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Дата изменения: Thu Feb 17 08:50:50 2005
Дата индексирования: Tue Oct 2 01:32:33 2012
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'Российская биоэнергетика: 

от молекул к клетке'

21 - 23 февраля

2005 г.



Факультет биоинженерии и биоинформатики и 

Институт физико-химической биологии им. А.Н. Белозерского Московского государственного университета,


School of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics and 

A.N. Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, 

Moscow State University,


Оргкомитет конференции: Акад. А.А. Богданов, председатель; В.А. Драчев, Т.В. Выгодина, отв. секретарь (тел 939 55 49, E-mailvygodina@belozersky.msu.ru), Д.Б. Зоров, М.С. Мунтян, В.Б. Сапрунова, проф. ВШвядас

Organizing Committee: Prof. A.A.Bogdanov, Chairmen; V.A. Drachev, T.V.Vygodina, Executive Secretary (tel 939 55 49, E-mail vygodina@belozersky.msu.ru); D.B. Zorov, M.S Muntyan, V.B. Saprunova, Prof. W.Shvyadas

Конференция организована при финансовой поддержке Российского Фонда Фундаментальных Исследований 05-04-58028

                                          По данным на 16.02.05

Corrected - February 16, 2005



21 февраля (Биологический факультет МГУ, ауд. М1)

9-30 Регистрация участников 



Opening of the conference

Section 1.Общие проблемы биоэнергетики

Basic problems of bioenergetics

Председатель А.А.Богданов

A.A. Bogdanov, Chairman

10-00 Л.Л. Киселев

Геном митохондрий: норма и патология.

Институт молекулярной биологии РАН, Москва

Lev L. Kisselev

Mitochondrial genome, favour and harm

Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 

Moscow, Russia


Первичные превращения энергии при фотосинтезе.

Институт фундаментальных проблем биологии РАН, Пущино, Моск. обл.

Vladimir A. Shuvalov

The primary light energy conversion at photosynthesis.

Institute of Basic Problems of Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Moscow Region, 142290 Russia

11-00 Е.В. Кунин

Происхождение и эволюция апоптоза эукариот

E.V. Koonin

Origin and evolution of eukaryotic apoptosis: the bacterial connections

National Center for Biotechnology Information
National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD 20894, USA

11-30 Р. Меджитов

Пути передачи сигнала от тол-подобных рецепторов

Ruslan Medzhitov 

Toll-like receptor signaling pathways

Section of Immunobiology, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT 06510, USA.

12-00 - Перерыв на кофе

12.30Л. Гринюс

От протонов к генам

L. Grinius

From Protons to Genes

Fermentas, Inc.,Vilnius, Lithuania.

13-00 К. Чумаков

Эволюция вирусов и безопасность антивирусных вакцин.

Konstantin Chumakov 

Evolution of viruses and safety of viral vaccines

Rockville, MD 20852 USA.

13.30М.Ю. Гальперин

Градиенты Na+ иK+ : геномные перспективы

M.Y. Galperin

Na+ and K+ gradients in genomics perspective

National Library of Medicine, National Institute of Health

Bethesda MD 20894 USA


Биоэнергетика, множественная лекарственная устойчивость и судьба клетки

Kim Lewis

Bioenergetics, multidrug resistance, and cell fate

Department of Biology, Northeastern University, Boston, MA

14.30Л.Е. Бакеева

Ультраструктура митохондрий

Институт физико-химической биологии им.А.Н. Белозерского, МГУ, Москва

Lora E.Bakeeva

Ultrastructure of mitochondria

Belozersky Institute of Phys-Chem. Biology, Moscow State University, Russia

15-00 - 17-00Обед

17-00-18-00 В.П. Скулачев

Публичная лекция

Старение как программа-атавизм, подлежащая отмене. 

Главное здание МГУ, Актовый зал


Public LectureAging as a program-atavism which should be switched off

22 февраля (Лабораторный корпус Б, ауд. 221)

Section 2.Активные формы кислорода


Председатель: В.П.Скулачев.

V.P. Skulachev, Chairman

10-00В.С. Кунц

Генерация АФК дыхательной цепью митохондрий - последствия при нейродегенеративных заболеваниях

Wolfram S. Kunz

ROS generation by mitochondrial respiratory chain - implication for neurodegenerative diseases

University Bonn Medical Center, Bonn, Germany

10-30Ю.А. Лабас

Генерация активных форм кислорода наружными поверхностями водных многоклеточных животных и некоторые механизмы их защиты от окислительного стресса

Институт биохимии им.А.Н. Баха, Москва, Россия

Yulij A. Labas

Generation of reactive oxygen species by the external surface of water multicellular animals and some protective mechanisms against oxidative stress

Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 119071, Russia

11-00Д.Б. Зоров

Друзья и враги. Активные формы кислорода и азота

Институт физико-химической биологии им.А.Н. Белозерского, МГУ, Москва

Dmitry B. Zorov

Friends and Foes. Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species

Belozersky Institute of Phys-Chem. Biology, Moscow State University, Russia 

11-30 - 12-30  Постерная сессия (размер стенда 85 х 110 см)

Poster section (85 x 110 cm)

12-30 - Перерыв на кофе

Section 3.Транспортные системы и рецепторы

Transport systems and receptors

Председатель:Р. Меджитов


12-50Л.Б. Марголис

Взаимодействие ВИЧ с другими патогенами в лимфатической ткани человека ex


L. Margolis

HIV cross-talk with other pathogens in human lymphoid tissue ex vivo

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda MD 20892, USA

13-20Р.А. Звягильская

Системы транспорта фосфата и энергетический статус клеток дрожжей Yarrowialipolytica, выращенных в щелочных условиях

Институт биохимии им.А.Н. Баха, Москва, Россия

R.A. Zvyagilskaya

Phosphate transport systems and energy status of yeast Yarrowia lipolytica cells cultivated under alcaline conditions

Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 119071, Russia

13-50А.М. Дижур

На перектестке зрения и слепоты. Роль цГМФ и кальция в фоторецепции и наследственной дистрофии сетчатки

A. M. Dizhoor

At the crossroads of vision and  blindness. Cyclic GMP and calcium
in photoreceptors

Pennsylvania College of Optometry, 8360 Old York Road, Elkins Park, PA 19027, USA

14-20 - 15-30 Обед

Продолжение сессии 3

15-30С.И. Бибиков


S.I. Bibikov


EMD BioSciences, San Diego, CA, USA 

16-00С. Зайцев

К преодолению недостаточности секреции инсулина

S. Zaitsev

Targeting defective insulin secretion

Department of Molecular Medicine, Karolinska Institute,

Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden

Section 4.Старение и избирательная гибель клеток

Aging and selective cell death

Председатель: Е. Кунин


16-30Б. Животовский

Функция каспазы 2 в апоптозе, опосредованная митохондриями

B. Zhivotovsky

Caspase-2 function in mitochondria-mediated apoptosis

Department of Toxicology, Institute of Environmental Medicine
Karolinska Institutet, Box 210, SE-171 77 STOCKHOLM, Sweden

17-00М. Циглер

Новая жизнь столетнего: сигнальные функции НАД

M. Ziegler

The new life of a centenarian: Signaling functions of NAD

Department of Molecular Biology, University of Bergen
Thorm?hlens gt. 55 5020 Bergen, Norway

17-30 Перерыв на кофе

18-00А.Е. Донцов

Роль старческого пигмента липофусцина и А2Е в механизмах

фотоповреждения сетчатки

Институт биохимической физики им. Эммануэля РАН, Москва, Россия

A. E. Dontsov 

Retinal photodamage: role of 'age pigment' lipofuscin and A2E

Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 

Moscow, Russia 


Биоэнергетика митохондрии и гибель клеток

Институт физико-химической биологии им.А.Н. Белозерского, МГУ, Москва

B.V. Chernyak

Mitochondrial bioenergetics and cell death

Belozersky Institute of Phys-Chem. Biology, Moscow State University, Russia 

19-00К.Г. Лямзаев

Избирательное уничтожение митохондрий в клетке (митоптоз), индуцированное митохондриальными ингибиторами

Институт физико-химической биологии им.А.Н. Белозерского, МГУ, Москва

K.G. Lyamzaev

The selective elimination of cell mitochindria (mitoptosis), initiated by mitochondrial inhibitors

Belozersky Institute of Phys-Chem. Biology, Moscow State University, Russia 

19.30Д.А. Кнорре

Программируемая клеточная смерть дрожжей, вызванная феромоном

Институт физико-химической биологии им.А.Н. Белозерского, МГУ, Москва

D.A. Knorre

Programmed death of yeast caused by a pheromone.

Belozersky Institute of Phys-Chem. Biology, Moscow State University, Russia 

23 февраля (Лабораторный корпус Б, ауд. 221)

Section 5.Свободноеокисление

'Free' respiration

Председатель: Н.Б. Гусев

N.B. Gusev, Chairman

10-00 А.В. Богачев

Роль ферментов несопряженного окисления в реализации дыхательной
защиты у азотофиксирующей бактерии Azotobacter vinelandii и в процессе
теплопродукции у термогенного растения Arum orientale

Институт физико-химической биологии им.А.Н. Белозерского, МГУ, Москва

A.V. Bogachev

Role of noncoupled oxidation enzymes in respiratory protection of nitric bacterium Azotobacter vinelandii and in heart production of thermogenic plant Arum orientale

Belozersky Institute of Phys-Chem. Biology, Moscow State University, Russia 

10-30В.Н. Попов

Разобщенное и несопряженное дыхание в растительных митохондриях: биохимические механизмы и физиологическая роль

Кафедра биохимии растений и физиологии Воронежского государственного

Университета, Россия


Uncoupled and non-coupled respiration in plant mitochondria: biochemical mechanisms and physiological role 

Dept. of plant biochemistry and physiology, Voronezh State University, Russia 

Section 6.Энергопреобразующие ферменты и цитохромные


Energy transducing enzymes and cytochrome complexes

Председатель: Л.С. Ягужинский

L.S. Yagizhinsky, Chairman

11-00Н.Б. Гусев

Молекулярные механизмы регуляции мышечного сокращения

Кафедра биохимии, Биологический факультет МГУ, Москва, Россия

Nikolaj B. Gusev

Molecular mechanisms of muscle contraction regulation

Department of Biochemistry, Biology Faculty, Moscow State University, Russia

11-30А.Д. Виноградов

Работают ли энергопреобразующие ферменты как обратимые молекулярные машины ?

Кафедра биохимии, Биологический факультет МГУ, Москва, Россия

A. D. Vinogradov 

Do energy-transducing enzymes operate as the reversible molecular machines?

Department of Biochemistry, Biology Faculty, Moscow State University, Russia

12-00А.Ю. Семенов

Электрогенные реакции в фотосинтетических реакционных центрах

Институт физико-химической биологии им.А.Н. Белозерского, МГУ, Москва

A.Y. Semenov

Electrogenic reactions in photosynthetic reaction centers.

Belozersky Institute of Phys-Chem. Biology, Moscow State University, Russia 

12-30 Перерыв на кофе

Председатель: А.А. Константинов

A.A. Konstantinov, Chairman

13-00М. Верховский 

Почему оксидаза должна работать быстро

Michael Verkhovsky

Why oxidase should operated fast

Helsinki Bioenergetics Group, Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki, PB 65 (Viikinkaari 1), FIN-00014, Helsinki, Finland

13-30Д.А. Блох

Транслокация протона в процессе восстановительной фазы каталитического

цикла цитохром с-оксидазы

D.A. Bloch

Proton translocation during the reductive phase in the catalytic
cycle of cytochrome c oxidase

Helsinki Bioenergetics Group, Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki, PB 65 (Viikinkaari 1), FIN-00014, Helsinki, Finland

14-00 -15-30 Обед

15-30В.Б. Борисов

Изучение механизма работы бактериального комплекса цитохромов bd

Институт физико-химической биологии им.А.Н. Белозерского, МГУ, Москва

V.B. Borisov

The study of functioning mechanism of bacterial cytochrome bd

Belozersky Institute of Phys-Chem. Biology, Moscow State University, Russia 

16-00Ю.А. Каменский

Перенос электронов в мембранах хромаффинных гранул. Структурно-функциональное исследование цитохрома b561

Y.A. Kamensky

Electron Transfer Across the Chromaffin Granule Membrane. Structure/Function Studies of Cytochrome b561

Dept. of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Rice University, 6100 S. Main, Houston

16-30М.С. Мунтян

Транспорт ионов, сопряженный с работой терминальных оксидаз в экстремально- алкалофильных бактериях

Институт физико-химической биологии им.А.Н. Белозерского, МГУ, Москва

Maria S. Muntyan

Ion transport coupled to terminal oxidases functioning in the extremely alkaliphilic bacteria

Belozersky Institute of Phys-Chem. Biology, Moscow State University, Russia 

Section 7.Биоэнергетика мембранных систем

Bioenergetics of membrane systems


Председатель: А.Д. Виноградов

A.D. Vinogradov, Chairman

17-00 Л.С. Ягужинский

О двух механизмах сопряжения дыхания и фосфорилирования в митохондриях

Институт физико-химической биологии им.А.Н. Белозерского, МГУ, Москва

L.S. Yaguzhinsky

About two mechanisms of respiration and phosphorylation coupling in mitochondria

Belozersky Institute of Phys-Chem. Biology, Moscow State University, Russia 

17-30Е.И. Милейковская

Кардиолипин в энергопреобразующих мембранах

E.I. Mileykovskaya

Cardiolipin in energy transducing membranes 

Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology,University of Texas-Houston

Medical School, Houston


Динамика переноса протонов на границе мембрана/вода и механизм преобразования энергии

Armen Y. Mulkidjanian

Proton transfer dynamics at the membrane/water interface and mechanism of biological energy conversion

Max-Planck Institute of Biophysics, Frankfurt, Germany; Department of Biophysics

18-30М.Ю. Высоких

Образование переходного комплекса фермента с субстратом дестабилизирует октамер митохондриальной креатинкиназы в условиях окислительного стресса

Институт физико-химической биологии им.А.Н. Белозерского, МГУ, Москва

M.Y. Vyssokikh 

Transition State Analog Complex (TSAC) formation affected oligomer structure of mitochondria creatine kinase under conditions of oxidative stress. 

Belozersky Institute of Phys-Chem. Biology, Moscow State University, Russia

19-00 Д.О. Левицкий

Является ли место связывания кальция с высоким сродством в натрий/кальций обменнике калмодулинподобным модулятором кальция?
D. O. Levitsky

A high affinity calcium-binding domain in sodium/calcium exchanger: a
calmodulin-like calcium modulator?

