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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Wed Dec 21 19:28:42 2005
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Mon Oct 1 20:11:23 2012
Dear Members of IHSS, My service as IHSS president is getting close to its end and it is time for me to fulfill one of the president's most important duties: the organization of new elections. I urge all of you to vote: your participation to the life and the management of the IHSS is indeed getting more and more important. Thanks to the active contribution of all its Past Presidents, Officers, Committee Members, National Coordinators and Membership the status of the Society has never been so good. Demand for our standard and reference collection is increasing, notwithstanding the worldwide decrease in funding for research and stocks of old samples have been replenished, while new ones of great scientific importance are being incorporated. Excellent national chapters meetings have been organized this year and for the first time they received a contribution by the IHSS to invite from abroad a scientist of their choice to give a keynote lecture. We were particularly delighted to welcome back into activity and give our support to the national chapter of Argentina, who held a successful meeting last June. The IHSS is now able to help students and young researchers to spend a short training period abroad in a laboratory of their choice. The IHSS membership has positively responded to all initiatives and we are really looking forward to an outstanding IHSS-13 conference in Karlsruhe (Germany) next July. To strengthen the democratic basis of the Society has been a special aim of the Board during the last year. Yona Chen and Paul Bloom were charged by the Board with the compilation of new bylaws aimed at making the running of the society more simple and efficient. The text of the new bylaws is at present under examination by the Board and will be presented to the Membership during the next general assembly in order to get further suggestions for improvement before it is approved by the Membership. It is therefore important that all of you participate by sending your preferences: in this newsletter you will find the candidates' statements and CVs to help you make your choice. Envelopes with the ballots will be sent to each of you by airmail at the beginning of December 2005. Please return the ballots to the secretary of IHSS, in the pre-prepared envelopes, by the deadline of February 28, 2006. The results will be published in the newsletter and on the website by the end of next February. With best wishes. Yours sincerely, Maria De Nobili President IHSS 1

Winter, 2005


ELECTION OF IHSS BOARD MEMBERS, CHANGE IN BYLAWS Time has come for elections of Vice President, one Board Member and Treasurer of the Society. The following are the positions and the candidates: Position Vice-president Candidates Patrick G. Hatcher Jerzy Weber Board member Gregory Vladimir Korshin Etelka TombÀcz Rolf David Vogt Treasurer Edward C. Clapp

Enclosed please find the candidates' statements and CV's. Envelopes with the ballots will be sent to each of you by airmail at the beginning of December. After voting for the candidates of your choice, please put the ballots in the blank envelope provided to ensure anonymity and seal the envelope. Please place the closed envelope with the ballots in the pre-prepared addressed envelope (to Dr. Gudrun Abbt-Braun, secretary of IHSS) and send it by surface or air mail. Remember the ballots must arrive within the fixed deadline of 28th of February, 2006. Together with the ballots for the next elections you will therefore receive another ballot which will contain a request to agree to a change in Article V, Section 4 of the bylaws. Please express your opinion and put this together with the others in the blank envelope. Article V, Section 4 of the bylaws, which will read as follows: "An officer, except the President, the Vice President/President Elect and the Treasurer, may hold the same office for no more than two (2) additional consecutive terms. No officer, except the Treasurer may serve more than twelve (12) consecutive years on the Board of Directors". The old text was: " An officer, except the President and the Vice President/President Elect, may hold the same office for no more than two (2) additional consecutive terms. No officer may serve more than twelve (12) consecutive years on the Board of Directors". The IHSS Board would like to thank the nomination committee, Jerzy Drozd (Poland, Chairman), Deborah Pinheiro Dick (Brazil) and Dan Olk (USA) for their effective search for candidates. We gratefully acknowledge their effort. Maria De Nobili
President of IHSS


CANDIDATE FOR TREASURER C. EDWARD CLAPP Research Chemist, U.S. Department of Agriculture & Professor of Soil Biochemistry, Dept. of Soil, Water, & Climate University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN, USA

