Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://www.parallel.ru/sites/default/files/docs/faq/14.txt
Дата изменения: Wed Nov 2 11:53:59 2011
Дата индексирования: Tue Oct 2 02:54:47 2012
Newsgroups: comp.parallel,comp.sys.super
From: eugene@sally.nas.nasa.gov (Eugene N. Miya)
Reply-To: eugene@george.arc.nasa.gov (Eugene N. Miya)
Subject: [l/m 3/10/98] finding ||-ism references -- comp.parallel (14/28) FAQ
Organization: NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA
Date: 14 Mar 1998 14:58:07 GMT
Message-ID: <6ee5tv$ed0$1@cnn.nas.nasa.gov>

Archive-Name: superpar-faq
Last-modified: 10 Mar 1998

14 References
18 Supercomputing and Crayisms
20 IBM and Amdahl
22 Grand challenges and HPCC
24 Suggested (required) readings
26 Dead computer architecture society
28 Dedications
2 Introduction and Table of Contents and justification
4 Comp.parallel news group history
6 parlib
8 comp.parallel group dynamics
10 Related news groups, archives, test codes, and other references
12 Who runs the ||ism-comunity?

Like Dickens: this is the best of times, and it's the worst of times.

First, you should always consider commercial services like DIALOG.
They cost money, and they attempt to maintain quality, but you should also
be very wary of these services. I have tested them, and they all lack.
But you have legal recourse.

Second: consider the Web. Quite a few references, mostly newer exist.
Quite impressive if you know how TO PHRASE YOUR QUERY.
Impressive are NCSTRL, Alf's and other sources.

Most recently, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM: www.acm.org)
has placed many of their proceedings on line with their digital library.
At this time, this service is free, and will likely remain free to
ACM members, BUT it is likely that non-members will have to pay for
use in the future.

Third: Specialization:

Parallel I/O (Dave Kotz) [does a particularly nice job]

Parallel debugging (Cheri Pancake)

Fragments of these are slowly being incorporated into....

If not specialized (generalist):
Fourth: consider my biblio (NASA.TM-86000). It attempts to be comprehensive.
It's main advantage is the collected set of comments, errata, flames, etc.
(annotations). This is possibly a very nice biblio in many respects.
It helps to have real tools and not just a text editor.
DISADVANTAGES: needs lots of catch up work. Volunteers?

In particular I am seeking a copy of:

%A Ulrike Bernutat-Buchmann
%A Dietmar Rudolph
%A Karl-Heinz ScholBer
%T Parallel Computing I Eine Bibliographie
%I Rechenzentrum und Ruhr-Universitat Bochum
%D September 1983
%K book, text, paper,
%O ISSN: 0723-2187
%X An extremely large printed bibliography on the subject.
It is probably in a machine readable form.
It has over 5000 entries, many in European languages.
Should try to merge it with this list. It does not appear
to have annotations, does have a cross reference list, does have keywords
but they are not printed.

ADVANTAGES: Free. If a reference isn't inside my biblio (especially older),
then it might be questionable. Ask. I might not have it, or
I might not yet have integrated inside. The idea behind my biblio
is to be able to
1) locate useful information,
2) not merely cite sources,
3) reformat information as needed,
4) have useful assessments, errata, etc.
to steer clear of less and useful information, but this can create conflicts.
Other biblios posted to the net on topics like load balancing, neural nets,
APL, etc. have been reformatted and incorporated as time permits.

The purpose of my biblio is to use it. It's way beyond promotion time.
My biblio is not meant as advertising, yet it can be construded to
a limited degree. Where it differs from commercial services is that
ANYONE can provide an intelligent comment,
I'll even take semi-intelligent comment (you can express your opinion).
Some of the best computer people in the world have commented inside
this biblio.

Slowly disappearing.
Advantages: can be used for reformating as well as search.
Advantages: powerful, can be used with reformatting.
Disadvantages: some people give references w/o giving Macros.
This can really suck (a real pisser). Bulky.
Slowly disappearing.
Advantages: can be used for reformating.
Slowly disappearing.
Advantages: can be used for reformating.
Z39.50 and Dublin Core
Watch for these.
Disadvantages: must be reformatted.
Too early to tell.

Bibliographic citation:
Largely irrelevant, the field either doesn't care or has minor significance.
The field is diverse: some areas sensitive, other areas not.
Potential land mines:
Authors by last name alphabetic order
Authors by order of importance to work
Authors by first name initials
Authors by full name

Dennis Allison (Stanford and HaL) informs me that Satya got the copyright back
and we have redistribution authority.

