Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://www.parallel.ru/sites/default/files/ftp/mpi/nextgen.ps
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Wed Nov 2 11:53:59 2011
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Tue Oct 2 02:57:23 2012
Êîäèðîâêà: IBM-866
MPICH Working Note:
The SecondíGeneration ADI
for the MPICH Implementation
of MPI
William Gropp
Ewing Lusk
. .

In this paper we describe an abstract device interface (ADI) that may be used to efficiently implement
the Message Passing Interface (MPI). After experience with a firstígeneration ADI that made certain
assumptions about the devices and tradeoffs in the design, it has become clear that, particularly on
systems with lowílatency communication, the firstígeneration ADI design imposes too much additional
latency. In addition, the firstígeneration design is awkward for heterogeneous systems, complex for
noncontiguous messaging, and inadequate at error handling. The design in this note describes a new
ADI that provides lower latency in common cases and is still easy to implement, while retaining many
opportunities for customization to any advanced capabilities that the underlying hardware may support.
1 Introduction
Our goal is to define an abstract device interface (ADI) on which MPI [1] can be efficiently implemented. This
discussion is in terms of the MPICH implementation, a freely available, widely used version of MPI. The ADI
provides basic, pointítoípoint messageípassing services for the MPICH implementation of MPI. The MPICH
code handles the rest of the MPI standard, including the management of datatypes, and communicators,
and the implementation of collective operations with pointítoípoint operations. Because many of the issues
involve understanding details of the MPI specification (particularly the obscure corners that users can ignore
but that an implemenation must handle), familarity with Version 1.1 of the MPI standard is assumed in this
paper [2].
This note also discusses changes to the MPICH implementation to improve performance, particularly
with respect to the organization of MPI×Request. To fully understand these comments, some familiarity
with the MPICH implementation of MPI is required.
To make the discussion more concrete, we sometimes use ``ADI'' to refer to a particular implementaí
tion of the ADI. However, the ADI is defined by the specification of the interface, not by any particular
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the guiding design principles and
objectives. Section 3 describes the routines for moving contiguous data. Section 4 discusses the support
for the noncontiguous and heterogeneous data types. Section 5 discusses the other, supporting functions
provided by the ADI. Section 6 discusses some of the unusual cases that the MPI standard requires be
handled. Finally, Section 7 shows some simple messageípassing programs that use only the ADI functions
defined here.
2 Principles
The design tries to adhere to the following principles:
ffl No extra memory motion, even of single words. A single cache miss can generate enormous delays (on
the order of one microsecond in some systesms).
ffl Minimal number of procedure calls.
ffl Efficient support of MPI×Bsend, particularly for short messages.
ffl The common contiguous case should be simple and fast.
ffl The general data structure case should be managed by the ADI, even if it involves simply moving data
into and out of contiguous data buffers (putting those buffers under control of the ADI).
ffl The ADI should be usable by itself (without the entire MPI implementation), simplifying testing and
tuning of the ADI.
Most of these are clearly desirable. One descision that is not obvious is the support for general datatypes.
For reasons of maximum efficiency, particularly for regular but not contiguous datatypes (e.g., strided vecí
tors), it is important that the ADI have the opportunity to handle these types. On the other hand, particí
ularly when porting to a new platform, requiring that the ADI handle the general MPI datatypes imposes

a substantial burden on the implementor. The design in this document shows how the general datatypes
can be supported using only routines that move contiguous arrays of bytes, and the model implementation
contains this support.
This design seems to require more functions (and hence more code) than the previous ADI design but
really does not. It simply separates out the individual cases that need to be implemented.
The routines described in this document are expected to be implemented as macros, allowing the use of
multiple instances of the routines for implementations that support multiple ADIs. In addition, most of the
routines contain an MPI communicator argument that is used as a container for any special information;
this may be omitted by particular implementations of the ADI to shorten the argument lists.
One objective that is hard to achieve is to limit the number of redundant memory operations. This
particularly impacts error checking; if all of the error checks are made in one place (say, at the top of a
routine like MPI×Send), and the same data is used later, possibly in a different routine, the data will be
loaded twice. Because the ADI interface is not intended for general use, we place the error checking nearest
to the first use of the data. For items like the message tag and buffer, this testing will be in the ADI routines.
For items like the datatype and communicator, it may be most natural to test these before calling the ADI
routines. For example, the ADI has separate routines for contiguous and noncontiguous data, requiring that
the datatype be tested first.
Note that some errors can be detected most efficiently by the ADI routines (for example, in routines that
take a datatype and buffer, a null or invalid buffer is detected most easily as the data is being moved, since
an MPI datatype may specify an absolute address offset for a buffer, allowing a null buffer as an argument).
These routines should also detect message truncation on a receive, and handle any resource limitations.
Thus, there is no uniformly convenient place to do all error checking.
In implementing this ADI, there are some operations that will be common to many different implemení
tations. For example, many implementations will need routines to manipulate message queues and the pack
and unpack nonícontiguous data. The model implementation will provide these.
One final complication comes from the requirement in MPI 1.1 that MPI objects like MPI×COMM×WORLD
be compileítime constants. This is much stronger than the MPI 1.0 requirement that they be unchanging
between MPI×INIT and MPI×FINALIZE. This essentially requires that the values for these objects be predefined
integers, particularly when considering the Fortran versions (which require PARAMETER values). As a result,
the types of the userívisiable objects like MPI×Comm, MPI×Datatype, etc. are ints. These ints are translated
into pointers to the appropriate structures; the ADI never sees the original int values. Thus, the device
interface is given struct MPIR×DATATYPE * instead of MPI×Datatype and struct MPIR×COMMUNICATOR *
instead of MPI×Comm. Both of these structures contain a self field that provides the integer value that
corresponds to the pointer. It is the responsibility of the code that calls the ADI routines to ensure that the
pointers are valid.
The rest of this papers is organized as follows. Section 3 describes the routines for sending and receiving
contiguous data. Section 4 describes the routines for nonícontiguous data, and describes how they can be
implemented by using the contiguous routines. Section 5 describes various service and informational routines.
Section 6 describes special considerations and issues in implementing the ADI. Finally, Section 7 presents
some example messageípassing programs that use only the ADI routines.
3 The Contiguous Routines
The contiguous useríbuffer case is an important special case, and one that is handled by all hardware. This
design provides special entry points for operations on contiguous messages.
3.1 Sending
The basic contiguous send routine has the form
MPID×SendContig( comm, buf, len, src×lrank, tag, context×id, dest×grank,
msgrep, &error×code )
comm Communicator for the operation (struct MPIR×COMMUNICATOR *, not MPI×Comm).