Education B.S., Chemistry, University of Massachusetts, 1952 M.S., Soil Chemistry, Cornell University, 1954 Ph.D., Soil Chemistry, Cornell University, 1957 Professional Experience 1956-61, Chemist, USDA, ARS, SWCRD, Beltsville, MD 1961-present, Research Chemist, USDA-ARS, St. Paul, MN; and Assistant-, Associateand Professor of Soil Science, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 1988-89, Honorary Senior Research Fellow, School of Chemistry, Birmingham, Edgbaston, England (8 months) 1989, Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Soil and Water Sciences Department, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel (4 months) IHSS Became a member of IHSS in 1983 and have attended all 12 International Meetings. Served as Chair of Nomination Committee (1986-90); Liaison Representative with the Soil Science Society of America (1991-2005); Treasurer IHSS (11/93 - date). Accomplishments include: re-incorporation of IHSS in State of Colorado with Ron Malcolm and Ed Huffman (1994); Registered as tax-exempt organization with U.S. Internal Revenue Service (1995); re-established IHSS Standard and Reference Collection sales, distribution, and characterization with Pat MacCarthy and Paul Bloom (1994-1997); helped organize the U.S. Chapter of IHSS (100+ members) with Ron Malcolm and Jim Rice;coedited book "Humic Substances in Soil and Crop Sciences" (1990) with P. MacCarthy, R.L. Malcolm, and P.R. Bloom; co-edited the IHSS-7 Trinidad Proceedings (1996) with M.H.B. Hayes, N. Senesi and S.M. Griffith;co-edited book "Humic Substances and Chemical Contaminants" (2001) with M.H.B. Hayes, N. Senesi, P.R. Bloom, and P.M. Jardine; continue handling finances of Collection, invest funds in CDs, file taxes annually, and watch over money of IHSS. Honorary Societies and Awards Sigma Xi; Gamma Sigma Delta; Fellow, American Institute of Chemists; Fellow, American Society of Agronomy; Fellow, Soil Science Society of America. Research Research and water availability Experience in soil and humic substance biochemistry related to ground water quality, soil management involving the basic phases of plant nutrient transformations and in soils, soil and plant residue management, soil organic matter characterization 3


and interactions, humic/pesticide complexes, soil-water quality relationships, and humic substance-plant interactions. Professional Affiliations and Activities Soil Science Society of America American Society of Agronomy International Union of Soil Sciences International Humic Substances Society CANDIDATE FOR VICE PRESIDENT PATRICK G. HATCHER Department of Chemistry 3033 McPherson Lab Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210 Phone: (614)688-8799 fax:(614)688-4906 Email: hatcher@chemistry.ohio-state.edu Web page: http://www.chemistry.ohio-state.edu/~hatcher/ http://www.chemistry.ohio-state.edu/emsi/


BS in Chemistry, N.C. State University, 1970 MS in Marine Chemistry, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Miami, 1974 PhD in Chemistry (Geochemistry), University of Maryland, 1980 American Chemical Society, Division of Geochemistry, served as Treas.,Sec., Chair. Selected in 1995 Councilor Division of Fuel Chemistry Division of Environmental Chemistry International Humic Substances Society 1995- Elected Councilor, Geochemistry Div. ACS 2000- Hanse Special Fellow, Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst,Germany 2001- SPHERE Award from The Dow Chemical Company Foundation 2002- Elected to the Board of the Petroleum Research Fund 2005- Recipient of the ACS, Geochemistry Division Medal

Professional Societies:

Honors and Awards:

Editorial Responsibilities: former Assoc. Editor, Organic Geochemistry former Editorial Board Member, Energy & Fuels special editor, The Science of the Total Environment editorial board, Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica PRF Board member, 2002-2005 Research Interests:

Organic geochemistry of coal, kerogen, and humic substances. Study of kerogen formation, coalification, and humification TANCES SOCIETY 4

processes. Emphasis on the study of organic macromolecules associated with plant materials, humic substances and fossil fuels. Study of the interaction of pollutants with biota and with natural organic matter in soils, and marine sediments. Positions held: 1970-1974 Research assistant, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Miami, Miami, FL. 1971-1979 Oceanographer(Chemical), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratories, Miami, FL. 1979-1989 Research Chemist, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA. 1979-1982, Branch of Coal Resources;1982-1986 Branch of Analytical Chemistry; 1986-1989 Branch of Coal Geology. 1989-1995 Associate Professor, Department of Materials Science & Engineering (Fuel Science Program), and Dept. of Geosciences, Penn State University, University Park, PA. 1995- 1998 Professor, Department of Materials Science & Engineering (Fuel Science Program), and Dept. of Geosciences, Penn State University, University Park, PA. 1996-1998 Adjunct Professor of Chemistry, Dept of Chemistry; Director, Center for Environmental Chemistry and Geochemistry, Penn State University 1998-Present Professor of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry; Professor of Geological Sciences, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. 1999-2000 Director, Ohio Mass Spectrometry Consortium 2000-Present Director, Ohio State Environmental Molecular Science Institute, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. 2005- Batten Chair in the Physical Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA Over 240 peer-reviewed publications in professional journals and book chapters.


Candidacy Statement I have been involved in activities of the IHSS for as long as the society has existed but have not, until now, actively participated in governance due to my attention being focused in another geochemistry society. If elected, I can now turn my attention to helping the IHSS advance in the 21st century. I bring to the table skills I acquired in the governance of other societies and the desire to see IHSS grow into a more chemically advanced society. The study of humic substances is entering a new phase with advanced analytical techniques providing some real chemical structural definitions. Accordingly, the society needs to attract more attention from traditional chemists and biochemists whose interests might lie in studies of humic substances and I would seek to provide the means for communicating to this audience. Developing collaborations with the American Chemical Society would be one such avenue, as many of the symposia and meetings organized by IHSS and ACS Geochemistry and Environmental Divisions seem to overlap in theme. It appears that the US chapter of IHSS is making some headway, spurred on by the NOM Joint IHSS and


EMSI Workshop held at Ohio State, in Columbus, OH last June. The meeting was a great success and well attended by IHSS members that included the IHSS Board. It is through these types of regional meetings attended by chemists, biochemists, and geochemists that IHSS can carry their banner and become well recognized in these communities. I would certainly turn my attention to making this happen. CANDIDATE FOR VICE PRESIDENT JERZY WEBER Agricultural University of Wroclaw, Poland Institute of Soil Science and Agricultural Environmental Protection Phone/fax: +48 (71) 3205631 Email: weber@ozi.ar.wroc.pl Web-page: http://www.ar.wroc.pl/~weber Personal Data Date and place of birth: 1947, Wroclaw, Poland Nationality: Polish Sex: male Marital status: married, 3 children. Education MSc - geology, University of Wroclaw, 1972 PhD - soil science, Agricultural University of Wroclaw, 1978 DSc (habilitation) - soil science, Agricultural University of Wroclaw, 1995 Professor of soil science - Agricultural University of Wroclaw, 2002. Research Interest Author of more than 100 publications on heavy metal polluted soils, soil mineralogy and micromorphology, soil organic matter transformation, composting of municipal solid wastes and ecological aspects of MSW composts application in agriculture. Currently working on characterisation of organic and mineral colloids in soils derived from different igneous rocks. Editorial Activity Drozd J., Gonet S. Senesi N., Weber J. (Eds), 1997. The role of humic substances in the ecosystem and in environmental protection. Proceedings of the 8 Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society. PTSH, Wroclaw, 1012 ss. Weber J. (Ed), 2003. Biogeochemical processes and cycling of elements in the environment. Guest Editor of the Special Issue of Chemosphere, Vol. 52, No 3. Weber J. (Ed), 2003. The role of organic components in geochemical processes in terrestrial and aquatic systems. Guest Editor of the Special Issue of Organic Geochemistry, vol. 34, No 5. Weber J., Karczewska A. (Eds), 2004. Biogeochemical processes and the role of heavy metals in the environment. Guest Editor of the Special Issue of Geoderma, 122, 2-4.



