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Using Markov Chains for Identi cation of
Dmitri V. Khmelev and Fiona J. Tweedie
May 22, 2002
This paper was published in Literary and Linguistic Computing, 2001,
vol.16, no.4, pp.299-307
In this paper we present a technique for authorship attribution
based on a simple Markov chain of letters (i.e., just letter bigrams are
used). Many proposed methods of authorship attribution are illus-
trated on small examples. We show that this technique provides excel-
lent results when applied to over 380 texts from the Project Gutenberg
archives, as well as to two previously published data sets.
1 Introduction 1
2 Method 2
3 Application 4
3.1 Project Gutenberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.2 Outside the Cave of Shadows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.3 Federalist Papers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4 Discussion and Conclusions 7
A Mathematical Background 9

B Results from Project Gutenberg texts 9
1 Introduction
Modern methods of authorship attribution are reviewed for Russian tech-
niques by Milov (1994) and for Western methods by Holmes (1998). Despite
the huge variety of methods, none of those described in either paper have
been applied to a large number of texts. Often such methods require an ele-
ment of human intervention which makes their application to large numbers
of texts almost impossible. Yet the generalisability of these techniques is of
prime importance | can they be used outside the particular case that they
were designed for?
One method which has been tested on a number of texts was proposed
by Fomenko and Fomenko (1996). They examine the proportion of function
words used by an author, and nd that this is stable for each author, across
a large number of writers in Russian.
In this paper we present a method which has its origins in the early
twentieth century in the work of Markov (1916). In criticising the work of
Morozov (1915), he recalls a technique used to examine the text of Eugene
Onegin in 1913. In Markov's paper we nd the rst application of the idea
of the Markov Chain, used in many elds today, e.g. speech recognition.
We consider a straightforward measure, i.e. the letters that are used in the
text. Unlike recent work involving letters by, for example Kjell (1994) and
Forsyth and Holmes (1996), we consider not the relative frequency of a letter
bigram, but rather the probabilities of the subsequent letter, e.g. given that
a particular letter is an `f' which letters are most likely to follow it?
In the following section we describe the method in detail. Subsequent
sections put the idea in to practice with a large selection of texts from the
Project Gutenberg archives, data from Baayen et al. (1996)'s investigation of
the use of syntactic information, and from The Federalist Papers. We nish
with the conclusions drawn from these examples.
2 Method
If we wanted to nd a probabilistic model for natural language text, we
might consider a simple model where letters and spaces were generated in-

dependently according to their probabilities of occurrence in the language.
Of course, letters do not occur at random, and are dependent on the letters
which occur before them. The simplest such model would have each letter
being dependent only on the preceding letter. This gives rise to a rst-order,
or simple, Markov chain model. We will show that this model can be used
to determine authorship in a wide variety of examples.
As an example of a rst-order Markov chain, we can consider a sequence
of a reduced number of letters, for example a section of DNA. The section
below is taken from the start of the X-chromosome.
In this case we have four possible characters, A, C, G and T. If we count
the number of times in this section of DNA that A occurs, we nd that of
the 53 occurrences, A is followed by another A 17 times, or 32.1% of the
time, while a C follows only 5 times (9.4%), a G, 17 times (32.1%) and a T
14 times or 26.4%. We can then construct a full transition matrix:
Second char
A 17 5 17 14
First C 7 3 1 8
char G 20 6 8 17
T 10 5 24 17
This can be turned into a matrix of probabilities by dividing each number
by the total for that row, e.g. for A followed by another A we have 17=(17 +
5 + 17 + 14) = 0:320755:
Second char
A 0.320755 0.094340 0.320755 0.264151
First C 0.368421 0.157895 0.052632 0.421053
char G 0.392157 0.117647 0.156863 0.333333
T 0.178571 0.089286 0.428571 0.303571

