemann; 16 Lispe hennigi sp.n. 18 ñòåðíèò 5, Lispe hennigi sp.n.

hairs twice as long as antenna width. Parafacial with a row of setulae. Vibrissae medium long, palpi moderately widened, dark, but yellow in basal third. Thorax. Scutum brownish-black with a pair of grey vittae between ac and dc rows, pleura and humeral calli densely grey dusted, scutellum grey dusted with blackish apex. Thoracic setae: prst ac in 3 irregular rows; 0+2 strong dc (or 1+4 dc, considering hardly distinct anterior pairs); postpronotal 2; intraalars absent; supraalars 1+1, the presutural one weak; notopleural 2, otherwise notopleura bare; katepisternal setae 1:2; anepimeron with 56 setulae arranged in 1 row or almost so; meron with 35 setulae above hind coxa; scutellum with setulae below at apex. Wing hyaline, slightly brownish, vein M straight, calypters whitishyellow, halteres light brown. Legs black with grey dusting, but t2 and basal half of t3 dirty yellow. Fore coxa with a tuft of long, apically curved setae at apex of posterior surface, f1 with complete rows of pd and about 7 pv setae. t1 without setae except preapicals. f2 with 2 pd setae at apex and in apical quarter. t2 with 1 submedian p seta. Hind coxa bare on inner posterior surface. f3 with long median av and short av in basal third; with long median pv (slightly basad than long av) and pv preapical. t3 with submedian ad and short pd. Pulvilli small. Abdomen widened at middle and with an obtuse apex. Tergites 1+2 to 5 each with large white anterolateral spots. Dorsal surface: tergite 1+2 grey dusted; tergites 3 to 5 with a pair of large dark spots and grey median vitta. Sternite 5 membranose, reduced to a pair of sclerites with weak sclerotization (Fig.18); cercal plate as in Fig.17. Female. Differs from male as follows: fore coxa without tuft of long setae; f3 without median av and pv setae; tergite 5 dorsally whitish-grey; abdomen of typical shape. DIAGNOSIS. See the identification key below. ETYMOLOGY. The new species is named in honour of Willi Hennig, a German biologist, the founder of phylogenetics systematic (cladistics) and a distinguished expert in Muscoidea. DISTRIBUTION. So far known only from Thailand, Mae Hong Son province.

TAXONOMIC NOTES ON L. bivittata AND L. subbivittata. It is clear from the identification key given below that Lispe bivittata Stein, 1909 and Lispe subbivittata Mou, 1992 may be reliably distinguished in both sexes. In Xue & Zhang [2005] females with strong submedian av seta on f3 were correctly associated with males of L. subbivittata with about 20 longer av to ad setulae on apical half of t3; females without median av on f3 were associated to males of L. bivittata with only 56 shorter ad setulae on apical half of t3; that is the only source with correct main diagnostic characters for these two species I know. L. bivittata (as well as L. nigrifacies Becker, 1914 and L. haha Snyder, 1965) was described from South-East Asia, all my specimens from Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand (from North to South) and Vietnam also exclusively belong to L. bivittata. In North India (Uttarakhand) both species are present; but in the winter season only L. subbivittata was recorded from West India (Rajasthan). L. subbivittata was desribed from North-East China and according to Pont [1991] is present in Near East: recorded from Iran, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Sokotra, Egypt and Sudan (as L. bivittata with av on f3 in female). The only female specimen from Ethiopia entirely fits L. subbivittata. Hennig [1960: 421] seems to have considered L. bivittata and L. subbivittata as the same species: in his redescription of L. bivittata the male type had only 5 ad setulae on t3 below the strong ad, that fits L. bivittata; but female has strong submedian av on f3. It is not clear from Hennig [1960] which female specimens were examined. There is a taxonomic problem with Lispe ochracea Becker, 1910 which was described from a single female from Sokotra. According to Beckers [1910] original description, the female type has f3 with strong median av seta, so it is possible that L. ochracea is not a synonym of L. bivittata, but L. subbivittata is a synonym of L. ochracea. In 2011 I asked Dr. T. Galinskaya who visited Naturhistorisches Museum, Veinna to look for the type of L. ochracea but the type was not found. Without examination of the type I am not ready to call in question the generally accepted synonymy of L. ochracea to L. bivittata. For this reason the name Lispe subbivittata Mou, 1992 is used in this paper, though Im not sure that it is the oldest name.