University of Nantes, Nantes, France

19-30Заключительный вечер в 536 ауд. Корпуса 'А'

Closing party (room 536, Bldg.'A')

Abstract of participants

67-kDa melittin-like protein from mouse kidney seems to belong to new family of proteins

N.V. Dolgova, A.M. Rubtsov, O.D. Lopina 

Department of Biochemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, 119992, Russia

Bee venom peptide melittin is known to be an inhibitor of P-type ATPases including H,K-ATPase from gastric mucosa, sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca-ATPase, and Na,K-ATPase. It was shown earlier that the inhibition of Na,K- and SR Ca-ATPase by melittin is not due to the melittin interaction with lipid bilayer but is connected with direct interaction of melittin with catalytic subunits of the enzymes. These imply that melittin can simulate some intracellular protein(s) that interact(s) with catalytic subunits of P-type ATPases. It was shown that protein with molecular mass of about 67 kDa interacting with antibodies against melittin exists in gastric mucosa cells. The aim of this research was to find and to study 'melittin-like' protein in mammalian kidney tissue. 

Immunoprecipitation of Na,K-ATPase by antibodies against its a-subunit revealed that protein with molecular mass about 67 + 3 kDa was among the proteins co-precipitated with Na,K-ATPase from Triton X-100 solubilized homogenate of mouse kidney. The protein was stained by antimelittin antibodies. The 67 kDa-protein was purified from homogenate using immunoaffinity chromatography and its N-terminal sequence was determined. That is the following: h p p k r v r s r l n g. 

We did not find any protein with this N-terminal sequence among the proteins presented in available protein database. However we found 7 protein sequences that contain this sequence inside the plausible sequences on a distance of 553 amino acids from C-terminus. From these seven sequences only Alfy (Autophagy-linked FYVE protein) is known at present time as a protein. Other sequences were obtained by translation of cDNA or genomes from different sources. Analysis of sequences using RPS-BLAST 2.2.9 program showed that all plausible proteins (except 67-kDa 'melittin-like'protein and 3-d isoform of protein 3) should contain domains Beach, WD40 и FYVE. Two latter proteins should have only domains WD40 and FYVE.

Domains WD40 are presented in many eukariotic proteins participating as adaptor and regulatory proteins in signal transduction and cytoskeleton assembling. Using Blat program we found significant homology between WD40 domain and melittin. Domain FYVE is known to interact specifically with PIP-3 lipid that is mainly presented in endosomal membranes. We suggest that 67-kDa protein is a member of protein family containing WD40 and FYVE domains. Is partially supported by grant ? 01-0224 from INTAS.

Antioxidant Mito Q protects the cells from apoptosis, induced by H2O2

L.V. Domnina, O.Yu. Ivanova, I.V. Skulachev and Ju.M. Vasiliev. 

A.N. Belozersky Phys.-Chem. Biology Institute, Moscow State University, Moscow. 

E-mail: domnina@belozersky.msu.rudomnina@mbio.genebee.msu.su

The effect of oxidative stress and antioxidants on cytoskeleton and adhesive structures is poorly understood. We investigated the effect of the antioxidant MitoQ (Mitochondric-tergetted antioxidant) [Smith R.A. et al, Methods Enzimol. 2004; 382: 45-67], which in very small concentrations protects cells from death, induced by H2O2.

We studied the effect of antioxidant MitoQ on the next cells:HeLa (epithelial human cells), IAR-2 (rat epithelial cells), on human fibroblasts, Rat-1 (rat fibroblasts), of L line (mouse fibroblasts). The changes of cell shape, cytoskeleton, adhesive structures and mitochondrial system were investigated.The method of morphometry [Dunn and Brown, 1986] was used to analyze cell shape changes. The confocal microscope in combination (revealing?) with immunofluorescence were used in studies of cytoskeleton (bundles of actin microfilaments and the microtubules system). The vinculin and paxillin staining was used to reveal focal adhesive structures. Mitochondria in living cells were stained with tetramethilrhodamin. The difference of pothencial was removed by damage of the small mithohondria area by laser beam (wave length 488 nm). It was shown that after the antioxidant treatment the area of the spread cells increased and the cells shifted from fibroblasts to ephithelioid shape. Simultaneously essential increase and thickening of the actin microfilament bundles (stress-fibers) took place as well as increase of the amount of connected myosin. Areas and lengths of focal contacts substantially increased. In the wounding assay the cultured fibroblasts after antioxidant treatment also equared epithelioid behavior and moved into the wound as a single sheet. In experiments with laser beam pointlike damage in HeLa cells the formation of the mithochondrial network under the influence of MitoQ and SQ was shown, in contrast to control cells where the single mithochondrias were present. The possible mechanism of the observed alteration will be discussed. 

This work was supported by grants from the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research (PO 863) and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (02-04-48792, 00-04-48090).

Unltrastructural changes in plant cells accompanying programmed cell death

E.V. Dzyubinskaya1, L.E.Bakeeva2, V.D. Samuilov1

1.Department of Biology, M. V Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, 119992, Russia, 2A.N. Belozersky Phys.-Chem. Biology Institute, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.

Fax (095)939-38-07, E-mail: alena@8.cellimm.bio.msu.ru 

The data on the plant cell ultrastructure in apoptosis are presented. The treatment of the pea leaf epidermal peels by cyanide resulted in destruction of nuclei of guard cells visible by a light microscope. The process was accelerated by illumination. According to electron microscopy, the ultrastructure of guard cells undergoes appreciable СN--induced changes in time. After 1 h of incubation of the isolated epidermis with СN- chromatin condensation and margination was already revealed in guard cells. Further condensation of chromatin, the swelling of endoplasmatic reticulum together with formation of large tanks covered with ribosomes, the changes in the structure of dictyosomes, and a negligible swelling of mitochondria were revealed after 3 h of the epidermis incubation with СN-. After 6 h of incubation with СN-, the bulk volume of the guard cells was filled with vacuoles, the cytoplasm occupied a thin marginal zone, while the nucleus, similar to in the control experiment, was placed in the center of the cell, but took the shape of a polyhedral frame and became stretched in narrow cytoplasmic bands as self-contained structure, despite the loss of integrity of its membrane. In the open fields of the nucleus devoid of the membrane, mitochondria and chloroplasts came into direct contact with the chromatin. The chloroplasts, similarly to the cellular nucleus, lost outer membrane continuity but did not swell, preserving the stroma and the integrity of the thylakoid system. A dramatic surge in volume of vacuoles and a decline in cytoplasm volume were observed.Plant cells contain no lysosomes. The enzymes causing cell degradation are located in vacuoles. Therefore, the significant increase in the volume of vacuoles and the presence ofmembrane structures in them would suggest an initial apoptosis at this stage of our test. The significant increase in the volume of vacuoles and the presence of membrane structures in them would suggest an initial apoptosis. The antioxidant di-tret-butyl-4-hydroxytolueneprevented the ultrastructural changes of the cells observed after 6 h of incubation with СN-. The data obtained show that the СN--induced death of guard cells is realized through the mechanism of apoptosis.

This work was supported by grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (04-04-48121).

Mitochondrial metabolism and neuronal activity cross-talk

L.A. Erokhova, G.V. Maksimov

M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Biological Faculty, Biophysics Dep., Cell BiophysicsLab., 119992, Leninskie Gori, 1, build. 12. 

Tel. 939-19-66; E-mail: erokhova@rambler.rumaxim@biophys.msu.ru

Increased neuronal activity in the CNS is associated with accumulation of Na+, Ca2+and Cl-within nerve cells and activity-dependent release of K+into the extracellular space. In order to maintain neuronal excitability, ion transport processes at plasma membranes (Na+/K+-ATPase, Na+/Ca2+-exchange, etc.) and at endoplasmic/ sarcoplasmic reticulum (Ca2+-ATPase) must be activated. These processes ultimately depend on sufficient availability of ATP. Approximately 95% of the ATP consumption in the CNS is thought to be generated by oxidative metabolism within mitochondria. The reduced cofactors, NAD(P)H and FADH2, are necessary to establish membrane potential (DY) across the inner mitochondrial membrane. Central to the homeostatic role of mitochondria is the maintenance of a DY

The changes of spontaneous activity and mitochondrial DY of identified neurons during sensory signal propagation were studied. Rz-neurons from segmental ganglia of a leech, Hirudo medicinalis, were chosen as an object of investigation. Explored preparations were the skin patches connected by lateral nerves to the exposed ganglia dissected from the front, posterior or middle-body regions. It was observed that skin thermal stimulation results in a reversal increase in action potential (AP) generation frequency of Rz-neurons from any ganglia. The AP frequency increase in Rz-neurons is correlated with mitochondrial DY and NAD(P)H decline, as revealed by fluorescence measurements. All the parameters restore to their initial values with termination of stimuli. Similar events were shown under direct acetylcholine application to ganglion. 

The results suggest that mitochondrial oxidative metabolism is tuned to physiological activity in neurons.

The electric field action on the index of refraction of water bilayers

S.S. Golubev 

A.N. Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology

, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119899. Fax (095) 939-0338;

The new effect of electric field on the index of refraction of water bylayers in membranes system was shown in this work. Energization of inner mitochondrial membrane leads to increase of optical height of mitochondria. In the present work we carried out some experiments on artifical model - phospholipids multilayers. The measurement of the path-length difference dependence from the gradient of electric field was carried out by using phase microscope.The constant of electrooptical effect of one membrane (embodied in multilayer structure) was 5.5?10-9 m/V. Similar values was obtained in experiments with electrooptical effect on the mitochondrial membrane. The numerical values of this constant was from 2.4?10-9 m/V to 1.2?10-8 m/V. Bases on similarity of this values, we conclude the phase-shift on mitochondrial membranes and black membrane to have the same physical nature. After the weak-bounded water was removed from multilayers, the constant of electrooptical effect was decreases many times. This experiments shows, that the phase-length changes (index of refraction) in the electric field to be linked with existence of the weak-bounded water layer. The obtained results opens new aspects of the influence of the membrane electric potential on functioning of the biological systems.

The Net Charge transport by Neurospora Rhodopsin Photocycle

O. Gopta, L. Khitrina, I. Kalaidzidis, L. Brown, Y. Kalaidzidis

A.N.Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, MSU, Moscow, 119992 Russia. E-mail:yannis@computer.org; ikalaidz@mpi-cbg.de

The Neurospora Rhodopsin (NR) is a type-I rhodopsin from Neurospora crassa (Beiszke at al, 1999). The absorbsion maximum of light-adapted NR (530 mn) is blue shifted relative to bacteriorhodopsin (BR) from Halobacterium salinarium. The photocycle of NR was studied in (Brown at al, 2001, Furutani at al, 2004). It was shown that NR releases proton under illumination and forms blue-shifted intermediate similar to M intermediate of BR and then after conversion into red-shifted intermediate (similar to O intermediate of BR) relaxes to ground state. The kinetical analysis reveals 5 exponents in the photocycle (0.12, 0.9, 30, 700, 5000 ms). The exponent's values are vary twofold in the pH range from 5 to 8 (Brown at al, 2001). 

In the present work the photoabsorption photocycle of NR's membranes washed in 0.5%DM was measured at 26 wavelengths in the range 380-660 nm (pH=7.4, t=22њC, 150mM NaCl). The measurements was done by the logarithm sweep in the range from 1 ms to 40 sec. The apparent differential maximums of main intermediates were found at 390 and 590 nm. An exponential analysis shows that 5 exponents mentioned above are not enough to describe the photocycle. Global fitting gave maximum probability to 8 exponents (0.004, 0.18, 0.75,6.1, 75.5, 1100, 2100, 9300 ms). The decay ofO and M intermediates includes 3 exponents in second's range (1.1, 2.1 and 9.3 sec) instead of two (0.7 and 5 sec). The exponent 2.1 sec is positive for both intermediates but 1.1 and 9.3 sec have different sign for M and O intermediates. Different sign of amplitudes allows reliably extract this closely spaced exponents. The same sign change allows split exponents 6 and 75 ms. New additional fast exponent (5ms) could be artifact of laser excitation.

The NR containing proteoliposomes were adsorbed on the teflon film and charge transfer kinetic were measured by the direct electrical method (Drachev at al, 1978). The teflon film with high resistance (discharge constant 28 sec) allows to get kinetics up to second range. The net charge transport during NR photocycle was shown. Surprisingly the shape of NR electrical response is qualitatively different from that in the BR. In the middle cycle time (0.1 - 500 ms) the voltage has sign opposite to the final one. The exponential analysis reveals components in line with absorption kinetics data. The net-charge transfer components are (3, 40, 130, 745, 2750 ms)

This work was partly supported by the RFBR (grant No. 03-04-49153) and ISTC (grant No. 866).

Location and chemical reactivity of the slow active-inactive transition-sensitive SH-group in the mitochondrial NADH: ubiquinone oxidoreductase (Complex I)

I. S. Gostimskaya, A. D. Vinogradov

Department of Biochemistry, School of Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow 119992, Russian Federation.

The membrane permeant (N-ethylmaleimide, NEM) and membrane non-permeant (5,5?-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoate), DTNB) SH-reagents were employed as the specific inhibitors of the mitochondrial NADH:ubiqinone oxidoreductase (Complex I) in intact mitochondria and inside-out submitochondrial particles (SMP) to locate the SH-group involved in slow interconversion between the active (A) and de-activated (D) forms of the enzyme. Both NEM and DTNB rapidly reacted with the D-form in SMP. DTNB prevented the irreversible inhibition of the enzyme (D-form) by NEM thus indicating that both reagents interact with the same SH-group. In intact mitochondria NEM blocked the D-form whereas the enzyme was not susceptible to inhibition by DTNB. The channel-forming antibiotic, alamethicin [1], induced the sensitivity of the D-form to DTNB in intact mitochondria. The reactivity of the A-D transition-sensitive SH-group in SMP towards dianionic DTNB and neutral 2,2?-dithiobis-(5-nitropyridine), DTNP were compared. The pseudo-first order rate constant for the enzyme inhibition by DTNP was 14-times higher than that by DTNB if the efficiency of either reagent in thiol-disulfide exchange reaction was normalized to their reactivity towards low molecular mass neutral dithiothreitol. The pH-profile of the pseudo-first order inhibition rate constant for DTNB showed abnormally high apparent pKa of the enzyme SH-group (>10). The D-form is insensitive to prolonged incubation (75 min) in the presence of 10 mM oxidised glutathione. Taken together the results suggest that the transition sensitive-SH-group is located in the mitochondrial matrix-protruding part of Complex I within negatively charged local environment. Supported by the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research (grant 02-04-48679 and 03-04-48202), Program Leading Schools in Science (grant 596.2003.4) and NIH Fogarty International Research grant 1R03TW006041.


