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Рег.: 26.02.2011
Сообщений: 8070
Рейтинг: 4988
  Re: Post-doctoral fellowship at CEA Cadarache, France [re: Beauty]
      22.09.2014 19:12

Друзья, две международных конфы по нелинейной динамике в Нижнем Новгороде в декабре 2014! Студенты и аспиранты не платят оргвзнос. А если повезет, то и часть дороги/проживания оплатят.


First Announcement of the International Conference-School
'Hamiltonian Dynamics, Nonautonomous Systems, and Patterns in PDE's'
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, December 10-15, 2014
Dear colleagues,
This is the first announcement of the conference 'Hamiltonian Dynamics, Nonautonomous Systems, and Patterns in PDE's', dedicated to the 70th birthday of Professors Lev Lerman and Albert Morozov.
The conference is organized by the Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod and Nizhny Novgorod Mathematical Society. It will be held in Nizhny Novgorod on December 10-15, 2014. The topics include
Hamiltonian Dynamics (chaos, integrable and near-integrable systems, reversible systems)
Nonautonomous Systems (periodic, quasiperiodic, random, general)
Patterns in PDE's (emergence, bifurcations, spatio-temporal behavior)
Applications of dynamical systems
The conference will also feature a number of mini-courses for students and postdoctoral researchers. A limited financial support for young participants will be available.
We are keen to see you, your students, members of your group, other interested colleagues at our conference. Nizhny Novgorod is an old beautiful city located at a magnificent confluence of two great rivers, Volga and Oka. It is one of industrial and cultural centers of Russia with a vibrant and dynamic life. Nizhny Novgorod has an airport with connecting flights from Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Frankfurt, and other places. It can be conveniently reached from Moscow by railway with several daytime and overnight intercity trains.
If you would like to participate at the conference, please fill out the registration form at http://hamidyn.unn.ru. Do not hesitate to contact the organizers at gonchenko@pochta.ru or dturaev@imperial.ac.uk.
Sergey Gonchenko, Dmitry Turaev


Professor Leonid Pavlovich Shilnikov
(17.12.1934 - 26.12.2011)
Dear colleagues,
International Conference "Shilnikov Workshop-2014" dedicated to the 80th birthday of Leonid Shilnikov (1934-2011) will be held at the Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, December 17-19 this year (2014). The conference will cover various topics of the theory of dynamical systems: bifurcations, strange attractors, dynamics of Hamiltonian and reversible systems, as well as applications of the theory to mathematical models from sciences and engineering.
The Shilnikov Workshop has been held at the University annually since 2012, its date is close to his birthday, December 17. This year the conference became international thanks to a support of the Russian Science Foundation (grant 14-41-00044). We expect that many young researches, PhD students, and graduate students will participate; mini-courses on bifurcation theory and theory of strange attractors are planned for them.
We invite you to take part at the conference and are looking forward for the further fruitful collaboration towards the advance of the theory of dynamical systems.

Organizing Committee

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neo sapien

Рег.: 10.12.2003
Сообщений: 19542
Из: между пламенем свечи и звезды
Рейтинг: 5325
  Re: postdoc position to study the mechanisms of cell-cell fusion [re: Gono]
      07.11.2014 16:13



Dear Colleagues,

I have an open postdoc position in my lab to study the mechanisms of cell-cell fusion in yeast ( http://www.unil.ch/martinlab).
I would be very grateful if you could post the attached add and forward it to PhD students looking to start a postdoc soon.

Best wishes,

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Mentalis Uber Alles!

There are many words, but only one Truth.

Рег.: 23.05.2012
Сообщений: 150
Из: 0x21h
Рейтинг: 88
  Re: postdoc position to study the mechanisms of cell-cell fusion [re: Pendalf]
      11.11.2014 23:04

Tрехгодичная аспирантура в Техническом Университете Дрездена, Германия, в области химии и физики твердого тела.

Тема работы
'Itinerant magnetism and superconductivity in intermetallic compounds' предполагает междисциплинарное исследование на химическом факультете ТУ Дрезден в сотрудничестве с группами физиков из Института Лейбница в Дрездене и Центра Гельмгольца (Лаборатория высоких магнитных полей) в Россендорфе. Позиция открыта с 1 ноября 2014 года.

