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Russian Entomol. J. 16(4): 457458


A new species of the genus Scolytodes Ferrari (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) from Peru Новый вид рода Scolytodes Ferrari (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) из Перу A.V. Petrov1 & M.Yu. Mandelshtam2 А.В. Петров1, М.Ю. Мандельштам2
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Department of Ecology and Forest Protection, Moscow State University of Forestry (MSUF), Moscow Region, Mytishchi-1 141005, Ru ssia. Zoological Institute RAS, Universitetskaya naberezhnaya 1, 199034 St. Petersburg, Russia. Кафедра экологии и защиты леса, Московский государственный университет леса, Московская обл., Мытищи-1 141005, Россия. Зоологический институт РАН, Университетская набережная 1, 199034 С.-Петербург, Россия.

KEY WORDS: bark beetles, Ctenophorini, leafstalks, Cecropia, Peru. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: короеды, Ctenophorini, черешки листьев, Cecropia, Перу. ABSTRACT. A new species of the genus Scolytodes Ferrari, 1867 is described from Peru. Scolytodes (Prionosceles) callegarii Petrov et Mandelshtam, sp.n. can be distinguished from S. glabrescens Wood, 1972 by the larger strial punctures, the minute, unseriate interstrial punctures, the large lateral dentate processes of the mandibles, and by the significantly larger size of the body; it is distinguished from other related species of the subgenus Prionosceles Blandford, 1897 by the shining pronotal and elytral surface and by the elytral puncturation. РЕЗЮМЕ. Описан новый вид короеда рода Scolytodes Ferrari, 1867 из Перу. Scolytodes (Prionosceles) callegarii Petrov et Mandelshtam, sp.n. отличается от S. glabrescens Wood, 1972 крупными боковыми отростками на внешнем крае мандибул, более крупными точками в рядах надкрылий, ровными рядами мелких точек в междурядьях надкрылий и очень крупными размерами тела; от других видов подрода Prionosceles Blandford, 1897 он отличается блестящими переднеспинкой и надкрыльями, а также и пунктировкой надкрылий.

Genus Scolytodes Ferrari, 1867 Subgenus Prionosceles Blandford, 1897 Scolytodes (Prionosceles) callegarii Petrov et Mandelshtam, sp.n. Figs 15.
MATERIAL. Holotype: , South America, Peru, Junin province, left bank of Perene river, 5 km NE from Puerto Ocopa, Sta. Cruz vill., alt.1100 m, 11њ07S 74њ13W, in leafstalks of Cecropia sp., 19.02.2006 A.Petrov leg.

Tribe Ctenophorini Chapuis, 1869

The Neotropical genus Scolytodes Ferrari, 1867 is very rich in species and more than 150 species of this genus have been described to date [Blandford, 1897; Wood & Bright, 1992]. The biology of a large number of species as well as their host-plants and geographical distribution have been studied in detail [Wood, 1982; Jordal & Kirkendall, 1998; Jordal, 1998a, b]. At the same time, it is quite probable that a large number of Scolytodes species from poorly studied regions of Neotropics await description. During field studies in the Peru we have found a new Scolytodes species that is to our knowledge the largest species of the genus.
Printed in 2008.

DESCRIPTION. Male. Beetle 5.0 mm long, 2.1 times as long as wide, rather short and stumpy (Fig. 1). Body color black, antennae and legs reddish-brown. Front weakly convex, very broad (width/length ratio about 2.0), surface shining, glabrous except for isolated, golden bristles laterally above epistoma; sparsely minutely punctured, with larger punctures laterally (Fig. 2). Median part of epistoma above mandibles bears a brush of long golden bristles. Vertex, as well as lateral and ventral parts of head densely shagreened, microreticulate, rather dull, completely lacking hair-like vestiture. Eyes shallowly sinuate, narrow, strongly elongated. Mandibles bear hypertrophically developed lateral processes at their base, equal in length to nearly half of mandibular length (Fig. 2). Antennae reddish-brown with 6segmented funiculus and small 3-segmented club (Fig. 3). Pronotum as wide as long, greatest width before the middle, closer to apical margin; all surfaces uniformly punctured with punctures of equal size (Fig. 4); apical part slightly rugose; base and sides of pronotum with well developed elevated line, forming an acute margin laterally; surface glabrous, slightly shining, weakly microretulate from base to apex. Scutellum broad, semicircular. Elytra convex, with slightly raised suture; elytral surface glabrous, with minute light hairs visible at high magnification only on declivity; elytral base marginate with fine elevated line; striae wide, formed by large punctures that are placed irregularly in several rows in each stria; interstrial punctures small, uniseriate (Fig. 4); interstriae elevated on elytral declivity and armed by minute tubercles. Metepisterna and abdomen covered by minute pale hairs. Posterior margins of ventrites bear single rows of golden hairs.


