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Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Fri Feb 28 21:15:15 2014
Povolzhskiy Journal of Ecology: Povolzhskiy Journal of Ecology: 2006, Issue 1
To Russian version

Povolzhskiy Journal of Ecology

2006, Issue 1


Yeremenko S.V. Bioresource potential of ordinary black soils in the country between Ural and Sakmara rivers 3
Kudryavtsev A.Yu. Structure and dynamics of forest-steppe ecosystems of the Volga upland 11
Nurtdinova D.V., Pyastolova O.A. Distribution and abundance of Apodemus uralensis (Pallas, 1811) in allotment gardens in a large urban agglomeration 23
Oparin M.L., Oparina O.S., Tsvetkova A.A. Influence of ploughing up on petty steppe mammals32
Porunov A.N. Atomic power engineering: challenges of future development40
Rybkin A.V., Rybkina D.O. Levels of organochlorine contaminants in the blood of Pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) in a big industrial center51
Khudyakov G.I. On optimization problem of noospheric structures of Russia61
Chirov P.A., Kharadov A.V. Propagation of ticks (Acariformes: Leeuwenhoekiidae, Trombiculidae) in various geomorphological complexes of eastern part of Tien Shan mountain system 77
Pis'markina Ye.V., Silaeva T.B., Ageyeva A.M., Barmin N.A. New and rare adventitious vascular plant species in Mordovia cities87
Tabachishina I.E., Tabachishin V.G., Zavialov E.V. Modern distribution of Hierophis caspius (Gmelin, 1779) in north of the Lower Volga region and adjacent territories91
Tishchenkov A.A. Urbanized landscape classification for zoogeographical purposes95
Table of contents 2005103
Author index 2005 109
Rules for authors113

2006, Issue 1

Bioresource potential of ordinary black soils in the country between Ural and Sakmara rivers. – Yeremenko S.V. – An appraisal of the modern state of vegetation and ordinary black soils in the country between the Ural and Sakmara rivers is given, a trend of changes in the soil fertility indices is revealed. Conservation problems of the soil and plant resources in the region are discussed, suggestions on the application of landscape-relevant land use technologies are made.

Key words: flora, plant associations, ordinary black soils, fertility, humus, nature use.

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Structure and dynamics of forest-steppe ecosystems of the Volga upland. – Kudryavtsev A.Yu. – Data on the structure and dynamics of forest-steppe complex ecosystems are given for the period from 1990 to 2000. 94 plant associations have been established on processing of 431 descriptions. Groups of related species were used to establish associations. The estimation procedure combined both terrestrial investigations of standard natural objects and remote diagnostics of dynamic phenomena by using aerial photographs and geobotanic plans.

Key words: vegetation, ecosystem, dynamics, classification.

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Distribution and abundance of Apodemus uralensis (Pallas, 1811) in allotment gardens in a large urban agglomeration. – Nurtdinova D.V., Pyastolova O.A. – Studies on the ecology of A. uralensis in gardens of a large city were carried out during several years. A high reproductive activity of the young of the year contributed to the maintenance of stable abundance of the population. Changes in the habitat conditions and mode of life of the animals do not negatively affect their morpho-physiological characteristics, which is evidence of favourable life conditions for the species. 14% of A. uralensis were infected with cestodes Taeniidae, the number of infected animals increasing with their age.

Key words: Apodemus uralensis, abundance, reproduction, morpho-physiological characteristics, allotment gardens.

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Influence of ploughing up on petty steppe mammals. – Oparin M.L., Oparina O.S., Tsvetkova A.A. – Literature data on changes in the fauna and petty mammal population due to ploughing up of steppes and original data of the petty mammal population structure in cereal cultures of the Trans-Volga dry steppes are presented. A diverse role of ploughing up of vast virgin lands in the propagation of petty mammals is shown.

Key words: petty mammals, steppe, ploughing up, agrocenosis.

