UPDATED 1 - добавил еще одну книжку.
Надеюсь, что книга будет полезна многим. В ней собраны основные "заблуждения", такие как "на земле становится тепло от того, что она (земля) приближается к солнцу, и, наоборот, становится холодно, когда земля отдаляется от солнца". Вообще, можно было бы организовать некую небольшую библиотечку подобной литературы. У меня есть несколько подобных книг как на английском, так и на русском. Как считаете?
One of the great paradoxes of modern times is that the more scientists understand the natural world, the more we discover that our everyday beliefs about it are wrong. Astronomy, in particular, is one of the most misunderstood scientific disciplines.
With the participation of thousands of undergraduate students, Neil F. Comins has identified and classified, by origin and topic, over 1,700 commonly held misconceptions. Heavenly Errors provides access to all of them and explores many, including:
* Black holes suck in everything around them.
* The Sun shines by burning gas.
* Comets have tails trailing behind them.
* The Moon alone causes tides.
* Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun, is the hottest planet.
In the course of correcting these errors, he explains that some occur through the prevalence of pseudosciences such as astrology and UFO-logy and some enter the public conscience through the "bad astronomy" of Star Trek, Star Wars, and other science-fiction movies. Perhaps most important, Professor Comins presents the reader with the methods for identifying and replacing incorrect ideas -- tools with which to probe erroneous notions so that we can begin to question for ourselves... and to think more like scientists.
With the participation of thousands of undergraduate students, Neil F. Comins has identified and classified, by origin and topic, over 1,700 commonly held misconceptions. Heavenly Errors provides access to all of them and explores many, including:
* Black holes suck in everything around them.
* The Sun shines by burning gas.
* Comets have tails trailing behind them.
* The Moon alone causes tides.
* Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun, is the hottest planet.
In the course of correcting these errors, he explains that some occur through the prevalence of pseudosciences such as astrology and UFO-logy and some enter the public conscience through the "bad astronomy" of Star Trek, Star Wars, and other science-fiction movies. Perhaps most important, Professor Comins presents the reader with the methods for identifying and replacing incorrect ideas -- tools with which to probe erroneous notions so that we can begin to question for ourselves... and to think more like scientists.
Думаю, буду потихоньку книжки прикреплять к этой теме (изменил название темы).
Новая книжка - В. М. Бродянский Вечный двигатель - прежде и теперь. От утопии - к науке, от науки - к утопии.
В популярной форме рассказывается об истории вечного двигателя от первых попыток его создания до современных "изобретений". Раскрывается значение для энергетики двух фундаментальных законов - первого и второго начал термодинамики. Показана бесполезность попыток обойти эти законы независимо от сложности предлагамых для этого устройств.