Parallel lil-gp -- a Strongly Typed version of lil-gp version that can be used on clusters.
Ruby/GP -- a genetic programming library in Ruby language.
Sugal -- support research and implementation in Genetic Algorithms on a common software platform.
The Vienna University of Economics Genetic Programming Kernel
Neural Network:
Backprop -- a program for back-propagation network algorithms.
Software for Flexible Bayesian Modeling -- based on neural networks and Gaussian processes.
BAYES-LIN -- an object-oriented environment for Bayes linear local computation.
BILLNET -- a fast and free neural network simulator.
BNG -- a tool for constructing structurally minimal Bayesian networks.
GENESIS -- a general neural simulation system.
jaNet -- a Java neural network toolkit.
JavaScript Backpropagation Neural Network Simulator
L.A.N.E. -- the logically advanced neural engine.
libneural -- library for creating a three layer backpropagation neural network.
NeuroGraph -- an integrated developing environment for artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms and fuzzy logic.
NeuronC -- a neural simulator language.
NICO -- an artificial neural network toolkit designed for speech recognition.
nn/xnn -- a system for designing, studying and simulating artificial neural networks.
NNFit -- a non-linear regression program based on multilayered neural network models.
nunu -- a simple and scriptable neural network.
PDP++ -- neural-network simulation system written in C++.
PEBLS -- a nearest-neighbor learning system.
RNS -- a simulator for recurrent neural networks.
S-ElimBel -- an implementation of ElimBel algorithm that computes the belief in a Bayesian network.
SCNN -- an universal simulating system for Celluar Neural Networks.
SESAME -- a simulation system for computational architectures involving neural networks.
SNNAP -- simulator for neural networks and action potentials.
SNNS -- software simulator for neural networks.
SPRLIB/ANNLIB -- libraries for statistical pattern recognition and artificial neural networks.
Proof Assistant/Learning Method:
ATPPCF -- automatic theorem prover in languages of positively constructed formulae.
CN2 -- a rule-induction program which generates a set of rules.
Coq -- a proof assistant tool.
E -- a purely equational theorem prover for clausal logic.
Jape -- a framework for building interactive proff editors.
LEGO -- an interactive proof development system.
Isabelle -- a generic theorem prover which can be extended with new logics.
MLC++ -- C++ class library for supervised machine learning.
Proof General -- is a generic Emacs interface for proof assistants.
PVS -- a specification language integrated with support tools and a theorem prover.
RIPPER -- a rule-learning systems.
SNePS -- a knowledge representation system for building intelligent systems and cognitive agents.
TiMBL -- a program implementing several Memory-Based Learning techniques.
WEKA -- a machine learning workbench with a collection of machine learning methods.
Pattern/Speech Recognition:
AGFL Grammar Work Lab -- a collection of software systems for Natural Language Processing.
Chinese Morphological Analyzer -- accurate segmentation engine for search and retrieval of Chinese text.
CMU Sphinx -- an open source speech recognition system.
EARS -- an object-oriented speech recognition software for Linux.
EasySpeech -- a continuous-speech speaker-dependent automatic speech recognition software.
FreeSpeech -- a free speech recognition project for Linux.
ESPS/waves+ with EnSig -- analysis and display of time-series data (speech visualization).
gocr -- an optical character recognition software.
grapHvite -- a speech recognition prototyping system.
Hdrug -- a graphical user environment for natural language processing in Prolog.
HTK -- a software toolkit for building high performance speech recognisers.
Illuminator -- a toolset for developing OCR and Image Understanding applications.
ISIP ASR -- powerful large vocabulary conversational speech recognizer.
KVoiceControl -- a speech recognition system for connecting spoken commands to unix commands.
Learn -- vocable learning program with memory model.
Lingvisto -- foreign language word trainer for linux.
OCRchie -- a modular optical character recognition software.
OpenNLP -- Java interfaces for Natural Language Processing components.
PAI -- a program capable of having a conversation in English.
SPRLIB/ANNLIB -- libraries for statistical pattern recognition and artificial neural networks.
ThoughtTreasure -- a system for natural language processing and commonsense reasoning.
TOOLDIAG -- a collection of methods for statistical pattern recognition.
UFF/FD -- calculates continuous numerical descriptors from 2-dimensional curve patterns.
ViaVoice -- helps developing applications with speech recognition technology.
VUtils -- a collection of source libraries for developing vision algorithms.
Xocr -- an optical recognition software for Linux.
Artificial Life, Cellular Automata, and Evolution Simulation:
ADATE -- automatic design of algorithms through evolution.
CAEL -- runs a cellular automata simulation with a set of rules.
CASE -- a toolkit for visualizing discrete models in cellular automaton simulations.
The Cellular Automata Simulation System -- system of cellular automata programming language.
gLife -- an artificial life simulation program for GNOME.
