Ребята, опять я со своими статьями. У кого есть доступ выложите пожалуйста следующие статьи
1. Xia J.-B. Electronic structures of zero-dimensional quantum wells // Phys. Rev. B.1989. V. 40, N 12. P. 8500-8507.
2. Sercel P. C., Vahala K. J. Analytical formalism for determining quantum-wire andquantum-dot band structure in the multiband envelope-function approximation //Phys. Rev. B. 1990. V. 42, N 6. P. 3690-3710.
3. Cusack M. A., Briddon P. R., Jaros M. Electronic structure of InAs/GaAs self-assembled quantum dots // Phys. Rev. B. 1996. V. 54, N 4. P. 2300-2303.
4. Fu H., Wang L.-W., Zunger A. Applicability of the k p method to the electronic structure of quantum dots // Phys. Rev. B. 1998. V. 57, N 16. P. 9971-9987.
5. Efros A. L., Rosen M. Quantum size level structure of narrow-gap semiconductornanocrystals: Effect of band coupling // Phys. Rev. B. 1998. V. 58, N 11.P. 7120-7135.
6. Pokatilov E. P., Fonoberov V. A., Fomin V. M., Devreese J. T. Development of aneight-band theory for quantum dot heterostructures // Phys. Rev. B. 2001. V. 64,N 24. P. 245328-(1-16).
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