The purpose of the new journal “GEOGRAPHY, ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINABILITY” published in English is to illuminate related
interdisciplinary scientific fields, many new approaches and methods along with a wide range of their practical applications. This
goal covers a broad spectrum of scientific research areas and also considers contemporary and widely used research methods, such as
geoinformation, cartography, remote sensing (including from space), geophysics, geochemistry, etc.
In the areas of “GEOGRAPHY, ENVIRONMENT, and SUSTAINABILITY” a new challenge to structure accumulated knowledge, to describe
inner relations, and to form spheres of influence between different disciplines has emerged.
The main sections of the new magazine are the theory of geography and ecology, the theory of sustainable development, use of
natural resources, natural resources assessment, global and regional changes of environment and climate, social-economical
geography, ecological regional planning, sustainable regional development, applied aspects of geography and ecology, geoinformatics
and ecological cartography, ecological problems of oil and gas sector, preservation of biodiversity, health and environment, and
education for sustainable development.
Every issue of the journals is expected to cover news and contain literature reviews.
Journal issues may be distributed through subscriptions, library exchanges of leading universities, and by direct mailing orders
through the world. The journal will be published on a A4 paper size, with color illustrations, six issues per year, each issue
120–150 pages long. Manuscripts will be submitted and peer-reviewed in an on-line mode.
The criteria to select papers for publication will include (1) their importance for the development of theory and practical
applications, (2) global and regional level of research, (3) qualitative informational and statistical basis, and methodological
support, (4) informative supporting and illustrative material, and (5) an acceptance by the editorial board after a positive
The journal is founded by the Faculty of Geography of Lomonosov Moscow State University and by the Institute of Geography of