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Дата изменения: Wed Aug 27 23:45:02 2008
Дата индексирования: Mon Oct 1 21:40:42 2012
Piran s Por toroskim zalivom; avtor J. Skok; vir: www.slovenia.info


European Polymer Federation Slovenian Chemical Societ y, Section for Polymers National Institute of Chemistry Universit y of Ljubljana Universit y of Maribor

European Polymer Congress 2007

second announcement

July 2-6, 2007

registration and abstract submission: notification of acceptance: early registration: extended submission for posters: late registration: final program: congress opening: February 1, 2007 March 31, 2007 April 15, 2007 May 15, 2007 June 15, 2007 June 18, 2007 July 2, 2007

Congress Venue
Bernardin Congress Centre, Portoroz, Slovenia
Obala 2 SI-6320 Por toroz Slovenia Tel.: + 386 5 695 5108 Fax: + 386 5 674 6410 Website: www.h-bernardin.si

Scientific Programme Information
Congress Chairperson
Prof. Dr. Majda Zigon National Institute of Chemistry Hajdrihova 19, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel.: + 386 1 4760 205 Fax: + 386 1 4760 420 e-mail: majda.zigon@ki.si

General Information
EPF-2007 Secretariat Ms. Meta Skumavc National Institute of Chemistry Hajdrihova 19, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Congress technical organizer Albatros Bled Mrs. Veronika Smid Ribenska 2, SI-4260 Bled, Slovenia Tel./Fax: + 386 1 4760 420 e-mail: epf2007@ki.si meta.skumavc@ki.si

Accommodation and Registration Information
Tel.: + 386 4 5780 356 Fax: + 386 4 5780 355 e-mail: veronika@albatros-bled.com Website: www.albatros-bled.com

Conference Website: http://www.epf2007.org

European Polymer Congress 2007

second announcement

European Polymer Federation Slovenian Chemical Societ y, Section for Polymers National Institute of Chemistry Universit y of Ljubljana Universit y of Maribor

CONTENTS Invitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Committees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Scientific programme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Call for abstracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Sponsorship and trade exhibition . . . . . . . 12 Registration and fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Accommodation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Venue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Transfer/travel information . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Social events and tourist programme . . . 25

We are pleased to invite you to par ticipate in one of the year's greatest events in polymer science ­ the European Polymer Congress 2007, which will take place on July 2-6, 2007, at the Congress Centre Bernardin in Por toroz, Slovenia. The congress is organized by European Polymer Federation, the Slovenian Chemical Societ y - Section for Polymers, the National Institute of Chemistry, the Universit y of Ljubljana and the Universit y of Maribor and will be suppor ted by various sponsors. The European Polymer Congress is a biannual event that has attracted up to 800 par ticipants attending the event. Conferences have been previously held in France, England, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Greece, Poland, the Netherlands and Sweden, with the last European Polymer Congress in 2005 being held in Moscow, Russia. The European Polymer Congress 2007 (EPF-2007) will last for five days and will cover all key areas in the field of polymer science. EPF-2007 aims to bring together a wide range of polymer scientists, researchers, students and other relevant par ticipants. More than 600 par ticipants from all over the world are expected to attend the congress, where eight main sessions will be covered by around 80 renowned lecturers. The congress will of fer an excellent oppor tunit y for in-depth discussion between scientists, engineers and leading exper ts on all major cutting-edge topics of polymer science and is therefore a "must" for everybody in the scientific field of polymers. There will be plenary lectures (45 minutes), invited lectures (30 minutes including discussion), oral contributions (20 minutes including discussion) as well as a poster session. A special session will be dedicated to the memory of Victor Kabanov. A round table on polymer education will also be organized.

