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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Wed Mar 23 13:07:16 2016
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sun Apr 10 06:11:30 2016
Faculty of Geography
Lomonosov Moscow State University


MSU faculty of Geography at a glance:


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The longstanding importance of geographical studies at Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) is evident in the draft plan for its establishment in 1755. A Department of Physical Geography opened in 1863 as part of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. The Faculty of History and Philology added a Department of Geography and Ethnography in 1884. Professor D.N. Anuchin headed this department and founded an influential


school of geography at MSU. The Faculty of Geography dates to June 23, 1938. It initially combined a Geographical Research Institute with Departments of Physical Geography, Physical Geography of Foreign Countries, Physical Geography of the USSR, Economic Geography of the USSR, Economic Geography of Capitalist Countries, Cartography and Geodesy.

Professor Nikolay S. Kasimov, a full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, serves as president of the MSU Faculty of Geography. The dean is Professor Sergey A. Dobroliubov, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Today's faculty consists of 15 departments, eight laboratories and five remote stations for training and research.

The faculty in numbers

· Over 75 years of service to geography · 1,000 undergraduate students and 200 doctoral students enrolled annually · 100 professors, 300 postdoctoral researchers -- 800 staff members in all 2

Biogeography Cartography and Geoinformatics Cryolithology and Glaciology Economic and Social Geography of Russia Environmental Management Geography of World Economy Geomorphology and Palaeogeography Land Hydrology Landscape Geochemistry and Soil Geography Meteorology and Climatology Oceanology Physical Geography and Landscape Science Recreational Geography and Tourism Social-Economic Geography of Foreign Countries World Physical Geography and Geoecology

The faculty publishes two peerreviewed journals: Vestnik Moskovskogo

Universiteta. Seriya 5. Geografiya (SCOPUS), since 1946, and Geography, Environment, Sustainability (in English), since 2010. It also publishes the GeograpH gazette, which launched in 2008. MSU is the lead institution on two National Councils that coordinate geographical studies in higher education (for 49 universities) as well as training in sustainable development, environmental sciences and environmental management (for 154 universities). One of the councils' main responsibilities is to develop nationwide standards for geographical education. The Faculty of Geography's role as coordinator also includes hosting domestic and international organisations such as the Interuniversity Aerospace Centre, the Intercollegiate Coordinating Council on Erosion, Channel and RiverMouth Processes, the World Data Centre for Geography and the Council of Young Scientists. The faculty has affiliate programmes in Sevastopol, Astana and Geneva.

Geoecology of the Northern Territories Complex Mapping Pleistocene Palaeogeography Regional Analysis and Political Geography Renewable Energy Sources Snow Avalanches and Debris Flows Soil Erosion and Channel Processes World Data Center for Geography 3

BA and MA programmes
Focal area Geography BA programme

The MSU Faculty of Geography provides rigorous education at three main levels: a fouryear BA, a two-year MA and a three-year PhD. Its most distinctive feature is an expansive range of programmes and departments. The academic year at MSU begins in September and ends in June. At present, all courses are taught in Russian.

Geographical studies at MSU

· Research-oriented training · 17 BA and 15 MA degree programmes in Geography, Hydrometeorology, Cartography and Geoinformatics, Ecology and Environmental Management, Tourism · Postgraduate programmes · Continuing education in Environmental Management, Hydrometeorology, Tourism
MA programme Physical Geography and Landscape Science Geomorphology and Palaeogeography Cryolithology and Glaciology Economic and Social Geography of Russia Social-Economic Geography of Foreign Countries Geography of World Economy Hydrology Meteorology Oceanology Environmental Geochemistry Environmental biogeography Geoecology Environmental Management Cartography and Geoinformatics Tourism


Physical Geography and Landscape Science Geomorphology and Palaeogeography Glaciology nd Cryolithology Economic and Social Geography of Russia Social-Economic Geography of Foreign Countries Geography of World Economy Recreational Geography and Tourism Hydrology Meteorology Oceanology

* Courses in Moscow and Geneva

Ecology and Environmental Environmental Geochemistry Management Ecological Biogeography Geoecology and World Physical Geography Environmental Management Environment Ecology and Law* Cartography and Cartography and Geoinformatics Geoinformatics Tourism Tourism


Remote studies

The number of MSU students based off campus for each region, colour-coded in ascending order, 2014

The Faculty of Geography has five remote stations for training and research: · Satino (100 km south of Moscow in Kaluga Oblast, est. 1968); · Elbrus (on the slope of Mount Elbrus in the Caucasus, est. 1957); · Khibiny (at Kola Peninsula in the Khibiny Mountains, est. 1948); · Krasnovidovo (beside Mozhaisk Reservoir on the Moscow River, est. 1945); · Ustyanskaya (in Arkhangelsk Oblast, est. 1992). Remote stations are fully equipped for fieldwork, courses and lodging. MSU geographers and affiliates from other institutions use them intensively year round. Each site has detailed logs of data collected in the vicinity for decades.


