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Дата индексирования: Sun Apr 10 01:29:14 2016
Edited by Yuri P. Zinchenko & Viktor F. Petrenko



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Published under the Department of Psychology at the Lomonosov Moscow State University Editorial advisory board decision P 96 Psychology in Russia: State of the Art / Ed. by Y. Zinchenko & V. Petrenko. - Moscow: Department of Psychology MSU & IG-SOCIN, 2008. - 388 p.
ISBN 978-5-91070-026-4

This volume was prepared to the XXIX Inter national Congress of Psychology (Berlin, Germany). Theoretical and philosophical psychology; cognitive, social, political, ethnic, clinical psychology; psychosemantics; behavioral genetics; industrial psychology and problem-solving psychology; creativity psychology; psychophysiology and the history of psychology topics are represented in the number of modern Russian psychologists' studies.
BBC 88

ISBN 978-5-91070-026-4
© Composite author, 2008 © MSU, 2008 © IG-SOCIN, 2008

Introduction .........................................................................................5 Philosophy of Psychology Andrey V. Yurevich Cognitive Frames in Psychology: Demarcations and Ruptures ............7 Vitaly Y. Klochko Modern Psychology: Systems Meaning of a Paradigm Shift...............25 Irina A. Mironenko On Some Difficulties in the Dialogue with Foreign Colleagues ...........41 Alexey M. Ulanovsky Phenomenology as a Style of Research and Practice ........................48 Historical Psychology Akop P. Nazaretyan Technology, Psychology, and Crises: Does W orld History Have a Psychological Dimension? ...............................................................55 Social Psychology Yuri P. Zinchenko Psychology of Saf ety and Resistance to Terrorism ...........................81 Nadezhda M. Lebedeva, Alexander N. Tatarko Ethnic Identity, Group Status and Type of Settlement as Predictors of Ethnic Intolerance .........................................................................102 Cognitive Studies Vladimir A. Barabanshchikov The Systemicity Principle in Modern Psychology .............................120 Victor M. Allakhverdov Awareness as a Result of Choice .....................................................136 Diana B. Bogoyavlenskaya Two Paradigms - Two Vectors of Creating the New .........................153 T atiana V. Kornilova Personality Regulation of Decision Making and Learning Efficacy ...162 Anna B. Leonova Complex Strategy of Stress Management at the W orkplace: Ev aluation Model and Its Empirical Verification.................................182 Veronika V. Nourkova, Daniel M. Bernstein Imagination Inflation After a Change in Linguistic Context................197

T atiana A. Rebeko Mental Model of Femininity and Relation to Skin .............................211 Olga V. Smyslova, Alexander E. Voiskounsky, Victor F. Petrenko Hackers' Motivation: Empirical Study ...............................................224 Psychosema ntics Victor F. Petrenko, Olga V. Mitina Using Psychosemantic Methods in Political Psychology...................239 Viktor F. Petrenko, Vladimir V. Kutcherenko Psycho-Semantics of the Altered States of Consciousness of Human (Based on Materials of Hypnotherapy f or Alcoholics).......265 Olga V. Mitina, Julia D. Babaeva, Sergey R. Yagolkovsky How Creativ e Group Activity Influences an Individual Creativity: Verification of a Priori and a Posteriori Hypotheses by Means of Structural Equation Modeling.........................................................281 Psychophysiology Nina N. Danilova Frequency-Selective Gamma Generators in Processing of Auditory Stimuli .............................................................................299 Alexander M. Chernorizov Vector Encoding of Light Intensity in Neural Networks of Visual System ....309 Behavioral Genetics Elena D. Gindina, Sergey B. Malykh Genetic Analysis of Behavioral and Emotional Problems in Russian Adolescent Twins ..............................................................................319 Psychoanalytic Approaches Alexander Ch. Tkhostov Le jardin de paradis (La structure de la dependance narcissique) ...345 Mikhail M. Reshetnikov Visions of the Future: Social Processes and Terrorism in Europe ....362 History of Psychology Marina A. Stepanova The Problem of Instruction and Development in the W orks of L. Vygotsky and P. Galperin ..........................................................374