The parallel/distributed processing bibliography (in machine readable
form) is documented in ACM CAN:

%A E. N. Miya
%T Multiprocessor/Distributed Processing Bibliography
%J Computer Architecture News
%V 13
%N 1
%D March 1985
%P 27-29
%K Annotated bibliography, computer system architecture, multicomputers,
multiprocessor software, networks, operating systems, parallel processing,
parallel algorithms, programming languages, supercomputers,
vector processing, cellular automata, fault-tolerant computers,
some digital optical computing, some neural networks, simulated annealing,
concurrent, communications, interconnection,
%X Notice of this work. Itself. Quality: no comment.
Also short note published in NASA Tech Briefs vol. 12, no. 2, Feb. 1988,
pp. 62. Also referenced in Hennessy & Patterson pages 589-590.
About an earlier unmaintained version. TM-86000 and ARC-11568.
Maintaining for ten years with constant updates (trying to be complete
but not succeeding). Limited verification against bibliographic systems
(this is better than DIALOG). Storing comments from colleagues
(DIALOG can't do this.) Rehash sections on a Sequent as a test of parallel
search (this work exhibits unitary speed-up). 8^).
The attempt is to collect respected comments as well as references.
Yearly net posting results hopefully updated "grequired" and "grecommended"
search fields. Attempted to be comprehensive up to 1989.
$Revision:$ $Date:$

It began with a bibliography published in 1980 by

%A M. Satyanarayanan
%T Multiprocessing: an annotated bibliography
%J Computer
%V 13
%N 5
%D May 1980
%P 101-116
%X Excellent reference source, but dated.
Text reproduced with the permission of Prentice-Hall \(co 1980.
$Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 84/07/05 16:58:56 $

My work is considerably larger (over 100+ times now).

# Next three lines to be removed shortly:
In order to obtain a copy on the Internet,
I am required to ask for a letterhead from
an institution stating that they understand portions are copywritten.

It's free, so that is not much to ask. Please also send any corrections,
typos, additions to me. Annotations and keywords are particularly
encouraged, since I can't read everything. Citation in any of your
published work is appreciated since this supports my work.
Send letterhead to:
E. Miya
MS 233-10
NASA Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, CA 94035
FAX: US: 650-604-6999 (note area code change)

Please include your return Email address. I maintain copies on some
sites, your site may have one already. Check with your site admin.
The usual place is kept controlled to abide by terms of the copyright.
I try to keep one point of contact to keep things simple. A list follows.

If you are not on the Internet, you can obtain an older version
(with source files) from
Univ. of Georgia
382 East Broad St.
Athens, GA 30602
It's ASCII/refer (that's the format above) bibliographic, tar/Unix tape
format. There is a tape handling charge. Special requests: IBM format
tapes, VMS BACKUP format are also possible, ask me, not COSMIC for these.
Tape distribution is now restricted to North America, but I am trying
to get world-wide distribution again.

Details: Why refer?
(1) human readable ASCII, not a binary format,
(2) easily convertable to other formats (EBCDIC),
(3) at the time bibtex didn't exist,
(4) less overhead than bibtex (fields smaller, however I decided in
favor of full names for journals rather than abbrev. because many users
don't know what ICPP or IDCS stand for....,
(5) not only can you search it, but you can use it with a filter or
formatter like troff with reasonable reformatting results,
stylistic considerations like whether author names should have
initials or full names can be automated.

Contact points (not every Dept. is a CS dept). deliberate holes exist
in this list. Don't ask, I won't tell unless you have a need to know.

NASA: me
ICASE: me (Linda Wilson)
UCSC: me (Darrell Long)
UC Berkeley: me (Eric Allman, formerly Mike Kupfer)

AMT: Rex Thanakij
Aerospace Corp: Anne Finestone
AT&T: Steve Crandall
ANL: Robert Harrison
Aus.NU: David Hawking
Battelle: Rick Kendall
Baylor CM: Stanley Hanks
BBN: Miles Fidelman
Boston U: A. Heddaya
Brown: John Savage

Clemson: Steve Stevenson
Columbia: Yoram Eisenstadter or Ella Sanders
Cornell: Doug Elias
CoState: Dale Grit (or RRO)
Curtin, U Tech: Darren Brown
Dartmouth: David Kotz
DDt: Anders Ardo
Denelcor (maybe Tera now): B. Smith
DEC: Walter Lamia/John Sopka/C. Kiefer [no longer at DEC]
Dorian Research: R. Levine
DSTO (oz): Charles Watson
Duke U.: Mark Jones
Emory: V. Sunderam
Encore: Roger Denton
ETH: R. Ruhl
EPFL: Lars Bombolt
FPS (defunct): Tom Bauer
Fr.-Alex. Univ. Erlangen-Nurnberg: J. Kleinoder
Amdahl/Fujitsu America, Inc.: Ken Muira, (San Jose) : Hideo Wada (IBM format)
GaTech: Karsten Schwan (Gene Spafford)
GEC, NY: David O'Hallaron
GMD MBH: Ernst-Joachim Busse
GMD First: Diantong Liu
HaL: Dennis Allison
Harvard U: Stravos Macrakis
Horizon RI: Craig Hughes
Hope College: M. Jipping
H-P/Convex: Greg Astfalk
IBM: F. Darema, Greg Pfister@austin
Indiana U: Dennis Gannon
Inst. di Disica Cosmica, SIAM: G. Boella
INRIA: Jean-Jacques Levy
ISS: Jit Biswas
Intermetrics: William White
JVNC: Bruce Bathurst
Loral: Ian Kaplan (Defunct)
Katholieke Univ. Leuven: Prof. D. Roose
KSR: M. Presser
Martin Marietta Energy (OR,TN): Richard Hicks
MCC: ???
Mitre: Thomas Gerasch
MIT: Rich Lethin, Jerry Chen?
Maspar: Peter Christy
Mich. State U: Richard Enbody
Minn.SC: Dennis Lienke
Miss. State U: Donna Reese
Monash U: W. Brown/Sim Or/Peter Sember
Motorola: Fred Segovich
Myrias: Jean Andruski (defunct)
NAG: P. Mayes
NEC: Eugen Schenfeld
NM Tech: G. Francia, III
NOSC: H. Smith
Northrup: Jeff Crameron