1. I.S. Gostimskaya, V.G. Grivennikova, T.V. Zharova, L.E. Bakeeva, and A.D. Vinogradov, Analytical Biochemistry 313 (2003), 46-52.

Stoichiometry of cytochrome b559 in PSII

O.P. Kaminskaya1J. Kern2, V.A. Shuvalov1, G. Renger2

1Institute of Basic Biological Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Moscow Region 142292, Russia, 2Max-Volmer-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry and Biochemistry, Technical University Berlin, Strasse des 17. Juni 135, D-10623 Berlin, Germany.

Cyt b559 is a heme protein closely associated with reaction center of PS II which properties and function are not fully understood. The number of Cyt b559 copies bound to a native PSII complex is a matter of controversial discussion. Here we show that the controversy in this subject mostly arises from a substantial underestimation in the value of 'reduced minus oxidized ' difference extinction coefficient De of Cyt b559. We report for the first time De of Cyt b559 determined on the basis of the amplitude of the full redox titration curve in the wide range from -250 up to +450 mV allowing to monitor redox transitions of all Cyt b559 redox forms. The value of the a-bandDe of Cyt b559 was found to be 25.1 + 0.5 mM-1cm-1 in PS II core complexes from the thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus which sample represents current mostly purified functional PS II preparation. On the basis of corrected value of the De and assuming close similarity in biochemical properties of cyanobacterial and higher plant Cyts b559 the Cyt b559:PSII stoichiometry is inferred to be 1:1 in both thermophilic cyanobacteria and plants.

Effect of Membrane Cell Excitation on the Thylakoid pH Gradient and Photosynthetic Electron Transport in Chara Cells

N.A. Kamzolkina, A.A. Bulychev

Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University.

It was shown earlier that a propagation of an action potential (AP) in Chara corallina leads to transient suppression of spatially periodic pH profiles along the illuminated cell. The suppression was manifested as a large pH decrease in the alkaline zones and a slight pH increase in the acid zones. This data indicates an interference of membrane excitation in the mechanisms responsible for pH banding patterns in Chara cells. In illuminated Chara cells the pH pattern correlates fairly well with the pattern of photosystem II (PSII) photochemistry. In the view of this correlation we examined the effect of AP generation on the maximum yield of chlorophyll fluorescence (Fm'). 

In the alkaline cell region the AP propagation caused a fast substantial decrease of the Fm' fluorescence followed by its gradual recovery. The quantum efficiency of PSII photochemistry (?F/Fm') showed a similar pattern. In the acid cell region we did not observe substantial changes in Fm' and?F/Fm' after cell excitation. The decrease in ?F/Fm' suggests that the linear electron transport is retarded after AP. Besides, the AP-induced depression of the Fm' fluorescence in the alkaline cell regions is indicative of nonphotochemical quenching associated with the pH gradient at the thylakoid membrane that facilitates thermal dissipation of the light energy absorbed.

The mechanistic basis of AP-induced increase of the ?pH is not known yet but this may result from the increase in cytosolic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]c) during excitation that contributes to many processes in plant cells, including changes in ion conductance of thylakoid membrane. The increase in [Ca2+]c should elevate the Ca2+ level in the chloroplast stroma, thereby leading to inhibition of the Calvin cycle and to over-energization of the thylakoid membrane (the increase in?pH and nonphotochemical quenching). The subsequent recovery of Fm' could be due to the operation of the Ca2+/H+ antiporter of the thylakoid membrane, which should reduce the stromal Ca2+ level and ?pH. Apparently, the electrical excitation of the plasma membrane in the alkaline cell region initiates a pathway that can modulate membrane events at the thylakoid membrane.

ROS and telomere shrinkage. Are they really responsible for natural aging?

A.V. Khalyavkin

Institute of Biochemical Physics of RAS, Moscow, Russia.

E-mail: ab3711@mail.sitek.net

We didn't know yet why the control and co-ordination of vital processes normally deteriorates with age, and senescent individual becomes more vulnerable. Recently it was found out, that both free-radical theory and telomere shrinkage concept are not suitable for an explanation the origin of natural non-pathological aging. Author of telomere shrinkage hypothesis, AM Olovnikov, has rejected it as explanation of an aging origin and has put forward a new one (Biochemistry (Moscow) 2003; 86: 2-33; Adv Gerontol. 2003; 12: 28-45). On the other hand, the most commonly used free-radical theory of aging also failed to explain a non-pathological senescence. WC Orr and RS Sohal, who werelong-standing supporters of the free-radical concept of aging, reconsidered the role of the reactive oxygen species (ROS) in development of natural aging (Exp. Gerontol. 2003; 38: 227-230). Summarizing data of SOD + catalase influence on longevity of fruit flies they came to conclusion that oxidative stress does not cause normal aging. At the same time the role of signaling in aging received more attention (Cell 2001; 105: 165-168). Moreover, recent studies have implicated ROS as the natural second messengers along with cAMP, Ca2+, and phospholipid metabolites contributing to signal transduction from membrane receptors of extracellular signaling ligands to intracellular systems involved in gene transcription control (Biochemistry (Moscow) 2002; 67: 339-352; Physiol. Rev. 2002; 42: 47-95). The rate of ROS generation in cells is under strict control of several hormones, cytokines, and growth factors. Therefore uncontrolled antioxidant therapy will also inhibit essential cellular functions and can be dangerous. We know that each organism react as a whole on a set of environmental influences by means of certain changes in control systems at the physiological levels as well as via some shifts in signal transduction pathways at the cellular level. According to our concept natural aging is originated from inevitable shift incertain parameters of physiological control systems under influence of environmental conditions, which are not able to fully support organism's 'optimal' existence in the self-maintenance mode (Adv. Gerontol. 1998; 2: 43-48; Ibid. 2001; 7: 46-49). Therefore, outer cues can evoke or retard and even reverse the aging manifestations via launching or abolishment of the built-in self-destruction program.

Substitution of isoleucine L177 by histidine affects the pigment composition and properties of the reaction center of the purple bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides

R. A. Khatypov, L.G. Vasilyeva, T.Y. Fufina, T. I. Bolgarina, I.B.Klenina, A.Ya. Shkuropatov, V. A. Shuvalov

Institute of Basic Biological Problems, Pushchino-city, Institutskaya str., 2, 142290.

Using method of site-directed mutagenesis we obtained the mutant of the purple bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides with Iso-His substitution in the position 177 in the L- subunit of the photosynthetic reaction center (RC). The mutant strain forms stable photochemically active RC complexes. Spectral and photochemical properties of the mutant RC have changed significantly in the absorption bands corresponding to the primary donor and the monomer bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) absorption. It was shown, that the pigment content in the mutant RC I(L177)H has changed significantly. Pigment extraction and analysis revealed that the mutant RC contains only three BChl molecules comparing to four BChl molecules in the wild type RC. EPR linewidth of the photoinduced signal of the primary donor P870 was different in the wild type and I(L177)H mutant chromatophorepreparations (1.05 mT and 1.3 mT at T=10 K, respectively). This is an indication of different spin delocalization in the primary donor, for the mutant being typical of a monomeric oxidized BChl. Considering the fact that the properties of both isolated and membrane-associated mutant RCs were similar, we conclude that missing BChl molecule from the mutant RC was the result of the introduced mutation but not of the protein purification procedure. The new mutant with the altered RC pigment composition is still able to perform light-induced reactions forming the state with the separated charges P+QA-, appears to be an interesting object to study the mechanisms of the first steps of the primary electron transfer in photosynthesis.

Authors gratefully acknowledge the support by the Russian Basic Research Foundation and RAS grants.

"To be, or not to be" in terms of cytogerontology

A.N. Khokhlov

Evolutionary Cytogerontology Sector, School of Biology, Moscow State University.

E-mail: khokhlov@genebee.msu.su

The famous Hamlet's question in some translations reads as "Life or death", or "To live, or not to live". In terms of cytogerontology (investigations of aging mechanisms on cultured cells) it could be formulated as "Alive or dead are those cells we study in our flasks and wells". We have already repeatedly mentioned in our publications that it is not so trivial question as it seems to be from the first sight. With the help of standard aging definition as mortality rate increase with time we should certainly draw a conclusion about necessity of getting of survival curves for cultured cells in cytogerontologicalexperiments. However, the regular approach used for getting of survival curves for cohorts of experimental animals and humans is absolutely not suitable in the case. The first problem - the cells divide. This leads to the lack of cell corpse. Animals also reproduce but we always can distinguish between parents and descendants. For the cells it is almost impossible. Basically, we can suppress cells' proliferation (and we really do it in our experiments in terms of "stationary phase aging" model) and then follow their dying out. However, in the situation we cannot say that the cells exist at normal conditions and, that is the most important, - it is very difficult to correctly register the cell death moment because it lasts for the time period comparable with the time of all the experiment, i.e. there is almost no way to get "the right" point on the survival curve. Besides, most of the current cell viability tests (trypan blue, neutral red, MTT and XTT, naphthalene black, 57Cr, etc.) give absolutely different results for the same cell population studied. A number of the problem studies in our lab, unfortunately, just confirmed the conclusion. We have tried to evaluate the live cells' ratio in "stationary phase aging" cultures by several staining methods with the following standard microscopic analysis of the preparations, or with help of computer analysis of their digital images. Significant dispersion of the data obtained by different methods was revealed and, besides, we were not able to completely get rid of researcher's subjectivism contribution to evaluation of the results. Say, in the most popular trypan blue test appeared to be no accurate criterion of staining density allowing us to relate the cell to dead or live. Paradoxically, the live cells' ratio evaluation just "by eye", without any staining, allowed us to get the results being within the limits of data dispersion mentioned. At present we try to understand how much effective for the problem solving could be various computer programs of automatic image analysis.

Ca2+-binding site in mammalian cytochrome c oxidase: kinetic studies and bioinformatic analysis. 

A. Kirichenko1, T.V. Vygodina1, N. Tretiakova2, A. Guiffre3 and A. Konstantinov1

1A.N. Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Moscow State University, Russia, 2Department of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, Moscow State University, Russia, 3 CNR Center of Molecular Biology, University of Rome, Italy. 

3-dimentional structure reveals Ca-binding site near outside surface of subunit I both in mitochondrial and bacterial cytochrome c oxidase (COX). In mammalian enzyme Ca2+ binds reversibly bringing about a small red shift of the heme a absorption spectrum whereas bacterial COX contains tightly bound cation. Ca2+ -induced spectral changes can serve as convenient indicator of cation interaction with mammalian COX. Spectrophotometric studies using stopped-flow techniques has been carried out on fully oxidized and mixed-valence bovine COX to characterize kinetic parameters of Ca2+ interaction. The reaction of Ca2+ binding with bovine COX is second-order with a rate constant kon of ca. 4 x 103 M-1s-1 for oxidised and 6.5x103 M-1s-1 for half-reduced forms. Dissociation of Ca2+ is characterized by koff (4-6)x10-2 s-1 and (9-10)x10-2s-1 for oxidized and half-reduced forms respectively. Data were confirmed by fluorescence spectroscopy monitoring Ca2+ dissociationfrom COX with fluorescent calcium chelator Quin-2. Ca2+ dissociation rate shows a strong temperature dependence of 19.6 kcal/mol. The apparent Kd obtained as the koff/kon ratio (ca.15чM) is much higher than the equilibrium value of 1чM indicating that formation of the Ca2+-adduct involves several steps including initial low affinity binding detected spectroscopically followed by an exergonic isomerization to a final tight complex. 

Ca-binding shaer is composed by two patterns P1 and P2. P1 has key E-residue in the middle and D-claster (D51/52 in bovine numbering) at the end and is localized in the loop connecting ?-helixes I-II. P2 is typically RRYSD with S441 in bovine and inserted in the loop between helixes XI-XII. Bioinformatic analysis of Ca-binding site based on sequences P1 and P2 was carried out on 135 eukaryotic COX and revealed that it is widely spread and highly conserved in evolution. According to published data D51 in P1 and S441 in P2 appear in evolution simultaneously not early than Echinodermata but we found it also in some Chidaria (Metridium senile), Mollusca (Albinaria coerulea), Annelida and Arthropoda (was found in Insecta and Arachnida). In agreement with earlier observations Ca site was not found in Plants and Fungi. It would be also noted that E/D replacement is quite frequent in P1 while in P2 D/E change never occurs. Supported by RFBR grant 03-04-48203

Programmed death of pea guard cells

D.B. Kiselevsky 

Department of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. 

Е-mail: kis@8.cellimm.bio.msu.ru

Programmed death (PCD) of pea guard cells was investigated. CN--Induced death of guard cells in epidermal peels isolated from pea leaves was detected by disappearance of nuclei. Fragmentation of the nucleus and their sensitivity to pharmacological agents caused us to regard the death of pea guard cells as apoptosis. Light stimulated CN--induced death. PCD of pea guard cells depended on reactive oxygen species (ROS). PCD was inhibited by antioxidants and prevented by anaerobiosis. The effect of various electron acceptors and inhibitors of photosynthesis and respiration indicated that PCD of pea guard cells was apparently regulated by the redox state of plastoquinone in the o site of the chloroplast cytochrome b6f complex. In contrast to plastoquinone, the reduced ubiquinone of mitochondria inhibited the PCD and, therefore presumably acted as antioxidant. Staurosporine, an inhibitor of protein kinases, and non-specific protease inhibitors N-ethylmaleimide, iodoacetamide and phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride prevented the CN--induced PCD. De-energization of guard cells by 2-deoxyglucose, an inhibitor of glycolysis, or CCCP, a disconnector of oxidative and photosynthetic phosphorylation, induced the destruction of nuclei and cell death. The effect was inhibited by light. The combined action of 2-deoxyglucose and CCCP did not induce a significant destruction of guard cell nuclei. Probably, an extensive de-energization prevented apoptosis and stimulated necrosis. Cycloheximide, an inhibitor of protein synthesis in the cytoplasm, increased the CN--induced destruction of nuclei. Lincomycin, an inhibitor of protein synthesis in mitochondria and chloroplasts, suppressed PCD. This data indicate that the PCD of guard cells depends on the combined action of both proteins synthesized in the cytoplasm and in mitochondria and chloroplasts. Possibly, proteins synthesized in cytoplasm protect the nucleus against degradation induced by cyanide, and proteins synthesized in the organelles promote the destruction of nuclei. The data obtained with illumination, inhibitors of photosynthetic electron transfer chain, electron acceptors and lincomycin support the hypothesisthat chloroplasts are involved in plant PCD. The effect of ROS-generating compounds and traps specific to different ROS indicate that superoxide anion-radical (О2-ћ), Н2О2 and hydroxyl radical (ОНћ), but not singlet oxygen (1O2), stimulated the destruction of nuclei. Quinacrine, an inhibitor of NADPH oxidase of plasma membrane, prevented the CN--induced destruction of nuclei. This data supports the idea that NADPH oxidase, similar to chloroplasts and mitochondria, is involved in ROS-generation in guard cells that accompanies PCD induced by CN-.

