Рег.: 04.10.2009
Сообщений: 5552
Рейтинг: 7280
Re: Post-doc positions Switzerland
[re: Pendalf]
15.05.2013 04:21
University of Sydney
Title: Postgraduate Scholarships in Global Environmental and Economic Modeling
Description: The ISA group at the School of Physics of the University of Sydney is currently looking to fill three PhD candidatures. Even though the research will be undertaken in the School of Physics, applicants from other backgrounds such as Economics, Accounting, Computing Science, Mathematics, or Environmental Science are welcome to apply. Candidates are expected to commence on 30 August 2013. Successful applicants will be working with Prof Manfred Lenzen, Dr Arne Geschke, and other PhD students, on the development, implementation and application of large-scale mathematical models of the global economy, its natural resource base, and environmental impacts. Applicants can familiarise themselves further with the research through the following publications: Lenzen, M., K. Kanemoto, D. Moran and A. Geschke (2012) Mapping the structure of the world economy. Environmental Science & Technology 46, 8374-8381, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/es300171x ; Lenzen, M., D. Moran, K. Kanemoto, B. Foran, L. Lobefaro and A. Geschke (2012) International trade drives biodiversity threats in developing nations. Nature 486, 109-112, http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v486/n7401/full/nature1... ; Lenzen, M., D. Moran, K. Kanemoto and A. Geschke (2013) Building Eora: A global multi-region input-output database at high country and sector resolution. Economic Systems Research 25, 20-49, http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/09535314.2013.769... . Candidates may be required to travel to Japan, the Netherlands, France or Norway in order to spend up to one month in order to carry out research work together with international collaborators.
Essential: Excellent skills and experience in computer programming using Matlab, C++ or comparable languages, Demonstrated excellent English writing skills, especially in scientific writing, Effective communication skills and experience in working in teams, Sound working knowledge of linear algebra, especially matrix calculus.
Desired: Basic knowledge of Unix systems and network computing, Experience in parallel computation, Experience with cloud computing environments, Knowledge of input-output economics, Demonstrated ability to liaise with international collaborators effectively.
Amount awarded: Each scholarship is valued at $24,653per annum (tax exempt) for three years . Note that the stipends do not cover additional tuition fees for applicants from outside Australia.
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Carpal Tunnel
Рег.: 09.03.2006
Сообщений: 2898
Рейтинг: 5040
PhD and Post-doc positions, Ireland
[re: Pendalf]
03.06.2013 17:14
В ответ на:
Аспиранты/постдоки требуются в Ирландии
На факультете математики университета Лимерика требуются аспиранты и постдоки (несколько позиций) для работы в области механики сплошной среды (как "чистой", таки в приложении к моделированию индустриальных процессов).
Стипендия аспиранта - ?18000 в год, в течение 4 лет (налогами не облагается).
Длительность контрактов постдоков - от 2-х до 5-и лет, зарплаты варьируются в пределах
?37750 - ?46255 (Researcher) ?51716 - ?56442 (Research Fellow) ?63125 - ?68817 (senior Research Fellow)
Дополнительную информацию можно получить на сайте научно-исследовательского института при нашем факультете (называется MACSI):
О характере работы можно судить по публикациям на сайте MACSI или на моей домашней странице:
Я также могу ответить на формальные и неформальные вопросы.
Подавать аппликацию на работу нужно онлайн, вот здесь:
Крайний срок подачи аппликаций - 21 июня 2013.
ЗЫ "Я" - это не я, но место и человека очень рекомендую.
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Don't try to live so wise 'cos you will hate yourself in the end |
Рег.: 05.03.2012
Сообщений: 7
Рейтинг: 5
Re: Объявления о PhD, Postdoc, Schools, Confs etc.
[re: rogdin]
17.06.2013 16:27
Компания ksys labs при поддержке Genode Labs и сообщества разработчиков и исследователей микроядерных систем организует Летнюю Школу Системного Программирования (SSS'13). В рамках Школы вы сможете познакомиться с актуальными научными проектами в области системного программирования, виртуализации и надежности.
Участие в Школе бесплатное, но количество участников ограничено. Лекции будут проводиться на английском и русском языках. По итогам Летней школы предусмотрена стажировка с дальнейшим трудоустройством.
