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(r449) WebStatistics < Main < Foswiki
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Statistics for Main Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Feb 2011 32501 0 0 25815 WebStatistics
907 WebHome
471 ImportingMailAccounts
304 WikiUsers
230 WebMailChange
206 WebSearch
195 OpenVPNConfig
154 OpenVPNConfigWindows
144 DrWebKeyInstall
130 CMCWiFi
121 OpenVPN
Jan 2011 3497 25 0 845 WebHome
107 RootCA
 96 OpenVPNConfig
 92 OpenVPN
 88 CMCWiFi
 71 FrAnQu
 69 MarkdownFormatting
 67 WikiNews
 66 ProgramInstructions
 61 MailConfig
 57 OpenVPNConfigWindows
 25 RomanKondakov
Dec 2010 2130 12 2 721 WebHome
 87 CMCWiFi
 77 OpenVPNConfig
 68 OpenVPN
 54 FrAnQu
 50 RootCA
 40 OpenVPNConfigWindows
 35 ImportingMailAccounts
 35 RomanKondakov
 34 WebMailChange
 33 MarkdownFormatting
 14 RomanKondakov
Nov 2010 1093 44 4 298 WebHome
 66 OpenVPNConfig
 53 ProgramInstructions
 44 DrWebKeyInstall
 43 DrWeb
 39 MarkdownFormatting
 37 OpenVPN
 34 RootCA
 31 CMCWiFi
 28 OpenVPNConfigWindows
 28 OpenVPNConfigUbuntuLinux
 24 JeremyRomanoff
 24 RomanKondakov
Oct 2010 3399 8 0 1466 WebHome
120 CMCWiFi
 92 FrAnQu
 89 OpenVPN
 77 RomanKondakov
 66 ProgramInstructions
 59 OpenVPNConfig
 55 RootCA
 46 NetRules
 46 NewMail
 41 OpenVPNConfigWindows
  6 RomanKondakov
  1 AdminUser
  1 RegistrationAgent
Sep 2010 15106 0 0 7332 WebStatistics
1453 WebHome
425 ImportingMailAccounts
256 WikiUsers
230 WebMailChange
219 CMCWiFi
181 FrAnQu
176 OpenVPN
165 OpenVPNConfig
127 RootCA
127 ProgramInstructions
Aug 2010 3934 0 0 484 WebHome
221 ImportingMailAccounts
187 WebMailChange
132 WebStatistics
113 OpenVPNConfig
 69 WikiUsers
 68 CMCWiFi
 62 RootCA
 58 FrAnQu
 58 ProgramInstructions
 56 IntranetCMC
Jul 2010 10146 58 3 3487 CMCWiFi
696 ImportingMailAccounts
619 WebHome
471 WebMailChange
344 WebStatistics
248 OpenVPNConfig
214 WikiUsers
211 OpenVPN
107 FrAnQu
 97 UserListByLocation
 93 UserListByDateJoined
 61 RomanKondakov
Jun 2010 21588 8 0 7599 WebStatistics
5509 CMCWiFi
1083 ImportingMailAccounts
875 WebHome
617 WebMailChange
469 WikiUsers
162 UserListByDateJoined
160 FrAnQu
155 WebSearch
155 OpenVPN
152 ProgramInstructions
  8 RomanKondakov
May 2010 32539 31 0 14830 CMCWiFi
5738 WebHome
1665 ImportingMailAccounts
1145 WebMailChange
997 WebStatistics
432 WikiUsers
268 UserListByDateJoined
253 ProgramInstructions
250 UserListByLocation
250 OpenVPN
247 UserList
 31 RomanKondakov
Apr 2010 14131 35 0 6505 WebStatistics
2204 CMCWiFi
1056 WebHome
476 ImportingMailAccounts
253 WebMailChange
199 WikiUsers
177 OpenVPN
163 FrAnQu
161 OpenVPNConfig
136 OpenVPNConfigWindows
127 ProgramInstructions