Дополнительная информация есть на сайте http://tu-dresden.de/forschung/dfg1621

По любым научным и практическим вопросами просьба обращаться к Исаевой Анне
anna.isaeva (at) tu-dresden (dot) de

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Редактировал stRangeOne (11.11.2014 23:25)

Рег.: 15.04.2004
Сообщений: 124
Рейтинг: 163
  химики-аспиранты, постдоки [re: volant]
      30.11.2014 03:30


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Рег.: 29.11.2004
Сообщений: 204
Рейтинг: 27
  Re: Post-doctoral fellowship at CEA Cadarache, France [re: Gono]
      15.12.2014 01:44

I am looking for a PhD student to work on an exciting research project focused on the development of the novel 2D liquid composites for application in the integrated optoelectronic devices on Si platform. The funding comes from the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Metamaterials (XM2) at the University of Exeter and covers full tuition fee, stipend and conference travelling. The project overview and funding details are attached. And this is the web-link:

I would appreciate if you could bring this to the attention of the final year BSc and MSc students you might know. Thank you very much.Application deadline is January 10th, 2015 and students can contact me directly.


Dr. Anna Baldycheva
Assistant Professor
EPSRC Centre for Graphene Science
College of Engineering, Mathematics & Physical Sciences
University of Exeter
Harrison building
North Park Road
Exeter, UK

telephone: +44(0)1392 722796
email: a.baldycheva@exeter.ac.uk

Project Overview:
The PhD student will have the opportunity to do an international level research focused on the design, fabrication and characterization of the graphene liquid crystal (GLC) microfluidic metamaterials as well as of plasmonic structures and devices integrated on Si platform. This project will focus on the development and investigation of the novel class of 2D material based liquid crystal composites and their application in the integrated hybrid micro-electronic and micro-photonic devices and systems on Si platform. GLC materials [Nature Materials 13, 394(2014)] may become one of the most promising class of hybrid fluid composites for the fabrication of metamaterials and for the realization of on-chip tunable metadevices. The unique electrical, optical and magnetic properties of GLC materials arise from the combination of the outstanding properties of graphene and the liquid crystal's fluidic nature and electro-optical characteristics. However, the research studies on the application of optically- and electrically- reconfigurable GLC ashybrid metamaterials are very limited. In particularly, to the best of our knowledge, the application of GLC composites in passive or active metadevices on the integrated Si platform was not demonstrated in theory or experiment. This makes the research topic of the PhD project to be truly unique.
Funding is available for well-qualified students: Full tuition fee, stipend (£13,863 in 2014-15) and travel funding of £1,500 per year.

The University of Exeter is a top 10 UK university, and a member of the elite Russell Group of institutions. It was named University of the Year in The Sunday Times University Guide 2013 and is in 8th place in The Sunday Times league table for 2014. Recent capital projects to the value of GBP 350 million across the University ensure a truly world-class research and teaching environment and inspirational location to work and live. The EPSRCCentre for Doctoral Training in Metamaterials (XM2) is hosted by the University of Exeter, and located entirely in the Engineering and Physics buildings on the Streatham Campus.

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Рег.: 29.11.2004
Сообщений: 204
Рейтинг: 27
      17.12.2014 00:14


The Nanophotonics Technology Center at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain) is looking for candidates to
apply for 1 post-doctoral and 1-2 doctoral positions. These positions are in the framework of the H2020-ICT-SAPHELY
project (Self-amplified photonic biosensing platform for microRNA-based early diagnosis of diseases) to start in 2015.
This project is focused on the development of a nanophotonic-based lab-on-a-chip analysis device for its use in the
diagnosis of cancer through the detection of specific microRNA biomarkers. This device will make use of photonic
bandgap structures as sensing elements.
 Candidates must hold a Ph.D. degree related with the topic of the proposed work (e.g., Electrical Engineering,
Telecommunications, Applied Physics, etc.).
 He/she must have a strong background in the targeted topic, which will be mainly demonstrated through a
strong record of research accomplishments, including publications in top ranked journals, participation in ECfunded
research projects, and international research experience (e.g., research stays carried out at different
research institutions).
 The candidate must have strong technical skills focused on the experimental characterization/development of
photonic biosensors, including the optical characterization of planar photonic devices and the practical
implementation of analysis procedures (e.g., reagents handling, use of (micro)fluidic components, automation of
experimental procedures, etc.), as well as an appropriate practical knowledge of bio-functionalization and bioassay
procedures implementation.
 Strong skills related with research management activities are also considered, including coordination of research
activities (e.g., leading of a work package in a project), presenting work progress at conferences and meetings,
supervision of PhD students, and elaboration of reports and project proposals.
 Candidates must hold a MSc degree (or equivalent) related with the topic of the proposed work (e.g., Electrical
Engineering, Telecommunications, Applied Physics, etc.). The candidate must have an excellent academic record.
 He/she must have previous practical experience related with photonics (e.g., experimental characterization of
photonic structures, design of photonic structures, automation of optical measurements, etc.). Specific
experience in biosensing is highly desirable.
Cooperation, interpersonal and communication skills will also be considered.
For both positions, we offer a 1 year contract which can be extended by up to 2 additional years.
An initial annual salary in the range of:
 25.000 EUR for the postdoctoral position
 17.000 EUR for the doctoral positionValencia Nanophotonics Technology Center ћ Universitat Politècnica de València
+34 96 387 97 36 ћ www.ntc.upv.es
Job & scholarships openings
Interested candidates must send:
 A detailed CV, including a list of your publications
 A summarized CV, where the candidate must select and briefly describe the top 5-7 merits of his/her CV (max. 2
pages) (optional for doctoral candidates)
 A cover letter describing his/her profile, interests and goals (max. 1 page)
 Name and contact information of at least two reference persons.
Application must be sent to Dr. Jaime García (jaigarru@ntc.upv.es) and Isabel Salas (misalas@ntc.upv.es) until 15
January 2015.