buf Address of the buffer.
len Length in bytes of the buffer.
src lrank Rank in communicator of the sender (source local rank).
tag Message tag.
context id Numeric context id.
dest grank Rank of the destination, as known to the device. Usually this is the rank in MPI×COMM×WORLD
but may differ if dynamic process management is supported.
msgrep The message representation form. This is an MPID×Msgrep×t (enum int) data item that will be
delivered to the receiving process. Implementations are free to ignore this value.
error code The result of the action (an MPI error code). This may be set only if the value would not be
MPI×SUCCESS. In other words, an implementation is free to not set this unless there is an error. The
error code was made an argument so that an implementation as a macro would be easier.
Similar versions exist for the other MPI send modes (i.e., MPID×SsendContig and MPID×RsendContig).
One point that deserves discussion is the use of a global rank for the destination instead of a rank relative
to the communicator. The advantage of using a global rank is that many ADI implementations can then
ignore the communicator argument (except for error processing). In addition, for communicators congruent
to MPI×COMM×WORLD, no translation from relative to global ranks is needed.
3.1.1 Buffered Sends
MPI programs can suffer in performance if a naive implemenations of MPI×Bsend is used. The standard
shows an implementation that uses nonblocking sends and extra copies for each message. Many systems can
deliver short messages without any special effort; the routine MPID×BsendContig does so if possible. However,
rather than block as MPID×SendContig does if the message cannot be delivered, MPID×BsendContig returns
MPIR×ERR×MAY×BLOCK as the error code. In this case, the MPI implementation (not the ADI) can use the
model solution in the standard.
3.1.2 Receiving
The routine to receive a message is much like the send routines, with the addition of an MPI×Status argument:
MPID×RecvContig( comm, buf, maxlen, src×lrank, tag, context×id,
&status, &error×code )
The address of the status may be null, in which case all status information is discarded. This is not
supported by the MPI standard, but is not prohibited either, and this allows study of what efficiencies can
be gained.
Note that the receive is given the src×lrank, the local rank of the source in the communicator. If the
implementation of MPID×RecvContig requires the absolute rank, it can get this from the communicator with
the code (this is MPICHíspecific)
Note that MPID×RecvContig has both a status and an error×code argument. An MPI status has the
field MPI×ERROR; 1 this could be used instead. Doing so, however, would eliminate the possibility of using a
null status. Moreover, in the case of no error, there is no additional cost.
1 Added in version 1.1 of the MPI standard.

3.2 Summary of Blocking Routines
These routines correspond to the MPI routines MPI×Send, MPI×Bsend, MPI×Rsend, MPI×Ssend, and MPI×Recv
MPID×SendContig( comm, buf, len, src×lrank, tag, context×id, dest×grank,
msgrep, &error×code )
MPID×BsendContig( comm, buf, len, src×lrank, tag, context×id, dest×grank,
msgrep, &error×code )
MPID×RsendContig( comm, buf, len, src×lrank, tag, context×id, dest×grank,
msgrep, &error×code )
MPID×SsendContig( comm, buf, len, src×lrank, tag, context×id, dest×grank,
msgrep, &error×code )
MPID×RecvContig( comm, buf, maxlen, src×lrank, tag, context×id,
&status, &error×code )
3.3 Nonblocking Routines
Just as with MPI, the nonblocking versions are critical and can be used to implement the blocking versions.
The nonblocking routines are much like the blocking versions, except that they take the MPI×Request
handle for the operation (not just a deviceíspecific handle, as in the firstígeneration ADI). However, the
MPID routines do not allocate the MPI×Request as the MPI routines do; rather, an MPI routine allocates the
request and passes it to the MPID routine. The semantics of the communication are the same as for their
MPI counterparts.
There is no ADI support for persistent requests; this feature is discussed further in Section 6.1.
3.4 Summary of Nonblocking Routines
There is no nonblocking buffered send; that function can be implemented with the routines already defined,
probably with little additional overhead.
MPID×IsendContig( comm, buf, len, src×lrank, tag, context×id, dest×grank,
msgrep, request, &error×code )
MPID×IrsendContig( comm, buf, len, src×lrank, tag, context×id, dest×grank,
msgrep, request, &error×code )
MPID×IssendContig( comm, buf, len, src×lrank, tag, context×id, dest×grank,
msgpre, request, &error×code )
MPID×IrecvContig( comm, buf, maxlen, src×lrank, tag, context×id,
request, &error×code )
3.5 Message Completion
Nonblocking messages need to be completed eventually; at the MPI level, this is done with the
MPI×Wait/MPI×Test family of routines. The corresponding MPID routines are a subset of these and have two
forms: a quick test for completion (indicating that no further action is required) and a testíandícomplete
(similar to MPI×Test). There are separate routines for send and receive operations.
In addition, there is a ``waitíuntilísomethingíhappens'' routine called MPID×DeviceCheck. This can be
null but can be used to allow MPI×Wait to wait more passively (for example, with a select) rather than
spinning on tests. It takes one argument of type MPID×BLOCKING×TYPE; it can be used for both blocking and
nonblocking checks of the device.
The simplest case is testing for requests that have already completed. This is done by testing the field
is×complete in the request structure. The ADI should set this field in the request when the operation is
complete. 2
2 Early versions of this document included a MPID RecvDone and a MPID SendDone call, but in the end is was clearer to make
this an explicit part of the MPI Request structure.

