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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Tue Jan 28 19:37:36 2014
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Fri Feb 28 06:23:04 2014
Laboratories: Laboratory for Synecology: Publications
 LaboratoriesLaboratory for Synecology \  Publications


Headed by O.L. Makarova, Dr. Biol. Sci.

tel. (499)-135-71-39


List of monographs and chapters from collective monographs for 2002-2006:
  1. Babenko A.B., Fjellberg A. Collembola septentrionale. A catalogue of springtails of the Arctic regions. Moscow: KMK Scientific Press Ltd. 2006. 190 pp.
  2. Konstantinov V.M., Zakharov R.A. Moscow // Birds in European Cities (Eds. John Kelcey, Goetz Rheinwald). G. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 2005.
  3. Khruleva O.A. Tundra-steppe leaf-beetle Chrysolina brunnicornis vrangeliani (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae): distribution, life history and habitats / New Development in the Biology of Chrysomelidae (Eds. Jolivet P., Santiago-Blay J., Schmitt M.). SPB Academic Publ., Hague, Netherlands. 2004. P. 541-550.

Complete list of the articles in reviewed Russian and foreign journals for 2002-2006:
  1. Vtorova V.N., Solntseva O.N., Gordienko P.V., Kholopova L.B. Chemical composition of plants and wood-destroing fungi as an indicator of forest park ecosystem state // Modern Problems of Bioindication and Biomonitoring. Proc. of the XI International Symposium on Bioindicators. Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, September 17-21, 2001. Syktyvkar. 2003. P. 419-427.
  2. Terry V. Callagan, Lars Olof Bjorn, Yuri Chernov, Terry Chapin, Torben R. Christensen, Brian Huntlet, Rolf A. Ims, Margareta Johansson, Dyanna Jolly, Sven Jonasson, Nadya Matveyeva, Nicolai Panikov, Walter Oechel, Gus Shaver, Sibyll Schaphoff, Stephen Sitch, Christoph Zockler. Key findings and extended summaries // Ambio. 2004. Vol. 33. ¹ 7. P. 386-392.
  3. Terry V. Callagan, Lars Olof Bjorn, Yuri Chernov, Terry Chapin, Torben R. Christensen, Brian Huntlet, Rolf A. Ims, Margareta Johansson, Dyanna Jolly, Sven Jonasson, Nadya Matveyeva, Nicolai Panikov, Walter Oechel, Gus Shaver. Rationale, concepts and approach to the assessment. // Ambio. 2004. Vol. 33. ¹ 7. P. 393-397.
  4. Terry V. Callagan, Lars Olof Bjorn, Yuri Chernov, Terry Chapin, Torben R. Christensen, Brian Huntlet, Rolf A. Ims, Margareta Johansson, Dyanna Jolly, Sven Jonasson, Nadya Matveyeva, Nicolai Panikov, Walter Oechel, Gus Shaver. Past changes in Arctic terrestrial ecosystems, climate and UV radiation // Ambio. 2004. Vol. 33. ¹ 7. P. 398-403.
  5. Terry V. Callagan, Lars Olof Bjorn, Yuri Chernov, Terry Chapin, Torben R. Christensen, Brian Huntlet, Rolf A. Ims, Margareta Johansson, Dyanna Jolly, Sven Jonasson, Nadya Matveyeva, Nicolai Panikov, Walter Oechel, Gus Shaver, Josef Elster, Heikki Henttonen, Kari Laine, Kari Taulavuori, Erja Taulavuori, Christoph Zockler. Biodiversity, distribution and adaptations of Arctic species in the context of environmental change // Ambio. 2004. Vol. 33. ¹ 7. P. 404-417.
  6. Terry V. Callagan, Lars Olof Bjorn, Yuri Chernov, Terry Chapin, Torben R. Christensen, Brian Huntlet, Rolf A. Ims, Margareta Johansson, Dyanna Jolly, Sven Jonasson, Nadya Matveyeva, Nicolai Panikov, Walter Oechel, Gus Shaver, Josef Elster, Heikki Henttonen, Kari Laine, Kari Taulavuori, Erja Taulavuori, Christoph Zockler. Responces to projected changes in climate and UV-B at the species level // Ambio. 2004. Vol. 33. ¹ 7. P. 418-435.
  7. Terry V. Callagan, Lars Olof Bjorn, Yuri Chernov, Terry Chapin, Torben R. Christensen, Brian Huntlet, Rolf A. Ims, Margareta Johansson, Dyanna Jolly, Sven Jonasson, Nadya Matveyeva, Nicolai Panikov, Walter Oechel, Gus Shaver, Heikki Henttonen. Effect on the structure of the Arctic ecosystems in the short- and long-term perspectives // Ambio. 2004. Vol. 33. N 7. P. 436-447.
  8. Terry V. Callagan, Lars Olof Bjorn, Yuri Chernov, Terry Chapin, Torben R. Christensen, Brian Huntlet, Rolf A. Ims, Margareta Johansson, Dyanna Jolly, Sven Jonasson, Nadya Matveyeva, Nicolai Panikov, Walter Oechel, Gus Shaver. Effect on the function of the Arctic ecosystems in the short- and long-term perspectives // Ambio. 2004. Vol. 33. N 7. P. 448-458.
  9. Terry V. Callagan, Lars Olof Bjorn, Yuri Chernov, Terry Chapin, Torben R. Christensen, Brian Huntlet, Rolf A. Ims, Margareta Johansson, Dyanna Jolly, Sven Jonasson, Nadya Matveyeva, Nicolai Panikov, Walter Oechel, Gus Shaver, Sibyll Schaphoff, Stephen Sitch. Effect of changes in climate on landscape and regional processes, and feedbacks to the climate system // Ambio. 2004. Vol. 33, N 7. P. 459-468.
  10. Terry V. Callagan, Lars Olof Bjorn, Yuri Chernov, Terry Chapin, Torben R. Christensen, Brian Huntlet, Rolf A. Ims, Margareta Johansson, Dyanna Jolly, Sven Jonasson, Nadya Matveyeva, Nicolai Panikov, Walter Oechel, Gus Shaver, Sibyll Schaphoff, Stephen Sitch, Christoph Zockler. Synthesis of effects in four arctic subregions // Ambio. 2004. Vol. 33, N 7. P. 469-473.
  11. Terry V. Callagan, Lars Olof Bjorn, Yuri Chernov, Terry Chapin, Torben R. Christensen, Brian Huntlet, Rolf A. Ims, Margareta Johansson, Dyanna Jolly, Sven Jonasson, Nadya Matveyeva, Nicolai Panikov, Walter Oechel, Gus Shaver. Uncertainies and recommendations // Ambio. 2004. Vol. 33, N 7. P. 474-479.
  12. Potapov M., Babenko A., Fjellberg A. Taxonomy of the Proisotoma complex. Redefinition of genera and description of new species of Scutisotoma and Weberacantha (Collembola, Isotomidae) // Zootaxa. 2006. Vol. 13. 74 pp.
  13. Piterkina T.V. The diel vertical migrations of herbage-dwelling spiders (Aranei) in clayey semi-desert of the northern Caspian Sea basin. European Arachnology // European Arachnology. 2005 (2006). Acta zoologica bulgarica, Suppl. No. 1. P. 151-159.
  14. Vtorova V.N., Kholopova L.B., Gordienko P.V. Heavy metals in plants and wood-destroying fungi as an indicator of environmental state in Moscow megalopolis // The problems of biogeochemistry and geochemical ecology. 2006. Vol. 2. No. 2. P. 118-122.