Professional Bodies Vice-president of EUG - European Union of Geosciences (2001-2003), Council member of EGU - European Geosciences Union (2003-2005, 2005-2007), President of SSS EGU - Soil Systems Sciences Division of EGU (2003-2005, 2005-2007), Vice-Chair of ISEB - International Symposia on Environmental Biogeochemistry (20032007), Vice-President of Polish Chapter of IHSS (2003-2007), Council member of Polish Society of Soil Science (1999-2003, 2003-2007). Candidacy Statement After completing a masters degree in geology at the University of Wroclaw, I joined in 1973 the faculty of the Agricultural University of Wroclaw, where I am currently a professor of Soil Science in the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Environment Protection. My research has focused on different effects of anthropogenic influence on soil environment, including industrial emissions of heavy metals as well as ecological aspects of soil fertilization with composts produced from municipal solid wastes. Presently I am working on roles of different parent rocks on formation of soil mineral and organic colloids (both humic substances and clay minerals). I have been a member of IHSS since 1995 and I had the privilege to serve as secretary of the Organizing Committee of the 8th International Meeting of IHSS, held in Wroclaw in 1996. If I am elected to the position of Vice-President of IHSS, I would support any effort to develop cooperation of scientists from diverse disciplines dealing with humic substances: ecologists, chemists, soil scientists, hydrologists and environmentalists in a broad sense. I am convinced that IHSS is an attractive platform for interdisciplinary research, and there is still a lot to be done to increase such cooperation. I believe that my experience as one of founding members of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), and the President of EGU Soil System Sciences Division, as well as Vice-Chair of ISEB (International Symposia on Environmental Biochemistry) would greatly contribute to develope IHSS broad interdisciplinary cooperation. CANDIDATE FOR BOARD MEMBER GREGORY VLADIMIR KORSHIN Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Box 352700 University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-2700, Phone: (206) 543-2374, fax (206) 685-9185, Email: korshin@u.washington.edu Web-page: http://faculty.washington.edu/korshin/

Academic Background M.S. (Optics and Spectroscopy) Kazan State University, Kazan, Russia,1978 Ph.D. (Physical Chemistry) Kirov State Technological University, Kazan, Russia,1984 Professional History Senior Research Scientist, Kirov State Technological University, Kazan, Russia, 1984 - 1991 Research Associate, University of Washington, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), 1991 - 1998.


Research Assistant Professor, University of Washington, CEE, 1998 - 2000. Associate Professor, University of Washington, CEE, 2000 to present. Selected Recent Publications Frenkel A.I., G.V.Korshin (2001). Studies of humic substances and metal-humic complexes by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy: current state and future prospects. Canadian Journal of Soil Sciences, 81 (3): 271-276. Fabbricino, M., and G.V.Korshin (2004). Disinfection by-products formation and applicability of differential absorbance spectroscopy to monitor halogenation in chlorinated coastal and deep ocean seawater. Desalination, 176 (1): 57-69. Korshin, G.V., M.Fabbricino (2005). Probing the mechanisms of NOM chlorination using fluorescence: formation of disinfection by-products in Alento River water. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 4 (4): 227-233. Korshin, G.V., J.F.Ferguson, A.N.Lancaster (2005). Influence of natural organic matter on the properties of corroding lead surface and behavior of lead-containing particles. Water Research, 39 (5): 811-818. Selected Monographs Korshin, G.V., J.F.Ferguson, A.N.Lancaster, H.Wu (1999). Corrosion and Metal Release from Lead-Containing Materials: Influence of Natural Organic Matter and Corrosion Mitigation AWWA Research Foundation and American Water Works Association. Denver, CO. CrouÈ, J.-P., G.V.Korshin, J.A.Leenheer, M.M.Benjamin (2000). Isolation, Fractionation and Characterization of Natural Organic Matter in Drinking Water. Awwa Research Foundation and American Water Works Association, Denver, CO. Candidacy Statement If elected, I intend to contribute into the further expansion of the all-inclusive democratic message of IHSS and will encourage the development of inter-personal and interorganizational contacts between independent IHSS chapters and members. Second, I intend to contribute into the strengthening of IHSS chapters in countries in Africa, Asia, East Europe, Latin America and Middle East that currently undergo rapid development and whose role will increase in the future. Third, I intend to help expand contacts between IHSS and, on the other hand, engineering, scientific and other organizations that deal with applications and/or effects of humic species in one form or another. Fourth, it is highly important to continue world-wide exploration of humic species generated in different biogeochemical conditions. Because of that, further expansion of the IHSS collection of humic species remains a high priority. I would like to express my appreciation for having been nominated and hope to serve well, if elected, to this society.