N.E. Vikhrev

Figs 1921. Lispe rigida species-group. 19 L. brunnicosa Becker, holotype with labels; 20 L. kozlovi sp.n., holotype; 21 L. rigida Becker, . Ðèñ 1921. Lispe rigida species-group. 19 L. brunnicosa Becker, ãîëîòèï ñ ýòèêåòêàìè; 20 L. kozlovi sp.n., ãîëîòèï; 21 L. rigida Becker, .





1. f3 with 1 or 3 strong submedian pv setae; fore coxa with a tuft of long setae posteriorly; anepimeron with 58 hairs placed in a single horizontal row or almost so; t3 without ad setulae at apical half ................................................ 2 f3 without strong pv setae except for preapical one; fore coxa without long setae posteriorly; anepimeron with 1115 hairs placed in 35 rows and occupying a rounded area; t3 with ad setulae at apical half below strong ad seta ................................................................................ 3 2. f3 with 3 strong pv setae in basal half; abdomen shining black except 3 pairs of lateral white spots; abdomen of a normal shape with a pointed apex; cercal plate Fig.15 .......................................................... nivalis Wiedemann f3 with 1 strong submedian pv setae; abdomen with whitishgrey dusting; abdomen widened on segments 3 to 5, with an obtuse apex; cercal plate Fig. 17, sternite 5 Fig. 18 ................................................................ hennigi sp.n. 3. t3 below strong ad with a dense brush of about 20 setulae on ad, a and av surfaces; tar31 with dense short curved setulae on av surface; notopleupon with 13 setulae on area between strong notopleural setae; cercal plate Fig. 16 ................................................. subbivittata Mou t3 below strong ad with a sparse row of 56 ad setulae; tar31 without curved av setulae; notopleupon bare on area between strong notopleural setae; cercal plate Fig. 14 ...................................................... bivittata Stein 1. f3 with 1 strong submedian av setae; notopleupon with 1 to several setulae on area between strong notopleural setae ..................................................... subbivittata Mou f3 without av setae; notopleupon bare on area between strong notopleural setae. ............................................... 2 2. anepimeron with 56 hairs placed in a single horizontal row or almost so ........................................................... 3

anepimeron with 1115 hairs placed in 35 rows and occupying a rounded area ........................ bivittata Stein 3. presutural ac in 4 rows; Africa, Near East ....................... .......................................................... nivalis Wiedemann presutural ac in 3 rows; South-East Asia ..... hennigi sp.n.

4. Lispe kozlovi sp.n. and taxonomic notes on Lispe rigida group Lispe rigida species-group In my opinion, the three species listed below, L. brunnicosa, L. rigida and L. kozlovi sp.n. form the Lispe rigida species-group. This group is related to Hennigs [1960] Lispe palposa group, both groups sharing the following characters: dc 2+3; t2 with 1 ad and 1 pd setae; t3 with strong ad, without av in both sexes, saltish to salted water. The L. rigida group differs from the L. palposa group as follows:
vibrissae long; palpi small and pure yellow; thoracic setae long; body less dusted; : apex of abdomen somewhat laterally flattened and dorsally pointed, evenly black, without whitish midspot (Fig. 19, 20); halves of cercal plate not conjoined with each other at all, cercal plate about equally wide all along except the very apex (Figs 25, 28, 31); : preapical d on t3 almost as long as tar31 ................................................................ L. rigida group vibrissae absent to medium strong; palpi bigger and dark or yellow, in latter case dirty-yellow; thoracic setae shorter; body less dusted; : apex of abdomen not flattened and not pointed, black, with a whitish midspot; halves of cercal plate conjoined with each other in basal half, cercal plate with wide basal half and narrow apical half; : preapical d on t3 at most half as long as tar31 ............................................................. L. palposa group