Psychology in Russia: State of the Art


The present volume collects some examples of scientific work done by contemporary Russian psychologists, both empirical and theoretical, in different directions of research. Russian psychology in its development has undergone various times, some of them could be characterized as significant intensity of research, some could be described as essential decrease in volume of the leaded development. Those changes were mostly determined by the external reasons: political revolutions of the beginning and the end of the twentieth century, two World wars, which have influenced all areas of Russian life, economic and political shocks of the first half and the end of the same century, ideological restrictions (during the Soviet period) that were imposed on studied problems and treatment of the results of those studies, and also in the form of significant reduction of communication between the Russian and world psychology, etc. Anyhow, psychology in Russia has survived even during the periods of the most severe shocks and different sorts of oppression, and it may be proud of ma ny a chievements. The na mes of Russia n scientists who ma de a significant contribution to psychology, such as E.G. Ananiev, P.K. Anokhin, M.Y. Basov, M.M. Bakhtin, N.A. Bernstein, V.M. Bekhterev, L.M. Vekker, L.S. Vygotsky, P.Y. Galperin, K.M. Gurevich, V.V. Davydov, B.V. Zeigarnik, N. N. La dygina - K ots, A. N. L eontiev, A. R. Lu ria, V.S. M er lin, V.N. Myasishchev, I.R Pavlov, K.K. Platonov, A.V. Petrovsky, S.L. Rubinstein, I.M. S echenov, B.M. T eplov, D.N. Uzna dze, A. A. Ukhtomsky, G.I. Chelpanov, G.G. Shpet, I.N. Shpilrein, D.B. Elkonin, M.G. Yaroshevsky, are world famous. Although, there are even more researchers who are less inter nationa lly known, but who ha ve ma de significa nt scientific achievements. And it would take more than one page only to list their names. These important traditions of scientific research are proceeded by disciples, and also by disciples of disciples of those scientists. In the beginning of twentieth century and during the first period of Soviet histor y philosophica l a nd intr ospective psyc hology, psychotec hnics, pedology, reflexology, reactology, psychoanalysis, psychophysiology of work, social and others branches of psychology (some of these directions now ceased to exits) were intensively developing in Russia. During the later period in Soviet psychology various areas have emerged, such as: aviation, militar y, develop menta l, diff er entia l, a nima l psyc hology, histor y of psychology, counseling, space, medicine, musical, general psychology, clinical psychology, educational, behavioral genetics, psychological testing,



psycholinguistics, psychological anthropology, psychology of art, psychology of science, sports psychology, psychology of creativity, industrial psychology, psychology of management, psychometrics, psychosemantics, psychotherapy, psychopharmacology, psychophysiology, social, comparative, ecological, ethnopsychology, ergonomics, and other branches. In each of these areas Russian psychology has some significant achievements. After the disintegration of USSR and formation of Russian Federation as a state in 1991, ideological restrictions and scheduled regulation in education wer e removed. This has led to the boisterous growth of the humanities and psychology, in particular. Hundreds of new state and private universities, which offered various educational programs in psychology, have been opened. Nowadays more than ten thousands of students receive their diplomas of psychologist in Russia annually. New areas of Russian psychology have been born, such as political psychology, psychology of advertising and marketing, organizational psychology and psychology of business, psychology of mass communications, forensic psychology, psychology of religion and transpersonal psychology, and psychology of terrorism. New phenomena and problems are studied: tolerance a nd intolerance, processes on negotiations, social expectations, and the phenomenon of trust. Ther e was a significant shift of inter est from the experimentally-driven theoretical psychology to its practical realization. Thousands of psychologists work in business concerns, in the consulting companies, in human resources departments and personnel administration agencies, are having private practice in counseling and psychotherapy and carry out differ ent other kinds of psychologica l busyness activities. Nevertheless, academic psychological science continues to exist, and this collection presents a partial reflection of it. This volume was specially prepared to be presented at XXIX International Congress of Psychology (Berlin, Germany). It collects fundamental studies on philosophy and methodology of psychology, cognitive, social, political, ethnic, clinical psychology, psychosemantics, behavioral genetics, industrial psychology, decision-making, psychology of creativity, psychophysiology and history of psychology. We hope that this work will be of interest for the international community of psychologists.
Y.P. Zinchenko V.F. Petrenko

