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Дата изменения: Sat Dec 14 12:30:42 2013
Дата индексирования: Fri Feb 28 11:13:23 2014
The Theory of Atemporality
Amrit Srecko Sorli sorli.bistra@gmail.com Scientific Research Centre BISTRA, Ptuj Slovenia

Theory of Atemporality is based on the fact that with clocks one measures duration, speed and numerical order of material change and not time. With eyes one can perceive in the universe only material change that run into physical space. One cannot perceive time as a physical reality into which material change run. Material change runs into physical space only and not in time. Time is not a fundamental physical reality as matter, energy and physical space are. Time exists only when we measure it; time is an "observer effect".

Introduction With clocks one measures duration, speed and numerical order of material change that run into atemporal physical space. Smallest unit of duration and numerical order is Planck time, the biggest is light year. Material changes itself have no duration, they only have numerical order. A scientist gives material changes duration by measuring them with clocks; time is epiphenomena of measurement duration of material change. Time does not run into universe on its own. Universe is an atemporal phenomenon where numerical order of material changes run according to the "implicate order of the universe" (in a David Bohm sense) (1,2,3,4,5). Special of Relativity enriched with the concept of atemporality Theory of Atemporlity is up building Theory of Relativity in a sense that space-time is a mathematical model only with which science describes material change running into atemporal physical space. Material change does not run into space-time, they run into atemporal space. In the Theory of Relativity coordinate X4 is not time. X4 is the forth coordinate of atemporal physical space: X4 = c x i x t, where c is light speed, i is imaginary number and t is a number presenting duration of material change. Forth coordinate is not "time coordinate", it is "spatial coordinate" too. In the Theory of Relativity is not time that is relative, relative is a speed of material change; in a faster inertial system speed of material change is lower than in a slower inertial system. Into physical space with stronger gravity speed of material change is lower than into physical space with weaker gravity field.

This new understanding of time resolves the problem of twins: brother in a faster spaceship is getting older slower than his brother on the earth, but both are getting older into atemporal physical space. Brother living on the Moon is getting older faster than his brother on the Earth because gravity of stronger on the Earth. Contradictory hypothetical travel into past that are possible into Theory Relativity are in Theory of Atamporality out of question. One can travel only through the atemporal physical space and not through the time because time is an observer effect. Discussion In 1949, Godel postulated a theorem that stated, "In any universe described by the theory of relativity, time cannot exist": http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1200/is_8_167/ai_n13595656. Godel is right; according the Theory of Atemporality space-time exists only as a math model with which science describes motion of material objects and elementary particles into atemporal physical space. Recently some physicists are finding out that there is no time on fundamental (subatomic level) http://www.decoherence.de/; according to the Theory of Atemporality there is no time also on macro level (material objects, stars, galaxies). Time is an observer effect. Time exists only when one measures it. Julian Barbour is also discussing in his book "The End of Time ­ the next revolution in our understanding of the universe" http://www.platonia.com/ that in the universe there is no time as a fundamental physical reality. Journal DISCOVER also discuss about universe might be atemporal http://discovermagazine.com/2007/jun/in-no-time. Atemporal Physical Space, Gravity and EPR Experiment In General Theory of Relativity 3 dimensional objects exist into a 4 dimensional physical space that is mathematically described with the model of space-time. Gravity force is the result of curvature of 4 dimensional physical space. One can consider that gravity force as a result of curvature of space works directly into space itself and indirectly between material objects. More physical space is curved, more space has a tendency to shrink. This shrinking force pulls together 4 dimensional physical space and also 3 dimensional material objects that are existing into it. Considering that physical space could have granular structure one can see gravity force as a non-propagating force working directly between quanta of space.

Density of energy in a given volume of the universe is a sum of density of space energy, density of matter energy, density of electromagnetic energy and has tendency to be constant. Where density of matter is high, density of space is low and opposite. In the areas of low space density gravity forces between quanta of space are stronger, space is more curved. Where there is no matter density D of space is higher gravity forces between quanta of space are less strong. Density D of atemporal physical space in a centre of massive material
1 , where m is a mass of the object. Attraction force F between m G two massive objects is: F = , where G is gravitational constant, D1 is D1 D 2 r 2

object is D =

density of space in a centre of first object, D2 is density of space in the centre of second object, r is a distance between two centre of material objects. Gravity force works into direction of decreasing of density D. In the centre the Earth density D of space is stable, so gravity force there on a given object zero. Also at the Lagrange point between Earth and Moon density D of space stable and on the object there gravity force is zero. From the Lagrange point the Earth density D of space is decreasing to the surface of the Earth, than it increasing going inside the Earth and towards the centre decreasing again
1 . mT

of is is to is

according to the formula D = object is: D =

Density D of physical space at the point T from the centre of massive
1 , where mT is the mass of the globe under the point T. The mT

mass of the massive object above the point T does not influence density D inside the globe (according to the Newton Shell Theorem). At the surface of the massive object density D is D = D =
1 , where m is the mass of the object. In the m

centre of the massive object and on its surface is density D of space equal. Into Einstein-Podolski-Rosen experiment atemporal physical space is a direct information medium between elementary particles, there is no information signal traveling between particles. Atemporal physical simultaneously knows about behavior of particle A and particle B (6).

Dynamic Equilibrium of Atemporal Universe In the black holes inside Schwarzschild radius density D of space is low at the maximum; density of matter is high at the maximum. Behind Schwarzschild matter is transforming back into quanta of space that are basic quanta of energy. In this way density of space D in the universe is increasing. In the centre of galaxies density D of space is at the maximum, density of matter is at the minimum. In the centre of galaxies quanta of space transforms back into elementary particles. In this way density D of space is decreasing. Circulation of energy "space-matter-space" is in a permanent dynamic equilibrium. There was no creation of the universe and there will be no end (7). Conclusions The Theory of Atemporality is based on elementary perception: time cannot be observed in the universe. With clocks one measures duration, speed and numerical order of events that run into atemporal universe. Man in not existing into time, time exists into man. There is no past and future into the universe, both exist only into human mind. Time is an observer effect. Time exists only when one measures it. Universe is an atemporal phenomenon.
1. Sorli A., Sorli K. (2005) From Space-time to A-Temporal Physical Space, Frontier Perspectives, Vol. 14, Num. 1. 2. Fiscaletti D., Sorli A. (2005). Toward an a-temporal interpretation of quantum potential. Frontier Perspectives, Vol. 14, Num. 2. 3. Fiscaletti D., Sorli A. (2006). Toward a new interpretation of subatomic particles and their motion inside a-temporal physical space. Frontier Perspectives, Volume 15, Num 2 4. Fiscaletti D., Sorli A. (2007). Basic Frequency of A-Temporal Physical Space As A Driving Force of The Evolution, Scientific Inquiry, Vol 8. Num 1. pp 29-34 http://www.iigss.net/Scientific-Inquiry/June07/2-Fiscaletti.pdf 5. Fiscaletti D., Sorli A. (2007). A-temporal physical space and introduction to the theory of everything, Scientific Inquiry, Vol 8. Num 1. pp 65-80

6. Fiscaletti D. Sorli A.S. (2008) NON-LOCALITY AND THE SYMMETRYZED QUANTUM POTENTIAL , Physics Essays, December 2008, Vol. 21, No. 4 (accepted into publication) 7. Sorli S.A. (2008). Dynamic Equilibrium of Atemporal universe
