Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://www.spa.msu.ru/uploads/files/books/brand_man.pdf
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Thu Nov 7 15:45:36 2013
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Thu Feb 27 22:00:21 2014

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­ 2013


International Scientific Practically-oriented Conference for Students, Graduates, Post-graduate Students and Young Scientists


MOSCOW ­ 2013

65.01 65.290-2 87 - .. - XXI : - , , : 8 7 / . . .. ­ .: , 2013. ­ 165 . [ ] ISBN 978-5-317-04593-7 , « XXI », 11 2012 ., , , , . , , , -. : , ... .., , ... .., , ... .., , ... .., , ... .. : , -, , , , , , , , , , . 65.01 65.290-2

Web- : http://www.spa.msu.ru/uploads/files/books/brand_man.pdf

ISBN 978-5-317-04593-7

© , 2013

It is recommended for printing by editing commission of the School of Public Administration of Lomonosov Moscow State University

Brand Management in the XXI century: International Scientific Practically-oriented Conference for Students, Graduates, Post-graduate Students and Young Scientists: Articles Digest / Executive Editor Svalova V.E. ­ Moscow: MAKS Press, 2013. ­ 165 p. ISBN 978-5-317-04593-7 Scientific articles digest is the result of working of the international scientific practicallyoriented conference for students, graduates, post-graduate students and young scientists "Brand Management in the XXI century" that was held in the School of Public Administration in Lomonosov Moscow State University on December 11, 2012. Digest refers to actual problems in brand management in the various fields. Branding is being studied interdisciplinary from the point of view of Management, Marketing, Public Administration and Sociology. Digest includes scientific articles of Russian and foreign students, graduates, post-graduate students and young scientists who study theory and practice of brand management. Experts of the Conference Committee are following: PhD in Philosophy Agafonova N.V., PhD in Politics Kupryashin G.L., PhD in Economics Malkova I.V., PhD in Philosophy Podolskaya T.Y., PhD in Economics Zarenko A.S. Key words: branding, brand management, innovation, brand essence, brand attributes, brand assets, city branding, place branding, marketing, product placement, personal branding, social marketing.

Link of Articles Digest: http://www.spa.msu.ru/uploads/files/books/brand_man.pdf

ISBN 978-5-317-04593-7

© Different authors, 2013

1. .............................................................................................................. 10
.. .......................................... 10 .. ............................... 15 .. ...................................................................................................................................... 18 .. - .......................................................... 23 . . .................................................................... 26 .. HR- ........................................................................................................... 32 .. « » .................................... 36

2. , ................................................................................................................. 43
.. e- ....................... 43


. . - .................................... 48 .. ............................................................................................. 51 .. ................. 56 .. - ............................ 61 .. - .................................................... 65 .. - ........................................ 71

3. .................................................................................................. 78
.. «» .............................. 78 .. - ............................................. 83 .. HR- . ............ 88 .. ....................................................................................................... 92


.. , , : ................ 97 . ., . . ( ) ............................................................................................................................... 101 .. . ..................................... 108 .. .......................................................................................................................... 113 . . ................................................................................................................................ 118 .. - ­ ............................ 123

4. ........................................................................................................ 129
.. ....... 129 .. .......................................................................................................... 131 .. .............................................135


.. ......................................................................................................................................... 140 .. : case-study «Innovation Readiness» ................................................................................................................................... 144

5. ......................... 150
.. ..................................................................................... 150 .. : ­ ............................ 155 .. : .............................................................................................. 159



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1. (spontaneous unaided awareness): - . , , . 2. Top-of-Mind : , .1, . , . 3. (aided awareness): (, , ) . , , . « » (brand recall), ­ « » (brand recognition). total awareness ( ), unaided awareness, aided awareness topof-Mind awareness. - . (KPI) : 1. ( ; ). 2. («», type-in). 3. «» e-mail ( ). 4. ( ). 5. YandexWordstat/Google Trends. 6. . 7. (Brand Index). 8. . Dmir.ru . KPI . , , . . Dmir.ru. , - « » 2012 , Dmir.ru «, , !». : , , , . : 20 ­ 7 2012 . : ; ­ . : . (, ). : 1500 . : , 10:00 19:00. - : , - Dmir.ru LiveInternet 12 2012 (. 1). : « » , .
. 1. - Dmir.ru