Направления летней школы
Микроядерные ОС и их безопасность Виртуализация Надежность
Bjoern Doebel, PhD Student in Operating Systems at TU Dresden, Germany Sartakov Vasily, ksys labs, Russia Dr.-Ing. Norman Feske, Genode Labs, Germany Udo Steinberg, Research Scientist at Intel, Germany
Ключевые Даты
01 Июня Начало приема заявок 15 Июля Окончание приема заявок 25 Июля Публикация результатов отбора 5-6 Августа Летняя Школа
Для того чтобы принять участие в Школе необходимо заполнить анкету и выполнить практическое задание. Практическое задание представляет собой несколько задач с прошлой Летней Школы, позволяющее продемонстрировать знания в области операционных систем и навыки программирования.
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Рег.: 19.07.2012
Сообщений: 13640
Рейтинг: 358
Re: Объявления о PhD, Postdoc, Schools, Confs etc.
[re: Sartakov]
23.06.2013 14:29
попросили перепостить
В ответ на:
Если ты студент 4,5 курса или выпускник и не знаешь, что будешь делать после университета - прими участие в международной программе стажировок AIESEC.
Для вас стажировки в области преподавания, маркетинга и IT!
Этой осенью тебя ждут самые яркие страны Азии: Индия, Индонезия, Китай; загадочная Турция; страна контрастов - Колумбия. Получай опыт по специальности, работая в международной команде, проекте, и развивай свои профессиональные и личностные качества.
Продолжительность стажировки от 2 месяцев до 1 года.
______________ Примеры стажировок __________
1. Преподавание английского языка в Колумбии.
Содержание: преподавание разговорного английского и грамматики для студентов. Проведение занятий в интерактивной форме, рассказывая о своей стране и культуре. Длительность: 17 недель Условия: зарплата - 900 $ 40 часов в неделю Преимущества: получение международного опыта работы; погружение в культуру страны; изучение новых методов преподавания.
2. Маркетинг в Индии.
Содержание: ведение переговоров с компаниями по телефону, email, skype. Ведение документации, исследование рынка и возможностей для оценки потенциального сотрудничества. Длительность: 26 недель Условия: зарплата - 400 $ 40 часов в неделю Преимущества: получение международного опыта работы, сети контактов; изучение иностранных рынков и методик ведения бизнеса.
3. Программирование в Бразилии.
Содержание: разработка мобильных приложений, анализ существующих, внедрение улучшений. Поддержка работоспособности приложений. Длительность: 1 год Условия: зарплата - 600 $ 40 часов в неделю Преимущества: работа в международной команде разработчиков; ведение интересных проектов; опыт работы.
Больше примеров в группе Международных стажировок. Интересуйтесь, задавайте вопросы, проходите стажировку в другой стране!
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Рег.: 12.01.2003
Сообщений: 5640
Рейтинг: 2904
Re: Объявления о PhD, Postdoc, Schools, Confs etc.
[re: didididin]
23.06.2013 14:53
Почему нет вакансий уборщиков в Таджикистане и пастухов в Монголии? Работа за еду. Преимущество - интересный международный опыт.
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Уставать по жизни бог дал долю мою. И я, как положено, устаю. |
Рег.: 06.05.2006
Сообщений: 197
Из: В-16
Рейтинг: 57
Re: Объявления о PhD, Postdoc, Schools, Confs etc.
[re: altal]
01.07.2013 22:54
Позиция постдока от друзей из Петербурга:
В ответ на:
На Химический факультет СПбГУ нужен матфизик или физик, ставший кандидатом наук не более 3 лет назад, который желал бы поработать постдоком 2 года с возможностью продления срока работы еще на 1 год. Тема: теоретическое моделирование (статистическая термодинамика) мягких самопроизвольно агрегирующих систем (полимерных/ПАВ мицелл и физических гелей, энтропийных сеток, мембран: их мезомасштабная структура и макроскопическое поведение) + (возможно) компьютерное моделирование таких систем. Поподробнее про тему могу прислать. Зарплата фиксированная: 60 тыс.руб. в месяц. Возраст кандидата до 35 лет. Тема проекта довольно гибкая и может зависеть от предпочтений/интересов кандидата. Кандидат может быть иностранцем, готовым приехать в Россию для работы. По поводу вопросов и дополнительной информации обращаться к Софье Королевой: http://vk.com/id379029 или по электронной почте: sofia_kor@mail.ru
От себя добавлю, что руководитель темы --- насколько я могу судить --- хороший ученый, имеющий прямые контакты с зарубежными группами.