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Carpal Tunnel

Рег.: 03.02.2004
Сообщений: 5343
Из: Глубокое замкадье
Рейтинг: 7048
  [мопед] Bing Core Relevance team is looking for summer interns [re: rogdin]
      17.12.2014 11:17


Bing Core Relevance Team (Bellevue, WA, USA) ищет интернов на лето 2015. Если вы - студент/аспирант, которому интересен Informational Retrieval, вы любите и умеете писать на C++ и/или C#, хочется посмотреть изнутри, как не работают огромные IT-компании, то присылайте резюме на английском на Den.Raskovalov(at)microsoft.com Было бы круто, если бы кроме абстрактного интереса к IR, было бы на что посмотреть или пощупать из созданного вами :)

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Рег.: 20.09.2006
Сообщений: 13296
Рейтинг: 4137
  Bio [re: Grig]
      16.01.2015 12:16

летняя школа в соседнем институте
по многолетним отзывам все довольны


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пластмассовый мир победил (с

Рег.: 27.10.2007
Сообщений: 638
Рейтинг: 1861
  Re: Bio [re: Ortofin]
      21.01.2015 21:56

For any question regarding the application procedure please email

3 Post Doctoral Positions in Mathematics @GSSI - Deadline February 2, 2015

 The International Doctoral School Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI)
L'Aquila Italy, offers 3 postdoctoral research positions.


The annual gross salary is EURO 40K, positions are for two years.
Candidates must have earned their doctoral degree not earlier than
January 1, 2011. Selected candidates are expected to start their
appointments not later than September 1st, 2015.

Research Topics:

Stochastic particles systems and macroscopic limits.
Euler and Navier -Stokes equations, Nonlinear hyperbolic PDEs,
Mathematical models of collective dynamics, self-organizing complex
systems arising from biology and social sciences.
Variational methods in continuum mechanics of solids, fluids and
biological matter.
Numerical methods for nonlinear PDEs.

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Случайное, являясь неизбежным, приносит пользу всякому труду.

Рег.: 07.07.2008
Сообщений: 38264
Рейтинг: 14641
  гидромет [re: gramos]
      23.01.2015 21:33

информация о посдочной позиции в австрии, географо-гидрометеорологической направленности
В ответ на:

Dear colleague,
please find attached a job advertisement for a research assistant position (3 years, pre-doc or post-doc) at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU), Austria.
We look for a statistician or hydrologist who will perform statistical space-time modelling of hydrological droughts within an interdisciplinary project consortium of leading hydrologists, climatologists and dendro-scientists. Funding provided by Austrian Climate Research Program (ACRP) - project DALF-Pro.
Deadline for receipt of applications is the 15 February 2015.
Please forward this mail to your interested colleagues.
Kind regards,
Gregor Laaha

Описание проекта
В ответ на:

The Austrian Climate Research Programme (ACRP) has approved funding of the project
'DALF-Pro: Drought and Low Flow Projections - learning from the past for managing the
future'. The project aims at a comprehensive analysis of drought and low flows under past,
present and future conditions. This shall be achieved by a joint analysis of streamflow
anomalies with meteorological drivers and tree ring records in the longer past, including the
pre-instrumental period.
Job description:
The research assistant will perform advanced statistical modelling of hydrological droughts in
close collaboration with in an interdisciplinary consortium of leading hydrologists (Vienna
University of Technology), climatologists (ZAMG Vienna and University of Graz), and tree
ring experts (BOKU Vienna). The research assistant will be involved in administrative
aspects of the project, to enter, analyse and archive the data, to perform annual reporting, to
contribute to the preparation of publications for peer-reviewed journals, and to present the
results at conferences and workshops. He/she is expected to work towards his/her
dissertation which will focus on space-time modelling of hydrological drought.
The successful candidate will have a Master (or similar qualification) in statistics or
hydrology, or a related field of environmental sciences and engineering. Profound knowledge
of statistical and geostatistical methods and their application to environmental processes and
data is essential, preferably with experience in water issues. The applicant should have
excellent analytical and computer skills and experience in statistical software (R) and Geo
Information Systems. Very good skills in English and German (speaking and writing) are
necessary, along with the willingness to perform scientific writing.
Conditions of employment:
Pre-doc position (30 hrs/week, duration 3 years) according to the 'Kollektivvertrag' of the
Austrian Universities. In case of an outstanding Post-doc candidate, the grant may be offered
as a Post-doc position of shorter duration (2.5 years, 40 hrs/week incl. teaching supplement).
Start of contract: March/April 2015.
Location: BOKU, 1180 Vienna.
You can apply for this job before 15 February 2015 by sending your application to
Gregor Laaha; gregor.laaha@boku.ac.at
Assoc. Professor of Environmetrics and Space-Time Modelling
Institute of Applied Statistics and Computing
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences,
BOKU Vienna.

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Не кради, не убивай, не обманывай - государство не любит конкурентов

Рег.: 16.03.2010
Сообщений: 8
Рейтинг: 0
  PhD proposal in solid-state physics and physical chemistry, France [re: rogdin]
      11.02.2015 00:00

A PhD Thesis is proposed by the Group of Materials Physics ( GPM) of the University of Rouen, France, under the title "Study of the physical mechanisms leading to compositional biases in Atom Probe Tomography of semiconductors", starting in september 2015. Potential candidates are encouraged to apply by contacting the supervisors before the end of march 2015

Более подробно и контакты в файле: http://forumbgz.ru/user/upload/file10472.zip

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Рег.: 17.10.2004
Сообщений: 182
Из: ЗОНЫ "V"
Рейтинг: 21
  [теор.физика, может мат-ка] South Korea. - various research positions [re: guera]
      14.02.2015 16:27


Уважаемые коллеги!

Посылаю Вам информацию (см. ниже), которая может представлять интерес для
Вас и для Ваших сотрудников.

От себя хочу добавить, что знаю профессора Флаха много лет. Это очень
квалифицированный специалист и прекрасный человек. Работать с ним вместе
большое удовольствие.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, Feb 14, 2015 at 10:32 AM
Subject: various research positions

Dear friends and colleagues,

due to my recent appointment as director of the Institute of Basic Science
(IBS) in South Korea,
I am setting up a new

*Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems (PCS)*

in Daejeon, South Korea.

A number of research positions are now available -

*research fellow / postdoc positions*

*junior research team leader positions*

*Visiting scientist positions* are available as well, which can be
informally applied for by emailing to pcs@ibs.re.kr or to me personally.

Kindly circulate this email around interested researchers. Two attached pdf
files contain more information.

IBS has also recently announced *tenured positions for an associate
directorship and co-directors for **PCS*.
You may find further information on the job board at
http://www.ibs.re.kr/eng/sub02_03_08.do or alternatively on
the main pages of IBS at http://www.ibs.re.kr/eng.do

With best regards

Sergej Flach

Dr. Sergej Flach
Professor of Theoretical Physics and Complex

Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems
Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon, Koreawww.ibs.re.kr/eng.do
sflach@ibs.re.kr+82 42 878 8601

New Zealand Institute for Advanced Study
Massey University, Auckland, New Zealandwww.nzias.ac.nz s.flach@massey.ac.nz
+64 9414 8000 ext 41528

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Рег.: 26.02.2011
Сообщений: 8070
Рейтинг: 4988
  Re: Post-doctoral fellowship at CEA Cadarache, France [re: Gono]
      22.03.2015 18:02

First Announcement of the International Conference
'Infinite-dimensional dynamics, dissipative systems, and attractors' to be held at the Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod on July 12-18, 2015.