Psychology in Russia: State of the Art


Nina N. Danilova Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Processing of sensory stimuli is controlled by the top-down influences that shape oscillations in the synchrony form revealed in the EEG. However, little is known about the nature of these influences. The present study investigated the contribution of "evoked oscillations" in the perception of auditory stimuli during passive and active attention from the position of pacemaker hypothesis on the origin of gamma rhythm. To analyze the problem, the author suggests a special method based on the narrow frequency filtering event-related potentials, localization of dipole sources of gamma oscillations over the structural MRI slices. Computation of equivalent dipoles for the discrete frequencies demonstrates interaction between prefrontal and auditory cortex during active attention to auditory stimuli. The obtained results are compatible with the pacemaker hypothesis.

High-frequency electrical brain activity, ga mma rhythm, is associated with intense mental activity and cognitive function in general. It is connected with perception, awareness, response to novelty, voluntary and involuntary attention and memory (Eckhorn et al., 1990; Lutzenberger, W., Pulver muller, F., Birbaumer, N., 1994; Pulvermuller, F., Preissl, H., Lutzenberger, W. and Birbaumer, N., 1995; Singer, 1999; Danilova, 2000; Danilova, Bykova, Anisimov, Pirogov, Sokolov, 2002; Tallon-Baudry, Bertrand, O., Bouchet, P. and Pernier, J. 1995; Tallon-Baudry C., Kreiter A., Bertrand O., 1999). Inclusion of ga mma oscillations into different sensory, cognitive, perfor ming pr ocesses, its existence not only in huma n, but also in animal brain allowed E. Basar (Basar, 1999; Basar-Eroglu, Karakas, Shurman, 2001) to consider gamma-rhythm as functional building blocks used in integration of brain processes and realization of psychical functions. Under increased interest in gamma oscillations many questions are still to be answered. For example, mechanism of gamma oscillation origin is not clear. There are two basic conceptions about mechanisms of gamma rhythm generation: binding hypothesis and pacemaker hypothesis. Accor ding to the binding hypothesis ga mma r hythm is resulted in circulation of impulses within neuronal assembly. Oscillatory activity in the
* This work is support ed by RFHR, grant 07 -06-0042 la (Russ ia).


Nina N. Danilova

neuronal assemblies appeared by means feedback and reciprocal loops among its neurons. The pacemaker hypothesis suggests existence of pacemaker neurons as intracellular generators of gamma oscillations. Pacemaker neurons are characterized by next properties: The endogenous rhythmical activity in pacema ker neurons did not disappear after absolute isolation of pacemaker neurons from contacts with others neurons (Grechenko, 1999). The impotent characteristic of pacemaker neuron - its response to input stimuli. Excitatory inputs to these neurons can produce phase shift (reset) of endogenous oscillations phase-locked to input stimuli. Thus, the assembly hypothesis of gamma rhythm origin assumes presence at least two spatially separate centers of activity and signal transmission from one center to other. According to pacemaker hypothesis such mechanism of signal transmission is not required. To testing pacema ker hypothesis of ga mma oscillations origin we investigated "evoked" gamma rhythm as well compatible with pacemaker neuron properties during the perception of auditory stimuli in the conditions of passive and active attention. The new experimental approach was developed for this aim - the method of microstructure analysis of gamma rhythm (Danilova, 2000, 2006) that includes: 1. Narrow band frequency filtering of event-related potentials (with 1 Hz step) in the gamma range between 30 and 75 Hz. 2. Computation of equivalent dipole sources for discrete frequencies in gamma range. 3. Combination equivalent dipole analysis with structural MRI. 4. The amount of equivalent dipoles localized in brain within certain time window of ERP used as a measure of gamma activity.