If a request is not complete, the routines MPID×xxxxIcomplete can be used. These return true if the
request is complete (after calling); that is, they return true if the corresponding MPID×xxxxDone routine
would return true. These routines are expected to call the device and perform some additional processing.
Note that MPID×RecvIcomplete sets the status variable; just as for a blocking receive, status may be null.
MPID×RecvIcomplete( handle, &status, &error×code )
MPID×SendIcomplete( handle, &error×code )
If an error has been detected, these routines return true and set the error×code appropriately. For a send
operation (MPID×SendIcomplete), an error is unlikely but could occur, for example, when the destination
process disappears. The use of I in Icomplete indicates that these routines do not block waiting for the
operation to complete. These really correspond to MPI×Test, which, despite its name, does more than just
test (since, on a successful test, it also completes the request).
The routine MPID×DeviceCheck may be used to wait for something to happen. This routine may return
at any time; it must return if the is×complete value for any request is changed during the call. For
example, if a request would be completed only when an acknowledgment message or data message arrived,
then MPID×DeviceCheck could block until a message (from anywhere) arrived. This call is typically used
in the implementation of MPI×Waitxxx, as shown below. Note that calling MPID×DeviceCheck itself is not
enough to ensure that a request is completed.
There could be separate send versions for each type of send (ready, synchronous, etc.); but since the ADI
may map the different send operations into such parts as ``short eager'' or ``long rendezvous'' messages, it
makes more sense for the ADI to take the responsibility of remembering what kind of ADI operation the
request is performing. In the sample implementation, this information is stored in the MPI request in the
completer field (see Section 6.1).
An illustrative use of these calls in the implementation of MPI×Wait is shown below.
int err = MPI×SUCCESS;
switch ((*request)í?type) --
if ((*request)í?shandle.is×complete) --
do --
Ý while (!MPID×SendIcomplete( *request, &err ));
MPID×SendFree( request );
request = 0;
return err;
In the case of MPID×Waitall, the code is a little different because of the need to wait for completion in
any order; this difference explains the need for MPID×DeviceCheck rather than just a MPID×SendComplete
int err = MPI×SUCCESS;
nleft = n;
while (nleft) --
for (i=0; i!n; i++) --
request = array×of×requests[i];
switch ((request)í?type) --
if (requestí?shandle.is×complete) --
MPID×SendFree( request );
array×of×requests[i] = 0;

if (nleftíí == 0) return err;
else --
if (MPID×SendIcomplete( request, &err )) --
MPID×SendFree( request );
array×of×requests[i] = 0;
if (nleftíí == 0) return err;
This code is a little sketchy (particularly on the error handling) and is not appropriate for large n, but it
does show the use of MPID×DeviceCheck to allow the operations in the MPI×Waitall to complete in any
order without requiring the code to constantly call nonblocking test routines.
The implementation of MPI×Wait shown above suggests that there be the additional functions
MPID×SendComplete( handle, &error×code )
MPID×RecvComplete( handle, &status, &error×code )
which block until the specified operation completes. These can be implemented with MPID×DeviceCheck and
MPID×xxxIcomplete, but some devices may be more efficient with these calls (for example, in the MPICH
implementation, the Intel nx and Meiko meiko devices would implement these directly). The MPICH
implementation of MPI×Waitall etc. makes use of these.
3.6 Freeing requests
The MPI standard allows requests to be ``freed'' by the user at any time with the MPI×Request×free
call. This means that the user will never issue a wait or test call with this request. However, the MPI
implementation must still complete the operation and recover the space used by the request itself (the user
is responsible for not using the data buffers improperly). Note that MPI×Request×free is not like a MPI×Wait
call; it is a local call. To inform the ADI that the request is being released, the additional functions
MPID×SendFree( handle )
MPID×RecvFree( handle )
are defined. Once a handle has been given as an argument to one of these routines, it is the responsibility
of the device to free the request structure.
3.7 Shared Data Structures
The nonblocking operations must share a data structure with the MPI implementation; this is the part
of the MPI×Request that the device needs. Since the part of the implementation above the ADI that
uses the requests needs to access very few of the fields in the request, the ADI defines the requests as
structures of type MPIR×RHANDLE (receive), MPIR×SHANDLE (send), MPIR×PRHANDLE (persistent receive), and
MPIR×PSHANDLE (persistent send). The file `mpid/ch2/req.h' shows one possible definition. An ADI may
define its own request structures as long as the shared fields are maintained. These shared fields include
MPIR OPTYPE handle type Type of handle.
int is complete Is the request complete?
MPI Status s Status for request on completion (receive and persistent receive only).

int errval Error code (send and persistent send only).
There is also an MPIR×COOKIE definition that is used to check for valid requests; this is defined in
Unlike the first generation ADI, this ADI is responsible for more of the ``bookeeping'' details; this requires
that the ADI know more about MPI objects. For example, the following code is legal:
MPI×Type×struct( ..., &newtype );
MPI×Type×commit( &newtype );
MPI×Send×init( ..., newtype, ..., &request );
MPI×Type×free( &newtype );
MPI×Start( &request );
Note the the userídefined datatype newtype was freed even before the communication was started. The
MPICH implementation maintains reference counts on all objects that may be used in this way (including
datatypes, communicators, groups, and error handlers); the ADI must update these reference counts as
needed, and must be prepared to delete an object if it decrements a reference count. This is most likely to
be encounted when implementing receives where the message is not yet available.
4 Noncontiguous Operations
Noncontiguous operations are much like their contiguous counterparts, except that the buf, len pair is
replaced by buf, count, datatype. The datatype is an struct MPIR×DATATYPE *, and the count (number
of elements) replaces the len (number of bytes). The other arguments are unchanged. The routine names
replace Contig with Datatype; thus, the general version of MPID×IrsendContig is MPID×IrsendDatatype.
In a heterogeneous system, all communication takes place through the noncontiguous routines (because
these are the only ones with the struct MPIR×DATATYPE * needed for converting data formats). A typical
use of these routines in the MPI implementation is something like
int MPI×Send( ... )
if (datatypeí?is×contig) --
MPID×SendContig( ... &error×code );
Ý else
MPID×SendDatatype( ... &error×code );
return error×code;
4.1 Pack and Unpack
MPI contains routines to pack and unpack data. These routines are MPI×Pack, MPI×Unpack, and
MPI×Pack×size. An MPI implementation must provide these; further, a user may send data that has be
constructed with MPI×Pack with datatype MPI×PACKED and receive it either with datatype MPI×PACKED or
with any MPI datatype with the same type signature that went into the packed data. Because of this, the
device must provide the routines to pack and unpack data. Of course, many implementations of the device
may use the model implementation's version of these routines.
The MPI pack and unpack routines are designed to handle data on a communicatoríwide basis. That is,
data is packed relative to a communicator; a natural implementation is to pick a data representation that is
a good choice for all members of the communicator (including the sender!). However, a common use of these