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Ничто так не портит цель, как попадание |
Рег.: 29.11.2004
Сообщений: 204
Рейтинг: 27
PhD Student Position in Near-field Optics
[re: *NONE*]
05.07.2013 15:54
The School of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) at KTH, the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm announces one PhD Student position in Near-field Optics
Description of the position The PhD project aims on experimental investigations of optically active materials with nano-structured features, e.g. metal nano-particles, core-shell quantum dots, nano-plasmonic inclusions etc. Light interaction with such materials, namely optical gain, losses, polarization and coherence properties will be studied using advanced experimental facilities.
Project results will lead to a deeper understanding of light-matter interaction in the near-field optics domain and contribute to the development of novel materials for photonics applications. The project will include development of experimental set-ups and modeling of experimental results.
Qualifications The applicant is expected to hold or to be about to receive an MSc degree in Optics, Photonics, Laser Physics or similar. Experience with clean-room technology, experimental and programming skills (numerical simulation) are an advantage.
We are looking for a strongly motivated person, able to work independently and perform critical thinking and analysis. Good command of English (oral and written) is required to publish results in scientific journals and present them at conferences. The evaluation will be based on how well the applicant fulfills the above mentioned qualifications. Employment Form of employment: Time limited, in line with the regulations for PhD employment in the Higher Education Ordinance (Högskoleförordningen) Start date: As soon as possible The salary: According to the KTH 'salary ladder' for PhD students
Application The application must include: 1. Full curriculum vitae including all your relevant academic, professional, and other achievements, experience and knowledge. 2. Copy of the degree certificate(s) and transcripts of records from your previously attended university-level institutions, with certified translations in English (unless provided so by the issuing institution) 3. Statement of purpose: Why the applicant wants to pursue a PhD, what are your academic interests, how they relate to your previous studies and future goals; maximum 2 pages long. 4. Representative publications or technical reports: Up to 2 documents, no longer than 10 pages each. For longer documents (e.g. theses), please provide a summary (abstract) and a web link to the full text. 5. Letters of recommendation or contact information for two reference persons
Contact For more information about the position, please contact:
Associate professor Sergei Popov Phone: + 46 (0)8 790 4273 Email: sergeip@kth.se
Присоединено модератором The_Nameless_One
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Рег.: 18.10.2003
Сообщений: 1146
Рейтинг: 112
Postdoctoral Fellowships in Quantum Fluids
[re: rogdin]
08.07.2013 11:33
4 posts; Salary: $38,000 - 62,000 per annum; Limit of tenure: 3 years The Cambridge-Skoltech Quantum Fluids Laboratory (CSQF) invites applications for a number of Post-doctoral Research Associates in the general area of Quantum Fluids, for a period of up to three years. http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/ngb23/index.html
The positions are expected to commence on September 1, 2013 (or another date by agreement). The CSDF hosts research programs, workshops and conferences linking fundamental theory with experiments, for more information click here. There are strong connections with the Nanophotonics Centre in the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK, the Nonlinear Magnetic Dynamics in Munster University, Germany, and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia. Three theoretical positions will be based in Moscow; some travel to Cambridge and Munster is expected. The experimental postdoc will be based in Cambridge in the group of Professor Jeremy Baumberg with frequent visits to Moscow. Outstanding candidates are encouraged to apply who have a PhD in Mathematics, Physics or equivalent, and a strong track record of research in the following relevant areas: Fluid Dynamics with strong computational skills; some focus on hydrodynamics of quantum fluids is preferred. Theoretical condensed matter, in particular quantum coherence and dynamics of non-equilibrium systems, Bose-Einstein condensation. Experimental solid state; experience with semiconductor microcavities and/or ultrafast spectroscopies is expected. Modelling of spintronic systems. Quantum-Thermodynamics of magnons. Analysis and PDEs or Scientific Computation. Appointments of will be made with salary from $38,000 to $62,000, depending on experience and qualifications (including previous publication record), in addition to housing allowance and medical benefits. Excellent travel and computing support will be provided and opportunities exist for supervising PhD students. Please submit a CV, publication list, summary of research interests in electronic form and arrange for three reference letters to be sent to: Professor N.G. Berloff c/o Mrs L.L. Knight, L.L.Knight@damtp.cam.ac.uk, so as to reach them by the closing date (12 August 2013). Specific queries can also be directed to Professor Natalia Berloff n.g.berloff@damtp.cam.ac.uk, or for the experimental postdoc to Professor Jeremy Baumberg jjb12@cam.ac.uk. Closing date for applications: 12 August 2013
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Рег.: 18.10.2003
Сообщений: 1146
Рейтинг: 112
MIT/Skoltech: Ph.D. positions in Mechanics of Advanced Materials
[re: Kiros]
09.07.2013 12:45
Multiple Ph.D. positions in Mechanics of Advanced Materials
A limited number of Ph.D. positions is available for enrollment as early as the Fall semester of 2013.