Invit ation

Committ ees

Guneri Akovali, Turkey; Ann-Christine Alber tsson, Sweden; Pascal Bar thelemy, France; Hugo Berghmans, Belgium; Eberhard Borsig, Slovak Republic; Giovanni Camino, Italy; Antonio Correia-Diogo, Por tugal; Geof f R. Davies, Great Britain; Andrzej Duda, Poland; Hans-Wilhelm Engels, Germany; Giancarlo Galli, Italy; Heinrich Gruber, Austria; Nikos Hadjichristidis, Greece; Wayne Hayes, Great Britain; Soeren Hvilsted, Denmark; Alexei R. Khokhlov, Russia; Ludo Kleintjens, The Netherlands; Harm-Anton Klok, Switzerland; Georg Krausch, Germany; Piet J. Lemstra, The Netherlands; Yuri S. Lipatov, Ukraine; Barbro Loefgren, Finland; Javier Mar tinezSalazar, Spain; Helena Jasna Mencer, Croatia; Mar tin Moeller, Germany; Moshe Narkis, Israel; Stanislaw Penczek, Poland; Frantisek Rypacek, Czech Republic; Ivan Schopov, Bulgaria; Stanislaw Slomkowski, Poland; Gundars Teteris, Latvia; Jean-Pierre Vairon, France; Majda Zigon, Slovenia

Majda Zigon, president Vili Bukosek, Ilija Dimitrievski, Igor Emri, Venceslav Kaucic, Matjaz Krajnc, Peter Krajnc, Andrej Krzan, Adolf Moze, Vojko Musil, Ales Podgornik, Ciril Pohar, Karin Stana Kleinschek, Matija Strlic, Miha Zumer, Slobodan Zumer

Majda Zigon, Meta Skumavc, Andrej Krzan, Matjaz Kunaver, Ema Zagar, Miroslav Huski, Alojz Anzlovar, Irena Drevensek Olenik

The programme will be divided into plenary and invited lectures, oral contributions, and posters, and will cover the following topics: 1. Polymer synthesis and modification Chairperson: Nikos Hadjichristidis, Universit y of Athens, Greece Co-chairpersons: Matjaz Krajnc**, Peter Krajnc***, Majda Zigon* 2. Structures and architecture of synthetic and biopolymers Chairperson: Stanislaw Penczek, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland Co-chairpersons: Irena Drevensek Olenik,** Ksenija Kogej,** Ema Zagar* 3. Complex polymer systems and nanoscience Chairperson: Jean-Pierre Pascault, INSA Lyon, France Co-chairpersons: Miroslav Huski,* Vojko Musil*** 4. Polymers in medicine and the environment Chairperson: Ann-Christine Alber tsson, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Co-chairpersons: Miomir Knezevi, Andrej Krzan,* Rudolf Podgornik** 5. Polymers for advanced applications Chairperson: Jacek Ulanski, Technical Universit y of Lodz, Poland Co-chairpersons: Matjaz Kunaver,* Ales Podgornik, Karin Stana Kleinschek*** 6. Theory, modeling and simulation Chairperson: Nico van der Vegt, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Germany Co-chairpersons: Janez Mavri,* Ciril Pohar,** Slobodan Zumer** 7. Polymer rheology and processing Chairperson: Piet J. Lemstra, Eindhoven Universit y of Technology, The Netherlands Co-chairpersons: Igor Emri,** Vojko Musil,*** Miha Zumer** 8. Advances in polymer characterization Chairperson: Harald Pasch, German Institute for Polymers, Germany Co-chairpersons: Matija Strlic,** Ema Zagar* --------------------------------------
*National Institute of Chemistry; **Universit y of Ljubljana; ***Universit y of Maribor;

Scientif ic pr ogramme

Bia Separations d.o.o.,

Blood Transfusion Centre of Slovenia

Plenary lectures will be given by:
Markus Antonietti (Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Germany) New techniques of heterophase polymerization, hybrids, block copolymers, and the world of carbon Dirk J. Broer (Philips Research Laboratories, The Netherlands) Polymers in motion: from painted displays to ar tificial muscles Taihyun Chang (Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea) Chromatography characterization of polymers beyond size exclusion chromatography JosИ M. Kenny (University of Perugia, Italy) Functionalization of carbon nanotubes for polymer matrix nanocomposites with multifunctional proper ties Alexei R. Khokhlov (Moscow State University, Russia) Towards new functional synthetic copolymers via rational design of their sequences Kurt Kremer (Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Germany) Multiscale modelling of sof t matter: where chemical details and generic proper ties meet Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) New ATRP processes with ppm amounts of Cu for nanostructured functional materials Christopher K. Ober (Cornell University, USA) Building and patterning the biology-materials inter face Rudolf Podgornik (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) The nature and characterization of order in high densit y DNA mesophases Sanjay Rastogi (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands) Dissolution of hydrogen bonded polymers in water; syntetic to biopolymers Mitsuo Sawamoto (Kyoto University, Japan) Transition metal-catalyzed living radical polymerization: recent progress and beyond Stanislaw Slomkowski (Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland) Very small polymer par ticles and medicine

