This site is running Foswiki version
v1.1.9 , Release
Foswiki-1.1.9, Foswiki API version
Installed Plugins
Here is a list of the plugins currently installed and enabled in the
configuration on this
Foswiki site:
- SpreadSheetPlugin (1.1.7, v1.1.7): Add spreadsheet calculations like "$SUM($ABOVE())" to Foswiki tables and other topic text
- AntiWikiSpamPlugin (1.8, 1.8): Lightweight wiki spam prevention
- AutoViewTemplatePlugin (2012-12-16, v1.1.7): Automatically sets VIEW_TEMPLATE and EDIT_TEMPLATE
- CalendarPlugin (2.000, $Rev: 8058 (2010-07-07) $): Show a monthly calendar with highlighted events
- ChartPlugin (1.6.0, $Rev: 11481 (2011-04-17) $): Create area, bar, line and scatter charts to visualize table data
- CommentPlugin (1.1.6, v1.1.6): Quickly post comments to a page without an edit/save cycle
- CompareRevisionsAddonPlugin (1.112, 1.112):
- EditTablePlugin (4.43, 4.43): Edit tables using edit fields, date pickers and drop down boxes
- FootNotePlugin ($Date:$, $Rev:$): Place footnotes at the end of a page.
- FormPlugin (2.4.0, $Rev: 14547 (2012-04-03) $): Lets you create simple and advanced HTML forms
- GenPDFAddOnPlugin (1.3, 1.3): GenPDFAddOnPlugin helper plugin for GenPDFAddOn renders the %GENPDF% tag
- GoogleAnalyticsPlugin (2.1.1, 4729): Adds Google Analytics javascript code to specified pages
- HistoryPlugin (1.11, 1.11): Shows a complete history of a topic
- InterwikiPlugin (1.1.7, v1.1.7): Link ExternalSite:Page text to external sites based on aliases defined in a rules topic
- JQueryPlugin (4.91, 4.91): jQuery JavaScript library for Foswiki
- MailerContribPlugin (2.60, 2.60): Supports e-mail notification of changes
- PageOptimizerPlugin (0.10, 0.10): Optimize html markup, as well as js and css
- PreferencesPlugin (1.1.5, v1.1.5): Allows editing of preferences using fields predefined in a form
- RenderFormPlugin (1.005 (13 Feb 2009), $Rev: 3829 (2009-05-06) $): Create new topics with simple forms like DataForms.
- RenderListPlugin (2.2.7, v2.2.7): Render bullet lists in a variety of formats
- SlideShowPlugin (2.1.6, v2.1.6): Create web based presentations based on topics with headings
- SmiliesPlugin (28 Nov 2012, v1.1.6): Render smilies like as icons
- TablePlugin (1.142, 1.142): Control attributes of tables and sorting of table columns
- TinyMCEPlugin (1.2.9, v1.2.9): Integration of the Tiny MCE WYSIWYG Editor
- TopicListPlugin (0.4.1, $Rev: 9954 (2010-11-11) $): Gives you the possibility to generate a list of topics by macro or rest handler. Should be also optimized for a great number of topics
- TwistyPlugin (1.6.18, v1.6.18): Twisty section Javascript library to open/close content dynamically
- UpdateInfoPlugin (3.1, $Rev: 14950 (2012-06-05) $): Add a %ISNEW% tag after a WikiWord to get a visual display of whether the linked topic was created or updated recently
- VarCachePlugin (1.2, $Rev: 14435 (2012-03-23) $): Caches the results of expanding macros in selected topics for improved server performance
- WysiwygPlugin (16 May 2013, v1.1.16): Translator framework for WYSIWYG editors
Administrators can enable and disable plugins using
Plugins shown in the above list as
(disabled) are enabled in the
configuration but either encountered errors or are disabled in Site, Web or another preference settings topic (see
PreferenceSettings )
Plugins for more detailed description of how to install and use Plugins.
All Contrib Modules
SkinBrowser for an overview of the installed Skins.
Plugin Diagnostics
Handler | Plugins |
afterCommonTagsHandler | TablePlugin VarCachePlugin |
afterEditHandler | WysiwygPlugin |
beforeAttachmentSaveHandler | AntiWikiSpamPlugin This handler is deprecated - please check for updated versions of the plugins that use it! |
beforeCommonTagsHandler | EditTablePlugin PreferencesPlugin VarCachePlugin WysiwygPlugin |
beforeEditHandler | TinyMCEPlugin WysiwygPlugin |
beforeMergeHandler | WysiwygPlugin |
beforeSaveHandler | AntiWikiSpamPlugin CommentPlugin WysiwygPlugin |
commonTagsHandler | SpreadSheetPlugin ChartPlugin CommentPlugin CompareRevisionsAddonPlugin EditTablePlugin FootNotePlugin RenderFormPlugin SlideShowPlugin SmiliesPlugin UpdateInfoPlugin |
completePageHandler | PageOptimizerPlugin |
finishPlugin | JQueryPlugin |
initPlugin | SpreadSheetPlugin AntiWikiSpamPlugin AutoViewTemplatePlugin CalendarPlugin ChartPlugin CommentPlugin CompareRevisionsAddonPlugin EditTablePlugin FootNotePlugin FormPlugin GenPDFAddOnPlugin GoogleAnalyticsPlugin HistoryPlugin InterwikiPlugin JQueryPlugin MailerContribPlugin PageOptimizerPlugin PreferencesPlugin RenderFormPlugin RenderListPlugin SlideShowPlugin SmiliesPlugin TablePlugin TinyMCEPlugin TopicListPlugin TwistyPlugin UpdateInfoPlugin VarCachePlugin WysiwygPlugin |
modifyHeaderHandler | WysiwygPlugin |
postRenderingHandler | EditTablePlugin FootNotePlugin GoogleAnalyticsPlugin PreferencesPlugin RenderFormPlugin WysiwygPlugin |
preRenderingHandler | InterwikiPlugin PageOptimizerPlugin RenderListPlugin SmiliesPlugin TablePlugin |
registrationHandler | AntiWikiSpamPlugin |
29 plugins
Note: The diagnostics are provided by the
Related Topics: Plugins,