Geology of Russia
The Head of the Chair, Academician E.E.Milanovsky
Students at the Crimean field training
Textbooks published by the members of the Chair
The Chair trains bachelors and undergraduate students in three areas of specialization: (1) "Geological Survey and Prospecting for Mineral Deposits", (2) "Regional Geology", (3) "Geotectonics".
The core courses offered for the students of the Faculty of Geology are "Geology of Russia and the CIS" and "Quaternary Geology". The Chair provides a wide range of specialized courses comprising such courses as "Geology of the Sea and Ocean Floor", "Methods of Structural Analisis", "Neotectonics and Recent Geodynamics", "Contemporary Tectonic Environments " Orogenesis and Riftogenesis", "Geology of Precambrian", etc. Additionally, for the Chinese students a special course "Geology of China" has been prepared by members of the Chair under the guidance of Professor E.E.Milanovsky.
The main lines of scientific investigations are regional geology of continents with the emphasis on investigation of geology of Russia and surrounding territories of Northern Eurasia; research of orogenesis and riftogenesis, recent tectonics, geodynamics and geology of the Mediterranean (Alpine) geosynclinal-orogeneous belt; quaternary geology; geology of sea and ocean floor; geology of Precambrian; working out of the methods of structural analysis, and investigations in the field of History of the Earth"s sciences.
The Chair has the Laboratory of Neotectonics and Geodynamics. The main lines of its investigations are neotectonics, structural geology and tectodynamics of formation process of some regions of the Mediterranean and Ural-Mongolian mobile belts of Russia and surrounding countries and general problems of structural geology and geodynamics. The main regions where the neotectonic and geodynamic investigations are undertaken are the Crimea-Caucasus folding region, Turkmenistan-Horossan mountains, the Tyan-Shan, the Ural, the Altai-Sajany and the Baikal regions.
The tectonic map of Russia and surrounding territories and aquatories was compiled on the scale 1:4 000 000.
A number of textbooks, manuals and monographs have been published by the members of the Chair, among them are "Geology of Russia and Surrounding Territories", "Geology of Quaternary Deposits", "Structural Diagrams", "Structural Geology and Geological Surveys".