Brigitte Voit (Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden, Germany) Hydrophilic and amphiphilic polymers and gels for biomedical applications Manfred H. Wagner (Technical University of Berlin, Germany) Elongational rheology as a structural probe for polymer melts and the Nobel prize winner, Jean-Marie Lehn (ISIS - UniversitИ Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France), to be confirmed

Invited lecturers that have confirmed their lecture so far:
Eric J. Amis, USA David Andelman, Israel Fabio Biscarini, Italy Simona Bronco, Italy Vincenzo Busico, Italy Neil R. Cameron, UK Philippe Dubois, Belgium Adi Eisenberg, Canada Igor Emri, Slovenia Hans Peter Fink, Germany Dieter Fisher, Germany George Floudas, Greece Holger Frey, Germany Juan Antonio Galbis PИrez, Spain Andrzej Galeski, Poland Graeme George, Australia Jean-FranГois Gerard, France Yves Gnanou, France David M. Haddleton, UK Oli Ikkala, Finland Bela Ivan, Hungary Jung-Il Jin, Korea Ioannis Kallitsis, Greece Harm-Anton Klok, Switzerland Marek Kowalczuk, Poland Sebastien Lecommandoux, France David J. Lohse, USA Mar tin Moeller, Germany Axel Mueller, Germany Florian Mueller-Plathe, Germany Roland Netz, Germany Jiri Pfleger, Czech Republic Karel Prochazka, Czech Republic Michael Rubinstein, USA Anthony J. Ryan, UK Jozef Rychly, Slovak Republic Julio San Roman, Spain Peter Schoenmakers, The Netherlands Hans W. Spiess, Germany Franz Stelzer, Austria Matija Strlic, Slovenia Ales Strancar, Slovenia Goran Ungar, UK Julius V. Vancso, The Netherlands Michael Ver t, France Christine Wandrey, Switzerland Gerhard Wegner, Mainz, Germany Rober to J. J. Williams, Argentina Mark R. Wilson, UK Vojko Vlachy, Slovenia Bostjan Zalar, Slovenia Ema Zagar, Slovenia

Call for abs tracts

Authors are invited to submit shor t and extended abstracts. The Congress Committee will ultimately decide whether a submitted paper will be selected for an oral or a poster presentation. Oral presentations will be selected based on scientific merit of the submitted abstracts. Please make sure to indicate the preferred presentation t ype on the abstract submission website. All contributions will be reviewed before being included in the program. A CD-ROM of extended abstracts will be made available to all delegates at the conference. Authors are invited to submit papers associated with the congress to the journal e-Polymers.

Guidelines for Abstract Preparation
The length of extended abstracts must not exceed two pages, including tables, figures and references. The title should be t yped in capital letters. The next ensuing lines should contain the authors of the paper and their af filiation. The abstract should be t yped, single spaced, using Times New Roman letters of 11 point size, leaving 2.5 cm margins on both edges. Abstracts should be submitted electronically via the congress website where detailed submission guidelines as well as a template for extended abstracts can be found. An acknowledgement of receipt of your submission will be sent by e-mail. Deadline for abstract submission: February 1st, 2007. Extended deadline for poster presentations only: March 31st, 2007. Short Abstract Guidelines Title of the presentation not longer than 150 characters including spaces, all authors and af filiations should be introduced separately, using web inter face. Abstract body must contain only the text of the abstract, i.e. it must not duplicate information about title, authors, etc. Using web inter face directly online, the size limitation of the complete abstract is 600 characters with spaces.

Extended Abstract Guidelines Title of the presentation not longer than 150 characters, including spaces. Abstract body up to 2 pages including tables, pictures and references, not more than 1 MB. Using web inter face attach abstract in preferably *.pdf file format, if not possible, please use *.doc file, using Times New Roman, size 11. Please visit the congress website, where the abstract template is available. E-mail notification of abstract acceptance will be sent by March 31st, 2007


