Manuscript guidelines
Authors are invited to submit full versions of their articles both electronically (in Microsoft Word format) through the conference website spa.msu (articles should be attached to the on-line registrations) AND via e-mail (articles in Russian to; articles in English to Please note that the editorial board reserves the right to reject the articles not meeting the requirements and standards (either in the content or form).
Submission deadline: April 14. 2014. Articles will be published after the conference.
Articles should be either in English or in Russian and should meet the following requirements:
Volume: from 10 000 to 15 000 characters (including spaces), i.e. min – 6 full pages; max – 8 pages.
Format: Microsoft Word
Font: Times New Roman
Page parameters:
size - А4 (21 cm х 29,7 cm)
orientation – book style
- top margin – 2,4 cm
- bottom margin – 2 cm
- left margin – 3 cm
- right margin – 2 cm
Distance from the edge to running title:
- header - 1,2 cm
- footer - 1,25 cm
The text is to be presented in the following sequence.
Title should be typed in capital letters, Times New Roman, size 13, boldface font; formatting: center. Please note that there is no period/ full stop at the end of the title.
Author's family name/surname and initials should be typed in small letters in Times New Roman size 13, boldface font; center-formatted.
Name of the organization should be typed in small letters in Times New Roman size 13, normal; center- formatted.
Name of the country should be typed in capital letters in Times New Roman size 13, normal; center-formatted.
Text of the article:
- Times New Roman size 12, single-spaced, paragraph/ text-indent – 1 cm.
- Formatting: justified alignment.
- Style: normal.
(Do not use the syllabification mark in the text).
All symbols and abbreviations should be explained when used in the text at the very first time. The article's sections and subsections should be numbered (use Arabic digits), boldfaced and should not be placed as a separate line.
For all tables please use Microsoft Word (no scanned versions and no pictures). Tables should be within the printable field. The title of the table should not be shifted onto the next page. The title and the number of the table should be center-formatted (Times New Roman, size 11, single-spaced, no period/full stop at the end of the title).
Illustrations: pictures, graphs and graphics should be placed separately within the printable field according to the logic of the text. Use either JPEG or GIF formats and do not place them inside frames /borders (it should be possible to move them within the text and change their sizes). Scanned images used in the text should have the definition not less than 300 points per inch. The title under the illustration should be center-formatted (Times New Roman, size 11, single-spaced, no period/full stop at the end of the title).
Number of pages and running titles. Do not use running titles. Number of pages are to be located at the bottom in the right-hand corner. The first page should be numbered.
Literature and references cited should be numbered (use Arabic digits). References to the literature cited are to be in square brackets.
(Example: Text of the article ... text of the article [1, p. 256]. Text of the article ... text of the article [2, p. 5], etc.)
List of references/ bibliography should be at the end of the article. Use Times New Roman size 12. Formatting: justify.
Numeration: use Arabic digits. E.g. [1] Author's/ authors' family name(s)/ surname(s) and initials (in italics). Title. Output data (including publishers). Etc.
Example of the list of references:
For books: [1] Zub A.T. Managing organizational crisis. M.: Universitetsky Gumanitarny Litsei, 2003. [2]Petrunin Yu. Yu., Borisov V.K. Business ethics. M.: Delo, 2000.
For articles in journals, collections of papers and other collective publications:
[3] Marinko G.I. Organizational culture and knowledge management // Philosophy of science and scientific civilization: Jubilee collection / Editor-in-chief S.L. Katrechko. M.: Poligraph-Inform, 2005. P. 322-338. [5] Voronina T.P., Molchanova O.P. Peculiarities of managing an innovative organization // Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Ser. 21, Management and administration (state and society). ? 2, 2004. C. 66-82.
For Internet references:
[8] Surin A.V. 10 years of training administrative personnel in Moscow University: experience and challenges. – (in brackets please indicate the last date of viewing the material in the Internet).
On a separate page please provide the following information:
The title should be a brief phrase adequately describing the content of the paper
2. Author(s)
Please add the name(s), institution, position(s), country of the author(s) of the paper and the contact information (e-mail and fax).
3. Abstract
An abstract of a paper should be an integral part of the conference contribution; it gives a summary of the information on the paper. It should not exceed 3 500 characters (including spaces) and should be designed to clearly define the content of the paper.
The abstract should:
- state the principal objectives and scope of the research;
- describe the methodology employed
- summarize results and findings
- state the principal conclusions.
References to literature, bibliographic information, figures or tables should NOT be included in the abstract.