CANDIDATE FOR BOARD MEMBER ETELKA TOMBþCZ Associate Professor, Department of Colloid Chemistry, University of Szeged, Hungary Email: Tombacz@sol.serv.u-szeged.hu

Education Chemical Technician (1970), Technical High School, Debrecen; Chemistry (1975), Attila JÑzsef University, Szeged; Doctorate (1977), Attila JÑzsef University, Szeged; CSc, Colloid Chemistry (1986) and DSc, Physical Chemistry (2004), Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest; Habilitation, Chemistry (2005), University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary. Positions Research Assistant (1975-1979), Postdoctoral Fellow (Candidature; 1979-1983), Assistant Professor (1983-1988) and Associate Professor (1988-pres), Department of Colloid Chemistry, Attila JÑzsef University, University of Szeged (from 2000), Szeged, Hungary; Postdoctoral Fellow (1989/1990), Dept. Chemistry, Baylor University, Texas, USA, Invited Researcher (1994/95), Dept. Chem. Biochem., South Dakota State University, SD, USA Research Activities pH and electrolyte dependent colloidal aggregation and dispersing in natural aqueous systems and composite model dispersions containing humic acids (dissociation, association, surface activity, conformation, colloidal stability), clay mineral (montmorillonite, kaolinite) and metal (iron, aluminum, titanium and zinc) oxide particles and organic acids (adsorption, surface charge characterization and modification); the effect of centrifugal field, shear forces and magnetic field on aggregation and particle network of clay lamellae and oxide particles. Publications book chapters ­5, reviewed papers ­61, proceedings and CD publications ­43. Presentations at International and National Meetings ­74. National and EU research grants: principal investigator on 7 grants and co-principal investigator on 3 grants. Several R&D grants from industry on water treatment, aqueous suspension formulation (ceramic, paint, phosphor) and cosmetics. Teaching Activities Undergraduate: Colloid Chemistry, Environmental Colloids, Soil Pollution and Purification Graduate: Rheology, Aqueous Colloidal Dispersions and Solutions, Soil Colloids, Soil Physical Chemistry, Interfacial Equilibria and Dispersion Stability in Aqueous Medium. Awards, Honors, and Other Activities Winner of the National Chemical Competition for High School Students (1970); AladÀr BuzÀgh Prize, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1982); Hungarian membership Coordinator for the International Humic Substances Society (1992 - present); Recipient of a SzÈchenyi Professor Fellowship 1998-2001 and IstvÀn SzÈchenyi Fellowship 2001/022003/04; Representative in the European Network of Water Chemistry (from 2002); Member of the editorial board of Colloid and Polymer Science (2004 - present); President


of the Colloid and Material Science Working Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (from 2005). Candidacy Statement Regarding my roots in both personal and professional points of view, I believe that my possible participation in the Board of IHSS, would be a great opportunity to represent the smaller nations in the future besides the activities planned in the field of the physicochemical and colloidal characterization of humic substances. i) To select the inherent properties of humic substances keeping mind on their operational definition. ii) To attempt the standardization of sample preparation and methods. iii) To test the suggested procedures in different laboratories. iv) To summarize the experiences, and to elaborate recommendation, if it is possible at all. I am convinced that the society has to make great effort to provide the recommendation for HS characterization to help identification and legitimation of HS first of all in the new fields of application. CANDIDATE FOR BOARD MEMBER ROLF DAVID VOGT University of Oslo Dep. of Chemistry, Box 1033 Blindern, 0315 Oslo, NORWAY Phone: +47 22 855696 / +47 906 15415 Email: ROLF.VOGT@KJEMI.UIO.NO Web-page: http://folk.uio.no/rvogt/