Ph.D. students will have the opportunity to conduct research side-by-side with their faculty advisor in residence at MIT in Cambridge, USA. All admitted Ph.D. students at Skoltech will receive an internationally competitive package of financial support, including a stipend, tuition waiver, housing arrangements, and medical insurance.
Our desire is to hire candidates with a strong interest in mechanics of composites, active materials (such as electroactive polymers, magnetorheological elastomers and gels), bioinspired materials, and acoustic and optic metamaterials.
The research group uses a good mix of theory, numerical simulations and experiments. The perfect candidates will have one or a combination of following: - knowledge in non-linear elasticity, composite materials and wave propagation - experience in finite element simulations (Abaqus, Comsol) - strong experimental background
Interested candidates should e-mail their CV/resume and representative publications (if any) along with a letter of motivation to rudykh@mit.edu
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Рег.: 13.11.2006
Сообщений: 788
Из: Melbourne
Рейтинг: 2952
Re: PhD Position University of Rouen
[re: sylvie]
22.07.2013 00:11
Объявление о наборе PhD студентов от моего научника. В целом я считаю отличный вариант для желающих учиться в аспирантуре. Стипендии порядка AU$2000, нет обязательных отработок ассистентами, ехать можно сразу после зачисления. Форма отчетности - встреча с научниками 1 раз в неделю, плюс вроде как пара курсов в первый год. Сам Джеймс - человек, с которым всегда можно договориться и очень приятно работать.
По поводу остальных вопросов относительно универа и жизни в Мельбурне вообще можно писать мне.
PhD Scholarships Available Department of Computing and Information Systems Melbourne School of Engineering The University of Melbourne
Applicants from Moscow State University are invited to apply for commencement in 2014.
We are particularly seeking applicants interested in undertaking a PhD on topics which lie at the intersection between the field of data mining/machine learning and the field of constraint programming/optimization. Our Department has very strong research groups in both these areas. It was recently ranked 13th in the world for Computer science and Information systems on the QS World University Rankings.
High achieving applicants from Moscow State University who have completed (or will soon complete) a Bachelors or Masters degree and who have a strong background in computing and mathematics are invited to apply.
A range of scholarships are available. Please contact A/Prof James Bailey if you are interested, including a copy of your academic results and your CV.
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neo sapien
Рег.: 10.12.2003
Сообщений: 19542
Из: между пламенем свечи и звезды
Рейтинг: 5325
Group leader positions Cell Biology Institut Curie [Yer_sub, налетай!]
[re: nobleman]
22.07.2013 20:36
GROUP LEADER POSITIONS INSTITUT CURIE Department of Cell Biology (website: umr144.curie.fr )
The Cell Biology department at the Institut Curie (UMR 144 Institut Curie/CNRS) in Paris is inviting applications for group leader positions from outstanding scientists working in basic aspects of cell and tissue biology. Special attention will be given to candidates developing projects related with the mechanisms that govern normal and pathological cell function, structural biology and physics approaches of the cell.