Proton transfer at the quinone oxidizing site of the cytochrome bc1 complex of Rhodobacter capsulatus

S. S. Klishin 1and A. Y. Mulkidjanian1,2,3

1A.N.BelozerskyInstitute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Moscow University, 119992, Moscow, Russia, 2Dept. of Biophysics, University of Osnabr?ck, Osnabr?ck, Germany,3Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Frankfurt, Germany.

We studied the flash-triggered operation of cytochrome bc1 complex (bc1) in the vesicular preparations of the inner cellular membranes (chromatophores), which were isolated from phototrophically grown cells of Rhodobacter capsulatus. As shown earlier [2], Zn2+, an acknowledged inhibitor of the mitochondrial bc1 [5, 3, 1], retarded the heme bh oxidation and made its flash-induced redox changes visible. We have found that the electrogenic reaction in bc1 slowed down in the presence of Zn2+ but bc1 remained fully functional. Under all conditions tested, the reduction of heme bh remained much faster than the voltage generation and the reduction of cytochrome c1. The latter two reactions followed the oxidation of heme bh. The ions of Zn2+ also retarded the proton release from center P. We suggest a mechanistic scheme that helps to rationalize how the proton release by bc1, the voltage generation, and the cytochrome c1 re-reduction by ubiquinol can be coupled with each other and with the oxidation of heme bh. According to this scheme, the turnover of bc1 proceeds in two steps. During the first faster step, the quinol oxidation in center P leads to the coupled electron and proton transfer to the FeS cluster yielding a semiquinone in center P. The next electron goes from the semiquinone first to heme bl and then to heme bh.This transfer of a negative charge across the membrane seems to be essentially electrically silenced as no compatibly fast Dy generation was observed. The reduced and protonated FeS domain remains docked to cytochrome b. During the next step, the oxidation of heme bh in center N enables, in agreement with the earlier suggestion of the allosteric coupling between centers N and [4], the undocking of the FeS domain and its movement towards cytochrome c1.Based on analogy with other enzymes, we suggest that the histidine-rich Zn2+-binding patch of cytochrome b serves as a proton exit from center P. This exit opens with the movement of the FeS domain and proton(s) leave center P. This proton release, as well as the reversion of the reactions that silenced the ET towards heme bh upon the previous turnover step, account together for the electrogenic reaction.


1.Berry EA, Zhang Z, Bellamy HD, Huang L (2000)Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1459, 440-448.

2. Klishin SS, Junge W, Mulkidjanian AY (2002) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1553, 177-182.

3.Link TA, von Jagow G (1995)J. Biol Chem. 270, 25001-25006.

4.Mulkidjanian AY, Junge W (1995) in Photosynthesis: From Light to Biosphere. (Edited by P Mathis), pp. 547-550. Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 

5.Skulachev VP, Chistyakov VV, Jasaitis AA, Smirnova EG (1967) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun261-6.

Protein phosphorylation as a way of the regulation of Ca-ATPase activity in skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum of hibernator, the groun squirrel Spermophilus undulatus

A. S. Kondrashev-Lugovskii, O. D. Lopina, A. M. Rubtsov 

Department of Biochemistry, School of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119992 Moscow, Russia. 

Hibernation (winter torpor state) is a way of adaptation of many small mammals for severe external conditions. This process is accompanied by numerous changes in animal metabolism directed to minimization of energy consumption, in particular, by significant changes in skeletal muscle metabolism. Sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca-ATPase is a key enzyme providing intracellular exchange of Ca2+ ions. We have found that the activity of Ca-ATPase is 2-fold decreased during hibernation despite of not very significant change of the content of this enzyme in sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes. It was shown earlier that the incubation of homogenates of ground squirrel skeletal muscles in the medium activating endogenous protein kinases results in activation of Ca-ATPase in the case of hibernating animals but does not change the enzyme activity in homogenates of summer active ones. The same results were obtained with the use of isolated preparations of sarcoplasmic reticulum. The data of radioautographic studies shows that sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles isolated from skeletal muscles of both active and hibernating ground squirrels possess relatively high endogenous protein kinase activity; the level of phosphate incorporation into sarcoplasmic reticulum proteins was about 200 pmol/mg of protein in both cases. However, the Ca-ATPase protein was not a target for endogenous protein kinases. Solubilization of sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles by nonionic detergent, Triton X-100, significantly increases the level of phosphate incorporation into the proteins in preparations from summer active and winter hibernating animals (3-fold and 5-fold, respectively). Nonspecific inhibitor of protein kinases, heparin, which does not penetrate across sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane, practically does not affect the protein phosphorylation in native sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles but totally suppress phosphorylation in preparations treated by Triton X-100. The high sensitivity of endogenous protein kinase activity to heparin and effect of Triton X-100 on protein phosphorylation allow to suggest that this activity in sarcoplasmic reticulum belongs mainly to kasein kinase which is located in sarcoplasmic reticulum lumen. We suggest also that the activity of Ca-ATPase is regulated by reversible phosphorylation of non-identified protein(s) located in sarcoplasmic reticulum lumen. Supported in part by RFBR Grant 03-04-48661.

Periplasmic superoxide radical formation in E. coli: respiratory chain as a major source

S. S. Korshunov and J. A. Imlay

Department of Microbiology, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, 601 S. Goodwin Ave, CLSL, Urbana, Illinois, 61801.

Superoxide dismutases (SODs) are ubiquitous in aerobic organisms.Cytosolic SODs protect vulnerable enzymes from internal sources of O2-.E. coli and some other gram-negative bacteria also express periplasmic SODs in stationary phase. The functions of those enzymes are not yet clear. A popular hypothesis is that they protect periplasmic targets from O2- that is made by external sources in the environment.However, in the present study we show that both log-phase and stationary-phase E. coli generate O2- that can reduce extracellular cytochrome c.Overproduction of periplasmic SOD blocked O2- detection, indicating that the O2- was generated in that compartment. In log phase the rate of periplasmic O2- production was about 0.04% of total oxygen consumption, which is similar to the rate of cytosolic O2- production. The rate of O2- production increased linearly with oxygen concentration, showing that the O2- was formed by an adventitious chemical reaction. The respiratory chain was the primary source, as mutants lacking NADH dehydrogenases made little O2- in either growth phase. In log-phase cells, little O2- was produced by menA mutants, even though menaquinone is a minor component of the quinone pool. General overreduction of quinones led to increased O2- formation.It seems likely either that these reduced low-potential quinones react directly with oxygen, or that they do so when complexed to respiratory enzymes.However, none of the major complexes of the aerobic respiratory chain was required for periplasmic O2- production.Stationary-phase cells produced periplasmic O2- at rates about half that of log-phase cells. While stationary-phase O2- formation required a functional respiratory chain, the mechanism was different than log-phase production, since menaquinone was not essential.We conclude that periplasmic SODs probably defend the cell against O2- that is released from the periplasmic face of the respiratory chain. 

Formation of redox-dependent complex at participation of ADP/ATP- and aspartate/glutamate antiporters during the uncouplingmof oxidative phosphorilathion by fatty acid in liver mitochondria of old rats 

O.V. Kozhina, V.N. Samartsev

Mari State University, pl. Lenina 1, 424001, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia

E-mail: laiken@marsu.ru

Protonophoric uncoupling action of palmitate and recoupling effects of carboxyatractylate and aspartate were studied on liver mitochondria of 22-28-month-old rats with body mass of 400-500 g (old rats). It has been established that mitochondria of old rats, by contrast of young rats, are characterized by lower rate of respiration in state 4 and smaller uncoupling palmitate activity. Recoupling effects of carboxyatractylate and aspartate are very small at addition of these substances after palmitate, but when these substances are added in other sequence - carboxyatractylate after aspartate or aspartate after carboxyatractylate - their recoupling effects are significantly increased. These data are considered as evidence that in old rats mitochondria ADP/ATP- and aspartate/glutamate antiporters are involved in uncoupling function as single uncoupling complex with the common fatty acids pool. The fatty acid molecules are able to move: from ADP/ATP antiporter to aspartate/glutamate antiporter on carboxyatractylate addition, and in the opposite direction on aspartate addition. In the presence of pyruvate or ?-hydroxybutyrate, which are able to reduce mitochondrial pyridine nucleotides, and also in the presence thiourea - one of the reducers of thiol groups of mitochondrial proteins, the complex does not occur. Possible mechanisms of formation of uncoupling complex at participation of ADP/ATP- and aspartate/glutamate antiporters and its destruction by reducing of protein thiols at ageing of animals are discussed.

This work was supported by the Interuniversity Scientific Program 'Universities of Russia' (UR.07.01.013).

The effects of the Pro L209 mutations in reaction center of Rb. sphaeroides

M. A. Kozlova1,2, D. A. Cherepanov1,2, L. Baciou3, P. Sebban3 & A. Y. Mulkidjanian1,2

1 A.N.Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Moscow University, 119899, Moscow, Russia, 2 Division of Biophysics, Department of Biology/Chemistry, University of Osnabr?ck, Osnabr?ck, Germany, 3 Laboratoire de Chimie Physique, Bat. 350, University Paris-IX, Orsay, France.

The rate of the electron transfer in protein can be limited by charge redistribution and/or conformational changes [1]. We studied the effect of the Pro L209 replacement by Tyr or Glu in the Rb. sphaeroides reaction center (RC) [2,3] on protein relaxation accompanying the flash-induced reduction of the secondary quinone QB

Electrogenic proton uptake was monitored electrometrically in the membrane vesicles (chromatophores) upon semiquinone and quinol formation (in response to the first and second flash, respectively). The mutant RCs had lower activation energies of proton uptake slow kinetic component both after the first and second flash (~30 kJ/mol) than wild type RCs (~50 kJ/mol). Together with observed increase in accessibility for inhibitors in the mutant quinone-binding sites, this evidence pointed to less tight quinone binding in mutant RCs.

Based on steered molecular dynamics simulations of the QB rotational motion inside the pocket, activation energy was calculated for WT (60 kJ/mol) and L209PE mutant (40 kJ/mol) RCs.

Both computational and experimental results indicate that high activation energy of the electron/proton transfer to QB might be due to the conformational changes in the protein adjacent to QB site, as suggested in [1, 4-6], and Pro L209 essentially contributes to the tightness of the quinone-binding pocket.


1. Cherepanov, D. A., Krishtalik, L. I., and Mulkidjanian, A. Y. Biophys. J. 2001, 80, 1033-1049.

2. Kuglstatter A, Ermler U, Michel H, Baciou L, Fritzsch G. Biochemistry2001 40, 4253-4260

3. Tandori, J., Maroti, P., Alexov, E., Sebban, P., Baciou, L. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2002, 99 6702-6706.

4. O.A. Gopta, D.A. Bloch, D.A. Cherepanov, A.Y. Mulkidjanian, FEBS Lett. 1997, 412, 490-494

5. Mulkidjanian, A. Y. FEBS Lett.1999, 463, 199-204.

6. Cherepanov, D. A., Bibikov, S. I., Bibikova, M. V., Bloch, D. A., Drachev, L. A., Gopta, O. A., Oesterhelt, D., Semenov, A. Y., and Mulkidjanian, A. Y. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 2000, 1459, 10-34.

Proton translocation catalyzed by Paracoccus denitrificans NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (NDH-1)

M. A. Kulikova, A. V. Ushakova, and V. G. Grivennikova

Department of Biochemistry, School of Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow 119992, Russia.

The stoichiometry quotient n () for vectorial translocation of protons coupled with NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreduction is a key parameter for any possible model of energy transduction mechanism catalyzed by Complex I. The value of 4 has been determined for both rotenone-sensitive and rotenone insensitive NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreduction in tightly coupled bovine heart submitochondrial particles [1]. Prokaryotic homologue of the mammalian Complex I (46 different subunits) is composed of only 14 polypeptides. The trivial proposal can be envisaged that extra 32 subunits of the eukaryotic enzyme have evolved to increase thermodynamic efficiency of the energy accumulating machinery. To check this possibility and to get closer insight into coupling mechanism the experimental procedure similar to that previously used for the mitochondrial system was applied to determine n for the simpler prokaryotic NDH-1 dehydrogenase operating in tightly coupled inside-out vesicles derived from Paracoccus denitrificans

We found that 'non-permeable' pH-indicator Phenol Red shows abnormal spectral response when used with Paracoccus denitrificans vesicles under standard experimental conditions in NADH-induced pH-pulse experiments previously employed for submitochondrial particles. The abnormal response was energy-dependent and most likely due to either redox activity of the dye or its imperfect non-permeability through the bacterial plasma membrane. The experimental conditions that allow to eliminate side reaction of Phenol Red were found. The stoichiometry of 3,8 + 0,4 for proton-translocating NADH:quinone oxidoreductase reaction was determined. Supported by the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research (grant 02-04-48679 and 03-04-48202), Program Leading Schools in Science (grant 596.2003.4) and NIH Fogarty International Research grant 1R03TW006041.


1. A.S. Galkin, V.G. Grivennikova, A.D. Vinogradov, FEBS Let. 451 (1999), 157-161.

Сytochrome c oxidase inhibition by zinc ions

S.S. Kuznetsova, N.V. Azarkina, T.V. Vygodina, S.A. Siletsky, A.A. Konstantinov.

A.N. Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.