Four new species of Lispe Latreille, 1796 L. brunnicosa and L. kozlovi sp.n are obviously related species, L. rigida is distinctly the most deviant. L. rigida has the most southern distribution, specimens were collected from 27œN to 38.5œN, L. brunnicosa was collected between 46.8œN to 48.5œN (except type series from 32œN, but in this case from about 3500 m asl), L. kozlovi sp.n. is the northernmost species which was collected from 51.2œN to 54.9œN. Lispe brunnicosa Becker, 1904 Figs. 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27.
Lispe brunnicosa Becker, 1904 Type locality: China, Sichuan prov., about 32.0œN, 99.5œE (see Notes on type locality). Lispe diminuata Becker, 1913 ((Hennig, 1960, Textfig. 99, 148). Type locality: Pamir Mountains. (The Pamir Mountains are a mountain range in Central Asia, mostly in Gorno-Badakhshan region of Tajikistan and Badakhshan region of Afghanistan, but also in NW Pakistan, S-E Kyrgyzstan and extreme West of China, so the type locality of L. diminuata is uncertain.) MATERIAL EXAMINED. Holotype, (ZIN). The holotype of L. brunnicosa is in a good condition. The holotype has the label in Russia transliterated as: r. Dza-chu, 11000 / Kam, bas. Goluboy / Kozlov, ser. IV 01" (Fig. ), that means Dza-chu r[iver], 11000 [feet asl], Kham, Golubaya [river] bas[in], Kozlov [leg.], mid April [19]01 = China, Sichuan prov., H32.0œN 99.5œE. Identification labels by Becker, Hennig and Pont. Kazakhstan: Atyrau reg., Ural River bank, 46.95 œN 51.73 œE, 21.V.2011, K.Tomkovich, 1; Kyzylorda reg., Aralsk, salt lake, 46.79 œN 61.67 œE, 12.V.2011, K.Tomkovich, 2, 5. Russia: Volgograd reg., salt pool, 48.465œN 44.570œE, 08.VI.2012, N.Vikhrev, 1.


in the upper Yalong River basin or to the upper Yalong itself; however this name is not mentioned for the Yalong in Kozlov [1947]. The Sanka village would be best approximation of the place implied by the label but we failed to find it on the modern maps. The type locality of L. brunnicosa may be accepted as the upper Yalong basin roughly at 32.0œN 99.5œE in the eastern edge of the Tibet-Quinghai Plateau, presently in Sichuan Province of China. REMARKS. The synonymy of L. diminuata to L. brunnicosa was proposed by Hennig [1960]. The structure of hind tarsus of the holotype of L. brunnicosa is similar to that of L. diminuata given by Hennig [1960] (Fig. 22, 23) and differs from hind tarsus of Lispe kozlovi sp.n. (Fig. 24). DISTRIBUTION. China, Sichuan; Kazakhstan, Atyrau and Kyzylorda regiong; Russia, Volgograd region. New for Kazakhstan; new for Russia and for Europe. Lispe rigida Becker, 1903 Figs 21, 31, 32.
Lispe rigida Becker, 1903: 115. Type locality: Egypt, Alexandria. MATERIAL EXAMINED. Syntypes, Egypt: Alexandria, 1, 1 (with identification labels by Becker, Kowarz, Hennig & Pont, as syntypes labeled by A.C.Pont in 2000) (ZIN). Egypt: Sinai, Qzaima, 24.V.1981, A.Freidberg, 1 , 4 (TAUI); Red Sea reg., El Gouna, 27.39œN 33.68œE, 15.I.2012, N.Vikhrev, 1 . India : Rajasthan state, Sambhar salt-Lake, 26.916œN 75.190œE, 23.III.2011, N.Vikhrev, 3, 3. Israel: Eilat env., 29.57œN 34.97œE, 24.X.2011, N.Vikhrev, 11, 1. Morocco: Ouarzazate prov., Ouarzazate env., 30.97œN 6.75œW, 12.V.2012, NV, 1. Turkmenistan: Mary prov., Repetek (38.565?N 63.177?E), 04 and 12.V.1990, A.Ozerov, 2.

