Lithology and marine geology
The Head of the Chair, Professor O.V.Yapaskurt
Every year the Chair trains 40 to 55 students in two areas of specialization: "Lithology" and "Marine Geology" as well as undergraduate students in "Geology", "Lithology" and "Geology of the Oceanic Floor". The Chair provides all the students of the Faculty of Geology with lectures on lithology. In addition, the Chair offers 26 specialized courses among which are "Facies Investigations and Paleogeography", "Investigations of Sedimentary Rock Formations", Stage Analysis of the Lithogenesis", Geomineralogy", "Geochemistry of the Sedimentary Process", "Introduction to Oceanology", "Geology of Oceans and Marine Geology", "Evolution of Sedimentary Formations of the Earth", etc.
The Chair provides specialized field trainings on lithology in the Crimea, at the Taman Peninsular and in the Voronezh region as well as field training on marine geology " at the Black Sea, the White Sea and the Baltic Sea.
Members of the Chair have published about 15 monographs and text-books, among which are "Lithology" (in 3 vols.), "Analysis of Postsedimentation Lithogenesis", "Study of Sedimentary Rocks for Making Medium to Small-Scale Geological Maps of a New Generation, "Physicochemical Methods of Study of Sedimentary Rock Material", etc.
Students at the field training in lithology
The Chair is engaged in both fundamental and applied investigations. They are related to evolution of types of sedimentation process and regularities of sedimentogenesis and lithogenesis on continental blocks of the Earth"s crust and in the World Ocean.
A remarkable achievement of the Chair is development of specific techniques for interpretation of genetic information contained in sedimentary formations. These techniques combine together a detailed lithofacies and postsedimentary lithogenic analysis and a stage analysis of sedimentogenesis and lithogenesis applied to sedimentary basins of various age " starting from the late Precambrian to present.
Members of the Chair M.N.Sherbakova and O.V.Yapaskurt with undergraduate students in the laboratory room