Zn2+ ions inhibition of cytochrome c oxidase (COX) activity has been studied on mitochondrial and bacterial COX both in solubilized and liposome-reconstituted forms. We find out that the effect of zinc on the solubilized COX develops in two time-scales. Initial rapid interaction of zinc with the site exposed to inner aqueous phase (corresponding to mitochondrial matrix.) is fully reversed by EDTA and results in a partial inhibition of the enzyme activity (50-90%, depending on preparation) with an effective Ki ofca. 10-5 M. Presumably, zinc blocks the entrance of the D-proton channel. Rapid phase is followed by slow (tens minutes-hours) zinc binding to COX which results in almost complete inhibition of enzyme and is only partly reversible. The slow phase is characterized by increased affinity to the inhibitor. The rate of inhibition in the slow phase is proportional to Zn2+ concentration. At less than 10-5 M Zn2+ binding to COX converts to slow. According to published data outside Zn2+ inhibit COX activity in proteoliposomes (COV) only in the coupled state. In fact effect of Zn2+ is not observed in an uncoupled COV but re-appears when proteoliposomes are supplied with alamethicin that makes the membrane permeable to low-molecular substances and allows Zn2+ to go inside. Outside Zn2+ does not change steady-state ??-generation by COV measured as safranine consumption but inhibits proton pumping especially effective in mammalian COX.. At the same time we observed slow inhibitory effect of outside zinc in turning over uncoupled liposomes similar to that described in earlier observations. Possible explanation comes when we found out that in the presence of weak reductants outside zinc demonstrated fast and reversible inhibition of cytochrome c oxidation by the uncoupled COV. Presence of weak reductants also restored Zn2+ inhibitory effect on ??generation by COV. Inhibitory effect is highly enhanced if Zn2+ and weak reductans are preincubated with COV whereas incubation with zinc alone does not change COV's enzymatic activity. This inhibition is only partly reversed by chelators. Thus cytochrome oxidase has at least two Zn2+ binding sites. One is located inside near D-channel and is responsible for main Zn2+ effects on solubilized COX. The second is somewhere outside and becomes accessible only in turning over COV or in the presence of weak reductants. Detailed spectrophotometric measurements nevertheless do not reveal reduction of COX heme centers or formation of oxygen intermediates under proteoliposome treatment with weak reductants so we presumed the effect to be associated with reduction of the 'invisible' CuB.. Independently it was shown by Siletsky in our group that outside Zn2+inhibit specifically the slow electrogenic phase of proton transfer coupled to F => Ox transition corresponding to transfer of the 4-th electronin the COX catalytic cycle. Supported by RFBR grant 03-04-48203.

Effects of palmitate on the mitochondrial NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I)

M. V. Loskovich, V. G. Grivennikova, and A. D. Vinogradov

Department of Biochemistry, School of Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow 119992, Russia.

Palmitate rapidly, specifically and reversibly inhibits the uncoupled NADH oxidase activity catalysed by active Complex I in inside-out bovine heart submitochondrial particles (IC50 extrapolated to zero enzyme concentration is equal to 9 mM at 25њC, pH 8.0) and in permealized mitochondria. The NADH:hexaammineruthenium reductase activity of Complex I is insensitive to palmitate. Partial (about 50%) inhibition of the NADH:external quinone reductase activity is seen at saturating palmitate concentration and the residual activity is fully sensitive to piericidin. The uncoupled succinate oxidase activity is considerably less sensitive to palmitate. Only slight stimulation of tightly coupled respiration with NADH as the substrate is seen at optimal palmitate concentrations whereas complete relief of the respiratory control is observed with succinate as the substrate. Palmitate strongly prevents the turnover-induced activation of the de-activated Complex I (IC50 extrapolated to zero enzyme concentration is equal to 3 mM at 25њC, pH 8.0). The mode of action of palmitate on the NADH oxidase is qualitatively temperature-dependent. Rapid and reversible inhibition of the Complex I catalytic activity and its de-active to active state transition are seen at 25њC, whereas the slow progressive inactivation of the NADH oxidase proceeds at 37њC. Palmitate drastically increases the rate of the temperature-dependent de-activation of Complex I in the absence of NADH. The time-dependent inactivation of the NADH oxidase is prevented but only partially reversed by bovine serum albumin. Taken together these data suggest that free fatty acids act as specific Complex I directed inhibitors; at physiologically relevant temperature (37њC) their inhibitory effects on mitochondrial NADH oxidation is due to perturbation of the pseudo-reversible active - de-active Complex I transition [1]. Supported by the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research (grant 02-04-48679 and grant 03-04-48202), Program Leading Schools in Science (grant 596.2003.4), NIH Fogarty International Research (grant 1R03TW006041).


1. Loskovich, M. V., Grivennikova, V. G., Cecchini, G. and Vinogradov, A. D. (2005) Biochem. J. 386, in the press.

Kinetic model of mitochondrial adeninenucleotide translocase

E. Metelkin, O. Demin

Moscow State University, A.N. Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Moscow, 119992, Russia. 

Tel. (903)793-1645, Fax: (095)939-3181, e-mail: emetelkin@yandex.ru

Adenine nucleotide translocase (ANT) is one of the main protein components of mitochondria. It catalyzes ATP/ADP exchange across inner mitochondrial membrane and can limit velocity of oxidative phosphorylation. Resuming available data about the carrier monomer structure and dependences of exchange velocity on membrane potential difference the kinetic model was developed by us which was based on dimeric structure assumption. The model describes the dependences of exchange velocity on nucleotide concentrations, magnesium concentrations, pH and potential difference value. Model verification shows a good agreement between the model results and exchange velocity dependences (1) in liposomal particles. Using the experimental data (1) the kinetic constants were fitted which were contained in velocity equation. Using estimated parameters and model equations theoretical dependences on potential difference and pH was plotted.


1.Kramer R., Klingenberg M., Biochemistry, 1982, v. 21, pp. 1082-1089.

Permeability transition independent depletion of NAD(P)H in heart mitochondria induced by Ca2+ overload

V. Milda?ien?1,2, R. Banien?1, J. Grigien?1, R. ??kiene2, A. Dapk?nas2

1Inst. for Biomed. Res., Kaunas University of Medicine, Eiveniu 4, 50009, 2Vytautas Magnus University, Vileikos 8, 44404 Kaunas, Lithuania

The redox state of mitochondrial pyridine nucleotides is important for the function of mitochondria and for their structural integrity. The opening of the permeability transition pore (PTP) under condition of calcium overload is regulated by the redox state of pyridine nucleotides. We have found that Ca2+ overload causes very strong inhibition of pyruvate+ malate oxidation that is explained by draining off the substrate of the respiratory chain, NADH. At the same time the amount of NADPH in mitochondria is also substantially decreased. The rotenone insensitive decline in NAD(P)H occurs only under condition when Ca2+ is accumulated in mitochondria and it does not depend on the origin the substrate (succinate+rotenone, endogenous substrates or NAD-dependent exogenous substrates). By measuring NAD(P)H fluorescence we have determined the kinetic dependence of Ca2+ induced NAD(P)H oxidation in heart mitochondria respiring with pyruvate+ malate on PTP inhibitors ATP and cyclosporin A (CsA). In line with the suggestion (DiLisa et. al., 2001) that loss of mitochondrial pyridine nucleotides is explained by their leak through PTP, we obtained that decrease in NAD(P)H concentration occurs 2.5 times faster in the absence of ATP and CsA. However, even in the presence of ATP and CsA, an appreciable rate of NAD(P)H oxidation was registered that comprised about 1/3 of the rate when the PTP is open. The rate of mitochondrial respiration with all NAD-dependent substrates is substantially inhibited by Ca2+ overload even under condition when PTP remains closed. Therefore we suggest that Ca2+ overload activates yet unidentified rotenone insensitive NAD(P)H-oxidazing system in mitochondrial matrix that competes for NADH with the respiratory chain and therefore may lead to: 1) inhibition of mitochondrial respiration; 2) reduction of free radical generation by the respiratory chain; 3) generation of NAD+ and NADP+ for the stress response pathways; 4) and finally - to the opening PTP that is followed by very fast release of NAD+ and NADP+ to cytoplasm.

Plasoquinone participation in oxygen reduction in thylakoids and intramembrane formation of hydrogen peroxide

M.M. Mubarakshina, S.A. Khorobrykh, B.N. Ivanov

Institute of Basic Biological Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Moscow region, 142290. E-mail: ivabor@issp.serpukhov.su 

Photosynthetic electron transport chain is one of the main places of reactive oxygen species generation in plants. To characterize in detail such a generation the rates of oxygen consumption in the light in a whole photosynthetic electron transport chain (PETC) as well asin a short chain containing only Photosystem I (PSI) in the presence of diuron and donor pair ascorbate/ N,N,N',N' -tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine (TMPD) were measured in isolatedpea thylakoids at рН 5.0, рН 6.5 and рН 7.8. At рН 5.0 these rates were saturated at light intensity close to 500 mmols quanta m-2 s-1; at higher pHs they were not saturated up to 900 mmols quanta m-2 s-1. The difference between the rates of oxygen reduction in the whole chain and in the PSI-chain was used for an estimation of contribution in this reduction of other, besides PSI, segments of PETC. At high light intensities this contribution achieved a constant value 50 % at рН 5.0, and was close to 70 % at рН 6.5 and рН 7.8. The data are explained as the result of plastoquinone pool participation in two processes of oxygen reduction in PETC, namely, in a reduction of molecules О2 by plastosemiquinone as well as in a reduction of superoxide radicals generated in the first process and in PSI, by plastohydroquinone. This hypothesis implies that hydrogen peroxide formation can occur inside of thylakoid membranes. In the presence of cyt. C,which traps superoxide radicals outside thylakoid membrane, we have really found the hydrogen peroxide formation in the light. The study of effects of both lumen pH and lumen volume on the electron flow to hydrogen peroxide showed that its formation unlikely occurred in lumen. The possibility of hydrogen peroxide generation inside the thylakoid membrane is the fact of importance since such molecules can leave the membrane and even the chloroplast, avoiding the scavenging systems.

Investigation of the mitochondrial ultrastructure by the small angle neutron scattering method (SANS)

T.N. Murugova, V.I. Gordeliy, A.I. Kuklin, A. Nuernberg, L.S. Yaguzhinsky

Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research,Dubna,Russia, 

A.N. Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology

, Moscow State University, Moscow.

In present work the small angle neutron scattering (SANS) was applied for investigation of mitochondrial membranes structural changes induced by osmotic swelling. The aim of the work is finding out structural reconstructions, which relate to mitochondrial functional changes. SANS experiments with intact rat liver mitochondria were carried out on the YuMO spectrometer (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, reactor IBR-2, Dubna, Russia) [2,3]. Treatment of SANS data has been realized by program package SAS [4]. Mitochondrial swelling was induced in two ways: placing mitochondria into hypotonic media and opening nonspecific pore in mitochondrial membranes. Incubation media was based on variety ratio mass of H2O and D2O to vary scattering density of media. This allows to observe neutron scattering on protein and lipidic components of mitochondrial membrane separately.

Scattering curves for mitochondria in isotonic media (when mitochondrial matrix is in native state) and in hypotonic media (when matrix is swelled) differ each from other. In case of D2O- hypotonic media scattering curve has structural maximum(Fig. 1b). In case of isotonic media the maximum is absent (Fig. 1а). Scattering curves for mitochondria swelled by opening nonspecific pore resembles to curves for mitochondria in hypotonic media. So effect of swelling do not depends on means of swelling.

Isolated from overall scattering intensity structural factor presents two peaks. The peaks positions are near 0.042 ?-1 and 0.079 ?-1; that corresponds to 150 ? and 80 ? in direct space. We connect this two correlative parameters with distance between membranes forming mitochondrial crista and distance between Otter and inner membrane correspondingly. Considering thickness of mitochondrial inner membrane to be 75 ?, we obtained the crista thickness to be equal 225 ?, and the thickness of interface of inner and otter mitochondrial membrane to be equal 155 ?. At that the thickness of gap between cristae membrane proved to be equal 75 ? and between otter and inner membrane - 5 ?.

Electron microscopy report cristae thickness under swelling to be 236 ? and the thickness of interface of inner and otter mitochondrial membrane to be 133 ? [1]. Thus data of SANS come to an agreement with data of electron microscopy. This confirms our supposition about cause of appearance of the peak. With help of contrast variation method it was shown, that the appearance of the maximum is determinedby scattering of neutrons on lipidic component of the mitochondrial membrane.

Hence SANS allows to register qualitative structural changes in mitochondrion. As a result of swelling crista collapsed itself as well as inner membrane is closely adjacent to otter membrane, so the gap between cristae membrane has got equal 65 ? and between otter and inner membrane - about 5 ?,. This effect doesn't depend on way of inducing swelling of the organelle: hypotonic media or nonspecific pore. Results obtained are correspond to Manella's 'closed cristae' model of inner mitochondrial membrane [5].


1. I. P. Krasinskaya, I.S. Litvinov, S.D. Zaharov, L. E. Bakeeva, L. S. Yaguzhinsky. Two qualitatively different structural-and-functional states of mitochondria, Biochim. Т.54?9. 1989. 1556-1561.

2. Kuklin A.I., Islamov A. Kh., V.I. Gordeliy "Two Detectors System for Small Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument", Submitted to J. Appl. Crystal.

3. http://nfdb.jinr.ru:800/cocoon/hipns/ibr-2.instr?instr_id=905.

4. http://www.jinr.ru/~tsap/Koi/jinrlib/sas/index.html

5. Mannella CA, Marko M, Buttle K. Reconsidering mitochondrial structure: new views of an old organelle. Trends Biochem Sci. 1997 Feb;22(2):37-8.

The role of oxidation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in the induction of apoptosis and in the formation of amyloid structures 

I.N.Naletova1,2I. N. Shalova1, L. Saso3, E.V. Schmalhausen2, V.I. Muronetz1,2

1School of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow 119992, Russian Federation, E-mail: naletova@belozersky.msu.ru, 3Department of Pharmacology of Natural Substances and General Physiology, University of Rome La Sapienza, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Rome, Italy.

The goal of the work was to study the role of oxidation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphatedehydrogenase (GAPDH) in the induction of apoptosis and inthe formation of amyloid structures. On the first step, it was shown that the denatured GAPDH oxidized by hydrogen peroxide does not affect the spontaneous renaturation of GAPDH and other investigated enzymes, but inhibit the chaperon-depending step of the renaturation. Presumably, the oxidized forms of the denatured GAPDH that are unable to acquire the native conformation bind irreversibly to the chaperonin and prevent its functioning. A decrease in the concentration of active chaperones can result in the accumulation of denatures proteins and their aggregation. This observation is the first confirmation of the main idea of the work concerning the role of oxidative stress in the formation of the amyloid structures. Immunofluorecsent spectroscopy revealed the translocation of the non-native forms of GADPH from the cytoplasm to the nucleus in the murine L-fibroblasts under the oxidative stress caused by the addition of hydrogen peroxide. In the transgenic mice with the Alzheimer's disease, 25-30% decrease in the specific activity of GAPDH was observed in different parts of brain. The content of GAPDH determined with the specific antibodies did not change, this supporting the idea concerning the accumulation of the non-native (presumably oxidized) forms of GAPDH in the development of this disease. 