routines in an implementation is to pack and unpack data sent with the pointítoípoint operations. In order
to provide for this use, the ADI's version of the pack and unpack routines include a partner field, which is
either a rank in the communicator of the partner (sender or receiver) or MPI×ANY×SOURCE, which indicates
``any member of the communicator'' and most closely matches the MPI MPI×Pack and MPI×Unpack routines.
Note that just as send and receive seem very symmetric but are not, so are pack and unpack in fact
unsymmetric. On the pack (sender) side, the sender has some freedom in choosing just how to represent the
data. On the receiver's side, the data must be dealt with as it arrives. Thus, on the sending side, the sender
picks the message representation (msgrep, a value passed to the receiver) and the routine to set the data up
in this way (the message action msgact in the routines below). On the receiving side, only the msgrep is
available to the receiver; from this it must determine how to unpack the data.
On the senders side, the routine MPID×Msg×rep determines the message representation and action from
the communicator, destination, and datatype. Note for example that if the datatype is MPI×PACKED, the
msgact will be MPID×MSG×OK (just copy) while the msgrep will be whatever is used for packed data (e.g.,
MPID×Msg×rep( comm, partner, datatype, &msgrep, &msgact )
comm Communicator for the operation.
partner Rank of ``partner'' process or MPI×ANY×SOURCE.
datatype struct MPIR×DATATYPE * of input buffer. Allows the detection of the special case of MPI×PACKED.
msgrep Message representation; this is an output value.
msgact Action for message representation; this output value may be used as input to the pack/unpack
routines to indicate how to process the message. This is a MPID×Msg×pack×t type (enum int).
On the receiver's side, the message action can be determined from the msgrep and the datatype. Just
as for sending, if the datatype is MPI×PACKED, then the msgact may be just copy.
MPID×Msg×act( comm, partner, datatype, msgrep, &msgact )
comm Communicator for the operation.
partner Rank of ``partner'' process or MPI×ANY×SOURCE.
datatype MPI datatype of input buffer. Allows the detection of the special case of MPI×PACKED.
msgrep Message representation; this is an input value (from the message envelope).
msgact Action for message representation; this output value may be used as input to the unpack routines
to indicate how to process the message.
MPID×Pack( src, count, datatype, dest, maxcount, &position,
comm, partner, msgrep, msgact, &error×code )
src Address of the input buffer.
count Number of item in input buffer.
datatype MPI datatype of input buffer.
dest Address of the output buffer.
maxcount Size of dest in bytes.
position Current location in dest. Set to 0 on first call; updated by routine (allows multiple calls to
comm Communicator for the operation.

partner Rank of ``partner'' process or MPI×ANY×SOURCE.
msgrep Message representation type.
msgact Action for message representation.
error code The result of the action (an MPI error code). This may be set only if the value would not be
MPI×SUCCESS. In other words, an implementation is free to not set this unless there is an error. The
error code was made an argument so that an implementation as a macro would be easier.
MPID×Unpack( src, maxcount, msgrep, &in×position,
dest, count, datatype, &out×position,
comm, partner, &error×code )
src Address of the input buffer.
maxcount Size of src in bytes.
msgrep Message representation.
in position Current Location in src. Set to 0 on first call; updated by routine.
dest Address of the output buffer.
count Maximum number of datatype items to unpack.
datatype MPI datatype of input buffer.
out position Current location in dest. Set to 0 on first call.
comm Communicator for the operation.
partner Rank of ``partner'' process or MPI×ANY×SOURCE. routine for subsequent calls
error code The result of the action (an MPI error code). This may be set only if the value would not be
MPI×SUCCESS. In other words, an implementation is free to not set this unless there is an error. The
error code was made an argument so that an implementation as a macro would be easier.
MPID×Pack×size( count, datatype, msgact, &size )
count Number of datatype items to pack.
datatype MPI datatype to pack.
msgact Message action
size Number of bytes needed to pack data (this may be larger than actually needed, though it should be
If the destination buffer is too small to contain the packed/unpacked data, the error code
MPI×ERR×TRUNCATE is returned. All position arguments are in bytes. The msgrep value is an integer that
is accompanies the message (in the envelope) from the sender to the receiver and allows the implementation
to pick the message representation dynamically (rather than fixing on XDR or networkíbyteíorder for all