Dear Colleagues,

This is the first announcement of the conference
'Infinite-dimensional dynamics, dissipative systems, and attractors'.
The conference is organized by the Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod as a part of ongoing project "Dynamics and bifurcations of dissipative and conservative systems" (2014-2016). It will be held in Nizhny Novgorod on July 12-18, 2015.
Topics include
- finite-dimensional reduction of PDEs
- exponential attractors
- equations of hydrodynamic origin
- conservation laws
- dispersive wave equations and Strichartz estimates
- spatio-temporal structures
- bifurcations

The conference will also feature a workshop offering a number of introductory and advanced mini-courses for students, postdocs, and interested researchers.

We expect a limited financial support (pending a budgetary approval by Russian Science Foundation) to cover cost of lodging and travel for junior participants.

The conference will be followed by the Shilnikov conference 'Dynamics, Bifurcations, and Strange Attractors' held at the same location on July 19-25, 2015.

We invite you, as well as students and members of your group, to participate at the conferences.

Nizhny Novgorod is an old beautiful city located at a magnificent confluence of the great Volga and Oka Rivers. It is one of industrial and cultural centers in Russian Federation with a vibrant and dynamic life. It can be conveniently reached from Moscow by railway with several daytime and overnight trains. Nizhny Novgorod airport offers many connecting flights from Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Frankfurt, Helsinki.

If you would like to participate at the conference, please contact the organizers by email:
s.s.zelik@surrey.ac.uk, lermanl@mm.unn.ru, or dturaev@imperial.ac.uk.

Sergey Zelik, Lev Lerman, Dmitry Turaev

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Рег.: 26.05.2005
Сообщений: 2327
Рейтинг: 2726
  Re: Post-doctoral fellowship at CEA Cadarache, France [re: Gono]
      01.04.2015 10:36

Вдруг кому интересно будет. В ИТМО (Питер) сейчас идет набор сотрудников на позиции от постдока и выше. Обещают зарплаты от 1500 евро для постдока. Направления:

    Optics and Photonics
    Informational Technologies and Computer Systems
    Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials
    Automatic Control and Signal Processing


Я не очень знаком с ИТМО, но, в целом, он достаточно хорошее впечатление оставляет. Во всяком случае, оптические лаборатории, которые я знаю, имеют очень хорошее оборудование.

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Рег.: 26.02.2011
Сообщений: 8070
Рейтинг: 4988
  Re: Post-doctoral fellowship at CEA Cadarache, France [re: Gono]
      21.04.2015 10:21

Surfing the complexity - A journey through Dynamical Systems (Second

Dear colleague,

This is the Second Annoucement of the international meeting:

Conference: Surfing the complexity - A journey through Dynamical Systems
Dates: 3-5 June, 2015
Early registration: 01/02/2015-30/04/2015
Place: Oviedo (Spain)
Organizers: Group of Dynamical Systems at the University of Oviedo
Web: www.unioviedo.es/surcom2015/

During the conference we will celebrate Angel Rodríguez' 60th birthday

In behalf of the Organizing Committee,

Santiago Ibáñez

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Рег.: 17.02.2007
Сообщений: 691
Рейтинг: 2436
  Re: Объявления о PhD, Postdoc, Schools, Confs etc. [re: rogdin]
      23.04.2015 17:45

На почту пришло, новый центр в UK. Много вакансий в ресеч:


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Рег.: 22.06.2006
Сообщений: 585
Рейтинг: 832
  Re: Объявления о PhD, Postdoc, Schools, Confs etc. [re: rogdin]
      02.05.2015 00:11

Срочно ищется постдок для работы в области ЭПР и полимеров в Институт макромолекулярной химии в Праге. Дедлайн заявки не то 19, не то 21 мая (21 на сайте написано, про 19 сказал коллега, который, собственно ищет).

Официальный текст объявы на сайте института:

Я в этом институте работал и могу ответить на какие-то общие вопросы по условиям работы (с поправкой на то, что это будет инфа примерно двухлетней давности) и по личности руководителя.

На всякий случай текст дублирую сюда.


The Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry AS CR, v.v.i. seeks a postdoctoral associate / research scientist to join the Laboratory of electron paramagnetic resonance of polymer systems (EPR).