The work was supported by the Russian Foundation of Basic Research (grant02-04-48076 and the grant ? 04-04-81038 for collaborative studies with Byelorussia), INTAS (03-51-4813) and NATO (LST.CLG. 979533).

Reactive oxygen species and their sources in programmed death of pea guard cells

A.V. Nesov, Yu.V. Kusnetsova, A.V. Shestak, D.B. Kiselevsky 

Department of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow. 

Е-mail: kis@8.cellimm.bio.msu.ru

CN- was used as an inducer of programmed death (PCD) of guard cells in epidermal peels isolated from pea leaves. PCD was detected by light microscopy of the destruction of cell nuclei. It was shown that CN--induced death of pea guard cells was stimulated by light and depended on reactive oxygen species (ROS). Methyl viologen and menadione generate superoxide anion-radical (О2-ћ). These compounds are reduced by photosynthetic and respiratory electron transfer chains and spontaneously oxidized by oxygen. Methyl viologen and menadione did not induce the disappearance of nuclei in guard cells per se and not stimulated but prevented CN--induced destruction of nuclei. Presumably, this effect is caused by methyl viologen and menadione that operate as electron acceptors in the Hill reaction. Nitroblue tetrazolium, a trap for О2-ћ, inhibited CN--induced PCD. Н2O2 per se did not induce destruction of nuclei at concentrations up to 10 mM in the light and 50 mM in the dark but significantly stimulated CN--induced degradation of nuclei. Mannitol and ethanol, acting as quenchers of hydroxyl radical (ОНћ), prevented PCD caused by CN-. NaN3, an inhibitor of heme-contaning enzymes like cyanide, possesses quencher properties with respect to singlet oxygen (1O2). NaN3 induced degradation of nuclei and stimulated CN--induced destruction of nuclei. Bengal rose generates 1O2 in green light. This compound insignificantly induced destruction of nuclei in the dark, but not in the light, had no influence on CN--induced destruction of nuclei without the illumination, and inhibited CN--induced PCD in the light. Probably, the effect of Bengal rose involved 1O2-stimulated degradation of protein D1 in photosystem II. Histidine was tested as an antioxidant specific to 1O2. This reagent at various concentrations had no influence on PCD caused by CN-. The results indicate that О2-ћН2О2 and ОНћ, but not 1O2, stimulated destruction of nuclei. The main sources of ROS in plant cells are enzymes performing redox reactions involving components of chloroplast and mitochondria electron transfer chains. The NADPH oxidase of the plasma membrane plays a significant role in plant diseases. This multi-enzyme complex generates ROS protecting plant organisms from the invasion of pathogens. Quinacrine, an inhibitor of the NADPH oxidase, prevented CN--induced destruction of nuclei. This supports the idea that NADPH oxidase, as well as chloroplasts and mitochondria, participates in ROS-generation in guard cells during CN--induced PCD. Fluorometric and oxymetric dates were obtained that demonstrate ROS-generation in epidermal peels isolated from pea leaves at the primary stages of PCD.

The regulation of cation transport at the level of plastoqinone reduction by photosystem II of chloroplasts

V. K. Opanasenko 

Institute of Basic Problems ofBiology, RAS, Pushchino

E-mail: opanasenko@hotbox.ru

The interaction of DCCD with ionic channels of various cell organelle is studied more than 30 years. It has been detail investigated on the plant thylakoid membranes inthe laboratories ofW. Junge (1992-1994) and P. Horton (1994-1998). The authors used the chloroplasts after 10 mines dark incubation with a reagent at the ratio DCCD/Chl=2. The choice of such a processing was explained by the fact that it led to the occurrence of effects of cyclic protons transfer in the complex PS II observing only at the pulse illumination of chloroplasts. The covalent linkage of DCCD with two polypeptide of LHCII - СР26 and СР29 has been shown, and carboxylic groups modified by DCCD in these proteins have been determined. 

Our studies have shown the occurrence of the interaction between DCCD and a membrane observing at the stationary illumination. We have found two new functional actions of DCCD caused by the linkage of this reagent with proteins of PSII complex. The first effect (A) is the stimulation of leaking protons, K+and NH4+from a lumen at the presence of penetrating amines or nigericine, and the second one (B) is the inhibition of this leak by the increase of DCCD concentration. The interaction ofDCCD with carboxylic groups of the membrane proteins concerningto effects А and B did not lead to the covalent binding of DCCD isotope. 

The groups participating in the effect A are modified by DCCD irreversibly, but then they interact with amino groups or OH-groups of alcohol with the losing of a label of DCCD. The groups concerning to effect B are modified convertible. They gradually lose an isotope interacting with water during the dark incubation after processing chloroplasts by DCCD. The data show that at the uncoupling of processes of energy transformation the amines induce the occurrence in PS II complex a channel conducting ions from a lumen to a stroma. The channel consists of two DCCD-sensitive parts, hydrophilic (A) and hydrophobic one (B). The part A connects the lumen with Q(B)-site, and the part B connects Q(B)-site with the stroma. Preincubation of chloroplasts with DCCD or DCMU leads to the fixing of an open state of the channel. In this case the amine concentration which is necessary for the induction of uncoupling is sharply reduced. Hence, DCCD irreversibly modifies one or several carboxylic groups in the "gate" of the A-part of the channel. The modification of the groups in the part B is reversible and it is necessary to add new portion of DCCD to observe the inhibition of the protons flow through the B-part of the channel.

Functional characteristics of Ca-release channels (ryanodine receptors) in skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum of the ground squirrel Spermophilus undulatus

A.T. Pashovkin, O.D. Lopina, A.M. Rubtsov

Department of Biochemistry, School of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119992 Moscow, Russia.

Heavy fraction of sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles containing functional Ca-release channels (ryanodine receptors) was isolated from skeletal muscles of typical hibernator, the ground squirrel Spermophilus undulatus. It was shown that the content of Ca-release channel protein (apparent molecular mass 550 kDa) is 3-fold decreased during winter time as well as the content of its regulatory Ca-binding proteins: 63 kDa calsequestrin (4-fold decreased), 130 kDa sarcalumenin (1.5-fold decreased), and 165 kDa histidine-rich Ca-binding protein (1.5-fold decreased). At the same time the content of 55 kDa Ca-binding protein calreticulin is increased 2.5-fold as well as the content of non identified 44 kDa (2-fold increased) and 30 kDa (1.5-fold increased) proteins. The level of phosphate incorporated into sarcoplasmic reticulum proteins by endogenous protein kinases was significantly higher in preparations of winter hibernating ground squirrels (220 pmol/mg of protein) in comparison to preparations of summer active animals (140 pmol/mg of protein). In preparations of winter hibernated ground squirrels 16 individual proteins with molecular masses ranging from 16 to 165 kDa were the targets of endogenous protein kinases. In preparations of summer active animals the radioactive phosphate was found only in 10 individual protein bands. The relative level of phosphorylaton of proteins calculated with correction on the content of individual protein was significantly different in sarcoplasmic reticulum of winter hibernating and summer active ground squirrels. For example, in preparations of winter hibernating animals the level of phosphorylation of 130 kDa sarcalumenin was almost 20-fold higher, 44 kDa protein was 10 fold higher, and 30 kDa protein was 5-fold higher, but the level of phosphorylation of 18 kDa protein was 4-fold lower in comparison with sarcoplasmic reticulum preparations of summer active animals. Under conditions of passive loading of sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles by radioactive calcium the preparations of winter hibernated ground squirrels demonstrate significantly lower Ca-capacity (about 10 and 30 nmol Ca2+/mg of protein, respectively) and the rate of Ca-release (about 30 and 100 nmol Ca2+/min per mg of protein, respectively) in comparison with summer animals. It was shown also that in contrast to Ca-release channels of rabbit skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum the Ca-release channels of skeletal muscles of the ground squirrels are weakly inhibited by high Ca2+ concentrations, Mg2+ ions, and ruthenium red and are almost insensitive to well-known activators of ryanodine receptors, AMP and caffeine. Supported in part by RFBR Grant 03-04-48661.

Kinetic model of Bovine Liver Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase

K.V. Peskov1, O.V. Demin2

1Institute of Theoretical andExperimental Biophysics RAS (142290, Moscow region PushchnoInstitutscaja str. 3, Russia,) kirill_peskov@front.ru, 2A.N.Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology (Build. "A", Moscow State University, Moscow,119899, Russia.demin@genebee.msu.su

Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase catalyses degradation offructose-1,6-bisphosphate to fructose-6-phosphate and inorganic phosphate and it is one of the central enzymes of gliconeogenesis pathway. This enzyme has complex oligomeric structure. The kinetic mechanism of monomer subunit is Random Bi Bi, where a magnesium ion serves as initiator of the reaction [5]. There are at least three ways of metabolic regulatios of the fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase: inhibition with effectors (fructose-1,6-bisphosphate and AMP),substrate inhibition with both substrates of enzyme and inhibition with products of the reaction. By this time there is no clear understanding of the mechanism of substrate inhibition of this enzyme [1].Another properties of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase isn't clear-cut too [2-5]. In our work we made an attempt to develop kinetic model of the fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase and investigate mechanism of substrate inhibition. 

Methods we use to develop kinetic model have been described in [6]. In our work we estimated unknown model parameters using experimental data published in [1-3, 5] and DbSolve package. To understand how fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase is inhibited by its substrates. We developed a number of kinetic models corresponding to different possible mechanisms. Each of these models has been tested against available experimental data [1]. We found that three aspects of substrate inhibition of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase were necessary to describe this experimental data: 

1.Mg2+ ions can bind to fructose-1,6-bisphophate with formation of chelate complex. 

2.Chelate complex competes with fructose-1,6-bisphophate for catalytic site of the fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase. 

3.This substrate probably has another allosteric binding site on the enzyme. Such assumption was discussed in [4]. Allosteric inhibition is necessary to describe the dependence of rate of the reaction from concentration of fructose-1,6-bisphophate under conditions more than 250 чM. 

Thus, using methods of kinetic modeling, we could find mechanism of substrate inhibition of the fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase. Also, we estimated 34 from 44 model parameters using available experimental data (32 kinetic curves). Based on these results, we could construct kinetic model, which adequately describes known experimental facts and data available from literature. 


1. Marcus CJ at al.// JBC (1973) 248(24), 8567-73.

2. Casazza JP at al.// JBC (1979) 254 (11), 4661-65.

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Participation of mitochondria in oxidative and nitrosative stress in rat kidney cells after ischemia/reperfusion

E.Y. Plotnikov, M.Y. Vyssokikh, D.B. Zorov

A.N.Belozersky Institute, Biological Faculty, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.

Organ transplantation, laparotomic operations, thrombosis and low blood pressure can provoke kidney tissue damage mediated by ischemia/reperfusion transition. The latter can result in both oxidative and nitrosative stress in the cells of the organ. In order to gain an insight into the cause of the damage, we have undergone the study of the functional and structural changes of mitochondria in vitro and in situ in kidney cells after ischemia/reperfusion. In order to evaluate the mitochondrial transmenbrane potential, production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitric oxide (NO) we used specific fluorescent probes: tetramethylrhodamine, 2,7-dichlorofluoresceine and 2,5-diaminofluoresceine, respectively. After staining the living kidney slices were analyzed using laser scanning confocal microscopy, and a fluorescence intensity in cells was measured. We were able to detect an activity of NO-synthase (NOS) in tubule cells mitochondria, which was significantly elevated after ischemia/reperfusion. Under these conditions, mitochondrial membrane potential was dramatically reduced accompanied by mitochondrial swelling. Reactive oxygen species production in ischemia-exposed kidney was doubled as compared to control values and was also associated with mitochondria. The treatment with NOS inhibitor and especially with mitochondrial permeability transition inhibitor, cyclosporin A partially abolished Dy collapse. Production of ROS and NO increased as early as 10 min of reperfusion, and after 180 min an obvious apoptotic changes (i.e. Bax translocation to mitochondria and cytochrome c release from mitochondria) was apparent in kidney tubule cells.

Chemiosmotic logic as a tool to consider self-organization in a multicellular system

T.V. Potapova

Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Moscow State University

Ionic transport through the plasma membrane both in procaryotic and eucaryotic cells is a necessary link in maintaining ion-osmotic homeostasis and transmission of information, energy provision of cell metabolism, provision of cells with substrates and removal of active life products. In steady state conditions, all the ionic fluxes are interequilibrated and are in conformity with the energetic status of the cell. 

Permeable intercellular junctions (PJ) are present in most multicellular systems (organs, tissues, developing embryos, cell cultures, multicellular microorganisms) permitting adjacent cells to "socialize" components of the low-molecular pool. The ability of PJ to pass ion fluxes, comparable in values with those through the plasma membrane, makes these structures a paramount mechanism of self-organization in a multicellular system. In considering the functional role of PJ, the concept of Mitchell and Crane on the energetic function of ionic gradients across biological membranes proved to be extremely useful.

On the grounds of analytical calculations and experimental evaluations, we have shown that inorganic ion fluxes across PJ, moving along corresponding electrochemical gradients, can maintain "energy cooperation" on a scale comparable with the total energy production (energy consumption) of an individual cell. The existence of such energy cooperation of cells is revealed in electrophysiological experiments by the presence of intercellular currents and/or electrical gradients across PJ. The studies of fungus Neurospora crassa allow not only to document the chemiosmotic theory by direct electrophysiology, but, on the another band, they illustrate the power of chemiosmotic logic to illuminate the physiology and energetics of multicellular system possessing PJ. Consideration of the results on cyanobacteria, fungi and animal indicates, that the values close to the normal of membrane potentials and intracellular ion content can be maintained in a cell population with a large share (up to 50%) of cells with inactivated ion-ATPases. The participation of PJ in the "energy support" of one type of cell of the population by others has been described in ischemia of the myocard. The notions of an intratissue substructue such as the information-energy module, developed for Neurospora, can be useful in detailed studies not only of the laws of interactions between materials and driving forces in the course of polarized growth, but in studies of many other functions being realized through combined activity of a multicellular ensemble. For details see:

T.V. Potapova. Biologicheskie membrane (in Russian), 2004, V. 21, ?3, P.P.163-191.

Modified ADP/ATP antiporter is involved in fatty acid-induced and GDP-suppressed uncoupling in rat kidney mitochondria

E.A. Prikhodko1,2, L.S. Khailova2, V.I. Dedukhova2, E.N. Mokhova2

1Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, Moscow State University, 2Department of Bioenergetics, A.N. Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow 119992, Russia.

