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Russian Entomol. J. 16(4): 477478


Chromosomes of Torymus bedeguaris (Linnaeus, 1758) and T. chloromerus (Walker, 1833) (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) Хромосомы Torymus bedeguaris (Linnaeus, 1758) и T. chloromerus (Walker, 1833) (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) V.E. Gokhman & A.P. Mikhailenko В.Е. Гохман, А.П. Михайленко
Botanical Garden, Moscow State University, Moscow 119991, Russia. E-mail: gokhman@bg.msu.ru Ботанический сад Московского государственного университета, Москва 119991, Россия.

KEY WORDS: chromosomes, karyotype, Hymenoptera, Torymidae, Torymus bedeguaris, Torymus chloromerus. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: хромосомы, кариотип, Hymenoptera, Torymidae, Torymus bedeguaris, Torymus chloromerus. ABSTRACT. 2n = 12 is found in Torymus guaris and T. chloromerus. The karyotypes of species contain five pairs of comparatively large submetacentric chromosomes and a pair of small centrics. bedeboth meta/ acroman & Quicke, 1995]. Cell divisions were studied and photographed using the optic microscope Zeiss Axioskop 40 FL fitted with the digital camera AxioCam MRc. To obtain karyograms, the resulting images were processed with the image analysis program AxioVision version 3.1 and Adobe Photoshop version 6.0. Chromosomes were classified in four groups: metacentric (M), submetacentric (SM), subtelocentric (ST) and acrocentric (A) according to the works by Levan et al. [1964] and Imai et al. [1977]. Arm numbers (NF) were also calculated. Parasitic wasps were identified by the senior author, most of the identifications were confirmed by M.D. Zerova. Voucher specimens are deposited in the Zoological Museum, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.

РЕЗЮМЕ. У Torymus bedeguaris и T. chloromerus обнаружено 2n = 12. Кариотипы обоих видов содержат пять пар сравнительно крупных мета/субметацентрических хромосом и пару мелких акроцентриков. The family Torymidae belongs to the superfamily Chalcidoidea and currently contains more than 70 genera and about 1000 species [Noyes, 2004]. Of these parasitic wasps, the genus Torymus Dalman, 1820 includes about 400 species and is therefore the largest in the family. Only a few North American members of the genus were karyotyped previously [Goodpasture & Grissell, 1975]. We have recently examined karyotypes of the two Palaearctic species, Torymus bedeguaris (Linnaeus, 1758) and T. chloromerus (Walker, 1833) (= cyanimus Boheman, 1834). The results of this study are given below.

Results and discussion
Torymus bedeguaris (Fig. 1). 2n = 12 (8M + 2SM + 2A); NF = 22. The karyotype includes five pairs of comparatively large metacentrics and submetacentrics (the last pair of bi-armed chromosomes) as well as a pair of small acrocentrics. All chromosomes more or less gradually decrease in size except for the last pair. Torymus chloromerus (Fig. 2). 2n = 12 (10M + 2A); NF = 22. The karyotype structure generally resembles that of T. bedeguaris, but all chromosomes are metacentric, except for the last pair of small acrocentrics. Both studied species share similar karyotype structure, i.e. five pairs of comparatively large meta- and submetacentric chromosomes and a pair of small acrocentrics. Moreover, this pattern (sometimes with subtelocentric chromosomes in place of acrocentric ones) is the most widespread in the Nearctic members of the genus, although a few North American species differ in chromosome number and/or morphology from the most

Materials and methods
Adult females of parasitic wasps were reared from galls of Cynipidae (Hymenoptera) and Tephritidae (Diptera) collected in the Moscow Area (Ozhigovo, 60 km SW Moscow) by the senior author, as well as in the Krasnodar Prov. (near Krasnodar) by V.V. Kostjukov and in the Stavropol Prov. (Prietokskiy, 150 km SE Stavropol) of Russia by E.N. Yegorenkova in 2006 2007. Chromosome preparations were obtained from ovaries according to the standard technique for studying chromosomes in adult parasitic Hymenoptera [Gokh-


V.E. Gokhman & A.P. Mikhailenko

Figs 12. Karyograms of Torymus spp.: 1 T. bedeguaris; 2 T. chloromerus. Scale bar equals 10 мm. Рис. 12. Кариограммы видов рода Torymus: 1 T. bedeguaris; 2 T. chloromerus. Масштаб 10 мm.

typical ones [Goodpasture & Grissell, 1975]. The data accumulated up to now therefore suggest that the karyotype structure found in T. bedeguaris and T. chloromerus is also likely to be a groundplan feature for the subfamily Toryminae and perhaps even for the whole family [Gokhman, 2005a; see also Goodpasture, 1975]. However, chromosome sets of all studied members of the subfamily Megastigminae contain only five pairs of bi-armed chromosomes [Gokhman, 2005b].
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. Authors are very grateful to Dr. V.V. Kostjukov (All-Russian Institute for Biological Plant Protection, Krasnodar, Russia) and E.N. Yegorenkova (Ulyanovsk Teachers Training Institute, Ulyanovsk, Russia) for collecting insect galls as well as to Prof. M.D. Zerova (Institute of Zoology, National Academy of Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine) for checking identifications of parasitic wasps. The study was partially supported by the grant no. 070400326 from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.

Gokhman V.E. 2005a. [Karyotypes of parasitic Hymenoptera]. Moscow: KMK Scientific Press Ltd. 185 pp. [in Russian]. Gokhman V.E. 2005b. New chromosome records for the superfamily Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera) // Cytologia. Vol.70. No.3. P.239241. Gokhman V.E., Quicke D.L.J. 1995. The last twenty years of parasitic Hymenoptera karyology: an update and phylogenetic implications // J. Hym. Res. Vol.4. P.4163. Goodpasture C. 1975. Comparative courtship behavior and karyology in Monodontomerus (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) // Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. Vol.68. P.391397. Goodpasture C., Grissell E.E. 1975. A karyological study of nine species of Torymus (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) // Canad. J. Genet. Cytol. Vol.17. P.413422. Imai H.T., Crozier R.H., Taylor R.W. 1977. Karyotype evolution in Australian ants // Chromosoma. Vol.59. P.341393. Levan A., Fredga K., Sandberg A.A. 1964. Nomenclature for centromeric position on chromosomes // Hereditas. Vol.52. P.201220. Noyes J.S. 2004. Universal Chalcidoidea Database. http:// www.nhm.ac.uk/research-curation/projects/chalcidoids/.