University degree and PhD in the field of chemistry, physical chemistry or physics
Practical experience with the method of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)
Knowledge of and working experience with polymers and EPR imaging will be an advantage
Stays abroad will be an advantage
Good knowledge of English language
Good publication activity
Independence, reliability

Details about research work can be obtained from RNDr. Petr Štěpánek, DrSc., e-mail stepanek@imc.cas.cz


Position starting date: 1.8.2015


Application deadline: 21.5.2015

Candidates should submit a structured CV emphasizing experience relevant to the advertised position, a motivation letter and a list of publications and other results to e-mail: fencl@umch.cz (HR department tel. (420) 296 809 385.

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Carpal Tunnel

Рег.: 03.02.2004
Сообщений: 5343
Из: Глубокое замкадье
Рейтинг: 7048
  Re: Объявления о PhD, Postdoc, Schools, Confs etc. [re: rogdin]
      14.05.2015 06:48

Максим Дмитриевич Арнольд ищет студентов, заинтересованных поехать в аспиратнтуру Университета Техаса в Далласе. Если есть желание заниматься динамическими системами и смежными вопросами, пишите ему на maxim.arnold@utdallas.edu

ЗЫ трактор не мой (а то заржавеет), я просто разместил объяву

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Рег.: 27.10.2007
Сообщений: 638
Рейтинг: 1861
  Аспирантура в Риме для математиков [re: *NONE*]
      20.05.2015 15:00


In Rome there are three PhD programs in Mathematics hosted by the Universities "Roma Sapienza", "Roma Tor Vergata" and "Roma Tre".

Starting this year, the three universities are coordinating
the activities of the PhD programs to create a unique global
environment for their students, through a common organization
of the courses and the other activities.

There is a total of 19 fellowships available. Applications are open
in "Roma Tor Vergata" (deadline June 3) and will soon open in the other two Universities. More information on the programs and the applications can be found at


All interested students are invited to apply.

Присоединено модератором Basilio

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Рег.: 17.02.2007
Сообщений: 691
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  Re: Объявления о PhD, Postdoc, Schools, Confs etc. [re: rogdin]
      03.06.2015 13:42

Dear All,
The innovative new Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR) at Coventry University, now with over 30 staff, is seeking highly motivated and talented Masters students to take up fully-funded PhD studentships.
Please forward this email or the link(s) to your strong Masters students who will complete in summer/fall. Thank you very much.
The PhD advert is below, with links to each of the 12 PhD projects.
Many thanks.
Best wishes,
Damian Lawler
Professor of Hydrology
Deputy Director, Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR)
James Starley Building - JS B01
Coventry University
Coventry CV1 5FB
Email: Damian.Lawler@coventry.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)2477 651674
Research Gate profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Damian_Lawler/?ev=hdr_x...
PhD ADVERT: please refer enquiries to the project lead supervisor, as listed on the website.
Candidates will need to apply online: details on how to apply are appended to each project description below.
12 Fully-funded PhDs in Water at Coventry University for September 2015 starts
The innovative new Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR) at Coventry University, now with over 30 staff, is seeking highly motivated and talented Masters students to take up fully-funded PhD studentships.
Please forward the email or the link(s) to your strong Masters students. Thank you.
Projects cover a range of exciting and novel topics, across a range of disciplines, and the 12 PhD projects below are focused on hydrology, hydroclimatology, geomorphology or water quality.
These PhD positions offer the opportunity to work in conjunction within the Centre's research clusters with world class scholars around projects that have real social impact.
The 12 PhD Projects in 'Water' which are available are below (please click on the links for further details):
Climate impact on floods in UK and northern Europe
Fine sediment pollution dynamics in heavily urbanised river channels
GPU modelling of climate change impacts on global erosion rates
Hydraulic and water quality performance of UK highway filter drains for highway runoff management
Past and future West African hydroclimatic variability
Predicting the sediment-sensitivity of macroinvertebrate communities
Setting the sediment standard: Suspended sediment regimes for freshwater fish
Simulating the spread of invasive plants using agent-based modelling
Stream power modelling of river bank erosion rates and processes
SUDS as amenity
Testing the response of aquatic macroinvertebrates to fine sediment pollution
Water quantity and quality improvements in permeable pavement systems
The closing date for these positions is June 12th, 2015. Please note that some of the positions may require international field work, though most are UK-based. For more details on each project, and how to apply, please click on the link provided above.
Also, a smaller number of studentships will be offered in autumn 2015 for later starts.
For general enquiries: Our PhD Tutor and contact is Dr Marco Van De Wiel:

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Модераторы:  Basilio, The_Nameless_One 

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