4.2 Implementation of Noncontiguous Operations
A sample implementation of noncontiguous operations is provided in the MPICH implementation. This
implementation uses a few features of the MPICH implementation. In particular, there are special
MPIR×Pack2 and MPIR×Unpack2 routines that copy data to and from an MPI×Datatype and a contiguous
array of bytes. These routines also handle checks on buffer sizes and can be used to move data that is
shorter than expected. Depending on the length of the message, two different approaches are used. If the
message is short enough, it is copied directly into the message envelope (which usually has a small data
area). If the message is large, it may be copied into a temporary buffer, and that buffer may be sent as
contiguous data. Alternatively, a long message may be sent in several separate messages (as is currently done
in the ch×shmem device). As an implementation issue, this requires having a way to incrementally process a
datatype. This requires saving some information on the current position in the datatype in the request.
The noncontiguous operations need to be careful of the datatype reference counts, particularly in the
case of a nonblocking receive or a persistent operation. Note that the code
MPI×Irecv( ..., datatype, ..., &request );
MPI×Type×free( &datatype );
MPI×Wait( request, &status );
must work, even though the user freed the datatype before completing the receive.
For example, an implementation of MPID×SendDatatypemight send small amounts of data in the envelope
(the data packet that contains the information on message tag, size, context, etc.). Large amounts of data are
first copied into a buffer allocated just for this operation; the buffer is freed when the operation completes.
This is sketched below. Note the use of a function MPID×GetLen to get the length of the message in the chosen
destination dest×format; this format is passed to the sending routine. (The actual choice for the destination
format is described in a forthcoming report.) Homogeneous implementations do not need dest×format, of
course. (These examples use the msgrep field; a homogeneous implementation can ignore these, and even,
through the use of macro redefinitions, eliminate them from the functions.)
len = MPID×GetLen(count, datatype, msgrep );
if (len != MPID×MAX×PKT×SIZE) --
... set pkt fields ...
MPIR×Pack2( ..., &pkt.data );
MPID×SendPkt( &pkt, .... );
else --
void *buf = malloc(len);
if (!buf) --*error×code=MPI×ERR×EXHAUSTED;return;Ý
MPIR×Pack2( ..., buf );
MPID×SendContig( comm, buf, len, ...,
msgrep, error×code );
free( buf );
The routines MPID×GetLen and MPID×SendPkt are not part of the ADI specification; they are merely examples
of routines that may be internal to the ADI implementation.
The implementation of MPID×IsendDatatype is similar; it uses fields in the MPI×Request to save the
len = MPID×GetLen(count, datatype, dest×format);
if (len != MPID×MAX×PKT×SIZE) --
... set pkt fields ...

MPIR×Pack2( ..., &pkt.data );
MPID×SendPkt( &pkt, .... );
else --
void *buf = malloc(len);
if (!buf) --*error×code=MPI×ERR×EXHAUSTED;return;Ý
MPIR×Pack2( ..., buf );
requestí?shandle.start = buf;
MPID×IsendContig( comm, buf, len, ...,
dest×format, &request, error×code );
The MPID wait/test code for a send request for noncontiguous messages in the above implemenation includes
if (requestí?shandle.start) --
free( requestí?shandle.start );
The field start in the request is an example that a particular ADI implementation may choose; it represents
a pointer to a memory area allocated by the ADI for handling message data.
More sophisticated implementations could avoid allocating a buffer for the entire message; that is a
``quality of implementation'' issue. Note that a threeícase implementation may be most appropriate: small
amounts of data in the envelope, modest amounts in an allocated buffer, and large amounts sent in multiple
5 Other Functions
The ADI must also provide a number of support functions for the MPI implementation. These are summaí
rized below.
5.1 Queue Information
In addition to routines to receive messages, MPI provides routines to determine whether a message could be
received. The corresponding ADI functions are MPID×Probe (blocking test) and MPID×Iprobe (nonblocking
test). Since these perform message matching in the same way as the receive routines do, they have similar
argument lists.
MPID×Probe( comm, tag, context×id, src×lrank, &error×code, &status )
MPID×Iprobe( comm, tag, context×id, src×lrank, &flag, &error×code, &status )
Just as for the receive routines (both blocking and wait/test on a receive request), the status argument
may be null.
Note that MPID×Probe and MPID×Iprobe may need both relative rank and global rank, depending on
how the message is tested for. See the Meiko device (in `mpid/meiko') for an example. However, since the
communicator is passed to the device, it is as easy for the device to convert relative rank to absolute rank
as it is for the MPI implementation. This is the same as for the corresponding MPID×Recvxxxx routines.
5.2 Miscellaneous Functions and Values
The ADI must provide routines to initialize and terminate use of the ADI (much like MPI×Init and
MPI×Finalize) and to provide some information about the environment. First, here are the functions.
MPID Init( int *argc, char ***argv, void *config info, *error code ) Initialize the ADI. We may
also want to include char *envp. Note the the MPIí2 Forum is considering severe restrictions on how
an implementation may use the command line. The item config×info can be used to pass special

information needed by the MPID×Init routine; current `src/env/initutil.c' passes (void *)0 for
this parameter.
MPID End() Terminate the ADI.
MPID Wtime( double *time ) Give time in seconds. This has the same interpretation as MPI×Wtime; it
is an elapsed time from some fixed but unspecified time in the past. This form simplifies implementing
this routine as a macro; to further simplify that, the implementation should provide a `mpid×time.h'
include file.
MPID Wtick( double *tick ) Give resolution of MPID×Wtime in seconds.
MPID Node name( char *name, int len ) Give the name of the node.
MPID Abort( MPI Comm comm, int error code, char *facility, char *string ) Abort an MPI job
with a message; if possible, return error×code to the invoking environment. If string is null, prints
a default message. The string facility is used to indicate who called the routine; for example, the
user (from MPI×Abort) or the MPI implementation. If null, it is ignored.
In addition, the ADI provides global variables that contain the size of MPI×COMM×WORLD and the rank of
the process in MPI×COMM×WORLD. These values are MPID×MyWorldSize and MPID×MyWorldRank, respectively.
These refer to MPI×COMM×WORLD only. This approach will simplify the eventual extension to dynamic process
creation. By making these global variables, it is easier to handle the common special case of MPI×COMM×WORLD
and to check for valid argument ranges for source and destination; it also simplifies writing error messages.
5.3 Context Management
The ADI is responsible for sending ``context ids'' as well as the message tags. Many implementations will
implement the context ids as an additional integer that is sent with the message. For reasons of efficiency,
the number of context ids may be smaller than can be expressed with a C int (for example, there may be a
separate message queue for each context or a fixed number of bits in the message envelope). The maximum
value of a context id is given by MPID×MAX×CONTEXT×ID.
When a communicator is created or freed, the ADI must be notified by calling MPID×CommInit and
MPID×CommFree, respectively. These make sure that the ADI can manage any communicatoríspecific datasí
tructures that it uses.
The routine MPID×CommInit is called when all other fields in the communicator have been set, except
for the attributes and contexts ids. The routine MPID×CommFree is called before the communicator is freed.
In other words, the ADI may use any field in the communicator as part of the initialization or freeing of a
communicator. A typical use is in the case of a heterogeneous system; the appropriate message representation
for all communication within the communicator can be determined when the communicator is created, rather
than on each operation. Their form is
MPID×CommInit( oldcomm, newcomm )
MPID×CommFree( comm )
The communicators are, as always, of type struct MPIR×COMMUNICATOR *.
5.4 Support for MPI Attributes
MPI provides a number of predefined attributes; these need to be supported by the device. The support is
through either global variables or defined constants; the choice is left to the implementation.
MPID TAG UB Maximum legal tag value
MPID STDOUT Nodes capable of writing to stdout. This corresponds to the MPI attribute MPI×IO.
MPID STDIN The node capable of reading from stdin.
MPID WTIME IS GLOBAL Indicates whether MPID×Wtime provides a globally synchronized time.

