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Russian frozen meat semi-finished items market state and development trends приволжский рынок колбас рынок говядины
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Russian frozen meat semi-finished items market state and development trends приволжский рынок колбас рынок говядины

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Название отчета: Russian frozen meat semi-finished items market: state and development trends (артикул: 01198 03430)
Дата выхода: 5 Августа 2008
География: Россия
Количество страниц: 57
Язык отчета: Русский
Стоимость: 22 000 руб.
Способ предоставления: электронный
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Полное описание отчета

Main research objectives are:

1. State estimation and development prospects of the Russian frozen meat semi-finished items market from standpoint of investment appeal.

2. Expediency definition and possibilities of investors penetrate to the Russian frozen meat semi-finished items market.

The research period is 2003-2007. The general trends and development forecasts of the Russian frozen meat semi-finished items market are considered over near-term outlook.

Information sources:

1. Statistical data and forecasting information of Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Ministry of Public Health and Social Development, Federal Consumer Rights Protection and Human Health Control Service, Federal State Statistic Service, and Federal Customs Service of Russia.

2. Companies press releases, branch and expert estimations of mass-media.

3. Own informational resource and extensive enterprises database of Information Agency «CredInform – North-West».


General conclusions:

According to expert opinion, frozen meat semi-finished items market growth is promoted by the following factors such as: limited time for cooking; insufficient development of public catering; development of network retailers; frozen products quality growth due to application of modern technologies, aspiration of modern buyers to eat correctly.

Frozen meat semi-finished items market has very distinct regional specification. Consumer preferences can cardinally differ even in neighboring regions. It complicates work on marketing programs creating especially for foreign players.

ZAO MLM-FOOD (Moscow), OAO Produkty Pitaniya (Кaliningrad), ООО Sibirskiy Gurman (Novosibirsk), ОАО Talosto (Saint-Petersburg), ООО Ravioli (Saint-Petersburg) occupy main positions on manufacture of frozen meat semi-finished items.

In the Russian frozen meat semi-finished items market some common factors influence actively on pricing system such as: acts of the government and other external forces, economic climate and trade market condition, its regional features, branching of sales network, presence of manufacture, market competition, interests of users, and etc. Demand for frozen meat products in Russia submits to over-all laws of functioning of market economy being in inverse negative relationship from the price factor.

One of the market trends – sales growth of semi-finished items without package. Manufactures number specializing on meat semi-finished items producing without package by retailers order, is grown. Weight production is in buyers demand because of it is cheaper than packaged and consumers are free to choose any goods volume.

According to On expert opinion, in 2008 trends will be the same that had been immanent to the market last years.

As a whole, frozen meat semi-finished items market is characterized by low concentration. There are large, average and small companies operate on the market. Relative easy of frozen meat semi-finished items produce high competition, federal and regional brands are represented on the local markets.

The brief information on the leading companies of the Russian frozen meat semi-finished items market is presented in the report as well. For more information on participants of the Russian frozen meat semi-finished items market see Companies Directories created by «CredInform North-West», in which companies are grouped using main code of Russian National Classifier of Economic Activities (OKVED); and also Branch Enterprises Databases.

More detailed information on any firm can be received on-line at Agency website where in accessible form reference company data is presented not only, but also in comparative form its financial figures, foreign economic activity data and etc.