The list of best publications for 1997-2002:
  1. Babenko A.B. The taxonomy and distribution of genus Anurida (Collembola, Neanuridae) in the northern ïalaearctic. EuroÏean Journal of Entomology, 1997, v. 94, p. 511-536.
  2. Babenko A.B. Collembolan assemblages of polar deserts and subarctic nival communities. Pedobiologia, 2000, Bd. 44, 421-429.
  3. Chernov Yu.I., Matveyeva N.V. Arctic ecosystems in Russia. Ecosystems of the World. T. 2. Arctic and Alpine ecosystems. Amsterdam, Elsivier, 1997, p. 361-507.

Other publications
  1. Beiko V.B., Berezin M.V. Problems of conservation and sustainable use of native bees of Russia // Pollinating bees. The Conservation Link between Agriculture and Nature. Brasilia. 2002, 71-76.
  2. Khruleva O.A., Berezin M.V. Arthropod availability and distribution at Medusa Bay, NW Taimyr, in 1998 // Willems F., van Turnhout C., van. Kleef H. & Felix R. (eds.) Breeding birds of Medusa Bay, Taimyr, Russia. Methods for biological monitoring in the Arctic with results of 1998 and 1999, WIWO-report 77, Foundation WIWO, Zeist, 2002. P. 79-93.
  3. Khruleva O.A., Berezin M.V. Arthropod availability and distribution at Medusa Bay, NW Taimyr, in 1999 // Willems F., van Turnhout C., van. Kleef H. & Felix R. (eds.) Breeding birds of Medusa Bay, Taimyr, Russia. Methods for biological monitoring in the Arctic with results of 1998 and 1999, WIWO-report 77, Foundation WIWO, Zeist, 2002. P. 93-100.
  4. Blinnikov, M., Shanin, A., Sobolev, N., Volkova, L. 2005. In review. Gated Communities of the Moscow Green Belt: Newly Segregated Landscapes and the Suburban Russian Environment. // GeoJournal. Special issue on Gated Communities: S. Brunn and K. Franz, eds. - 40 p.
  5. Sobolev N.A., Volkova L.B. L'expÅrience russe de gestion conservatoire en milieux agricoles // Conservation de la biodiversitÈ dans les paysages ruraux europiens. J.-P. Lumaret, S. Jaulin, F. Soldati, G. Pinault & P. Dupont. Actes du colloque tenu Þ Narbonne (Aude) le 18 octobre 2001 lors du 4Õme Festival International du Film de l'Insecte (FIFI 01). 2005. P. 73-75.