The goal of the Omega project is the frameworks and algorithms for the analysis
and transformation of scientific programs.
The software release 1.10 from the project includs:
- The Omega library, a set of routines for manipulating linear constraints over integer
variables, Presburger formulas, and Integer tuple relations and sets.
- The code generation library, a set of routines for generating code to scan the points in the union of a
number of convex sets. (requires the Omega library)
- The Omega calculator, a text-based interface to the Omega library (requires both above libraries)
- The Uniform library, a source to source parallelizing transformation system,
- Petit, a educational/research tool for analyzing array data dependences (needs all three libraries)
Current Version: 1.10
License Type: ??
Home Site:
Source Code Availability: Yes
Available Binary Packages:
- Debian Package: No
- RedHat RPM Package: No
- Other Packages: No
Targeted Platforms:
Unix. The author mentioned that release 1.0 of Omega did compile under
some version of Linux. So there shouldn't be many changes for the current 1.1
to work under Linux.
Software/Hardware Requirements:
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