While in studies of DNA the alphabet consists of 4 characters, with texts
in English we have 26 characters, plus the space character, to deal with. The
theory remains the same, with a 2727 transition matrix replacing the 44
one illustrated above.
Some pre-processing of the texts is carried out before the transition ma-
trices are calculated. All punctuation and formatting are removed. Khmelev
(2000) shows that better results are obtained when capitalised words such as
proper nouns and sentence-initial words are ignored and so words beginning
with a capital letter are also omitted. Formatting is reduced to a single space
between words, and also at the beginning and end of the text. A mathemat-
ical description of the technique can be found in Appendix A while the main
text will describe it in general terms.
A transition matrix, comparable to the one above, although much larger,
is then calculated for each text. The transition matrix for an author is
produced by averaging the elements of the matrices from each text by that
In order to predict the authorship of a new text, assuming that it was
written by one of the known authors, we consider the probability of the text
being generated by each of the transition matrices. Each author will thus be
assigned a probability. These probabilities are then ranked, with the highest
probability having rank 0, the next rank 1 and so on, and the author with
the highest probability and thus lowest rank is deemed to have written the
Khmelev (2000) presents this technique and applies it to authors writing
in Russian. He shows that it gives substantially better results than the
analysis of individual letters. In the present paper we apply the method to
English texts including two published data sets.
3 Application
We will consider three data sets to illustrate the technique described above:
1. Authors of texts in English, obtained from the Project Gutenberg
archives, 1
2. Data from the Baayen et al. (1996) paper: `Outside the Cave of Shad-
1 Project Gutenberg web site: http://promo.net/pg/

3. The Federalist Papers.
Each section will present the problem, describe the division into training
and test sets, indicate the levels of cross-validation accuracy, and present and
discuss the results.
3.1 Project Gutenberg
In order to consider as wide a variety of writers in English as possible, texts
were obtained from the Project Gutenberg archives. A total of 387 texts
were obtained from 45 authors who had more than one text included in the
archive; the details of authors and classi cations are given in Appendix B.
One randomly chosen text from each author was held out to make up an
initial test set. The results from comparing these texts with the 45 authors
are given in the rst two columns of Table 1. Thirty-three texts were correctly
classi ed, while another 5 had rank 1, i.e. the correct author was the second
choice. The mean of the ranked values is E(R k ) = 1:681. Given that there are
45 texts to be assigned, the correct assignment of 73.3% of them represents
an error rate of just 0.687%. 2
One Text All Texts
Rank Number Rank Number
0 33 0 288
1 5 1 26
2 0 2 10
3 1 3 5
4 2 4 9
> 4 5 > 4 49
Table 1: Results from cross-validation
A full cross-validation was also carried out, where each text in turn is left
out of the analysis, then the authorship of this text is predicted from the
other data. The third column of the table in Appendix B details the average
2 If we assume that each pairwise comparison of a text and author is independent
and error rate in each comparision is p, then the probability of a correct classi cation is
(1 p) 45 . For error rate p = 0:05 we have (1 0:05) 45  0:099, and solving for p gives
(1 0:006868) 45 = 0:7333.

rank obtained for texts from each author. Of the 387 texts and 45 possible
authors, 288 texts are correctly classi ed. The full results are presented in
the second part of Table 1. The average rank for the texts is E(R k ) = 2:100.
3.2 Outside the Cave of Shadows
In a study of how authorial discrimination may be improved by the use of
syntactic data, Baayen et al. (1996) examined ten samples of text from each
of two known authors, Innes and Allingham. Of the twenty samples, the
provenance of fourteen was known to the experimenters, the remaining six
had to be assigned to one of the two authors. Baayen et al. use principal
components analyses of frequently occurring words, measures of lexical rich-
ness, and rare constructions to identify the authors of the six text samples.
While Baayen et al. apply their methods to both the syntactic and lexical
vocabulary, we will just consider the lexical data since a transition matrix of
syntax rules would be too large to deal with. The two sets of attributed text
samples will form the training set, while the unassigned samples will form
the test set.
Cross-validation gives perfect results; all of the texts known to be by
author A (Innes) are classi ed as being by Innes, and the samples from
author B (Allingham) are all classi ed as being by Allingham. The allocation
of the six samples to be classi ed and their correct attributions, shown in
parentheses, are A (A), B (B), A (B), A (A), B (B) and A (A) respectively.
Five of the six samples have been correctly assigned to their authors, which
compares favourably with similar results reported by Baayen et al. when
using measures of lexical richness (four out of six classi ed correctly) and
frequently occurring words ( ve out of six). Inspection of the probabilities
realised by the transition matrices shows that the di erence between the
attributions has an average of 0.0060 and a standard deviation of 0.0028.
The third text, which was mis-classi ed, gives rise to a di erence of only
0.00038. This technique therefore performs as well as any of the methods
applied to the lexical data by Baayen et al.
3.3 Federalist Papers
The Federalist Papers were written in 1787 and 1788 to persuade the citizens
of New York State to adopt the nascent Constitution of the United States.
From their initial use by Mosteller and Wallace in 1964, through research by