MPID HOST Rank of host, if any.
Note that MPID×STDIN has no corresponding value in the MPI specification. Unfortunately, the MPI specifií
cation has no way to distinguish between nodes capable of writing and nodes capable of reading; in addition,
the requirement that all noníMPI routines be ``local'' means that at most one process can read from stdin
at a time. While it is possible to implement this feature in a demand mode (MPI×ANY×SOURCE) by modifying
the system read routine used by the application, it is often simpler to connect only a specific node (e.g.,
rank zero in MPI×COMM×WORLD) to stdin.
If these values are not defined, the implementation picks defaults (in `src/env/initutil.c'.
5.5 Collective Routines
Currently, there is no specific plan to provide a collective interface in the ADI, other than what is present in
the function interface in the MPICH implementation (see `src/coll/intra×fns.c'. However, there will be
some additional routines for communicator/context id management (as part of a separate effort to reduce the
cost of handling MPI×COMM×WORLD and its duplicates). In fact, the interfaces provided by the first generation
ADI (e.g., MPID×Barrier) are removed in favor of the MPIR×COLLOPS structure (which is in the MPICH
implementation, not the ADI).
This is not meant to preclude the development of extensions to the ADI to support collective operations.
In fact, such support is essential. However, the exact nature of this support requires additional research. One
possibility is to provide support for simple barrier, broadcast, and gather operations. Other approaches might
provide ways to optimize the pointítoípoint implementations. The interaction of the collective information
with the topology of the physical (not logical) interconnect (and hence ADI support for MPI's topology
routines) must also be taken into account. Because of the number of issues involved, ADI support for
collective operations is left to a later note.
5.6 Changes from the FirstíGeneration ADI
This section summarizes some of the changes from the previous ADI to this version.
The existing ADI functions, such as MPID×Wtime and MPID×Init, remain. The ADIctx argument is
replaced by the MPI communicator. Some of the argument lists do change, however.
One important change to the MPID×Probe and MPID×Iprobe functions is to make them match the
MPID×Recvxxx argument lists, so that the same code may be used in a probe as is used in a receive.
The routines MPID×Myrank and MPID×Mysize are replaced by the global variables MPID×MyWorldRank and
The macros MPID×PACK×IN×ADVANCE and MPID×RETURN×PACKED are removed; their function is handled
by the MPID×xxxDatatype routines.
The macro MPID×WTIME is changed to return the time as an argument; just as for the error return in
MPID×SendContig, etc., this makes it much easier to implement MPID×WTIME as a macro. The same is true
for MPID×WTICK, though many implementations will probably continue to use the prototype routine which
estimates the tick value by calling MPID×WTIME.
6 Special Considerations
A number of special issues need to be handled in the ADI. While these are often rarely used features in MPI,
they affect the design and performance of the MPI implementation.
6.1 Structure of MPI Request
The MPI×Request object is used for many purposes. The most obvious are the send and receive requests;
internally, these are identified as requests with type MPIR×SEND and MPIR×RECV. MPI also has persistent
communication operations; these look like sends and receives, but are actually different from an implemeí
nation perspective. For example, a persistent send request needs to hold all of the data needed to start a
send operation. This data is not needed as part of the request for other operations. The overloading of the