25-34 25-34 18-24 18-24 35-44 35-44 45 45 18 18

, % 20,1 16,2 14,9 10,1 9,6 8,7 7,2 6,9 4,1 2,2

« - Dmir.ru?» (aided awareness). aided awareness 13%. 33%. , aided awareness 2,5 . : « ?» . : 1 ( ) ­ Avito.ru, 2 ­ Slando.ru, 3 ­ IRR.ru. , TNS , comScore LiveInternet « »2. , . 2012 . 1000 100 . , 8- , 16 50 . « ?», (unaided awareness). unaided awareness : «» ­ 67%, «» ­ 43%, « » (IRR.ru) ­ 24%3. , Synovate Comcon . , , Dmir.ru Avito.ru . (unaided awareness) Avito.ru 10% 40%; (aided awareness) 17% 60% « ?» ( 2010)4. , ( ), , ( ), , , . - . (Eric T. Peterson) « » (Brand Index).

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Brand Monitor . 2 , total awareness. C total awareness top-of-Mind, A B. Brand Survey Lift Pulse comScore ­ , -, «» . BSL Pulse , , . , , . . , , . 8 BSL Pulse , , 9. ­ -. - , Facebook, YouTube, Twitter , , . . , . Social Essentials comScore ­ , API Facebook10 . 100 , 30 comScore. Social Essentials. Social Essentials comScore ­ , , . « , , , », ­ , Bing MSN Microsoft 11.

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2. 10 2012 2007 , 20% 19% , 75% 62% 2% 1% 3% 17%


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, 20 . 16. « » . , . «Toursm New Zealand's» (TNZ), , 2001 . . TNZ , , , , « », , . , , , , . , ­ . , 10% 17. « » . . -, -, , , . « » . : , « ». ­ 10 50 . 18. -, , . , ­ . ­ ­ , , 19. , « ». . , , . , . ,


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. . , « ­ , , , , : «, , »3. : «, , , , , »4. . , . (Theodore Levitt), , ¼ , ¼ . , ,

«», / . .. . . 2007. . 57. 2 Means G., Schneider D. MetaCapitalism: The e-Business Revolution and the Design of 21st-Century Companies and Markets. USA, John Wiley & Sons, 2000. P. 6. 3 Oxford Dictionary of English. Oxford University Press, 2011. P. 132. 4 American Marketing Association ­ http://www.marketingpower.com/_layouts/Dictionary.aspx (12.10.12). 144

(, ), 5. , . , . , (James R. Gregory), « - , , . - . , , , . , »6. (Charles Brymer) « , . . , , . . »7. ' (David F. D'Alessandro): « -- . , , »8. : ­ , , , . , , , , . : 1) ( ); 2) ( , , , ); 3) ( ); 4) ( , , , ); 5) ( , , , ); 6) ; 7) ( ); 8) , 9. , , , , , . . . , . , . , , , . :
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Levitt T. Marketing myopia // Harvard Business Review, July ­ August, 1960. P. 45 ­ 56. Gregory J.R., Wiechmann J.G. Leveraging the Corporate Brand. Chicago: NTC, 1997. P. 66. 7 Brymer Ch. The Corporate Brand and the Bottom Line // Corporate Communications Conference, sponsored by the Association of National Advertisers Inc. September 12 -14, 1993. 8 D'Alessandro D.F., Owers M. Brand Warfare, 10 Rules for Building the Killer Brand: Lessons for New and Old Economy Players. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001. P. 30. 9 Business Plan Expert ­ http://help.finanstock.com/blog/2012/06/16// (17.10.12) 145

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