McColly and Weier (1983) to recent work by Holmes and Forsyth (1995) and
Tweedie et al. (1996), they have become somewhat of a test case for new
methods of authorship attribution.
There are 85 texts, of which 52 were written entirely by Hamilton and
14 entirely by Madison, with 12 papers that are disputed between these two
authors. A further three texts were written jointly by Hamilton and Madison.
The remaining texts were written by Jay and we shall not consider these texts
here. The texts known to be by either Hamilton or Madison will form the
training set, while the disputed and joint papers will make up the test set.
When individual texts are held out for cross-validation purposes, we nd
that four out of the fourteen Madison papers are classi ed as being by Hamil-
ton, while only two out of the 52 Hamilton papers are misclassi ed. This
overall misclassi cation rate of 9% is quite acceptable for cross-validation.
All of the disputed papers are assigned by the Markov chain to Madison,
a result consistent with that of Mosteller and Wallace and subsequent re-
searchers. In addition, the joint papers, i.e. numbers 18 to 20, are classi ed
as being by Madison, Hamilton and Madison, respectively.
Mosteller and Wallace (1964) also assign paper 18 to Madison, although
Tweedie et al.'s neural network assigns it to Hamilton. The latter note that
very few of their eleven function words actually occur in the text. A technique
such as the one presented here which deals with letter bigrams will not have
this problem, and hopefully give rise to more accurate results.
Our technique assigns paper 19 to Hamilton, although the probabilities
di er only by 0.0007, in comparison with the average di erence of 0.0048 for
the undisputed papers. Mosteller and Wallace conclude that the majority of
the paper was written by Madison, and Tweedie et al's neural network also
assigns the text to Madison.
Finally, for paper 20, Tweedie et al. (1996) cite Bourne (1901) writing
Fully nine-tenths of it is drawn from Madison's own abstract of Sir
William Temple's Observations upon the United Provinces and
of Fetice's Code de l'Humanite . . . Sir William Temple's claim
to be recognized as joint author of No. 20 is far stronger than
They conclude that Temple's in uence is the reason that the paper is as-
signed to Hamilton; our method assigns the text, perhaps more accurately,
to Madison.

4 Discussion and Conclusions
In the section above we have considered three data sets which illustrate the
versatility of our proposed technique. Many studies of authorship attribution
are limited by the small number of texts that are considered, with valid
questions about their generalisability. To address this, our rst data set
was made up of 387 texts from 45 authors, 74.42% of which were correctly
classi ed. If we treat as correct an author being in the top three selected, the
success rate goes up to 83.72%, a quite remarkable result. Khmelev (2000)
reports similar results with texts written in Russian.
To test the method on data in the literature we considered two previously
published cases. Our technique performs at least as well as any used by
Baayen et al. (1996) on the lexical data, and correctly assigns the disputed
Federalist Papers. This sucess is particularly reassuring given the change
in magnitude of the sample sizes, from hundreds of thousands of words in
the Project Gutenberg archive data to around ten thousand in the Cave of
Shadows data to around one thousand words in the Federalist Papers.
The data used for the Markov Chain can perhaps be described as lin-
guistically microscopic - the unit is too small for meaningful conclusions to
be reached regarding characteristics of the texts by the individual authors.
Comparison of transition matrices may allow the researcher to comment that
Hamilton uses `p' followed by `a' more than Madison, for example, but this
does not add to the stylistic interpretation of the texts.
Such letter sequences may also be dependent on the subject of the texts.
Improved results may be obtained by removing context-dependent words
and performing the analysis only on function words, or very frequent words.
Another possibility, along the lines of Baayen et al. (1996), would be to
examine the transitions between parts of speech used, thus tapping in to
the syntactic structure of the text and avoiding any dependence on context.
This research is ongoing and some results are presented in Kuskushkina et
al. (2001).