Our aim was to study the behavior of narrow band frequency gamma oscillations in the condition of active and passive attention on periodic presentation of sound stimulus (click) and to detect their possible dipole sources. Participants (five normal volunteers with ages 21-23 years) had to passive listening to sound stimuli presented 120 times with constant interval between stimuli in 1500 ms (series with passive attention) and performing the motor reaction after the same stimuli switching off (series with active attention). Stimulus exposition was 130 ms. Coordinates for equivalent dipole current (model of one tracing dipole, software "Brainlock") calculated for

Gamma Generators in Processing of Auditory Stimuli


15-chanals EEG were projected over individual slices received by structural MRI (TOMICON S50, BRUKER). The EEG was recorded with amplifiers using 15 electrodes mounted in an elastic cap. Electrodes wer e placed according to the international 10-20 system. All electrodes were referenced to linked ears. Electrode impedance was kept below 5 KO. The data wer e sampled at 400 Hz and analogue-filtered with a 1 Hz high-pass and an 80 Hz low-pass filter. "Evoked" gamma oscillations were received after frequency filtering of auditory evoked potentials with step in I Hz in the range between 30 and 75 Hz. Averaging epochs lasted from 200 msec before stimulus presentation to 1300 msec after stimulus presentation. Results The frequency filtering of event-related potentials with step in 1 Hz has revealed the gr eat number of separate oscillatory systems - frequencyselective gamma generators with shapely tuning at their frequency. These generators tuned at discrete frequencies were excited independently from

Figure 1. The wide and narrow band frequency filtering of ERP at F3 and F4 electrodes in the range of gamma activity between 30 and 45 Hz. The wide frequency filtering is under ERP. Below - the same ERP after narrow band filtering with the step in 1 Hz between 30 and 45 Hz


Nina N. DaniIova

Figure 2. The time-frequency histogram of evoked activity of frequency selective ga mma generators. Axis X - frequency scale with the step in 1 Hz between 30-45 Hz. Axis Y - time scale with time window of 100 ms. Axis Z - activity in each ga mma generator estimated by the a mount of equivalent dipoles in the whole brain volume each other a nd de monstrate different dyna mics during the event-r ela ted potentials (ERP). Ga mma oscillations at some fr equency a ppear befor e stimulus indicating anticipation reaction. These results allow assuming the frequency and time discreteness in the activity of ga mma oscillations. In the Fig. 1 the wide and narrow band frequency filtering of ERP are presented at F3 and F4 electrodes in the range 30-45 Hz. It has found the frequency and time discreteness in the activity frequencyselective ga mma generators. The activity of ga mma generators at neighbor frequencies does not coincide with ea ch other. They ca n be excited independently. This future of ga mma generators is presented on the ti mefrequency histogra m for time window of ERP 0-700 ms after the stimulus onset ( Fig. 2). This data show that ga mma generators are pr obably finer tuning at certain frequency than it has been assumed before. Localization of tracing dipole for frequency-selective gamma generators over structural MRI slices revealed their spatial discreteness - point binding to brain structures that was depended on attention to stimuli. Fig. 3 shows changes in location of tracing dipole for ga mma generator working at 35 Hz under the influence of active attention. The equivalent dipoles of ga mma generators during passive attention were found at interval of sensory response mainly in auditory cortex. During active attention (performance of sensorymotor reaction to the sa me stimuli) dipole sources were located in anterior