NOTE ON THE TYPE LOCALITY. The fly was collected by the 18991901 expedition of the famous Russian explorer Petr Kuzmich Kozlov to the Central Asia (either by him personally or by his staff). Detailed information on this expedition is found in his own book, republished in 1947 [Kozlov, 1947]. Golubaya means in Russian blue and it was the commonly accepted translation of Yangtze, the name of the well known great Chinese river. The Dza-chu (Zâ Qû) is a well known name of the riverhead of the great Mekong River, used so in the cited book, and it was indeed visited by this expedition. However, the Mekong cannot be in the Yangtze basin and it was visited by the expedition in the previous year of 1900, within the period September 8 November 15 (all the dates are given here in the Julian calendar, as in the label and the book cited). On the other hand, the expedition indeed spent April 1901 in the upper Yangtze basin. Namely, first 15 days of April it camped at Bana-Dzhun village, astronomically located by P.K. Kozlov at 31œ5955N, 99œ2202E and elevation estimated as 12020 feet above sea level, that is slightly higher than specified in the label. Between April 15 and 25, the expedition descended downstream the Ser-chu River and then Yalong (YÎ lóng jiâng) River, the Yantze left tributary, to Sanka village and then ascended upstream the Den-chu River up to the Bimu-La Pass. We may suppose that the fly was collected at the Den-chu River, the name of which was confused with Dza-chu on the label. In a Soviet era altas published in 1954, the name Dza-Chu is applied both to the upper Mekong and to some river

DISTRIBUTION. Was known for Egypt, Iran, Morocco and Saudi Arabia [Pont, 1991]. New records for India, Israel and Turkmenistan. Lispe kozlovi sp.n. Figs 20, 24, 2830.

DESCRIPTION. Male, black, with thin dusting, body length 67 mm. Head. Interfrontalia brown, fronto-orbital plates and lower half of frontal triangle brown with thin golden

Holotype : Russia: Khakassia reg., Maloe Spirinskoe Lake (saltish), 54.422œN 90.147œE, 26.VI.2011, K.Tomkovich; Paratypes, 6, 5. Russia: Khakassia reg.: 3, 4, the same label as Holotype; Omsk reg., 2, 1, Omsk, salt lake, 54.886œN 73.348œE, 19.VII.2011, O.Kosterin. Kazakhstan: W. Kazakhstan reg., 2 , Derkol R iver, 51.153œN 50.453œE, 26.VIII.2012, K.Tomkovich. Other material. So far I think that females of L. kozlovi sp.n. and females of L. brunnicosa can not be distinguished reliable enough, so females collected without males were tentatively identified as L. kozlovi sp.n. and were not included in the type series. Kazakhstan: Akmola prov., Shortandy env.(51.7N 71.0E), 20.VII16.IX.1938, B.Kuzin, 3; Russia: Bashkortostan, Irgizly [52.96œN 57.02œE], 24.VI.1899, Jacobs & Schmidt, 1 (with Hennigs identification label L. brunnicosa?) (ZIN); Novosibirsk reg., Karasuk distr., [53.6œN 77.8œE], 28.VI.2002, A.Barkalov, 1 (ISEA); Orenburg reg., Ural R. env., 51.61œN 54.34œE, 28.VIII.2012, K.Tomkovich, 1.