Personal Data Date/place of birth: Nationality: Civil status: Home address: Telephone: Education 1996: 1989: 1985: 1985: 1983:

June 14, 1960 / Bangkok, Thailand USA, resident of Norway since 1962. 3 children, Common law married Vendla 55, 1397 NesÜya, NORWAY +47 66 981396

Doctor degree Doctor Scientiarum­Environmental chemistry Master of Science Candidatus Scientiarum­Environmental chemistry Bachelor of Science Candidatus magisterii­Chemistry College degree ­ Analytical chemistry College degree ­ Nature resources

Professional Career 1985: Integrated environmental chemical projects as: 2005Professor at the Dept. of Chemistry, UiO. 1996-2005: Associate Professor at the Dept. of Chemistry, UiO. 1991-1996: Research fellow at the Dept. of Chemistry, UiO. 1986-1991: Environmental Chemistry consultant at MiljÜanalyse A/S 1985-1986: Research assistant Center for Industrial Research. 10


Research Appropriations and Grants (last 5 years) 1999 ­ 2001: Characterisation of natural Dissolved Organic Material (DOM) in the Nordic countries (NOMiNiC), Funded by: NordTest 2000 ­ 2004: Integrated Monitoring Program on Acidification of Chinese Terrestrial Systems (IMPACTS), Funded by: Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation 2003: Workshop on Changes in Quality and Quantity of dissolved NOM; Causes and Concequences, Funded by: NordTest 2003 ­ 2004; Financial support for a sabbatical year in China, Funded by: NFR Lecturing at University Level 26 Master and 3 Dr. degree students within the field of environmental chemistry 14 basic courses of environmental, analytical inorganic and organic chemistry 12 advanced course of environmental and analytical chemistry Scientific Publications Published 44 scientific articles and reports as the main author and 51 as co-author. Candidacy Statement Lack of knowledge of the impact of humic matter is a major obstacle in understanding and modeling biogeochemical processes in ecosystems. I am therefore more interested in how the humics behave, than how they appear, though much can be deduced by judging them by their appearance (i.e. linking function to structure). Further understanding can be gained by generalizing, e.g. it is possible to presume the conduct of natural organic matter based on where they originate (e.g. soil type, vegetation cover, climate). In order to achieve progress in NOM-mapping we need to become more organized and agree on preferred standard procedures for isolation and characterization of HS. The days of presenting my data generated using my highly specialized technique, on humic material isolated my way from my brook, must be over. If I am elected to the board, I will therefore strive to focus on the role of humics in ecosystem functioning and on implementation of a set of IHSS standard methods.

Perugia 15th to 16th of December 2005

VI Meeting of the Italian Chapter of IHSS
Aula Magna della FacoltÞ di Agraria UniversitÞ degli Studi di Perugia Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali Sezione di Chimica Agraria




13th Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society July 30 to August 4, 2006, Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH), Karlsruhe, Germany
The 13th Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society (IHSS) will be held in Karlsruhe, Germany following the conferences in Sao Pedro, Brazil (2004), Boston, USA (2002) and Toulouse, France (2000). Scientists, engineers and ecologists are invited to use this forum for intensive discussions of the recent findings in the field of humic and natural organic matter. The meeting will be held on the campus of the Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH). Contribution to the following main topics of humic and natural organic matter research are most welcome: · · · · · New analytical aspects Biological aspects and transformation Ecological aspects and genesis Physico-chemical aspects Applications

Humic Substances ­ Linking Structure to Functions

Important Deadlines



!!!!! Deadline for submission of abstracts Immediate registration payment Notification of acceptance of abstracts Early registration payment Deadline for registration payment *

until 15 Dec. 2005 until 01 Dec. 2005 01 Mar. 2006 until 15 Mar. 2006 until 15 Jul. 2006

