Physics |
E. Accomando, A. Ballestrero, A. Belhouari, E. Maina
Boson-boson scattering at LHC |
1 |
D.Yu. Ivanov, G.L. Kotkin, V.G. Serbo
Polarization effects in the non-linear Compton scattering |
7 |
I. Golutvin, E. Rogalev, M. Savina, S. Shmatov
Search for new heavy resonances at the LHC |
I. Golutvin, A. Sapronov, M. Savina, S. Shmatov
ADD extra dimensional gravity and di-muon production at LHC |
O. Leroy
LHCb status and physics goals |
30 |
N.V. Nikitin, O.I. Piskounova
Production and decay of charmed baryons: spectra of muons and asymmetry
between μ+ and μ¯ | 41
A. Raspereza Physics at a future linear e + e¯ collider |
M. Rosin Study of mean charged multiplicity and event shapes using ZEUS detector
at HERA |
A. Sopczak Higgs physics: from LEP to a Future Linear Collider |
70 |
R. Spighi Recent results at HERA-B | 87 |
R. Tenchini Status of the physics of the Z and W bosons |
103 |
S. Tsuno Recent results in high pT physics at CDF II |
115 |
S. Tsuno Introduction to GR@PPA event generator for pp/p\bar{p}
collisions |
128 |
B. Zihlmann The spin structure of the nucleon as seen by HERMES
collisions |
134 |
V.A. Zykunov
Electroweak radiative corrections to the parity-violating asymmetry for SLAC experiment E158 |
141 |
Loop Corrections and Resummations
| |
V.V. Andreev Recursive technique for evaluation of Feynman diagrams
S.P. Baranov Testing the -factorization approach with P-wave quarkonia
production |
G. Corcella
Progress in bottom-quark fragmentation |
159 |
B.I. Ermolaev, M. Greco, S.I. Troyan Spin structure function g1 at x << 1
166 |
Yu. P. Philippov
The decay in the MSSM. Complete one-loop analysis |
172 |
Higgs bosons beyond the Standard Model
| |
E.N. Akhmetzyanova, M.V. Dolgopolov, M.N. Dubinin Self-couplings
of Higgs bosons in the CP-violating scenarios |
178 |
I.F. Ginzburg, M. Krawczyk
Symmetries in two-Higgs doublet model, CP violation and heavy
Higgs effects |
186 |
J. Kalinowski
Large H/A mixing in CP-violating MSSM |
204 |
D.J. Miller, S. Moretti, R. Nevzorov Higgs bosons in the NMSSM with exact and slightly broken PQ-symmetry |
Gravity and extra dimensions
| |
S. Alexeyev, A. Barrau, J. Grain Gauss-Bonnet black holes at new colliders: beyond the dimensionality of space |
220 |
J. Alfaro Loop quantum gravity effects on the high energy cosmic ray spectrum |
227 |
A.A. Andrianov, V.A. Andrianov, P. Giacconi, R. Soldati
Domain wall generation by gravity and fermions |
244 |
Yu. Grats, V. Dmitriev Conical defects in a brane world: gravitational lensing |
251 |
M.N. Smolyakov, I.P. Volobuev On a non-standard matter distribution in the Randall-Sundrum model |
E.G. Vorontsova, G.S. Sharov Quasielliptic orbits in dilaton gravity in Newtonian limit |
262 |
Effective field theories
B.A. Arbuzov Spontaneous generation of an effective interaction in a renormalizable model of quantum field theory |
K. Semenov-Tian-Shansky Bootstrap equations for string-like amplitude |
V. Vereshagin, K. Semenov-Tian-Shansky,
A. Vereshagin Renormalization prescriptions and bootstrap in effective theories |
284 |
A. Vereshagin Renormalization prescriptions in effective theory of pion-nucleon scattering
291 |
Selected questions of quantum field theory
Z.J. Ajaltouni Direct CP violation in B decay with ρ0 - ω mixing
298 |
A.A. Andrianov, D. Espriu, A. Prats Stringification of chiral dynamics: Wess-Zumino interaction |
305 |
O.V. Babourova
Quark-gluon plasma as perfect spin fluid with a color charge in a color field in Riemann-Cartan space |
310 |
E. Bespalko, S. Miheev, V. Tsvetkov, I. Tsvetkov Mathematical model of the rapidly rotating gravitating of superdence neutron configurations |
317 |
M. Chichikina Nonlinear quantum field theory on the classical background |
322 |
K. Fujii, T. Shimomura
Structures of expectation values of flavor neutrino charges
in quantum field theory |
A.E. Kaloshin, V.P. Lomov
Interacting Rarita-Schwinger field and its spin-parity content |
A.F. Krutov, V.E. Troitsky, N.A. Tsirova Asymptotic properties of the deuteron form factors |
341 |
I. Malakhov, P. Silaev, K. Sveshnikov On the numerical technique of Casimir energy calculation
346 |
A.A. Sadoyan Should it be possible to reconstruct the equation of state from gravitational radiation of single superdense sources? |
A.J. Silenko Interactions of spin zero particles with
electromagnetic and gravitational fields
D.A. Slavnov
Local reality in quantum theory |
S.Yu. Vernov
Construction of singlevalued and multivalued solutions for
nonintegrable systems |
I. Ziyatdinov
Parquet approximation for matrix models |
Baryon and multibaryon states
V.B. Kopeliovich Exotic baryon and multibaryon states in topological soliton models |
A.G. Oganesian Exotic baryon states in QCD sum rule |
T.A. Rijken, Y. Yamamoto Intermediate energy soft-core baryon-baryon interactions |
Physics of nuclei
G. Feofilov
Parton string model analysis of strange particles yields and slopes for PbPb collisions at 158A*GeV in NA57 experiment at CERN SPS |
D.E. Lanskoy
Baryonic mixing in double-strangeness p shell hypernuclei
419 |
V.V. Lyuboshitz On the Coulomb dissociation of relativistic nuclei and hypernuclei with small binding energies |
A.N. Safronov, A.A. Safronov The analytical approach to constructing effective nucleon-nucleon interaction operators at low and intermediate energies
P. Senger The compressed baryonic matter experiment at FAIR in Darmstadt |
A.M. Shirokov, J.P. Vary, A.I. Mazur, S.A. Zaytsev,
T.A. Weber
Light nuclei and NN interaction obtained in the J-matrix inverse scattering approach
T.Yu. Tretyakova, D.E. Lanskoy Production of neutron-rich Λ hypernuclei by double-charge-exchange reactions