Gamma Generators in Processing of Auditory Stimuli


Figure 3. The projections of equivalent dipole sources are shown over axial slices received by structural MRI during sensory response (0-100 ms after stimulus onset) for a single subject. Dipole sources for gamma generator oscillating at 35 Hz during passive attention are found in a local zone in the auditory specific area of right temporal lobe. This activity zone is vertically oriented. Dipole sources of the ga mma generators working at the sa me frequency during the reaction task perfor ma nce are obtained in two local zones: in the modal specific cortex as well as in the medial prefrontal cortex

cingulate and or prefrontal areas as well as in the auditory cortex. The topdown processes in cingulate and prefr ontal cortex change the sensor y response of evoked ga mma activity in modal specific auditory cortex. Relationships between ga mma generators that are parallel activated in prefrontal and auditory cortex under active attention to auditory stimuli are characterized by cyclic exchanging of their dipole sources. Fig. 4A, B shows projections tracing dipoles of gamma generators at the 35 Hz frequency over slices taken from atlas. The numbers show the time when dipoles appear after stimulus. The isolines over six paired axial slices represent different value of dipole coefficient and reflect reliability degree of dipole locations. A - Localization of tracing dipoles during sensory response in the condition of passive attention to auditory stimuli. Whole dipoles are located in modalspecific a uditory cortex. B - The circulation in ga mma activity between prefrontal and auditory cortex. At the beginning of sensory response (100 ms after stimulus onset) focus of ga mma activity appear in a local zone of prefrontal cortex. Then it is displaced to a local area in auditory cortex and returned back to the prefrontal cortex. This cycle is repeated four times during


Nina N. Danilova

Figure 4A, B. The circulation in gamma activity at frequency 35 Hz has appeared between prefrontal and auditory cortex during sensory response in the condition of active attention to auditory stimuli that has reduced under passive attention to stimuli 100 ms after the stimulus. The duration of each cycle is about 15 msec. In the picture two cycles are shown. In other words we see the signa l reverberation in two brain areas that presented by ga mma generators

Gamma Generators in Processing of Auditory Stimuli


Figure 5. The similarity of the ga mma activity during anticipation reaction and sensory response in the condition of active attention to auditory stimuli oscillating at the same frequency with identical phase-locking to sound stimuli. In the condition of active attention the prefrontal cortex plays the leading role in this binding top-down and bottom-up processes and the integration of brain areas in a system is periodic process. The anticipation reaction is formed under regular stimulus presentation with constant intervals. This reaction appeared in the time window from 200 to 0 ms before stimulus onset at the same frequencies as a sensory evoked response. This reaction is similar to the sensory response by brain location and cyclic character in activity of dipole sources (Fig. 5). Discussion The data presented demonstrate that there exist distributed systems of ga mma generators tuning at differ ent fr equencies that become excited independently, confir ming the frequency specificity of local neuronal networks. This statement is in agreement with the working hypothesis that gamma rhythm exists as a diffuse, distributed and parallel processing system (Basar, E., Basar-Eroglu, C., Karakas, S., Schurman, M, 2001). The gamma rhythm is presented as a total activity of many frequency-selective gamma generators and ga mma activity is characterized by time and frequency discreteness.
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Nina N. Danilova

