The MaTIS Chair is ready to consider different cooperation priposals, including
- performing a wide range of R&D by order, also for specific tasks related to algorithms formulation and development of software;
- sale of finished products;
- conducting joint research;
- scientific consultations an a wide range of questions.
The circle of researches covers main directions of the theory of intelligent systems.
We can relate to them:
- finite
automata theory;
- development of methods of pattern
recognition, arising under acoustic, visual and other forms of perception;
- looking for general principles of the decision making,
including logic, stochastic, combinatorial, fuzzy and other approaches;
- development of high level languages for the description of
situations and use of mathematical tools for solving problems of recognition and the
decision making;
- creation databases and knowledge bases optimum on use and
connected with it research of complexity of search and storage of the information;
- development of general methods of hierarchical expert
systems design and computer solvers of problems;
- research of opportunities of finite automata and robots with
elements of limited resource artificial intelligence for the decision of intelligent
- creation of computer systems of training in good - and
poorly - formalised areas of knowledge;
- development of methods of computer modelling in natural,
humanitarian and technical areas: the mathematician, mechanic, physics, chemistry,
biology, economy, political and public sciences and etc.;
- research of properties of discrete structures, algorithms,
functions and functional systems;
- development of the theory and methods of the analysis and
synthesis of effective algorithms and calculators;
- research of problems of fuzzy mathematics;
- research of mathematical problems of telecommunications;
Fundamental results in these directions are received. Examples of
- a new combinatorial -logic method of pattern recognition is developed, its metric
properties and efficiency are investigated; with its help the problems of finding oil, tin
and other. mineral wealth's are solved;
- the theory of finite automata and robots behaviour in abstract and real environments is
- research of a problem of express and completeness for discrete functions and finite
automata is conducted;
- opportunities of mosaic structures as models of the circuits of parallel calculations
and neural networks with self-training are investigated;
- the theory of expert systems synthesis and computer solvers of problems is developed;
the acting systems for the decision of mathematical problems and training to foreign
languages are created which were demonstrated at International exhibitions;
- expert systems for medicine and information monitoring systems are developed;
- for wide classes of discrete functions methods of synthesis optimum on complexity the
circuits of calculations are received, which adjusting large number of errors, examples of
discrete functions also almost exponential complexity and etc. are constructed.