A Mathematical Background
Given W writers each of which has Nw texts, where w = 0; : : : ; W 1, we
have Q wn
ij which is the number of transitions from letter i to j, for text n
(n = 0; : : : Nw 1) from writer w (w = 0; : : : W 1). To nd the predicted
author for text ^
n of author ^
w we have
Q k
ij =
Nw 1
Q kn
for k 6= ^
w, and
Q ^
ij =
Q ^
ij :
We then have
 k ( ^
w; ^
n) =
Q ^
ij ln

Q k
Q k
w ( ^
w; ^
n) =
Q ^
ij ln

Q ^
Q ^
If Q k
ij = 0 then we do not evaluate that part of the sum.
We also de ne ranks R k ( ^
w; ^ n) to be the rank of  k ( ^
w; ^
n) in f k ( ^
w; ^
n); k =
0; : : : ; W 1g where R k ( ^
w; ^
n) 2 f0; : : : ; W 1g. If the text is assigned to
the correct author, then R ^
w ( ^
w; ^
n) = 0.
B Results from Project Gutenberg texts

rank of average number of
Author held-out text rank in c-v texts
Austen, Jane, 1775-1817 0 0 8
Bronte, Anne, 1820-1849 0 0 2
Bronte, Charlotte, 1816-1855 1 5.25 4
Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 1875-1950 0 0 25
Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898 0 7.67 6
Cather, Willa Sibert, 1873-1947 0 0 5
Christie, Agatha, 1891-1976 0 0 2
Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924 0 0.32 22
Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851 0 0.83 6
Crane, Stephen, 1871-1900 0 2 2
Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731 3 7.12 8
Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870 4 2.07 57
Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir, 1859-1930 7 2.45 20
Eliot, T. S., 1888-1965 0 0 3
Fielding, Henry, 1707-1754 1 1 2
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 1896-1940 0 0 2
Hardy, Thomas, 1840-1928 0 0 7
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1804-1864 0 0.5 12
Henry, O., 1862-1910 0 0 8
Irving, Washington, 1783-1859 0 5.43 7
James, Henry, 1843-1916 0 1.36 22
Kilmer, Joyce, 1886-1918 0 0 2
Kipling, Rudyard, 1865-1936 0 2.14 14
Lamb, Charles, 1775-1834 0 0 3
Lewis, Sinclair, 1885-1951 0 0 2
London, Jack, 1876-1916 1 1 28
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 1807-1882 0 0 3
Marlowe, Christopher, 1564-1593 0 0 7
Maugham, W. Somerset, 1874-1965 0 0 2
Melville, Herman, 1819-1891 0 2 2
Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 1892-1950 0 0 2
Milton, John, 1608-1674 0 6.59 6
Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 0 0.75 8
Potter, Beatrix, 1866-1943 0 0 2
Shaw, George Bernard, 1856-1950 10 4.57 7
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 1797-1851 0 0 2
Sinclair, Upton, 1878-1968 25 29.67 3
Stoker, Bram, 1847-1912 11 7 2
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745 0 0.5 4
Tennyson, Alfred, Baron, 1809-1892 0 0 3
Thoreau, Henry David, 1817-1862 0 0 3
Trollope, Anthony, 1815-1882 4 6 5
Wells, H. G., 1866-1946 1 0.67 18
Wharton, Edith, 1862-1937 0 0.11 9
Wilde, Oscar, 1854-1900 1 7.25 20
Table 2: Authors sampled from Project Gutenberg, with the number of texts
examined, the rank of a single held-out text and the sum of the ranks when
cross-validation is carried out.

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