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The Impact of Orthodox and Western Christianity on Societies
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The Impact of Orthodox and Western Christianity on Societies:
A Comparative Historical Approach


The central problem underlying this international program, which has been underway since 1994, may be summarized as follows: how did two major Christian traditions influence differences in the historical development of societies in the regions dominated by Orthodoxy and Western Christianity?

The project is specific in two respects: a) it aims to make a comparative analysis; b) it aims to compare the impact of two Christian traditions upon societies.

Participants of coordinated research are seeking to explain certain distinctive features of history of East European and Western European societies as a result of the presence of two divergent Christian traditions in their midst.

Naturally, the implementation of this project gives rise to many methodological problems. It is not easy to fix the chronological and spatial limits for each of the envisaged lines of research; research "questionaries" should lead to comparisons beyond the level of typology; the source base for such a study of the history of orthodox countries is far more limited than for the study of the history of the West; the absence of special studies in some fields sets unavoidable limitations etc. "Round-table" discussions, seminars, workshops, and colloquia will help evolve methods conforming to the specifics of the project in question.

The level of research now attained in the field of historical studies and in general in the humanities, makes it possible to attempt to find a verifiable reply to questions which formerly were the province of philosophy of history rather than of historical research proper.

In view of the fragmentation of historical studies and the limited acquaintance of history students in the West with the studies of the history of the East and Southeast of Europe and vice versa, the project could promote the pooling and integration of research efforts of scholars in different countries. It is equally obvious that the very nature of this project requires joint work by researchers in various disciplines.

Multilateral international cooperation serves as a base for the implementation of the project. Scholars from Russia, France, Poland, Ukraine, Canada, the USA, Germany, Italy, Austria have been involved.

Main sponsoring institutions: Maison des sciences de l'homme (Paris), since 1992; Moscow Lomonosov State University, since 1992; Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Paris), since 1993; Academy of Sciences of Russia, since 1994; University Paris-I Sorbonne-Panthéon, since 1994; University of Wroclaw (Poland), since 1994; University of Alberta (Canada), since 1995; University Paris-IV Sorbonne, since 1997; Institut für europäische Geschichte (Mainz, Germany), in 1999-2002; Pasts, Inc. Center for Historical Studies, Central European University, since 2004.

The work on the project is coordinated: in France: by N.Lemaitre (University Paris-I, Sorbonne-Pantheon); in Russia: by M.Dmitriev (Moscow Lomonosov State University); in Canada: by A.Gow (University of Alberta); in Poland: by M.Derwich (Wroclaw University).

The first stage of work was devoted to the role of monasteries in social development of Orthodox and "Latin" societies in the Middle Ages and Early Modern period. Seminars were working in Moscow and Paris. The colloquium took place in Paris in September 1995. Proceedings were published in 1996 (Moines et monastères dans les sociétés de rite grec et latin. Etudes publiées par J.-L.Lemaitre, M.Dmitriev et P.Gonneau. Genève:Librairie Droz, 1996. – 504 p.).

The second stage was devoted to the political and social functions of the cult of saints in western and orthodox societies in Middle Ages and Early Modern Time. Seminars were arranged in Moscow and Edmonton. The colloquium took place in Wroclaw in May 1997. Proceedings were published in 1999 (Fonctions sociales et politiques du culte des saints dans les sociétés de rite grec et latin au Moyen Age et à l'époque moderne. Approche comparative. Ed. par M.Derwich et M.Dmitriev. Wroclaw: LARHCOR, 1999 – 487 p.).

The third stage was centered on the problem "Toleration and Persecution. Christian Attitudes to Jews and Judaism in «Latin» and «Orthodox» Christendom. Medieval and Early Modern Perspectives". Seminars and workshops were organized in Moscow, Paris and Edmonton. The first colloquium took place in Moscow in May 1997; the second in Paris in June 1999. Proceedings were published in 2003 (Les Chrétiens et les Juifs dans les sociétés de rites grec et latin. Approche comparative. Actes du colloque organisé les 14-15 juin 1999 à la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (Paris). Textes réunis par M.Dmitriev, D.Tollet et E.Teiro. Paris: Honoré Champion Editeur, 2003). The third colloquium took place in Edmonton (Canada) in April 2000; the fourth was held June 2002 in Mainz (Institut für europäische Geschichte). The proceedings of Edmonton 2000 and Mainz 2002 colloquia will be published in the series "Jews and Slavs" (Moscow-Jerusalem, ed. by W.Moskovich).

In the fourth stage the book Etre catholique, être orthodoxe, être protestant. Confessions et identités culturelles en Europe médiévale et moderne. Etudes réunies et publiées par Marek Derwich et Mikhaïl Dmitriev (Wroclaw: LARHCOR, 2003) was published. That book presents research perspectives, hypotheses and guidelines of our program.

Many articles have been published in 1995-2004 and two new books are in preparation.

The results of research were presented and discussed in research seminars and workshops (Moscow Lomonossov State University 1994-2004; Paris, University Paris-I Sorbonne-Panthéon 1997-1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004; Paris, Ecole pratique des Hautes Etudes, 1999, 2000, 2002; University of Alberta [Canada] 1999-2000; Central European University, 2004; University Paul-Valery Montpellier III, 2004). Three PhD theses were written and successfully defended in course of program activities (M.Korzo, Moscow State University, 1999; S.Lukashova, Moscow State University, 2002; L.Berezhnaya, Central European University, 2003) and three other PhD students continue their work (B.Serov, O.Nemensky, A.Shpirt, all – Moscow).

Recent activities (2004-2005):

Plans for 2005-2006