Candidates interested in innovative and interdisciplinary approaches are welcome. Any biological model system is accepted. Preference will be given to applicants actively engaged in the development of their research work in the field of cancer, the main mission of the Institut Curie. Further information can be obtained by contacting Bruno Goud, Department Director (bruno.goud@curie.fr; tel : (33) 1 56 24 63 81), or Graça Raposo, Deputy Director (graca.raposo@curie.fr; tel : (33) 1 56 24 64 41). The positions are open from the fall of 2014. Please send your application which should include: a CV, a research plan (5--‐10 pages), a list of publications and the contact details of 3 professional references to: Bruno Goud UMR 144 Institut Curie/CNRS Institut Curie, 26 rue d'Ulm, 75248 Paris Cedex 05, France bruno.goud@curie.fr Deadline for applications: September 30th, 2013
PDF: http://xfer.curie.fr/get/PkE9BfbvdYZ/AO%202014.pdf
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Mentalis Uber Alles!
There are many words, but only one Truth. |
Рег.: 04.10.2009
Сообщений: 5552
Рейтинг: 7280
Ph.D. and M.S. position at University of Alaska Fairbanks
[re: Pendalf]
23.07.2013 17:15
Ph.D. and M.S. position at University of Alaska Fairbanks:
Glacier-permafrost-hydrology interactions
Effect of glacier wastage on sub-arctic hydrology and permafrost
The Water and Environmental Research Center (WERC), and the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), in collaboration with the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) Fairbanks and the Geophysical Institute at UAF, are seeking two graduate students to perform: a) hydrologic modeling and field measurements (Ph.D. student) and b) geochemical modeling and field measurements (M.S. student) of a glacierized catchment underlain by discontinuous permafrost. The Ph.D. position at WERC includes numerical model simulations using the physically based hydrologic model WaSiM, downscaled climate model scenarios and field measurements in order to assess what role glacier wastage play on lowland hydrology and permafrost in the Jarvis Creek (approx.150 km southeast of Fairbanks) and Tanana River basins, in Interior Alaska. The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry M.S. position focuses on analyzing the variation of contributing sources and dominating flow pathways in the Jarvis Creek watershed using geochemical tracers. Both positions include multiple field trips to perform glacier, snow, meteorological, hydrological and geochemical measurements.
We seek motivated candidates with a B.S./M.S. degree in hydrology, geosciences/physical geography, physics, chemistry, engineering, or related fields. Experience with field work, hydrological modeling, GIS, glaciology and programming (Ph.D. position) or geochemistry (M.S. position) is desirable. Good oral and written communication skills are a prerequisite.
Employment will start by the earliest possible date, but no later than the spring semester (Jan 2014). Screening of applications will start as soon as possible and the position will be open until filled. US citizen, US residents as well as international applicants are welcomed.
Applicants are required to submit a complete application to the appropriate graduate program at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. However, we recommend that you first contact us and submit via email the following information preferably in a single pdf: (1) a cover letter stating your motivation for graduate studies and the particular project, (2) a CV including contact information of three referees, and (3) transcripts of your academic record.
For more information about the project and its positions, please visit the Jarvis Creek webpage: http://ine.uaf.edu/werc/projects/jarvis/Default.aspx
Anna Liljedahl, akliljedahl@alaska.edu
Thomas Douglas, Thomas.A.Douglas@usace.army.mil
Regine Hock, regine.hock@gi.alaska.edu
Tom Trainor, tptrainor@alaska.edu
Alessio Gusmeroli, alessio@iarc.uaf.edu
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Рег.: 01.05.2004
Сообщений: 207
Рейтинг: 125
Магистратура, аспирантура, постдок в Сколтехе
[re: rogdin]
04.08.2013 22:51
Меня попросили распространнить информацию о поиске студентов, аспирантов и постдоков в Сколковский институт науки и техники. Набор организуется молодым доцентом Степаном Рудых. Позиции открыты с осени 2013 года.
По тематике это подходит для студентов мехмата, отделения механики, но и другим факультетам может быть интересно. Стипендия и зарплата, насколько я понимаю, довольно высокие - уровня западных университетов. Интересно, что первый год обучения/работы будет проходить в MIT.
Multiple M.Sc. and Ph.D. positions in Mechanics of Advanced Materials
A limited number of M.Sc. and Ph.D. positions are available as early as Fall 2013.