These r esults confir m the earlier received data about activating and commu nicative functions of ga mma genera tor s (Da nilova, N. N., Bykova, N.B., Anisimov, N.V., Pirogov, Y.A., Sokolov, E.N., 2002; Danilova, Bykova, 2003a). Frequency specific gamma oscillations have the activating effect on local neuronal networks. They facilitate synaptic connectivity via the coherent oscillatory activity within the networks and allow realize their specific functions. The frequency-selective gamma generators perform a communicative or an integrative function via fr equency-phase synchronisation of their oscillations appearing concurrently in spatially separate brain regions, integrating their in genera l functiona l system. P ha se-loc ked ga mma oscillations support synchronization in local network as well as long-range synchronization between prefrontal and another cortex area during focused attention on the stimulus (Danilova, 2006a). Networks of prefrontal cortex working at gamma frequency are involved in infor mational processes that distinguish active attention from passive attention. Circulations of narrow band gamma activity between prefrontal and modal specific auditory cortex characterize processes of active, voluntary attention. The top-down processes in prefrontal cortex modulate the sensory response of evoked gamma activity in modal specific cortex. Anticipation reaction formed in the condition where stimuli were presented with constant intervals is similar to the sensory response. The patterns of dipole localizations show a high similarity during both perception (100 ms after stimulus) and anticipation of auditor y stimulus (100 ms befor e stimulus onset). T he anticipation reaction reproduces reverberation of gamma activity at the same selective frequencies as a sensory evoked response of gamma rhythm. Our finding received by the method of microstructure analysis of gamma rhythm suggest the idea of many investigators that the phase-synchronization of oscillatory activity is universal mechanism for communication between neuron networ ks, which provide cognitive processes (Basar, E., 1999; Klimesch, W., Sauseng, P., Hanslmayr, S, 2007). The obtained results are compatible with the pacemaker hypothesis. The retention of gamma oscillations after average of single responses is evidence of the r es et mecha nis m supporting phase-loc ked sync hr onisation of pacemaker rhythmical activity with stimulus (Pedroarena, Ch., Llinas, R., 1997). The synchronisation received at discrete gamma frequencies show that pacema ker wave reset exists in separate pacema ker neurons having oscillatory activity at different frequency.

Gamma Generators in Processing of Auditory Stimuli


The binding of gamma generators working at discrete frequencies to local brain zones are compatible with principles of separate pacemaker neurones and is not support the assembly hypothesis of gamma-rhythm origin. A cycle in the activity of dipole sources ma y be consider ed as an information quantum allowing the exchange of information among the linked members in a phase-locked manner. This cyclic mode of operation may be a unique solution to temporary segregate and link neuronal assemblies to perform various cognitive operations. The pacemaker hypothesis of gamma-rhythm origin allows assume that many pacemaker neurons exist into local networks of the brain structures. The integration of distant local networks in the functional systems is executed by frequency-phase synchronisation of endogenous activity in their pacemaker neurons that have common resonance frequency. This idea will be confor med to the concept that considers cognitive processes as the distributed brain systems (Posner, M.I., 2004; Duncan, J., 2004). Our experimental data suggest the validity of the noninvasive method for distinguishing the local neuronal networks in human brain according to parameters of their frequency characteristics. REFERENCES Basar, E. Brain function and oscillations. II: Integrative brain function //Neurophysiology and cognitive processes. Springer, 1999.476 p. Basar, E., Basar-Eroglu, C., Karakas, S., Schurman, M. Brain oscillation in perception and mamory // International Journal of Psychophysiology. 2000. N 35. P. 95. Basar, E., Basar-Eroglu, C., Karakas, S., Schurman, M. Gamma, alpha, delta, and theta oscillations govern cognitive processes // International Journal of Psychophysiology. 2001. N 39. P. 241-248. Grechenko, T.N. Psychophysiology. Moscow: Gardariki, 1999. 358 p. Danilova, N.N. Gamma-oscillations in human cognitive activity // XXX Russian conference on the problem of high nervous activity devoted to 150 Anniversary of I. Pavlov. SPb., 2000. P. 63-66. (Russian Edition). Danilova, N.N., Bykova, N.B., Anisimov, N.V., Pirogov, Y.A., Sokolov, E.N. Gamma-rhythm of human brain electric activity in sensory coding // Biomedical radio electronics. 2002. N 3. P. 34-42. (Russian Edition). Danilova, N.N., Bykova, N.B. Role of frequency specific codes in attention processes // Proceedings of II International Conference devoted to A.R. Luria 100 Anniversary "A.R. Luria and Psychology of XXI century". Moscow, 2003a. P. 290-295. (Russian Edition).


Nina N. Danilova

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