Sponsor ship and trade exhibition

Various sponsorship options are available for potential sponsors. Sponsorship allows you and your company to get wide promotional coverage at the congress itself, congress brochures, congress CD-rom, congress bags and also on the congress website. The sponsor will have the oppor tunit y to build additional corporate business relationship and to allow your staf f to network with key market players as well as giving you the oppor tunit y to present your company to a targeted and influential market audience. Your company's ef for t and suppor t of the congress will also be widely acknowledged and publicized to the wider professional audience. Please feel free to review our sponsorship brochure outlining the various packages and options available. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact: Dr. Andrej Krzan or Ms. Meta Skumavc European Polymer Congress 2007 Secretariat National Institute of Chemistry Hajdrihova 19 SI-1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Phone/Fax: + 386 1 4760 420 e-mail: epf2007@ki.si

Registration is required for all congress par ticipants and accompanying persons. The conference fee covers the costs of participation, the programme and shor t abstract booklet, the conference proceedings, welcome reception, refreshments during cof fee-breaks, and a sight-seeing tour on Sunday, July 1st, 2007. The accompanying person registration fee covers the welcome reception, refreshments during cof fee-breaks, a sightseeing tour on Sunday, and another excursion that will be chosen additionally. The recommended option is to register via the internet at http:// www.epf2007.org. The completed registration form can be also submitted to the congress technical organizer: Mrs. Veronika Smid Albatros Bled, Ribenska 2 SI-4260 Bled, Slovenia Fax: +386 4 5780 355 veronika@albatros-bled.com http://www.albatros-bled.com Important note for authors: A contribution will be included in the conference proceedings only af ter full payment of registration fee, confirmed by May 15, 2007. Registration Fees (VAT included): Early registration (up to April 15, 2007) Late registration (af ter April 15, 2007 till June 15, 2007) 550 EUR 290 EUR 260 EUR On site registration (af ter June 15, 2007)

Re g i s t r a t i o n a n d f e e s

Par ticipants Reduced fee* (students only) Accompanying persons

500 EUR 240 EUR 220 EUR

600 EUR 340 EUR 310 EUR

*Student par ticipants are requested to send a letter confirming their current student status, indicating the educational institution ­ universit y, and signed by their super visor. The cer tificate should be enclosed with the registration form and presented at the registration desk


Payment in euros without any charges to the beneficiary should be made: By bank transfer Bank account: Albatros Bled, Zidanski Majda, s.p. Ribenska 2, SI-4260 Bled, Slovenia Account Nr.: 03139-1087540073, VAT ID No: SI82013543 SKB banka d.d. Ljubljana, Ajdovscina 4, 1513 Ljubljana, Slovenia IBAN: SI56031391087540073, Swif t Code: SKBA-SI-2X Notification: EPF2007 and name of the par ticipant By credit card (Visa, Eurocard/Mastercard, American Express) On site payments will also be accepted Important: Payments should clearly state the par ticipant's and/or accompanying person's name(s) All payments should have the notification `epf2007' For summary payment orders, please enclose a list of names Payment or proof of payment should accompany the registration form VAT (20%) is included in the registration fee

Confirmation of Registration
Af ter on-line registration you will receive an immediate e-mailed acknowledgement of your registration. However, your registration will not be of ficially confirmed until payment is received. Your registration and all payments will be confirmed in writing upon receipt of your registration form and payment or proof of payment. Registrations and payments submitted af ter June 15, 2007, may not be confirmed in writing. In this case please bring the copy of the registration form as well as the proof of payment of your registration fee with you. Changes to Applications Changes to your original application for registration will be charged a handling fee of 25 EUR.


Cancellations and Refunds All cancellations following the conference registration, which must include your full bank account details, should be sent in writing to the conference technical organizer Albatros Bled, Mrs. Veronika Smid, at e-mail veronika@albatros-bled.com or fax number +386 4 5780 355 no later than May 15th, 2007. A full refund will be given less an administrative fee of 40 EUR. Refunds will be paid af ter the conference. Cancellation received af ter May 15, 2007, will not be refunded.


Ac c o m m o d a t i o n

Booking and Payment of Hotel Accommodation The Bernardin complex of fers various levels of accommodation rates and is located in very close proximit y to the congress centre. For more information, please visit the Hotels Bernardin website http://www.h-bernardin.si/en/home. We are pleased to of fer the following accommodation at special reduced rates for the conference par ticipants at the following hotels in the Bernardin complex: Grand Hotel Bernardin*****, Hotel Histrion****, Hotel Vile Park***, Apartments Vila Barka****. The congress centre is located at the Grand Hotel Bernardin while the other three hotels are within a walking distance from the conference venue. Conference par ticipants are advised to reserve hotel rooms well in advance, as rooms cannot be guaranteed af ter April 15, 2007. All reservations will be handled on a "first come - first served" basis, af ter April 15, 2007, upon availabilit y. Accommodation can be booked either via the conference website http://www.epf2007.org, or by completing and returning the hotel reservation and transfer form to the Albatros Bled agency. Accommodation is payable directly to the hotel when checking out. All major credit cards are accepted.