 32 RomanKondakov
  2 JeremyRomanoff
  1 PavelKlemenkov
Mar 2010 3697 23 1 1067 WebHome
210 OpenVPNConfig
152 ImportingMailAccounts
124 WebStatistics
120 OpenVPN
111 FrAnQu
111 WebMailChange
108 MarkdownFormatting
107 OpenVPNConfigWindows
 92 ProgramInstructions
 81 RootCA
 24 RomanKondakov
Feb 2010 2761 22 0 468 WebHome
 95 FrAnQu
 94 OpenVPN
 86 RootCA
 84 WebStatistics
 81 ImportingMailAccounts
 75 ProgramInstructions
 64 WebMailChange
 59 NewWebSite
 56 RomanKondakov
 56 MailConfig
  8 AdminUser
  8 RegistrationAgent
  5 RomanKondakov
  1 KonstantinKalugin
Jan 2010 4906 16 0 1430 WebStatistics
320 ImportingMailAccounts
266 WebHome
170 WebMailChange
111 OpenVPNConfig
 99 NewWebSite
 96 RootCA
 96 ProgramInstructions
 91 FrAnQu
 88 OpenVPN
 74 MailConfig
  6 RomanKondakov
  4 AdminUser
  4 RegistrationAgent
  2 JeremyRomanoff
Dec 2009 3571 82 9 745 WebHome
127 OpenVPNConfig
109 OpenVPN
 99 RootCA
 92 FrAnQu
 86 ProgramInstructions
 81 IntranetCMC
 77 ImportingMailAccounts
 70 NewWebSite
 63 MailConfig
 56 RomanKondakov
 39 JeremyRomanoff
 24 RomanKondakov
 12 AdminUser
 12 RegistrationAgent
  2 KonstantinKalugin
  1 AnatolyGulyaev
  1 DontsovEvgeny
Nov 2009 4593 141 10 742 WebStatistics
644 WebHome
163 RootCA
134 HistoryCMCGroup
123 WebMailChange
115 WikiUsers
108 ProgramInstructions
 99 OpenVPN
 88 OpenVPNConfig
 78 FrAnQu
 69 OpenVPNConfigWindows
118 RomanKondakov
 11 AdminUser
 11 RegistrationAgent
  9 DontsovEvgeny
  2 TestTest
Oct 2009 1870 78 2 523 WebHome
134 RootCA
107 OpenVPN
 72 OpenVPNConfigWindows
 53 ProgramInstructions
 49 RootCAIE
 47 NewWebSite
 42 FrAnQu
 41 NewMail
 34 PasswordMail
 33 GetSoftware
 64 RomanKondakov
  7 KonstantinKalugin
  3 AdminUser
  3 RegistrationAgent
  2 FrBrGeorge
  1 PavelKlemenkov
Sep 2009 451 50 10 164 WebHome
 24 RootCA
 20 RootCAOpera
 16 VirtualSystems
 14 MailConfig
 11 WebStatistics
 11 OpenVPN
 10 FrAnQu
 10 NewWebSite
 10 NewMail
  8 WebSearch
 56 RomanKondakov
  2 AdminUser
  2 RegistrationAgent
Aug 2009 623 151 14 295 WebHome
 38 RootCA
 32 WebLeftBar
 19 RootCAIE
 17 RootCAThunderbird
 15 WebCreateNewTopic
 13 NewMail
 12 FrAnQu
 11 RootCAFirefox
 10 NewWebSite
  9 WebPreferences
155 RomanKondakov
  6 AdminUser
  4 RegistrationAgent

  • Do not edit this topic, it is updated automatically. (You can also force an update)
  • Site tools tells you how to enable the automatic updates of the statistics.
  • Suggestion: You could archive this topic once a year and delete the previous year's statistics from the table.
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Topic revision: r449 - 24 Feb 2011, AdminUser
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