A.V. Petrov, M.Yu. Mandelshtam







Figs 16. Scolytodes callegarii Petrov et Mandelshtam, sp.n.: 1 habitus; 2 head; 3 antenna; 4 punctures of pronotum and elytra; 5 male genitalia; 6 internal structure of aedeagus. Рис. 16. Scolytodes callegarii Petrov et Mandelshtam, sp.n.: 1 внешний вид; 2 голова; 3 усик; 4 пунктировка переднеспинки и надкрылья; 5 гениталии самца; 6 внутренняя структура эдеагуса.

Outer margin of protibia near apical angle armed by two large denticles, medial portion of outer protibial margin with seven tubercles of significantly smaller size; internal protibial margin with dense brush of golden hairs. Male genitalia. Apophyses shorter than penis body;tegmen in the form of a broad ring;internal penis structure of spear-like form; apical margin of penis tube divided; spicula gastrale curved in median portion, bifid at apex with longer process acute at apex and short process blunt at apex (Fig. 56). Female. Unknown. DIAGNOSIS. S. callegarii can be distinguished from other related species of the subgenus Prionosceles by the larger body size, by the very wide front with minute punctures in the middle and by the puncturation of elytra. The mandibular process of the S. callegarii male is very robust and this feature can be used to differentiate the new species from other Prionosceles males. In the related species Scolytodes (Prionosceles) atratus (Blandford, 1897) (male lectotype examined in Natural History Museum, London), there is also a mandibular process, but small and thin and not hypertrophically developed as in S. callegarii. This process was not mentioned in the original description [Blandford, 1897]. HOST PLANT. Cecropia sp. DISTRIBUTION. Known only from the type locality in Peru, in Gran Pagonal in the central part of the Cordillera Oriental. ETYMOLOGY. The new species is dedicated to the Peruvian citizen Ivan Ulises Callegari Cornejo, who has provided invaluable help to A.Petrov during entomological investigations and field work in South America. BIOLOGY. The new species develops in long leafstalks of Cecropia sp., infesting fallen leaves. The parental gallery is constructed along the leafstalk length, forming an elongated spiral inside.

ACKNOWLEGEMENTS. The senior author is grateful to Dr. Heinrich Schцnmann (Natural History Museum, Vienna) and to Dr. Maxwell Barclay (Natural History Museum, London) for the opportunity to study Scolytodes species from their collections. Dr. Bjarte Jordal (Department of Biology, University of Bergen) and Dr. Roger A. Beaver (Chiangmai, Thailand) are thanked for their critical comments and for improvement of the English text. Special thanks are addressed to Dr. K.V.Makarov for making the high-resolution photographs of the insects used to illustrate the current paper.

Blandford W.F.H. 1897. Scolytidae // Biologia Centrali-Americana, Coleoptera 4. P.145184. Jordal B.H. 1998a. A review of Scolytodes Ferrari (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) associated with Cecropia (Cecropiaceae) in the northern Neotropics // Journal of Natural History. Vol.32. P.3184. Jordal B.H. 1998b. New species of Scolytodes (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) from Costa Rica and Panama // Rev. Biol. Trop. 1998. Vol.46. No.2. P.407419. Jordal B.H., Kirkendall L.R. 1998. Ecological relationships of a guild of tropical beetles breeding in Cecropia petioles in Costa Rica // Journal of Tropical Ecology. Vol.14. P.153176. Wood S.L. 1982. The bark and ambrosia beetles of North and Central America (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), a taxonomic monograph // Great Basin Naturalist, Memoirs. Vol.6. 1359 pp. Wood S.L. 2007. Bark and ambrosia beetles of South America (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) // Brigham Young University. M.L. Bean Life Science Museum. Provo, Utah. 900 pp. Wood S.L., Bright D.E. 1992. A Catalogue of Scolytidae and Platypodidae (Coleoptera), Part 2: Taxonomic Index // Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs. Vol.13(A). P.1833; Vol.13(B). P.8351553.