5 day special offer Hotel Grand Hotel Bernardin ***** Hotel Histrion **** Hotel Vile Park *** Apar tments Vila Barka **** Single use 129 EUR 95 EUR 60 EUR Double use 154 EUR 120 EUR 95 EUR Single use 84 EUR 64 EUR 49 EUR Double use 140 EUR 100 EUR 78 EUR -

130 EUR *

The rates are for a room per day (with breakfast, VAT included) *The price is per apar tment per day. Up to 4 people can be accommodated in the apar tment. Breakfast is not included. A very limited number of apar tments is available. All hotels in the complex are located directly on the sea front.

A limited capacit y of low cost off site accommodation (youth hostel, student halls of residence and private rooms) is also available. For fur ther enquiries please send an e-mail request to veronika@albatros-bled.com. There will be a 5 Eur charge for private room bookings. All cancellations must be sent in writing and addressed to the Albatros Bled. Cancellations received before May 31, 2007, will not incur any additional charges. Following this date, a one night stay will be charged to your credit card. Please inform Albatros Bled and NOT the hotel booked about any changes regarding arrival and depar ture dates. You will receive written confirmation of your hotel reser vation af ter the receipt of your credit card details.


The European Polymer Congress 2007 will be held at the Bernardin Congress Centre which is located on the Slovenian Adriatic coast between the medieval town of Piran and the modern tourist destination of Por toroz. The congress centre is one of the largest convention centres in Slovenia, capable of hosting large sized congresses. With a floor space area covering 1500 m2, state-ofthe-ar t technical equipment including simultaneous translation and wireless internet connections, the congress centre provides excellent facilities for such events. For more information, please visit the following website http://www.h-bernardin.si/en/home.

Ve n u e

Hoteli Bernardin d.d. Obala 2 SI-6320 Por toroz Slovenia Tel: +386 5 695 00 00 Fax: +386 5 674 64 10

The of ficial language at the congress will be English. No simultaneous translation will be provided.

General information

The registration desk for the European Polymer Congress 2007 will be located in the Grand Hotel Bernardin reception hall at the congress centre and will be open from Sunday, July 1st, 2007, to Friday, July 6th, 2007.

A conference identification badge will be included in the conference material provided upon registration.

A cer tificate of attendance will be issued to the registered par ticipants upon request.

The Organizing Committee will send a letter of invitation upon request. The invitation is intended solely to facilitate par ticipants' travel and visa arrangements, and does not imply the provision of any financial or other suppor t. A valid passpor t is required to enter Slovenia. Although Slovenia applies a visa waiver policy for most nationalities, there are however exceptions. Par ticipants are therefore strongly advised to check visa requirements prior to depar ture at the nearest Slovenian embassy or consulate. Information on visas and addresses of Slovenian embassies abroad is available on the website of the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Af fairs.


All par ticipants are reminded that technical organizer Albatros Bled, age to persons or private proper t are requested to make their own travel insurance. neither the Organizing Committee nor the are liable for any losses, accidents or damy. Par ticipants and accompanying persons arrangements with respect of health and

During the session breaks, refreshments will be ser ved free of charge to par ticipants wearing conference identification badges.

Lunch is not included in the registration fee. A lunch buf fet will be organized in the Grand Hotel Bernardin. The organizers will also provide a list and a map of restaurants in the vicinit y of the congress centre.

With January 1st, 2007, Slovenia will use the euro as its of ficial currency. Foreign currencies can be exchanged in banks, exchange bureaus and the Hotels Bernardin.

Automatic cash dispensers accepting Visa, Eurocard/Mastercard, American Express credit cards and Maestro are situated at all main banks in Por toroz, Piran and also at Ljubljana Airpor t.

All major credit cards, such as American Express, Visa, Eurocard/Mastercard, Diners, are widely accepted in hotels, restaurants, and shops.

Electricit y in Slovenia is 220 V, 50 Hz. Continental Europe 2 pin plugs are used.


Tap water is safe to drink in Slovenia.