N.E. Vikhrev

Figs 2232. Lispe rigida species-group. 2224 hind tarsus, posterior view: 22 L. diminuata Becker (from Hennig, 1960: 404, Textfigg 99), 23 L. brunnicosa Becker, 24 L. kozlovi sp.n. 2527 L. brunnicosa Becker: 25 cercal plate, dorsal; 26 cercal plate, lateral; 27 sternite 5. 2830 L. kozlovi sp.n.: 28 cercal plate, dorsal; 29 cercal plate, lateral; 30 sternite 5. 3132 L. rigida Becker: 31 cercal plate, dorsal; 32 sternite 5. Ðèñ 2232. Lispe rigida species-group. 2224 çàäíÿÿ ëàïêà, âèä ñçàäè: 22 L. diminuata Becker (ïî Hennig, 1960: 404, Textfigg 99), 23 L. brunnicosa Becker, 24 L. kozlovi sp.n. 2527 L. brunnicosa Becker: 25 öåðêè, äîðñàëüíî; 26 öåðêè, ëàòåðàëüíî; 27 ñòåðíèò 5. 2830 L. kozlovi sp.n.: 28 öåðêè, äîðñàëüíî; 29 öåðêè, ëàòåðàëüíî; 30 ñòåðíèò 5. 3132 L. rigida Becker: 31 öåðêè, äîðñàëüíî; 32 ñòåðíèò 5.

dusting, upper parafacials golden, the rest of parafacials, face and cheeks white, occiput grey. Frontoorbital plates with about 6 inclinate, 2 reclinate setae and outer row of long proclinate setulae, parafacials with 24 hairs in lower half only. Antenna black, arista with hairs about as long as antenna width. Vibrissae strong. Palpi pure yellow without dusting, about 1.5 times as large as width of antenna. Thorax black with thin brownish dusting Scutum, scutellum and pleura look black or blackish with brown dusting depending on angle of view. Thoracic setae remarably long: dc 2+3 all strong, pstr ac hairs in 3 rows, 2 postpronotal, intraalars 1+2, supraalars 1+2. Katepisternals 1:2; anepimeron with about 15 setulae on the rounded area; katepimeron with 23 setulae, meron with 45 hairs above hind coxa; scutellum with hairs at apex below. Wings hyaline, brownish, the area around the apex of vien R2+3 darkened due to more dense microtrichia; veins brownish; the vein M not curved; calypteres yellowish, halteres brown. Legs black, only knees slightly reddish. f1 with complete rows of pd; apical half of pv surface with 56 shorter but strong and straight setae; basal half of pv surface with 1213 long, fine and apically curved setae. t1 without setae except preapicals. f2 in basal half with a row of a setae; 2 pd preapicals; ventral surface with short (shorter than tibia width) and fine irregular setulae. t2 at middle with 1 ad and 1 pd setae. f3 with 3 unusually long av setae in apical half; with common ad row and 1 pd at apex. t3 with strong submedian ad and long preapical d and pd setae; setulae in ad row and

apical 2/3 of av row remarkably elongated. Hind tarsus modified (Fig. 24): tar31 shortened, laterally flattened, at apex with long finger-like pv protuberance, with long straight setae on av surface; tar32 shortened, laterally flattened, with long straight setae on av surface. Hind coxa bare on inner posterior surface, pulvilli small. Abdomen dark with thin brownish-grey dusting. Tergite 1+2 dusted, tergites 3 to 5 each with a pair of large vague blackish spots fused on tergite 5, fused or not on tergites 3 and 4. Apex of abdomen somewhat laterally flattened and dorsally pointed, evenly black, without whitish midspot. Cercal plate Figs 28, 29; sternite 5 Fig. 30. Female differs from male as follows: body size 6.57.5 mm; parafacials with hairs all along; t3 without elongated setulae (or ad row slightly elongated); wing around the apex of vien R2+3 not darkened; hind tarsus unmodified; abdominal pattern consists of paired lateral spots and median spot on tergites 3 to 5, these spots vague, more or less fused and usually distinct under acute angle only; apex of abdomen not flattened laterally and not pointed dorsally. DIAGNOSIS: see the identification key below. ETYMOLOGY. The new species is named in honour of Petr Kuzmich Kozlov, a Russian geographer, explorer of Central Asia, discoverer of Khara-Khoto Tangut city and collector of several Lispe species described by Becker. DISTRIBUTION. Russia: Khakassia and Omsk regions and Kazakhstan: W. Kazakhstan region.