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Atomic power engineering: challenges of future development. – Porunov A.N. – Ecologo-economical and ecologo-geomorphological problems of modern atomic power engineering are discussed. Possible ways of their solution are shown in view of last scientific and technical achievements, domestic and foreign experience of operation of atomic power stations and auxiliary safety objects.

Key words: atomic power engineering, «hydrogen revolution», environmental safety, seismic and tectonic monitoring.

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Levels of organochlorine contaminants in the blood of Pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) in a big industrial center. – Rybkin A.V., Rybkina D.O. – High levels of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) contamination were detected in the blood of Pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) nestlings in the Perm City (Russian Federation). The total concentration of polychlorinated biphenyls in the blood samples of five local groups of the city population was found to vary in a range of 3.57 – 15.45 Ëg/ml. 26 isomers of polychlorinated biphenyls were detected, p-substituted biphenyls to predominate. An inverse linear correlation between breeding success and the level of polychlorinated biphenyls in the blood of nestlings was determined. No reliable correlation between the concentration of polychlorinated biphenyls in the blood of pied flycatcher nestlings and PCB-contamination of the soils in the territory has been revealed.

Key words: birds, Ficedula hypoleuca, polychlorinated biphenyls, pollution.

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On optimization problem of noospheric structures of Russia. – Khudyakov G.I. – The philosophy of unity of the Universe, Earth, and Man, and the role of the latter in changes of the atmospheric, hydrospheric, and lithospheric compositions are considered. The terminological problem of the noosphere and noocosmos (cosmic «oases» of the mind), the evolution process of the social status of the dwellers on the planet Earth, the scientific and technological revolution in the 20th century are discussed.

Key words: Universe, noosphere, noocosmosynergetics, noosperology.

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Propagation of ticks (Acariformes: Leeuwenhoekiidae, Trombiculidae) in various geomorphological complexes of eastern part of Tien Shan mountain system. – Chirov P.A., Kharadov A.V. – More than 30 thousand individuals of Trombiculidae ticks collected from 53 vertebrate species in various geomorphological complexes of the Tien Shan have been examined. 26 and 41 species were detected in the valley-submontane and mountain zones of the northern Kyrgyzstan (Chuya, Issyk-Kul, Kochkor depressions), respectively. The similarity index of the tick specific composition in these complexes is 36.7%. The tick fauna in different orographic regions of the Tien Shan is also heterogeneous. Its community index in the Northern and Central Tien Shan is 42.8%. In other regions it varies from 22 to 36%. Several species with wide habitats have been revealed in the territory of the whole geomorphological complex within the republic but some of the species are of limited distribution, some ones being endemics of the Tien Shan.

Key words: chigger mites, abundance, specific composition, fauna similarity, Tien Shan.

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New and rare adventitious vascular plant species in Mordovia cities. – Pis'markina Ye.V., Silaeva T.B., Ageyeva A.M., Barmin N.A. – 8 new and 5 rare adventitious vascular plant species have been found in the towns and cities of Mordovia, their descriptions are given.

Key words: flora, adventitious species, city, Mordovia.

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Modern distribution of Hierophis caspius (Gmelin, 1779) in north of the Lower Volga region and adjacent territories. – Tabachishina I.E., Tabachishin V.G., Zavialov E.V. – Hierophis caspius in the region is shown to be represented by stable local populations but its abundance is low everywhere. The northern boundary of its habitat goes along the Don river northward to the B. Golubaya river outfall (49°20' latitude North), then south-east to the Volga river (somewhat north from Volgograd), then north-east across the southern part of the Volgograd Trans-Volga region to the Khara river outfall (49°20' latitude North), somewhat north from Lake Elton.

Key words: distribution, Hierophis caspius, abundance, Volgograd region.

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Urbanized landscape classification for zoogeographical purposes. – Tishchenkov A.A. – A classification of urbanized landscapes on the basis of the similarity of morpho-ecological characteristic properties of some anthropogenic biotopes is proposed. 6 main structural components of an urbanized landscape are resolved, namely: cities, villages, summer residences, urbagroterritories, recreation urbaterritories, microurbaterritories.

Key words: fauna, urbanized landscape, structure, classification.

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