European summer time, one hour ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

The weather in Por toroz in early July is generally fair with temperatures between 22 and 30 degrees Celsius.

Por toroz operates various national bus routes between all coastal cities, Por toroz, Piran, Izola and Koper, and also daily ser vices between Por toroz and Ljubljana. Payment can be made in cash to the driver.

A taxi ser vice is available day and night.

There are many shops within walking distance away from the congress centre in Por toroz and Piran. Shopping hours during the week are between 9.00 and 19.00.


Tr a n s f e r / t r a v e l i n f o r m a t i o n

The Bernardin Hotel Resor t is located between the medieval town of Piran and the modern town of Por toroz on the Adriatic coast of Slovenia. The congress centre is easily accessible by car (motorway) or train to Koper. The nearest airpor ts suitable for traveling to Por toroz are Ljubljana/Brnik (Slovenia) and Trieste/Ronchi (Italy) airpor ts.

The nearest Airpor t of Airpor t of Airpor t of Airpor t of airports: Ljubljana, Brnik, Slovenia, 140 km to Por toroz Trieste, Ronchi, Italy, 80 km to Por toroz Venice-Marco Polo, Italy, 200 km to Por toroz Venice-Treviso, Italy, 230 km to Por toroz

The nearest airpor ts are the International Airpor t of Ljubljana, Slovenia (Brnik - 20 km nor thwest of Ljubljana) and the international Airpor t of Trieste, Italy. Ljubljana airpor t at Brnik is connected by frequent flights to most major European airpor ts. There are connections three or four times per day to Frankfur t, Munich, Paris (Charles de Gaulle), and Vienna airpor ts, twice per day to Brussels, Prague, Warsaw and Zurich airpor ts and daily connections with London (Gatwick and Stansted), Moscow (Sheremet yevo) and Istanbul airpor ts. There is a shuttle or taxi connection between airpor t Brnik and Ljubljana. Arriving in Ljubljana, travel to Bernardin/Por toroz can be continued by bus directly to Por toroz or by train to Koper, where a local bus to Por toroz/Piran is available. Another option is to fly to the Trieste Airpor t at Ronchi. Ronchi airpor t is 80 km away from the Bernardin Congress Centre but please note that you have to cross the Italian border (where visa might be needed) to get into Slovenia. There is a bus connection between Trieste Airpor t and Piran. You can also use Venice airport. For transfers to Por toroz please contact Albatros Bled agency directly. Shuttle Shuttle transpor tation prior, during and af ter the congress will be organized between Ljubljana airpor t (Brnik), Trieste airpor t (Ron-

chi) and Venice airpor t (Marco Polo and Treviso) to Por toroz based on interest. If you are interested in this shuttle ser vice please note it down on the accommodation form. The fares are: Price (approx.) per car (1- 3 people) 90 EUR 70 EUR 130 EUR 210 EUR 180 EUR Price (approx.) per shuttle (4-7 people) 120 EUR 100 EUR 170 EUR 260 EUR 220 EUR



TRIESTE airpor t/Italy Por toroz/Slovenia TRIESTE bus or railway station/Italy Por toroz/Slovenia

LJUBLJANA airpor t/ Por toroz/Slovenia Slovenia VENICE airpor t Treviso/Italy VENICE airpor t Marco Polo/Italy Por toroz/Slovenia Por toroz/Slovenia

You can reach Slovenia and Por toroz via major motor ways from Italy, Austria, Hungary (via Koper), and Croatia (via Rijeka or Pula). You may want to consult the online route planner which can be found on map24.com. Please note that the motor way is not free of charge, toll charges do apply. For traf fic information visit website of the Automobile Association of Slovenia, AMZS. The Bernardin Congress Centre has a large parking lot (free of charge) behind the congress centre.


Slovenia can be reached by train as there are regular connections with Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Germany, Italy, and Switzerland. The nearest railway stations are: Koper railway station, Slovenia (15 km) You should take the train between Ljubljana and Koper railway station. Please visit http://www.slo-zeleznice.si/en/ to see a detailed schedule. To reach Por toroz, you can use the local bus connection, or taxi between Koper and Por toroz. Trieste railway station, Italy (35 km), http://www.trenitalia.com/. There is an international bus connection between Trieste railway station (Italy) and Koper (Slovenia). To reach Por toroz, you may use the local bus connection or taxi.