GOL -- simulator for Conway's game of life, and similar rule sets.
LEE -- an artificial life model and simulator of controlled complexity, using endogenous fitness.
Net-Life -- a simulation of artificial-life, with neural "brains" generated via slightly random techniques.
Primordial Soup -- an artificial life system.
PIPE -- a novel technique for automatic program synthesis.
SVGA Cellular Automata Program
tierra -- simulates evolution of creatures.
TIN -- a primitive artificial life engine.
XESCA -- XWindow extended simulator of cellular automata.
Xtoys -- a set of program for simulating cellular automata.
Agent Tcl -- transportable agent system written in Tcl.
AISearch -- a C++ class library for developing problem solving AI software.
ALE -- a logic programming and grammar parsing/generation system.
Ara -- a platform for the portable and secure execution of mobile agents in heterogeneous networks.
AutoClass -- a Bayesian classification system that seeks a maximum posterior probability classification.
BABYLON -- a modular, configurable, hybrid environment for developing expert systems.
Blackbox -- a SAT technology planning system.
BUGSX -- designing biomorphs with an interactive genetic algorithm.
CLIPS -- productive development and delivery expert system tool.
CONICAL -- a computational neuroscience class library.
CON'FLEX -- solves fuzzy constraint problems with both finite domain and interval variables.
DemoGNG -- a Java applet which implements several methods related to competitive learning.
Drone -- a tool for automatically running batch jobs of a simulation program.
Echo -- simulation tools for interacting adaptive agents, or complex adaptive systems.
FCLUSTER -- a tool for fuzzy cluster analysis.
FOOL & FOX -- fuzzy system development tool and a small but powerful fuzzy engine.
FSA -- a number of utilities to manipulate finite state automata, written in SICStus Prolog.
FUF/SURGE -- a functional unification formalism interpreter and a syntactic realization grammar.
FuzzyCLIPS -- an enhanced version of CLIPS to supports fuzzy logic.
NRC FuzzyJava Toolkit & FuzzyJess -- Java classes for handling fuzzy concepts and reasoning.
IA -- a little AI program capable of having a conversation in English.
Jess -- a clone of the core of the CLIPS expert system shell, written in Java.
John von Neumann Universal Constructor -- extending logical concept of universal computing machine.
Khepera Simulator -- a system helping to write controller for the mobile robot Khepera using C/C++.
Kibble -- organize seemingly discursive thoughts into a cohesive engine.
MONA -- a logic-based language/tool that translates formulas to finite-state automata.
NEFCLASS -- data analysis by neuro-fuzzy models.
NEFCON -- a model for neuro-fuzzy control.
NEFIDENT -- approximating functions with fuzzy systems based on supervised learning.
NEURON -- an extensible nerve modeling and simulation program.
OpenAI -- plan to create a full suite of nteroperable Artificial Intelligence engines.
Maze Solver -- a configurable genetic algorithm written in Java for solving maze.
NeuroGraph -- an integrated developing environment for artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms and fuzzy logic.
GP Kernel -- a genetic programming C++ class library.
gpc++ -- genetic programming in C++.
GPsys -- a Java based genetic programming system.
POSES++ -- development and simulation of models.
Pulcinella -- a library of Lisp functions for creating, modifying and evaluating valuation systems.
QVocab -- vocabulary program for Unix with GUI.
Soar -- a cognitive architectural framework and models, and an AI programming language.
SimRobot -- a 3D kinematic robot simulator software package.
SOM_PAK/LVQ_PAK -- software of self-organizing map and learning vector quantization.
Swarm -- simulation of complex adaptive systems.
TACOMA -- operating system support for agents.
Thoth -- a new project to emulate the human brain using PERL.
Also Check Out:
ACL2 -- programming language to model computer system and prove properties.
[B/D] -- interactive programming language for analyses of Bayes linear statistical problems.
Elastic Net Method for TSP -- demonstration of elastic net method on solving a travelling salesman problem.
Evolvuton and Other Software -- C++ software components for evolutionary computation and others.
EMA-XPS -- a hybrid graphic expert system shell.
esep -- a parallel evolution scheduler based on genetic algorithms and evolutionary programming.
GAOT -- genetic algorithm optimization toolbox for Matlab.
GATSS -- a Genetic Algorithm based solver of the Traveling Salesman problem in g++.
IMPS -- an interactive mathematical proof system.
LISP -- a high-level language.
PGAPack -- parallel genetic algorithm library.
Overflow -- a dataflow-oriented rapid development environment in C++.
Prolog -- high-level progrmamming language based on formal logic.
Shift -- a programming language for describing dynamic networks of hybrid automata.
Many other programming languages in Programming Language section might also be useful for Artificial Intelligence.