пятница, 15:00, ауд. им. С.А.Ахманова, КНО
СЕМИНАР кафедры общей физики и волновых процессов и Международного учебно-научного лазерного центра МГУ
Mark Neice
“High Energy Lasers - Light on the Horizon'.
Harro Ackermann
'HEL-JTO Basic Research Initiative'.
Краткое резюме докладчиков
Mark Neice is Director, High Energy Laser Joint Technology Office. He supervises research and development in solid-state, free electron, and gas lasers, beam control technologies, laser-material interaction, and modeling & simulation. His concentration has been on advancing Directed Energy technology through basic research at US and foreign universities, and on advanced development at government laboratories and industry. Additionally, he established and sponsors Educational Programs through stipends and scholarships for interns and students.
Previously he was Chief, Laser Division of the Air Force Research Laboratory, and Director of Systems Engineering & Test Operations for the Airborne Laser Program Office. His academic preparation was at the US Air Force Academy and the University of Dayton.
Harro Ackermann is the Senior Technical Advisor, High Energy Laser Joint Technology Office. He advises the Director on research and development activities in Directed Energy technologies, and he is the focal point for the Joint Technology Office’s university and international research initiatives. He is currently involved with over 20 research projects at US universities, and with basic research efforts in Europe and the Pacific area. He has sponsored over 15 thesis and dissertation projects at the Air Force Institute of Technology.
Previously he has held several technical leadership positions at the Air Force Research Laboratory, as well assignments at the German Aerospace Center and Sandia National Laboratory. His academic preparation was at the Missouri Institute of Science and Technology, the Air Force institute of Technology, and the University of New Mexico.