It is also possible to reach Slovenia and Por toroz from neighboring countries by bus. Internal bus transpor t is well organized and relatively inexpensive. There are several buses running daily between Ljubljana and Por toroz, the journey takes about 2 hours. Please visit http://www.ap-ljubljana.si/eng/ for exact bus connections and schedule between European cities and the town of Ljubljana. In Ljubljana you should take a bus that will take you to Koper and than change to local bus between Koper and Por toroz.


Par ticipants and accompanying persons are warmly welcome to attend the conference social events. An attractive tourist programme during the conference, pre- and post-conference tours will also be organized on site.

Social events and t ouris t pr ogramme

Sunday, July 1, 2007 19.00 ­ 22.00 Welcome reception Grand Hotel Bernardin, front side, by the sea, Bernardin, Por toroz, Slovenia Sightseeing walking tour around Piran is included in the registration fee. Wednesday, July 4, 2007 20.00 ­ 22.00 Gala Dinner Grand Hotel Bernardin, Bernardin, Por toroz, Slovenia A rich selection of dishes from dif ferent par ts of Slovenia will be ser ved together with fine local wines. Local music will add to the Slovenian flavor of the evening.

Slovenia Slovenia is a country with an excellent geographic position at the crossroads of routes leading from the cold nor th to the warm Mediterranean south. Within an area of 20,000 square kilometers, a fascinating variet y of landscapes can be found, ranging from the Mediterranean seaside and stone Karst to the Alps and the Pannonian lowlands. Equally diverse and attractive is the cultural heritage of Slovenia and its people. For fur ther information about Slovenia, see http://www.slovenia-tourism.si and http:// matkurja.com/eng/.


Excursion to Bled Bled is the most popular tourist resor t in Slovenia. With its emerald-green lake, a church on the island in the middle of the lake, and a medieval castle from the 11th century perched on a clif f over the lake, it is of ten referred to as the pearl of the Alpine region. For more information on Bled, please visit http://www.bled.si.

Exursions to Postojna caves and Skocjan caves regional park Postojna caves, an impressive, two million years old underground world of fabulous stalactites, stalagmites, pillars, and translucent cur tains, constitute one of the most beautiful natural attractions in Europe. For more information see the website http://www.postojnska-jama.si. Skocjan caves were included in UNESCO's world heritage list in 1986 because of their extraordinary significance for the world's natural heritage. The regional park embraces the characteristic and unique Karst landscape combining a great number of Karst features in one place. More information at http://www.park-skocjanske-jame.si. Excursion to Ljubljana The guided walking tour will take you through the centre of the Slovenian capital, past its many tourist attractions. From the tower of the Ljubljana castle, you will enjoy a magnificent view over the cit y and its surroundings. Please visit http://www.ljubljana-tourism.si.


Exursion to Lipica ­ stud farm In the southwestern par t of Slovenia stretches a region called the Karst. It is a land of rare beaut y, with hidden underground waters and caves, a special climate and scarce vegetation. In the picturesque village of Lipica, for more than 400 years, beautiful white horses called Lipizzaners have been bred. A local guide will take visitors on a guided tour through the stables, pointing out the dif ferent stages of breeding and training these noble animals. Please visit www.lipica.org. Excursion to Salina Secovlje Not only that the traditional manual gathering of salt in the salt fields is a special feature of the cultural heritage of the Mediterranean Slovenia, but it also provides for conditions that enable conser vation of the most significant natural heritage of the Secovlje Salina. The tradition of saltmaking, which originates from the 14th century, is still practiced within the Museum of Salt-making. See website http://www.kpss.si/eng/park/382.

Please visit the congress website for more options and detailed information.


Cancellation of Tourist Programme
All cancellations must be sent in writing to: Mrs. Veronika Smid Albatros Bled Ribenska 2 SI-4260 Bled Slovenia Tel: +386 4 5780 356 Fax: +386 4 5780 355 veronika@albatros-bled.com http://www.albatros-bled.com For any further information regarding the congress, please contact: Ms. Meta Skumavc National Institute of Chemistry Hajdrihova 19 SI-1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Phone/Fax: +386 1 4760 420 Email: meta.skumavc@ki.si or epf2007@ki.si


National Institute of Chemistry Slovenia

Photos: www.slovenia.info; authors: J. Skok, D. Mladenovic, B. Hladnik, Archives hoteli Morje