In recent years (2001-2004) Brand, Murphy and colleagues investigated activated by superoxide and suppressed by GDP uncoupling in the presence of fatty acids or lipid peroxidation products (LPP). They proposed that GDP-sensitive uncoupling is mediated by uncoupling proteins: UCP2 in kidney and UCP3 in skeletal muscle mitochondria. We suggested that the modified ADP/ATP antiporter is involved in this GDP-sensitive uncoupling, that LPP decrease the specificity of its nucleotide-binding site(s), and GDP binding results in suppression of the ADP/ATP antiporter-mediated uncoupling.

To verify this assumption we studied effects of GDP and specific inhibitor of the ADP/ATP antiporter carboxyatractylate (CAtr) on oleic or palmitic acid-induced uncoupling in kidney mitochondria isolated from rats with mass about 180 g. Our experimental conditions were different from those used in the above-mentioned publications. (1) To increase CAtr coupling effect incubation medium pH was changed from 7.2 to 7.4. (2) In the most of assays sucrose incubation medium was used instead of salt incubation medium (to decrease the fatty acid-induced swelling). (3) In the most assays pyruvate was used as oxidation substrate; the rate of its oxidation was low, so even a weak uncoupling effect resulted in an essential decrease in ??. (4) Palmitic acid concentration in ethanol stock solution was about 5 mM; at the higher concentration palmitic acid-induced inhibition of respiratory activity was increased. (5) Oleic acid and palmitic acid (the less potent uncoupler) were added at low concentrations to produce essential stimulation of respiration in the presence of oligomycin and only small inhibition of the uncoupled respiration.

Under these conditions in some assays with pyruvate only 0.2 mM GDP or only CAtr (being added after oligomycin but before fatty acid) practically completely prevented the oleic acid-induced ?? decrease. In other assays when GDP only partially prevented oleic acid- or palmitic acid-induced uncoupling CAtr increased the GDP coupling effect. GDP and CAtr being added after fatty acid produced less pronounced coupling effect (probably due to lower ??). These and other data support our proposal concerning mechanism of the GDP-suppressed uncoupling.

'Mild' uncoupling revisited

A.V. Pustovidko, M.Yu. Vyssokikh

A.N.Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Moscow State University, Build 'A', 1/40, GSP-2, Moscow,119992, Russia

Under resting (respiratory control or State 4) conditions mitochondrial respiratory chain is known to form reactive oxygen species (ROS). The mechanism of ROS generation based on its strong activation when the electrochemical H+-potential difference (DmH+) is high and the rate of electron transport is limited by discharge of DmH+. Earlier it was proposed that the cellular defense system against ROS include the thyroid hormone-mediated uncoupling in mitochondria. This phenomenon was named 'mild' uncoupling.

In present work we investigated the effect of a chemical compound ('Novonordisk 0005') on respiration and membrane potential of rat heart mitochondria.It was shown that named compound induced uncoupling of succinate supported respiration in concentration-dependent manner (in presence of rotenone and oligomycin).The uncoupling action was observed from 10-8M, the maximal effective uncoupling concentration was from 10-7M to 10-4M. In contrast to other uncouplers studied, excess of Novonordisk 005 does not inhibit respiration. 

We have shown that uncoupling induced by '0005' can be prevented or suppressed by 6-ketocholestanol.

We proposed that '0005' is a 'mild' uncoupler and can be used as the potential drug for protection from ROS-induced injury without a risk of inhibition of respiration when concentration of uncoupler increases. 

Unusual ultrastructural alterations of mitochondria in HeLa cells induced by inhibitors of bioenergetic functions

V.B. Saprunova, L.E.Bakeeva

Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow 119992, Russia. E-mail: bakeeva@imec.msu.ru

The electron microscopical observations of HeLa cells treated for 48-72 h with uncouplers in combination with antimycine or myxothiazole showed surprising unknown in literature cell ultrastructure. Mitochondrial apparatus of the cells was reduced to several clusters of mitochondrial fragments. There were no mitochondria of native ultrastructure in these cells and we did not observe accumulation of autophagosomes in cytoplasm. But in the same time our electron microscopic investigations revealed clearly that in cytoplasm of the cells there were many unusual electron-dense organelles. These organelles had spherical or elongate shape surrounded with a single membrane. Sections at different angles showed that their interior is filled with closely packed tubulose structures. These unusual organelles unknown in the literature, we believe that it's newly formed in the cells by stressful conditions indused by prolonged incubation with mitochondrial poisons. Probably these organells provide viable of the cells which devoid of mitochondria. The work was supported by grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (04-04-48121) and grant 'Leading Scientific Schools' from the Ministry of Education and Science Russia (1710.2003.04).

LDL modificatiom in the molecular mechanisms of atherosclerosis and diabetes development

G.S. Shepelkova, N.E. Arzamastseva, A.K. Tikhaze, V.Z. Lankin 

Cardiology Research Complex, Moscow, Russia

Objectives: It is known that oxidative stress as well ascarbonyl stress development may contribute to the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and diabetes. We investigated the levels of peroxy-LDL (oxidative derivations of free radical peroxidation) in the blood plasma of patients with atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus. We suggested that aldehydes which were formed during lipoperoxidation(malondialdehyde) and which accompanied atherosclerosis development as well as glucose autoxidation (glyoxal and methilglyoxal) during diabetes both could modify LDL.

Methods: The Cu2+-mediatedsusceptibility of human LDL (prepared by ultracentrifugation) to oxidation has been studied by means UV-spectrophotometry (absorption max at 233 nm). The concentration of lipid hydroperoxides in LDL was estimated by modified Fe3+-xylenol orange method before and after treatment with triphenylphosphine for lipohydroperoxides reduction. Also, the level of fluorescent products (the Schiff bases), which were produced during interaction between amino-groups of lysine and different aldehydes (malondialdehyde, glyoxal and methilglyoxal), was estimated.

Results: We observed, that susceptibility of LDL, from plasma of type 2 diabetes coupled with coronary heart disease (CHD) patients, to Cu2+-mediated oxidation was significantly higher than susceptibility of LDL from plasma of patients with atherosclerosis. The level of peroxy-LDL during diabetes also was much higher than it was during CHD with hypercholesterolemia and especially higher than it was during CHD without hypercholesterolemia. Therefore diabetes mellitus as well as CHD with hypercholesterolemia was accompanied by intensification of free radical LDL peroxidation, but diabetes - in significantly more extent. Compensation of carbohydrate metabolism(treatment with sulfonylureas as monotherapy or in combination with metformin) led to decreasing of peroxy-LDL level that confirmed increasing of the rate enzymatic utilization of reactive oxygen species and lipohydroperoxides (increasing of SOD and GSH-Px activities) as well as decreasing of the primary and secondary products of free radical peroxidation levels (lipohydroperoxides and malondialdehyde)in LDL. We found that the rate of fluorescent products (the Schiff bases) formed during reaction of lysine amino-groups with glyoxal or methilglyoxal was much higher than during reaction with malondialdehyde.

Conclusions: Therefore may be suggested that both intensification of free radical lipoperoxidation during atherosclerosis and lipoperoxide-mediated glucose autooxidation during diabetes lead to accumulation of modified peroxy-LDL in blood of patients.

Expression of cytochrome P450scc in Escherichia coli: intracellular forms and interaction with endogenous redox proteins

V.M. Shkumatov1, V.G. Radyuk1, Ya.V. Falertov1, A.A. Vinogradova2, L.A. Novikova2, V.N. Luzikov2

1Institute of Physico-Chemical Problems, State University, Minsk, Belarus, 2Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia.

Cytochrome P450scc is a component of the cholesterol side-chain cleavage system transforming cholesterol into pregnenolone. This reaction proceeds in the inner membrane of adrenocortical mitochondria with the involvement of mitochondrially-made NADPH. In this work we used 

E. coli cells producing cytochrome P450scc to answer two questions: 1) whether this enzyme can exist in a soluble form and 2) whether this enzyme can be engaged in bacterial metabolic pathways.

Homogenization of the E. coli cells producing mature form of bovine CYP11A1 (cytochrome P450scc) followed by centrifugation of cell homogenates at 105000g resulted in membraneous and 'soluble' fractions both containing cytochrome P450scc. Upon gel-permeating HPLC of the 'soluble' fraction, cytochrome P450scc was detected amongst 400-2000-kDa particles. Affinity column chromatography with immobilized adrenodoxin showed that cytochrome P450scc can not be extracted from the 'soluble' fraction by binding with its ligand. Such extraction can only be achieved after pretreating this fraction with sodium cholate and ammonium sulfate. These data suggest that the 400-2000-kDa particles including cytochrome P450scc constitute some lipoprotein structures. As the 'soluble' fraction exhibited succinate dehydrogenase activity proportional to the cytochrome P450scc content, these structures are likely to be fragments of the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane. 

In the 'soluble' fraction cytochrome P450scc binds added cholesterol and 22R-hydroxycholesterol, with 60-80% of its substrate-binding sites being accessible for these sterols. In this fraction, cytochrome P450scc is also undergoes one-electron reduction with the involvement of bacterial endogenous electron-transfer proteins and catalyzes transformation of the above sterols under the rate amounting up to 10% of that of the reaction in a reconstituted system composed of isolated cytochrome P450scc, adrenodoxin and adrenodoxin reductase. Thus, we have for the first time found evidences of compatibility of mammalian cytochrome P450scc with bacterial redox systems.

This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grants 02-04-81001 and 02-04-48204 to V.N. Luzikov)

Study of electrogenic proton transfer in cytochrome c oxidase

S. Siletsky1, A. Pawate2, K. Weiss2, R. Gennis2 , A. Konstantinov1

1 A.N.Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 2 Department of Biochemistry, University of Illinois, 600 S. Mathews Street, Urbana, IL 61801.

Photo injection of an electron into cytochrome c oxidase results in multiphase kinetics of membrane potential generation. The electrogenic phase compositions depend on initial state of oxidase and consist of an electron transfer into binuclear centre and coupled proton translocation steps. Forth electron reduction stage (F to O state transition) in catalytic cycle of bovine heart and Rhodobacter sphaeroides cytochrome oxidases revealsthree phases of vectorial charge movement: 'rapid', 'intermediate' and 'slow'. In the 'rapid' phase, electron is transferred from CuA to heme a. During the 'intermediate' and 'slow' phases,proton transport across the membrane is driven by the energy ofheme a reoxidation by the binuclear center. The N139D mutant of cytochrome c oxidase from Rhodobacter sphaeroides retains full steady oxidase activity but completely lacks proton transmembrane translocation coupled to turnover in liposomes. The wild type 'intermediate' electrogenic phase is missing in the non-pumping N139D mutant and probably reflects translocation of proton to the outer aqueous side of the membrane. The 'slow' electrogenic phase in wild type and in N139D mutant report proton transfer from the inner aqueous phase to E286, replacing the 'chemical' proton transferred from E286 to the heme a3/CuB centre. Significantly, with the wild type oxidase, the proton pumping precedes the electrogenic phase associated with the oxygen chemistry. This work was supported by Russian Fund for Basic Research Grants ? 04-04-48856.

Regulation of colicin E1 ion channel activity by lipid bilayer curvature

A.A. Sobko1, E.A. Kotova1, S.D. Zakharov2,3, W.A. Cramer2, Y.N. Antonenko1

1 A.N. Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow 119992, Russia; 2Department of Biological Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907; 3Institute of Basic Problems of Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pouschino, Moscow Region, 142290, Russia.

Spontaneous curvature (SC) of lipid membranes is known to be critical for function of a variety of membrane proteins. With ionic channels, a study of the dependence of the channel activity on SC allows to elucidate the mechanism of pore formation. The present study deals with the effect of SC on colicin E1 channels. The mechanism of action of this pore-forming bacteriocin remains obscure despite a great number of studies performed so far. We found that both the colicin-induced current across a planar bilayer lipid membrane (BLM) and carboxyfluorescein release from unilamellar lipid vesicles were augmented by lysophosphatidylcholine and reduced by oleic acid, agents promoting positive and negative SC, respectively. Dramatic stimulation of colicin E1 channel activity was also observed after photodynamic or chemical pretreatment of BLM before colicin addition. It is supposed that the channel activation results from oxidizing modification of lipids that leads to an increase in positive SC. Experiments with membranes of different lipid compositions revealed a correlation between the membrane-permeabilizing potency of colicin E1 and the bending propensity of a lipid bilayer. Models of colicin E1 channel formation are discussed in view of the new data.

Design and synthesis of DNA construction for expression and purification of human apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF)

T.A. Sysoeva, A.V. Pustovidko, E.Y. Plotnikov, M.Y. Vyssokikh, D.B. Zorov

A.N. Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Moscow State University

Human apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) is a flavoprotein with relative molecular mass 57 kDa. This protein shares relatively high homology with several members of flavine-dependent oxidoreductases family such as monodehydroascorbate and byphenyl oxidoreductases. Mature protein normally confined in the mitochondrial intermembrane space but translocates to the nucleus when apoptosis in cell is induced. Recombinant AIF causes chromatin condensation and large-scale fragmentation of DNA. 

There are several conflicting reports about AIF properties. We proposed that such contradiction is a result of different protein folding followed by isolation non-proceeded recombinant AIF from prokariotic cells.

That is why we designed DNA-construction based on pYES2-vector for expressing and purification AIF in yeast. In yeast cells recombinant protein has a chance to find mitochondria for proper folding and transformation from apo- to holoenzyme form. This construction contains HisTag-sequence between two parts of AIF-gene. First part of the construction is mitochondrial localization sequence (MLS); it should be processed by mitochondrial protease. Second part is sequence corresponding to mature AIF. We propose that such construction provides expression needed recombinant protein in yeast cells - processed mature AIF that is fused with HisTag. These constructions based on pET15b vector were synthesized and E.coli cells (BL21Rossetta strain) were transformed by it. Gene construction was expressed and two proteins were purified from E.coli by affine chromatography. Obtained proteins were analysed by MALDI analysis. One of purified proteins is AIF-HisTag-fusion. Second protein is product of degradation or proteolysis of recombinant protein in bacterial cells.