NYU: Allen Gottlieb
OhioState: Jeff Martens
OrGI: Robbie Babb (Dave DiNucci, defunct)
OrSU: Lawrence Crowl, Gowri Ramanathan
OSF: Dejan Milojicic
Purdue: Andrew Royappa
Rice: Ken Kennedy, Robert Fowler
Rutgers: A. Gerasoulis
Rutherford Appleton: David Greenaway
Santa Clara U.: Hasan AlKhatib
Sandia: Steve Plimpton
Schlumberger: Peter Highnam
SGI/Cray: Jim Denhert/Tim Hoel
SMU: I. Gladwell
SWRI: Richard Murphy
SRI: Cliff Isberg
Stanford: M. Flynn/V. Pratt/J. Hennessey/Andy Tucker
Stony Brook: L. Wittie
NPAC/Sycrause: Bill O'Farrell
SSI: defunct
SUN: Lisa Steiner/Bob Birss
TAI: Lisa Vander Sluis
TI: Bryon Davies
TMC: Robin Perera
Ultra: Bill Overstreet
U. Adel.: Bruce Tonkin
U. Ala.: Steve Wixson
U. at Albany: Steven Sutphen
Univ. AZ: Peter Wolcott/Matthew Saltzman
UBC: Donald Acton
U. Buff.: John Case
UCLA: ???
UCSD: Greg Hidley
UCF: Narsingh Deo/Shivakumar Sastry
UCDublin: John Dunnion
UCo, Boulder: Lloyd Fosdick (Mike Schwartz, now @home.net)
U Dayton: Yi Pan
U Del.: Gary Delp/Dave Farber
U. Edinburgh: Murray Cole
U. Exeter: Patrick Lidstone
Univ. Fed. de Minas Gerais: Marcio Luiz Bunte de Carvalho
UFl: G. Fischer
U. Ha.: Tim Brown
UHo: Francis Kam
UId.: Howard Demuth
UIll.: Sanjeev Krishnan /Dr. Kale/Dan Reed
U. Kaiser.: Gerhard Zimmermann/ F.R. Abmann
U. Lan.: Vince Aragon/ C. D. Paice
U. Mel.: K. Forward
U. Maryland: Ethan Miller (BC)
Univ. NM: krishna@rye.cs.unm.edu/Art St. George
U Minn.: Gary Elsesser/Steven Miller
UNL: Ashok Samal
U. New Orl.: M. R. Eskicoglu
U. Notre Dame: Karl Heubaum
UNC: Bruce Smith
UNTx: Roy Jacob
U. Pitt.: Mary Lou Soffa
U. Qu.: V. L. Narasimhan
U. Queensland: Nick Comino
U. Roch.: Cesar Quiroz
U. So. Cal: Les Gasser
U. So. Car: John Bowles/David Walker
U Strathclyde: Magnus Luo
Univ. Stuttgart: Joachim Maier
U. Tx Austin: Vipin Kumar
U. Tx Dallas: Eliezer Dekel/Leslie Crawford
U. Trond.: Petter Moe
U U: Armin Liebchen
USU: S. Cannon
UWa: Jean Loup Baer
U Waterloo: Peter Bain
U. Wis.: Gregory Moses
Utrecht U.: Lex Wolters
Wa. St. U: Alan Genz
Waikato U.: Matt Melchert
W. Mi. U: John Kapenga
Wright: Brian d'Auriol
Yale U.: Miriam Putterman
Wa. U (SL. Mo): Fred Rosenberger
Zentralinst. fur Ang. Math.: J. Fr. Hake
paulo rosado


HONOR SYSTEM: restrict copies to Pacific Standard/Daylight evenings or
weekends. This is 10 MBs and we'd appreciate you not taking our bandwidth
during prime time. For your institution's disk space sake, check with your
point of contact first. Minimize your copying.

See first:

And make certain that you take:

A refer to bibTeX convert is available.

The best thing is that the point of contact can either ask me, or recopy
(check change dates) every few months. Complete updated version get
placed there.

Articles to parallel@ctc.com (Administrative: bigrigg@ctc.com)
Archive: http://www.hensa.ac.uk/parallel/internet/usenet/comp.parallel