Doctoral studies PhD programmes integrate on- and off-campus training in preparation for conducting research and writing a dissertation. The Faculty of Geography offers the following areas of focus: · Physical Geography and Biogeography, Landscape Geochemistry and Soil Geography · Economic, Social, Political and Recreational Geography · Geomorphology and Evolutional Geography · Hydrology, Water Resources, Hydrochemistry · Oceanology · Meteorology, Climatology and Agricultural Meteorology · Glaciology and Cryolithology of the Earth · Cartography · Geoinformatics · Geoecology


Many distinguished contributors to the establishment and development of geography have worked at MSU. Their work has led to important advances in the following areas: · regional climate change forecast; · hydrological estimates and predictions, hydro-ecological safety; · diagnosis and prognosis of extreme natural phenomena in seas; · monitoring and projecting dynamics of the cryosphere; · evolutionary-geographical methods for evaluating climate change; · geomorphology-engineering analysis; · geoinformatics, cartographic technology and remote sensing; · assessing the socio-economic and ecological impacts of National Innovation Projects; · landscape planning, evaluating natural and anthropogenic conditions; · monitoring and estimating biodiversity, medical geography; · integral estimation and prognosis of environmental conditions in Russian cities and regions; · natural resource management technologies; · recreational engineering service

government, business and scientific collaboration. Over the past few years, MSU geographers have registered over 10 patents with commercial potential. In 2011, as part of the "Conservation and sustainable development of Russian regions" programme, the Faculty launched a geoinformation hardware and software system called Geoportal MSU. In addition to a broad spectrum of geodesic, meteorological and sampling equipment, the Faculty of Geography has state-of-the-art instruments for laboratory research. Ecology and geochemistry facilities are equipped with devices for organic, inorganic and laser particle size analysis. The Faculty also has a Delta-V massspectrometer for isotopic measurement and a well-furnished cold room. A major state grant covering the period from 2010 to 2014 allowed the faculty to establish a Natural Risk Assessment Laboratory headed by German oceanographer Peter Koltermann. In 2014, the faculty received funding to start an · IGU Regional Conference: Geography, Culture and Society for Our Future Earth, 2015 · Workshops for the Russian-Swedish project on education for sustainable development, 2008-13 · Workshop on education for sustainable development in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia, 2011 · The Caspian Region: Environmental Consequences of Climate Change, 2010 · Russian-Finish workshop on climate and environmental change, 2009 · International Symposium on River Sedimentation, 2007

Recent international events

The Faculty of Geography actively contributes to the Federal Target Programme "Research and development of priority areas in Russian science and technology, 2014-2020". The State Committee on Technology and Innovation recently approved an MSU-initiated platform known as "Technologies for ecological development" to mobilise


Arctic Environment Laboratory responsible for leading multidisciplinary research on complex water-land-cryosphere interactions in the Russian Arctic. MSU geographers fulfil research contracts with public and private entities in Russia and abroad -- including the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Geography, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Federal Space Agency, Roscartography, the Ministry of Defence, the Federal Water Resources Agency, the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring, the Federal Agency for Sea and Inland Water Transport, the Federal Agency for Tourism, Gasprom, Rosneft, the UN Office for Project Services and the International Atomic Energy Agency. Each year on average, the Faculty publishes 40 textbooks, 30 research monographs and 600-700 articles in leading academic journals. It recently


published seven volumes of highlights from Geography, Society and Environment for the 250th anniversary of MSU and produced the four-volume monograph Current Global Environmental Change. Faculty members helped complete the National Atlas of Russia and the Hydrographic Atlas of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) Volume 3, and are now working on the second edition of the Ecological Atlas of Russia and the National Atlas of the Russian Arctic. The Faculty organises at least 10 conferences and symposia on geography and human-environment relations each year at national and international levels. Its International Academic Seminar features luminaries in geography and environmental sciences from around the world. On 22 April 2015, for example, UN Under-Secretary-General and UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner visited MSU to present at the seminar. Entrance exams: applicant specialisation, philosophy, foreign language (interview) For additional information on applying to the MSU Faculty of Geography, please contact the Department of International Education. Email: geogr.msu@mail.ru Telephone: +7(495)939 1552

Applying to the MSU Faculty of Geography Enrolment is contract-based for international students BA application General requirements: fluent Russian, tuition fee Entrance exams: Geography (written evaluation), Russian and math (interview) MA application General requirements: fluent Russian, tuition fee Entrance exams: Geography (written evaluation) PhD application General requirements: MA or equivalent graduate degree, tuition fee


To inquire about part-time courses in geography, please contact the Department of Continuing Education. Email: natshab@yandex.ru

Lomonosov Moscow State University Faculty of Geography
Editor in chief: Professor Sergey A. Dobroliubov Editors: Professor Nikolay S. Kasimov, Dr. Sergey R. Chalov, Dr. Sergey A. Sokratov, Dr. Peter C. Sigrist Reference Edition

MSU Faculty of Geography on the web Official website in English: http://www.eng.geogr.msu.ru/ Official website in Russian: http://www.geogr.msu.ru/ Alumni website: http://www.geograd.ru/

Mailing address: 119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, GSP-1, Leninskie gory, Faculty of Geography Telephone: +7(495)939 2238, +7(495)939 1552 Fax: +7(495)932 8836 8