request object is unfortunate, but we can reduce the confusion by putting the data needed by MPI×Start
and MPI×Startall for persistent operations together and make it valid only for persistent requests. For this
reason, there are two handle types: MPIR×PERSISTENT×SEND and MPIR×PERSISTENT×RECV. These are used to
eliminate the separate check on whether the request is persistent. If generalized requests are added to MPI
(MPICH already has some hooks for support for these), these two additional forms will be a small added
complexity by comparison.
Persistent requests also require that additional information be saved. Since a persistent receive request
may have wildícard fields (e.g., tag = MPI×ANY×TAG), these need to be preserved for the next use of the
persistent request.
Another common problem is that an MPI×Request is used to represent an operation, such as a nonblocking
send, at several different stages of completion. Thus, the state of the operation must be encoded within the
request. In ADIí1, this was stored in completer. This value is no longer used; the sample implementation
(see `mpid/ch2/req.h') uses pointers to functions in the request to indicate what routine to call to test or
wait on a request; this pointer is changed depending on what needs to be done. Other implementations may
want to use the completer approach.
Finally, it seems natural, at least in a receive request, to have an MPI×Status within the request itself,
rather than separate fields. This approach simplifies moving data from the request to the MPI×status.
6.2 Freed Requests
MPI allows the user to do the following:
MPI×Isend( ..., &request );
MPI×Request×free( &request );
The MPI implementation is required to complete the communication even though no MPI×Wait or MPI×Test
will be called by the user for the request.
Providing for the above example can be handled in a number of ways, none of them entirely satisfactory.
One is to have a list of ``abandoned'' requests that the ADI would check; that is, the ADI must check that the
list is empty (which should be the usual case). Another is to add an acknowledgement to communications,
allowing the system to find and remove requests when they are actually completed. In cases where the ADI is
involved in the details of data exchange (rather than passing data to another layer), a simple reference count
or even a marker that the user had freed the request could be used. This probably needs its own interface,
to allow the device to adapt to what it needs. However, how this is implemented does not affect the design
of the ADI, other than to have a mechanism for indicating an ``abandoned'' request. This is accomplished
with MPID×Request×free, which serves, for the ADI, the same purpose as MPI×Request×free serves in the
MPI implementation.
6.3 Thread Safety
Most of this design is intrinsically thread safe. A possible exception is the test/wait routines, and this can
be fixed by being precise about their definition. In particular, it is important that an MPID×Wait routine not
assume that, since it was called, the message must still be waited on. In a multithreaded environment, some
other thread may have completed the message between the time the MPI code decided to call MPID×Wait and
when MPID×Wait actually got started. In particular, this situation forces MPID×DeviceCheck to be a noíop
(at least nonblocking) in multithreaded versions. Note that the implementation examples in this document
are not necessarily thread safe.
Because the ADI must consistently participate in any thread locks used in the MPI implementation, the
ADI is responsible for defining what the thread lock interface looks like. The following macros are used to
define the interface; they are shown with a sample implementation with a version of pthreads.
#define MPID×THREAD×DS×LOCK×DECLARE pthread×mutex×t mutex;
#define MPID×THREAD×DS×LOCK×INIT(p) pthread×mutex×init( &(p)í?mutex, ``
pthread×mutexattr×default );
#define MPID×THREAD×DS×LOCK(p) pthread×mutex×lock( &(p)í?mutex );

#define MPID×THREAD×DS×UNLOCK(p) pthread×mutex×unlock( &(p)í?mutex );
#define MPID×THREAD×DS×LOCK×FREE(p) pthread×mutex×destroy( &(p)í?mutex );
A typical use is
typedef struct --
other stuff
Ý foo;
foo *p = (foo*)malloc(sizeof(foo));
There are no global locks; each dataístructure has its own lock. If the definitions are empty, the ADI
provides no thread support (this is why the macro definitions include the statementíterminating semiícolon).
Currently, the ADI does not have any direct support for the creation or scheduling of threads.
6.4 Cancelling a Message
Cancelling a message is a complex problem. The MPI standard has very strong requirements on the cancel
operation, while the ``typical'' user often wishes only to handle cancelling a nonblocking receive that has
not started. This case arises in multibuffering algorithms, where more nonblocking receives may be started
than will eventually be used. In this case, cancelling the operation is usually quite simple; in the MPICH
implementations, it usually means no more than removing the request from the posted receive queue (the
queue of receives posted but which have not matched any send).
Cancelling requests in other states is much more complicated. For example, cancelling an MPI×Isend
that has started but not completed can be very difficult. Again, we do not wish to add a lot of overhead to
a request. A successful cancel of a receive must mark a request as complete, with the status field count in
a receive set to MPID×REQUEST×CANCELLED (so that MPI Test cancelled can report it). There is also some
text in the standard about cancels succeeding, suggesting that cancel can fail.
The MPID design only requires cancels of receives for which no matching message has yet arrived; this
was the case that users actually wanted. Other cancel operations may fail. Note that a ``failed'' cancel still
returns MPI×SUCCESS (as implied by the MPI standard).
The cancel routines are
MPID×SendCancel( handle, &error×code )
MPID×RecvCancel( handle, &error×code )
6.5 Error Handling
The MPID routines general make use of the error×code field to indicate errors. The MPICH implemenation
will check these values and call the appropriate error handler. Note that the ADI routines are only required
to set the values when there is an error, though they are allowed to set it to MPI×SUCCESS to indicate no
error. This saves a potential store into a variable.
6.6 Heterogeneous Support
Most of the burden on support of heterogeneous systems has been moved from the MPI implementation
to the MPID implementations that may be heterogeneous (currently, just the ch×p4 and ch×tcp versions).
However, there is one place where the MPI implementation needs to understand how heterogeneous data is

handled (at least in part), and that is in MPI×Pack and MPI×Unpack. In addition, if the collective routines
are implemented in terms of the pointítoípoint routines, a slightly more powerful form of MPI×Pack and
MPI×Unpack are needed; these allow the pack and unpack formats to depend on the destination/source of the
message, not just on the communicator. Perhaps the simplest approach is to view the existing MPIR×Pack2
and MPIR×Unpack2 routines as really MPID routines. This is the approach that we recommend.
If the ADI supports heterogeneity, it must define the macro MPID×HAS×HETEROGENEOUS.
7 Examples
This section shows some short test programs. These examples assume that a null communicator may be
used instead of MPI×COMM×WORLD; note that they do supply an explicit context variable.
This first test shows a simple exchange of messages with a blocking, contiguous data. No error checking
is done.
int main(argc,argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
char buf[256];
int ntest, i, len = 256, err, msgrep = 0;
struct MPIR×COMMUNICATOR *comm = 0;
MPI×Status status;
ntest = 10000;
MPID×Init( &argc, &argv, (void *)0, &err );
for (i=0; i!ntest; i++) --
if (MPID×MyWorldRank == 0) --
MPID×SendContig( comm, buf, len, 0, 0, 1, msgrep, &err );
MPID×RecvContig( comm, buf, len, 0, 0, 0, &status, &err );
else --
MPID×RecvContig( comm, buf, len, 0, 0, 0, &status, &err );
MPID×SendContig( comm, buf, len, 0, 0, 0, msgrep, &err );
return 0;
This second test uses nonblocking, contiguous operations.
int main(argc,argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
char buf[256];
int ntest, i, len = 256, err, msgrep = 0;
struct MPIR×COMMUNICATOR *comm = 0;
MPI×Status status;
MPI×Request request = (MPI×Request)&rhandle;