M.Sc. and Ph.D. students will have the opportunity to conduct research side-by-side with their faculty advisor in residence at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, USA). All admitted M.Sc.and Ph.D. students at Skoltech will receive an internationally competitive package of financial support, including a stipend, tuition waiver, housing arrangements, and medical insurance.
Our desire is to hire candidates with a strong interest in mechanics of composites, active materials (such as electroactive polymers and magnetorheological elastomers), bioinspired materials, acoustic metamaterials, and materials for energy storage.
The research group uses a good mix of theory, numerical simulations and experiments. The ideal candidates will demonstrate at least one of the following:
solid knowledge in non-linear elasticity experience in finite element simulations (especially, multiphysics simulations) strong experimental background Interested candidates should e-mail Dr. Stephan Rudykh (rudykh@mit.edu) a single pdf containing
1. Statement of Purpose 2. CV/Resume and contact information of at least 2 references 3. Copy of transcripts, in English (and original language)
Postdoctoral positions in modeling soft active materials
A postdoctoral position in computational and theoretical mechanics of soft active materials is available within MIT-Skoltech Initiative. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to conduct research in residence at MIT (Cambridge, USA), working on a collaborative interdisciplinary research project.
The selected applicant will receive a highly competitive compensation package (salary, housing allowance, and medical insurance) along with discretionary funds to support research activities. The initial duration of the appointment is 2 years with possible extension depending on performance.
Interested candidates should e-mail Dr. Stephan Rudykh (rudykh@mit.edu) a single pdf containing
(1) cover letter (2) CV/resume (including contact information of at least 2 references) (3) a one page statement of research interests and goals as a post-doctoral researcher (4) copies of no more than 3 representative publications Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. The position is available immediately; the starting date is negotiable.
Postdoctoral positions in experimental mechanics of active materials
A postdoctoral position in experimental mechanics of soft active materials is available within MIT-Skoltech Initiative. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to conduct research in residence at MIT (Cambridge, USA), working on a collaborative interdisciplinary research project.
The selected applicant will receive a highly competitive compensation package (salary, housing allowance, and medical insurance) along with discretionary funds to support research activities. The initial duration of the appointment is 2 years with possible extension depending on performance.
Interested candidates should e-mail Dr. Stephan Rudykh (rudykh@mit.edu) a single pdf containing
(1) cover letter (2) CV/resume (including contact information of at least 2 references) (3) a one page statement of research interests and goals as a post-doctoral researcher (4) copies of no more than 3 representative publications Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. The position is available immediately; the starting date is negotiable.
The Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology is a new English-language graduate university founded in 2011 and located just outside of Moscow in the Skolkovo Innovation Center. Established in collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Skoltech will educate future generations of entrepreneurial scientists, advance knowledge, and foster technological innovation.
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Рег.: 24.12.2004
Сообщений: 83
Из: Naro-Fominsk
Рейтинг: 10
Re: Объявления о PhD, Postdoc, Schools, Confs etc.
[re: rogdin]
07.08.2013 19:46
Салюты! Я химик-органик, 2ой год аспы. Поделитесь опытом и информацией о том, как оформляется постдок. Кому какие письма пишутся и что обычно требуется. Особенно важной для меня будет информация о постдоке в мюнхенском техническом университете, может кто-то там стажировался, делал PhD или работал на постдоке. Требуют ли они немецкий или достаточно английского? Официально есть постдоковские программы, по которым университет принимает, но единственный ли это путь? Можно ли устроится на постдок, если на сайте универа твой потенциальный руководитель не числится в числе руководителей открытых постдоковских программ? Буду благодарен за любое просвещение в этой области.
Обсуждение этого сообщения (8)
Рег.: 17.10.2004
Сообщений: 182
Из: ЗОНЫ "V"
Рейтинг: 21
Plasma Modeling. 12 PhD and 3 PostDoc positions are requested
[re: *NONE*]
06.09.2013 22:29
neo sapien
Рег.: 10.12.2003
Сообщений: 19542
Из: между пламенем свечи и звезды
Рейтинг: 5325
Photosynthesis. 10 PhD and 3 PostDoc positions are requested
[re: RebRi]
08.09.2013 03:08
Рег.: 06.02.2007
Сообщений: 382
Из: ГЗ
Рейтинг: 368
Re: Объявления о PhD, Postdoc, Schools, Confs etc.