Four new species of Lispe Latreille, 1796 I




1. Meron bare above hind coxa, katepimeron bare; anepimeron with only 47 setulae placed in a single row or almost so; scutum with densely dusted; small species, body size 55.5 mm () or 56 mm (). : hind tarsus unmodified; wing not darkened; sternites 3 and 4 densely long-haired; terminalia: Figs 3132. : abdomen with distinct paired spots .................................. rigida Becker Meron with 46 setulae above hind coxa, katepimeron with 23 setulae, anepimeron with about 15 setulae placed in 3 horizontal rows; scutum thinly dusted, subshining; bigger species, body size 67 mm () or 6.57.5 (); : hind tarsus modified wing darkened at apex of R2+3; sternites 3 and 4 long-hairs. : abdomen with rather vague spots, the pattern consists of paired lateral and median spots ................................................................. 2 2. : tar31 distinctly shorter than tar32; tar31 and tar32 together distinctly shorter than the remaining segments (3 to 5) of hind tarsus; finger-like protuberance on tar31 shorter and more curved (Figs 2223); f2 in basal half with a row of 56 short strong spine-like setae and with 24 twice as long (about 1.5 times as long as femur width) less strong setae apicad; cercal plate and sternite 5: Figs 2527. : prst ac in 4 rows; abdomen more dusted, abdominal spots less vague, less fused, more distinct .................................... brunnicosa Becker : tar31 about as long as tar32; tar31 and tar32 together at least as long the remaining segments (3 to 5) of hind tarsus; finger-like protuberance on tar31 longer (Fig. 24); f2 without strong setae on ventral surface, though some fine setulae present; cercal plate and sternite 5: Figs 2830. : prst ac in 3 rows; abdomen less dusted, abdominal pattern less distinct ...... kozlovi sp.n.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. The Notes on type locality of L. brunnicosa is mainly written by Oleg Kosterin (Novosibirsk) to whom I am also grateful for several corrections. I also thank Andrey Ozerov and Dmitry Gavryushin (both Moscow) for corrections. I thank Amnon Freidberg (Tel-Aviv) and Emilia Narchuk (St.-Petersburg) for the material from TAUI and ZIN respectively.

Becker T.1910. Dipteren aus Sudarabien und von der Insel Sokotra. Hennig W. 1960. Family Muscidae (Lieferung 209 and 213) // Lindner E. (ed.). Die Fliegen der Paläarktischen Region 63b. Stuttgart. S.385480. Kozlov P.K. 1947. Mongoliya i Kam. Trekhletnee puteshestvie po Mongolii i Tibetu (18991901 gg.) [Mongolia and Kham. Three-year long journey to Mongolia and Tibet (18991901)]. 2nd (reduced) Edition. Moscow: OGIZ. 437 pp [in Russian]. Pont A.C. 1991. A review of the Fanniidae and Muscidae of the Arabian Peninsula // Fauna of Saudi Arabia. Vol.12. P.312 365. Shinonaga S., Afzal M. 1989. The genus Lispe Latreille of Pakistan, with description of a new species (Diptera, Muscidae) // Japanese Journal of Sanitary Zoology. Vol.40 Suppl. P.9195. Stein P. 1913. Neue afrikanische Anthomyiden // Annales historiconaturales Musei nationalis Hungarici Vol.11. P.457583. Vikhrev N. 2011a. Taxonomic notes on the Lispe leucospila speciesgroup (Diptera, Muscidae) // Russian Entomological Journal. Vol.20. No.2. P.215218. Vikhrev N. 2011b. Review of the Palaearctic members of the Lispe tentaculata species-group (Diptera, Muscidae): revised key, synonymy and notes on ecology // ZooKeys. Vol.84. P.5970. Vikhrev N. 2012. Notes on taxonomy of Lispe Latreille (Diptera, Muscidae) // Russian Entomological Journal. Vol.21. No.1. P.107112. Xue W-Q., Zhang D. 2005. A review of the genus Lispe Latreille (Diptera: Muscidae) from China, with descriptions of new species // Oriental Insects. Vol.39. P.117139.