Structural mechanisms of the NF-?B redox sensibility 

M. Timchenko, A. Lomakin, K. Evlakov, E. Kubareva, M. Ivanovskaya

A.N. Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Moscow State University, Russia. E-mail: alexelomakin@yandex.ru

Nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-?B) is one of the key regulatory molecules in oxidative stress-induced cell activation. The cellular redox status can modify the function of NF-?B, whose DNA-binding activity can be inhibited by oxidative, nitrosative, and nonphysiological agents. This inhibitory effect has been proposed to be mediated by the oxidation of a conserved cysteine in p50 subunit of NF-kB DNA-binding domain (Cys62) through unknown mechanisms. Earlier it has been shown, that in oxidative stress conditions Cys62 of p50 NF-?B is responsible for activation NF-?B in nucleus. In the cytoplasm Cys62 of p50 exists in the oxidized form, while in the nucleus occurs the reduction of Cys62 with participation of redox factor Ref-1. This stage of transition Cys62 from the oxidized form in reduced is a key in the regulation of antioxidative protection genes transcription by NF-?B. The aim of the work was to investigate the structural basis of redox sensibility of NF-?B. Mutant form of p50 subunit of NF-?B where Cys62 was replaced with Ser was obtained by site-directed mutagenesis. By the method of circular dichroism and cross-linking with synthetic DNA fragments containing protein recognition site it was shown that the sensibility of NF-?B to redox status of Cys62 is stipulated with involvement of this Cys in formation of unique 3D-structure of protein binding center in NF-?B-DNA complex. The replacement of Cys62 with Ser leads to a full destruction of the spatial organization of NF-?B DNA-binding domain. This work was supported in part by the RFBR projects no. 05-03-32813 andno.04-04-97255.

Relevance of fatty acid oxidation in regulation of the outer mitochondrial membrane permeability for ADP

A. Toleikis, S. Trumbeckaite, D. Majiene, L. Kursvietiene, A. Dagys

Institute for Biomedical Research, Kaunas University of Medicine, Eiveniu Str. 4,

50009 Kaunas, Lithuania.

Our previous studies on saponin-permeabilized rat heart muscle fibers revealed that fatty acid (FA) oxidation induces a dramatic increase of the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) permeability for ADP. The aim of this study was further elucidation ofthe role of FA in the regulation of oxidative phosphorylation in rat heart muscle fibers. Oxidation of octanoyl-L-carnitine, decanoic acid (in combination with pyruvate+malate (PM)) and oleoyl-CoA+L-carnitine decreased app. KmADP up to 76 +mM, 66.0 + 13 mM and 55.7 +mM, respectively, as compared to this value characteristic for PM (217 +mM). Thus, saturated (long and medium chain), unsaturated, activated or not activated FA produce the similar effect. Furthermore, we showed that even low concentration (2 mM) of palmitoyl-L-carnitine (PC) caused the large decrease in the app. KmADP (up to 108 + 17 mM compared to 243 + 19 mM for PM). The low app. Km value was also observed (59 + 26 mM) when PC oxidation was titrated with exogenous ATP. Thus, the effect of FA did not depend on the way of delivery of ADP to mitochondria (exogenous, or endogenous - produced by ATP-ases of the cell). The low app. KmADP value observed in case of palmitoyl- or octanoyl-L-carnitine oxidation increased more than 3 times in medium supplemented with 5% dextran T-70. However, the oncotic pressure had no effect on high KmADP value characteristic for PM. Noteworthy, dextran diminished (by 21-25%) the State 3 respiration rate with all three substrates. We also demonstrated that the functional coupling between ADP/ATP translocator and creatine kinase is preserved in mitochondria despite the significant increase in the OMM permeability for ADP induced by FA oxidation. The findings that FA oxidation reduces app. KmADP and, thus, increases OMM permeability for ADP was also confirmed on human cardiac fibers.

In conclusion, the data demonstrate the impact of the FA oxidation system in the regulation of the OMM permeability for ADP which can be related to the fine structural changes of mitochondria. However, the precise mechanism of this phenomenon remains unclear.

Anomalous binding of cytochrome c in mitochondria of heart tissue in apoptosis at anoxia conditions

A.A. Tonshin, N.V. Lobysheva

A.N. Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology

, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119899, Russia.Fax (095) 939-0338; E-mail: 


The cytochrome c was shown to be not released from heart tissue mitochondria in the course of apoptosis induced by anoxia. This effect was observed on heart slices incubated in the medium with either high or low ionic strength. However, spermine added at the concentration of 5 mM to the medium with low ionic strength leaded to release of the cytochrome c from mitochondria of apoptotic heart tissue. This effect was not observed in the medium with high ionic strength (60 mM KCl) without spermine. In the presence of spermine in the medium with low ionic strength the release of cytochrome c from intact heart mitochondria was not found. The experiments with spermine proved that the outer mitochondrial membrane was disrupted in the course of apoptosis at our conditions. The mitochondria with disrupted outer membrane, in the high ionic strength medium should release the cytochrome c since neither outer membrane nor electrostatic interaction keep this protein in mitochondria, but it was not case. We have to postulate the existence of the third factor to prevent the cytochrome c releasing. In this study we suggest that closed cristae according to [1] could serve as the third factor. In this connection, the spermine should play the role of the factor which open the closed cristae.


1.Mannella CA, Marko M, Buttle K. Reconsidering mitochondrial structure: new views of an old organelle. Trends Biochem Sci. 1997 Feb;22(2):37-8.

Voltage changes on the reducing side of photosystem II complex

A.A. Tyunyatkina and M.D. Mamedov 

A.N.Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119992 Moscow, Leninskie gory; Fax: (095) 939 3181, email:mahir@genebee.msu.ru

The generation of transmembrane electric potential difference (??) in quinone acceptor complex of proteoliposomes containing spinach core complexes of photosystem II were studied by direct electrometrical technique. Besides the fast increase in the photoelectric response associated with electron transfer reaction between redox-active tyrosine-161 (YZ) in D1 polypeptide and the primary quinone acceptor QA, an additional electrogenic phase with ? ~0.85 ms at pH 7.3 and maximal relative amplitude of ~11% was observed after the second light pulse. The sensitivity of this phase to diuron - an inhibitor of electron transfer between the QA and secondary QB quinone acceptors, the flash-number dependency of its amplitude as well as the rate constant decrease with increasing pH indicate that it is due to the dismutation of QA- and QB- and to subsequent protonation of a doubly reduced quinone molecules: QA-QB- + 2 H+? QAQBH2Key words: core complex of photosystem II, oxygen evolving complex, secondary quinone acceptor, proteoliposome, membrane potential, electrogenicity, direct electrometrical technique.

Apoptosis in wheat seedling coleoptiles under influence of 'external' superoxide

A.A. Vorobjev1, E.G. Smirnova2, L.E. Bakeeva1, L.S. Yaguzhinsky1

1Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University,Moscow 119899, Russia, fax: (095) 939-3181; 

E-mail:yag@genebee.msu.ru, 2Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Timiryazevskaya ul., 42, Moscow 127550, Russia

Influence of 'external' superoxide on apoptosis in wheat seedling coleoptiles was investigated. A specific feature of apoptosis in wheat seedlings coleoptiles during the normal morphogenesis such as a chromatin margination and formation of vesicles containing mitochondria were enhanced by addition of 10-4 M gametocide - dibutylphthalate (DBP). At the same concentration DBP also activates the superoxide excretion in the external environment in wheat seedlings coleoptiles. It is important that lower and higher concentrations DBP (10-5 M and 10-3 M) do not influence one of two specified processes practically. Obtained correlation of DBP influence on 'external' superoxide generation speed and mitochondria vesicles formation (and, accordingly, an apoptosis) speaks well for function interrelation of these processes. Supported by RFFI grants 04-04-48121 & 00-04-48257

Primary Charge Separation between P* and BA: Electron-Transfer Pathways in Native and Mutant GM203L Bacterial Reaction Centers

A.G. Yakovlev1, M.R. Jones2, L.G. Vasilieva3, A.Ya. Shkuropatov3 and V. A. Shuvalov1,3

1Department of Photobiophysics, Belozersky Institute of Chemical and Physical Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow, 1Institute of Basic Biological Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Moscow Region 142290, Russian Federation, 3Department of Biochemistry, School of Medical Sciences, University of Bristol, University Walk, Bristol BS8 1TD, United Kingdom.

Coherent components in the dynamics of decay of stimulated emission from the primary electron donor excited state P* and of population of the product charge-separated states P+BA- and P+HA- were studied in GM203L mutant reaction centers (RCs) of Rhodobacter sphaeroides by measuring oscillations in the kinetics of absorbance changes at 940 nm (P* stimulated emission region), 1020 nm (BA- absorption region) and 760 nm (HA bleaching region). Absorbance changes were induced by excitation of P (870 nm) with 18 femtosecond pulses at 90 K. In the GM203L mutant, replacement of Gly M203 by Leu results in exclusion of the crystallographically-defined water molecule (HOH55) located close to the oxygen of the 131-keto carbonyl group of BA and to His M202, which provides the axial ligand to Mg of the PB bacteriochlorophyll. The results of femtosecond measurements were compared with those recently reported for Rb. sphaeroides R-26 RCs containing an intact water HOH55. The main consequences of the GM203L mutation were found to be as follows: (i) The low-frequency oscillation at 32 cm-1, which is characteristic of the HOH55-containing RCs, disappears from the kinetics of absorbance changes at 1020and 760 nm in the mutant RCs; (ii) The dominant faster (80%; time constant of 1.1 ps) component of electron transfer from P* to BA observed in HOH55-containing RCs is not seen in the mutant RCs, being replaced by a slower (time constant of about 4.3 ps) component that is also present in water-containing RCs as a minor component (20%). The previously postulated rotation of water HOH55 with a fundamental frequency of 32 cm-1, triggered by electron transfer from P* to BA, was confirmed by observation of an isotopic shift of the 32 cm-1 oscillation in the kinetics of P+BA- population in deuteratedpheophytin-modified RCs of Rb. sphaeroides R-26 by a factor of 1.6. These data are discussed in terms of the involvment of the HOH55 molecule in charge separation via a sequence of polar groups N-Mg(PB)-N-C-N(HisM202)-HOH55-O=(BA) linking PB and BA, and providing the most effective electron-transfer route for the primary reaction P* ? P+BA-.Authors gratefully acknowledge the support by the Russian Basic Research Foundation and RAS grants.

About proton transfer through interfaces of inner membrane of the uncoupled mitochondria
V.I. Yurkov, M.S. Fadeeva
A.N. Belozersky Institute ofPhysico-Chemical Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow 119992, Russia. E-mail: yurkovv@yandex.ru

The new phenomenon - the increasing of the maximal rate of uncoupled respiration by nonpenetreting buffer in incubation media was founded. The two kinetic stages in the process of the proton transfer through the interfaces of the mitochondrial membrane in the presence of uncouplers was identified. The analysis of the experimental data showed that changes in uncoupler concentration from low to high result in the spatial shift of limiting kinetic stage of the proton transfer process from outer surface of inner membrane to inner surface. The respiratory inhibition mechanism by high concentration of uncouplers was discussed. The inhibition of the mitochondrial respiration by the high uncouplers concentration resulted in pH decrease in the matrix space. The existence of the local Н+- gradient on uncoupled mitochondria was detected. The experiments with FITC-labelled mitochondria demonstrated that the buffer effect is coupled with the decreasing of the localН+- gradient on the outer side of the inner mitochondrial membrane.

Kinetic model of mitochondrial Krebs cycle

E.A.Zobova, O.V. Demin 

A.N.Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.

Kinetic model of mitochondrial Krebs cycle with glutamate, malate and alpha-ketoglutarate as oxidized substrates has been developed. In this model Krebs cycle operates via aspartate aminotransferase shunt connecting oxaloacetate and alpha-ketoglutarate. In vivo this shunt functions when the energy needs of the cell increase [1].Substrates enter mitochondria via two translocators - aspartate/glutamate carrier and alpha-ketoglutarate/malate carrier. Reducing equivalents (NADH) formed in Krebs cycle reactions are utilized by respiratory chain which is presented in the model by complex I. With the enzymes cited above our model also includes the description of the following enzymes: alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase, succinate thiokinase, succinate dehydrogenase, fumarase, malate dehydrogenase. 

Our model is based on the information of separate enzymes functioning. Rate law of each enzyme was derived according kinetic mechanism found in literature. Rate equations contain a number of parameters. The values of unknown parameters were estimated via fitting the rate equation to the available in vitro experimental data using computer program DBSolve7. Some parameters (e.g., the mitochondrial enzymes concentrations) cannot be estimated from in vitro data. We estimated their values using experimental data describing substrates oxidation by the suspension of mitochondria. In this case the whole model with unknown parameters was fitted to the two sets of experiments: in the first glutamate and malate [2] and in the second alpha-ketoglutarate [3] were oxidized by mitochondria. So we estimated enzymes concentrations and other parameters. Constructed model of Krebs cycle contains detailed descriptions of enzymes functioning rates with estimated parameters and can be applicated for the investigation of drugs influence on energy metabolism of mitochondria.


1. Biofizika, 1989, 34(3), 450-458.

2. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 1979, 195, 578-590.

3. Archives of Biochemistry, 1954, 51, 47-61.

The study of streptolydigin effects on the bacterial RNA polymerase activities

S.D. Zorov1, N.S. Zenkin2, K.V. Severinov2, V.G. Nikoforov3

1A.N. Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 2Waksman Institute, Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 3Public Health Research Institute, Newark, NJ, USA.

The tetramic-acid antibiotic streptolydigin inhibits prokaryotic RNA polymerase. Here, we investigated the influence of streptolydigin on kinetic parameters of Thermus aquaticus RNA polymerase activities.

The kinetics of single-step transcript elongation was measured in the presence and in the absence of streptolydigin. The addition of streptolydigin resulted in the appearance of two types of transcription elongation complexes: fully active and fully inactive, the latter bound to streptolydigin. Because of the dynamic equilibrium between the active, streptolydygin free, and inactive, streptolydigin-bound, complexes, the observed effect of streptolydigin on elongation is slowing down of average rate of transcript elongation. We also showed that other activities of RNA polymerase in transcription elongation complexes, such as intrinsic or factor-dependent cleavage of 3'-terminal fragments of RNA are also strongly inhibited by streptolydigin. Our data suggest that binding of streptolydigin renders transcription complex fully inactive. The inhibition does not occur at the level of substrate binding, since the apparent Km value for the incoming nucleoside triphosphate is not changed in the presence of streptolydigin.

To further investigate the mechanism of streptolydigin action we generated T. aquaticus RNA polymerase mutant harboring a deletion of the b' subunit amino acids 932 to 1136. The region removed by the deletion is in close proximity to the proposed streptolydigin-binding site. We showed that the elongation activity of the mutant enzyme is not inhibited by streptolydigin. Moreover, a stimulatory effect of streptolydigin on the rate of transcript elongation was observed. However, the intrinsic cleavage of 3'-terminal fragments of RNA in the mutant enzyme elongation complexes was inhibited by streptolydigin. Thus, the mutation allowed to separate the effects of streptolydigin on two types of reactions catalyzed by the RNA polymerase active center, which opens way for detailed studies of the molecular mechanism of inhibition.