For more information, please contact Prof. Dr. Fritz H. Frimmel, Dr. Gudrun Abbt-Braun Engler-Bunte-Institut, Universitaet Karlsruhe, 76128 Karlsruhe, Germany, Phone: E-mail: +49 (0) 721 608 2580 Fax: +49 (0) 721 69 91 54 IHSS2006@ebi-wasser.uni-karlsruhe.de www.wasserchemie.uni-karlsruhe.de/ihss2006/



Students can apply for a travel bursary to attend the conference in Karlsruhe. An application should include the abstract and must be sent to the IHSS 2006 conference secretariat before 15 Dec. 2005 E-mail: IHSS2006@ebi-wasser.uni-karlsruhe.de www.wasserchemie.uni-karlsruhe.de/ihss2006/ The complete application for the bursary should follow the guidelines for travel awards and has to be sent before 31 Dec. 2005 to Dr. Paul Bloom (prb@umn.edu); for more information see the website of the IHSS: http://www.ihss.gatech.edu; "Travel awards".

TRAINING BURSARIES COMMITTEE REPORT Seven applications were received by the President of IHSS within the announced deadline (15th July 2005). A copy of all applications and letters by supervisors and hosting supervisors was sent by the President to the Training Bursaries Committee which was composed by the President, the Vice President and the Past President of IHSS. The committee after extensive discussion selected the following general criteria for the selection of candidates: a) originality of research program b) CV of student c) quality of hosting institution d) degree of support from hosting institution e) degree of support from supervisor. The committee unanimously agreed to support the following list of candidates (alphabetic order): Name Corrado Giampietro Kristiana Ina Najat Khalil Said-Pullicino Daniel Song Guixue Institution University of Bologna (Italy) Curtin University (Australia) Rabat University (Morocco) University of Perugia (Italy) University of Limerick (Ireland) Host Supervisor C. Richard J.P. CrouÕ M. De Nobili G. Guggenberger A.J. Simpson B. Marschner Host Institution Blaise Pascal University France University of Poitiers, France Udine University, Italy Martin Luther University, Germany University of Toronto, Canada Ruhr University, Germany

Zmora-Nahum Sharon Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)



Past President Dr. Yona Chen Dept. of Soil & Water Sciences The Hebrew University of Jerusalem P.O. Box 12 76100 Rehovot, Israel (+) 972 8 9489234 (+) 972 8 9468565 yonachen@agri.huji.ac.il Secretary Dr. Gudrun Abbt-Braun Engler-Bunte-Institut, Wasserchemie UniversitÄt Karlsruhe Engler-Bunte-Ring 1 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany (+) 49 721 6084309 (+) 49 721 6087051 gudrun.abbt-braun@ebi-wasser.unikarlsruhe.de Board Position Dr. Claudio Ciavatta Dip. Scienze Tecnologie Agro-Ambientali UniversitÞ di Bologna Viale Fanin, 40 40127 Bologna, Italy (+) 39 051 2096201 (+) 39 051 2096203 claudio.ciavatta@unibo.it

President Dr. Maria de Nobili Dip. Prod. Vegetali e Tecn. Agrarie UniversitÞ di Udine Via delle Scienze 208 33100 Udine, Italy (+) 39 0432 558644 (+) 39 0432 558603 maria.denobili@uniud.it Treasurer Dr. C.E. Clapp USDA-ARS Dept. Soil, Water, Climate University of Minnesota 1991 Upper Buford Circle St. Paul, MN 55108, USA (+) 1 612 6252767 (+) 1 612 6261204 eclapp@umn.edu Board Position Dr. Ladislau Martin-Neto EMBRAPA CNPDIA 13560-970 Sao Carlos-SP Brazil (+) 55 16 33742477 (+) 55 16 33725958 martin@cnpdia.embrapa.br Vice President Dr. Paul R. Bloom Dept. Soil, Water, Climate University of Minnesota 1991 Upper Buford Circle St. Paul, MN 55108, USA (+) 1 612 6254711 (+) 1 612 6261204 prb@umn.edu Chairman, Samples Collection Dr. Paul R. Bloom Dept. Soil, Water, Climate University of Minnesota 1991 Upper Buford Circl