ntest = 10000;
MPID×Init( &argc, &argv, (void *)0, &err );
for (i=0; i!ntest; i++) --
if (MPID×MyWorldRank == 0) --
MPID×SendContig( comm, buf, len, 0, 0, 0, 1, msgrep, &err );
MPID×IrecvContig( comm, buf, len, 0, 0, 0, request, &err );
MPID×RecvComplete( request, &status, &err );
else --
MPID×RecvContig( comm, buf, len, 0, 0, 0, &status, &err );
MPID×SendContig( comm, buf, len, 0, 0, 0, 0, msgrep, &err );
return 0;
8 ADI Bindings
Here are the actual bindings for the routines. They can be found in the file `mpid/ch2/mpid×bind.h'.
void MPID×Init ( int *, char ***, void *, int *);
void MPID×End (void);
void MPID×Abort ( struct MPIR×COMMUNICATOR *, int, char *, char * );
int MPID×DeviceCheck ( MPID×BLOCKING×TYPE );
void MPID×Node×name ( char *, int );
int MPID×WaitForCompleteSend (MPIR×SHANDLE *);
int MPID×WaitForCompleteRecv (MPIR×RHANDLE *);
void MPID×Version×name (char *);
/* SetPktSize is used by util/cmnargs.c */
void MPID×SetPktSize ( int );
void MPID×RecvContig ( struct MPIR×COMMUNICATOR *, void *, int, int,
int, int, MPI×Status *, int * );
void MPID×IrecvContig ( struct MPIR×COMMUNICATOR *, void *, int,
int, int, int, MPI×Request, int * );
void MPID×RecvComplete ( MPI×Request, MPI×Status *, int *);
int MPID×RecvIcomplete ( MPI×Request, MPI×Status *, int *);
void MPID×SendContig ( struct MPIR×COMMUNICATOR *, void *, int, int,
int, int, int, MPID×Msgrep×t, int * );
void MPID×BsendContig ( struct MPIR×COMMUNICATOR *, void *, int,
int, int, int, int, MPID×Msgrep×t, int * );
void MPID×SsendContig ( struct MPIR×COMMUNICATOR *, void *, int,
int, int, int, int, MPID×Msgrep×t, int * );
void MPID×IsendContig ( struct MPIR×COMMUNICATOR *, void *, int,
int, int, int, int, MPID×Msgrep×t,
MPI×Request, int * );

void MPID×IssendContig ( struct MPIR×COMMUNICATOR *, void *, int,
int, int, int, int,
MPID×Msgrep×t, MPI×Request, int * );
void MPID×SendComplete ( MPI×Request, int *);
int MPID×SendIcomplete ( MPI×Request, int *);
void MPID×Probe ( struct MPIR×COMMUNICATOR *, int, int, int, int *,
MPI×Status * );
void MPID×Iprobe ( struct MPIR×COMMUNICATOR *, int, int, int, int *,
int *, MPI×Status * );
void MPID×SendCancel ( MPI×Request, int * );
void MPID×RecvCancel ( MPI×Request, int * );
/* General MPI Datatype routines */
void MPID×SendDatatype ( struct MPIR×COMMUNICATOR *, void *, int,
int, int, int, int, int * );
void MPID×SsendDatatype ( struct MPIR×COMMUNICATOR *, void *, int,
int, int, int, int, int * );
void MPID×IsendDatatype ( struct MPIR×COMMUNICATOR *, void *, int,
int, int, int, int, MPI×Request, int * );
void MPID×IssendDatatype ( struct MPIR×COMMUNICATOR *, void *, int,
int, int, int, int, MPI×Request, int * );
void MPID×RecvDatatype ( struct MPIR×COMMUNICATOR *, void *, int,
int, int, int, MPI×Status *, int * );
void MPID×IrecvDatatype ( struct MPIR×COMMUNICATOR *, void *, int,
int, int, int, MPI×Request, int * );
/* Pack and unpack support */
void MPID×Msg×rep ( struct MPIR×COMMUNICATOR *, int,
MPID×Msgrep×t *,
MPID×Msg×pack×t * );
void MPID×Msg×act ( struct MPIR×COMMUNICATOR *, int,
struct MPIR×DATATYPE *, MPID×Msgrep×t,
MPID×Msg×pack×t * );
void MPID×Pack×size ( int, struct MPIR×DATATYPE *, MPID×Msg×pack×t,
int * );
void MPID×Pack ( void *, int, struct MPIR×DATATYPE *,
void *, int, int *, struct MPIR×COMMUNICATOR *,
int, MPID×Msgrep×t, MPID×Msg×pack×t, int * );
void MPID×Unpack ( void *, int, MPID×Msgrep×t, int *,
void *, int, struct MPIR×DATATYPE *, int *,
struct MPIR×COMMUNICATOR *, int, int * );
/* Requests */
void MPID×Request×free (MPI×Request);

* These are debugging commands; they are exported so that the commandíline
* parser and other routines can control the debugging output
void MPID×SetDebugFile ( char * );
void MPID×Set×tracefile ( char * );
void MPID×SetSpaceDebugFlag ( int );
void MPID×SetDebugFlag ( int );
We thank Jim Cownie for reminding us of the relationship between probe and receive. We thank Jonathan
Geisler and Nathan Doss for their comments.
This work was supported in part by the Mathematical, Information, and Computational Sciences Division
subprogram of the Office of Computational and Technology Research, U.S. Department of Energy, under
Contract Wí31í109íEngí38.
[1] Message Passing Interface Forum. MPI: A messageípassing interface standard. International Journal of
Supercomputing Applications, 8(3/4), 1994.
[2] Message Passing Interface Forum. MPI:
A messageípassing interface standard. http://www.mcs.anl.gov/mpi/mpiíreportí1.1/mpiíreport.html,