The requirements participate in the competition between the papers of
students, postgraduate students and young researchers
The competition will take a place between the papers of students, and between the
papers of postgraduate students and young researchers (under 35 years). Students may
submit their diploma (years) project or the paper. Postgraduate students and young
researches may submit their Ph.D. dissertations, monographs or cycles of the published
To take a part in the competition following materials should be sent to the Commission:
The paper: years or diploma project, paper (for students) and Ph.D. dissertation and
author abstracts, monograph, or cycle of published papers - the reprints of the most
important ones, no more then 6 (for Ph.D. students and young researchers).
Supervisor or professor's reference, which should include:
the type of the submitting materials (see p.1),
the name of the organization (and the year of graduation for students),
an academic degree of the author (and the year of graduation),
does the materials take a part in different competitions,
the currency of the problem and the originality of its solution,
theoretical correctness, lucidity and the style,
short brief of the data,
is it planned to write a dissertation using these results (or the dissertation was
already defended).
The list of the publications. It should contatin output data of the papers and
monographs which are associated with the theme of the presented work.
An information about the author and about the presenting paper:
last name, first name, middle name,
the date of birth,
the name and the type of work,
academic degree, position of the author,
affiliation (including department and subdepartment name if exists),
phone number, e-mail.
Written request for participation (an example you can find below).
Please, send the materials to the Competition Comission till 31 May 2012, using e-mail:
To the Competition Comission of
Moscow International Congress,
dedicated to the 110th anniversary of
Alexander Romanovich Luria's birth
I would like to ask you to admit my work ':..' to participate in the Competition
between the papers of students, postgraduate students and young researchers, dedicated to
the 110th anniversary of Alexander Romanovich Luria's birth. I have read the terms of
the competition. I agree with the use of the materials provided to the contest and my
personal data in the public domain for the purpose of the competition.