[re: rogdin]
10.09.2013 23:20
PhD student candidate in Food & Soft Materials (ETH Zurich)
The laboratory of Food & Soft Materials at ETH Zurich is seeking an outstanding candidate in the area of protein amyloid fibrils. The PhD work will be devoted to understand the structural changes of these systems under varying environmental conditions, and will make extensive use of Small Angle Neutron Scattering, Light Scattering, Atomic and Transmission Electron Microscopy techniques. The candidate should have a strong background in Materials Science, with emphasis on polymers and colloids. Starting date: ASAP. Interested? Please address your motivation letter, CV and two reference names to:
Prof. Dr. Raffaele Mezzenga ETH Zurich Food & Soft Materials Department of Health Science & Technology Schmelzbergstrasse 9, LFO, E23 8092 Zürich, SWITZERLAND Tel (office): +41 446329140 Tel (secretary): +41 446323284 raffaele.mezzenga@hest.ethz.ch http://www.ifnh.ethz.ch/lwm/
Если есть вопросы по лабе задавайте, постараюсь ответить.
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prozak nation
Рег.: 11.01.2010
Сообщений: 2203
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Re: Объявления о PhD, Postdoc, Schools, Confs etc.
[re: KeNKa]
13.09.2013 11:46
Преподаватель с моей кафедры (ВМК, ВТМ, ИВМ РАН) просил разместить
В ответ на:
Our Scientific Computing group at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology invites applications for full time Postdoctoral Associates and PhD candidates. The research will focus on developing breakthrough numerical techniques (matrix and tensor methods) for solving a broad range of high-dimensional problems. Particular research directions include (but are not limited to): Solution of multidimensional integral and differential equations discretized on fine grids Ab initio computations in quantum chemistry and computational material design Construction of reduced order models for multiparametric systems in engineering Uncertainty quantification in engineering sciences Data mining and compression Selected applicants will receive a highly competitive compensation package (salary, housing allowance, medical insurance) along with discretionary funds to support research activities. Positions are available immediately; starting date is negotiable. If you are interested in joining our group, please contact Prof. Ivan Oseledets at i.oseledets (dog) skolkovotech.ru with all the usual stuff: CV, list of papers, research statement, 2 recommendation letters.
У самой предвзятое отношение к Сколково, но про Оселедеца могу сказать, что классный преподаватель, молодой, с чувством юмора, ерундой не занимался.
Список его публикаций на сайте ИВМ РАН http://www.inm.ras.ru/persons/oiv.htm
Еще немного В ответ на:
Our main tools are linear algebra, singular value decomposition, low rank approximation of tensors. It really involves a beautiful math, but has a big programming/software development component. It is always interesting to find a right proportion. For example, I do like Python and I am very interested in reproducible research, but what I am really interested in, is that a new algorithm solves the problem much better than before! Besides the development of new algorithms, I also like to find new applications.
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"Мы подростки и нам скучно. Скучно до усрачки..." |
Рег.: 13.09.2013
Сообщений: 1
Рейтинг: 2
Ph.D. in MEMS at University of California, Irvine
[re: rogdin]
14.09.2013 23:05
Ищу целеустремленного аспиранта на программу Ph.D. по тематике 'Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems'.
Профильное образование не требуется; обязательно желание учиться новому, самостоятельность и хорошее базовое образование (отделения механики мех-мата или прикладной физики физ-фака). Необходимo иметь средний бал МГУ выше 4.5, сдать TOEFL не меньше чем на 80 (IBT) или 550 (PBT), и сдать общий GRE как минимум на 700 (quantitative) и 500 (verbal).
Перед тем как формально подaвать документы в аспирантуру прошу связаться по email: Professor Shkel, ashkel@uci.edu .
Вы сможете найти информацию о научной работе лаборатории на http://mems.eng.uci.edu
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neo sapien
Рег.: 10.12.2003
Сообщений: 19542
Из: между пламенем свечи и звезды
Рейтинг: 5325
Re: Объявления о PhD, Postdoc, Schools, Confs etc.
[re: KeNKa]
16.09.2013 23:45