Подробное оглавление/содержание отчета


    1. General characteristic of the frozen meat semi-finished items market in 2007

    2. Specifics of the frozen meat semi-finished items market

    2.1. Meat market as a basis of frozen meat semi-finished items market

    2.2. Frozen meat semi-finished items market segmentation

    2.3. Manufacturing leaders of frozen meat semi-finished items market

    2.4 Specifics of pricing, demand and discounts system

    2.5 Package market of frozen meat semi-finished items

    2.6 Regional aspect, specifics of distribution system

    2.7 Estimations and opinions of frozen meat semi-finished items market participants

    3. Structure of foreign trade turnover of the frozen meat semi-finished items market

    3.1 Import of frozen meat semi-finished items in Russia in 2007

    3.2 Export of frozen meat semi-finished items from Russia in 2007

    4. Branch development trends of the frozen meat semi-finished items market

    5. The leaders of the Russian frozen meat semi-finished items market and their characteristic

    5.1. Leading frozen meat semi-finished items manufacturers

    5.2. Retail trade leaders of frozen meat semi-finished items

    5.3. Wholesale trade leaders of frozen meat semi-finished items

    5.4. Active participants of foreign trade turnover of frozen meat semi-finished items

Перечень приложений


2.1. Manufacture of cattle and poultry for slaughter by species in the facilities of all categories in January-December 2006-2007 detailed Federal Districts

2.2. Manufacture of cattle and poultry for slaughter in Russia during in January-December 2006-2007

2.3. Number of cattle in the facilities of all categories 2006-2007

2.4. Some parameters of meat manufacture in agricultural organizations in January-December 2006-2007

2.5. Meat import in January-December 2006-2007

2.6. Manufacture of basic kinds of meat products in January-December 2006-2007

2.7. Trend of Russian average retail prices for ravioli in 2005 and 2007

2.8. Leading frozen meat semi-finished items manufacturers in Russia detailed on annual turnover (ТОР20, OKVED 15.13)

2.9. Leading frozen meat semi-finished items manufacturers in Russia detailed on annual turnover (ТОР20, OKVED 15.13.1)

2.10. Wholesale trade leaders of frozen meat semi-finished items in Russia detailed on an annual turnover (TOP - 20)

2.11. Distributors frozen meat semi-finished items discounts system of company "X"

2.12. Distributors-Premier frozen meat semi-finished items discounts system of company "X"

2.13. Parity of manufacture of frozen meat semi-finished items in a cut of federal districts in 2006-2007

Parity of frozen meat semi-finished items manufacture detailed on Federal Districts in 2006-2007

3.1. Volumes and trend of frozen meat semi-finished items foreign trade turnover in 2005-2008

3.2. Characteristic of TN foreign economic activity codes of commodity group FROZEN MEAT SEMI-FINISHED ITEMS

3.3. Import and export volumes of frozen meat semi-finished items deliveries in 2007 detailed on TN codes of foreign economic activity

3.4. Deliveries volumes of frozen meat semi-finished items (commodity group 1602 and 1902203000 code) to Russia in 2007 detailed on consignors countries

3.5. Deliveries volumes of frozen meat semi-finished items (commodity group 1602 and 1902203000 code) to Russia in 2007 detailed on consignees

3.6. Deliveries volumes of frozen meat semi-finished items (commodity group 1602 and 1902203000 code) from Russia in 2007 detailed on consignees countries

3.7. Deliveries volumes of frozen meat semi-finished items (commodity group 1602 and 1902203000 code) from Russia in 2007 detailed on consignors


1.1. Russian frozen semi-finished items market capacity in 2005-2008

1.2. Russian frozen meat semi-finished items market capacity in 2005-2008

1.3. Structure of frozen semi-finished items market

2.1 Structure of manufacture of cattle and poultry for slaughter in 2007

2.2. Structure of manufacture of cattle and poultry for slaughter in January-December 2006-2007 detailed on the facilities of all categories

2.3 Export poultry meat prices in 2006-2007

2.4 Representation of frozen meat semi-finished items in retail trade in 2006-2007

2.5 Russian ravioli market capacity 2004-2007

2.6 The manufacturing structure of frozen meat semi-finished items detailed on Federal Districts in 2007

3.1. Consignors countries geography of frozen meat semi-finished items (commodity group 1602 and 1902203000 code) to Russia in 2007 in kind (TOP 10)

3.2. Consignors countries geography of frozen meat semi-finished items (commodity group 1602 and 1902203000 code) to Russia in 2007 in value terms (TOP 10)

3.3. Consignees countries geography of frozen meat semi-finished items (commodity group 1602 and 1902203000 code) from Russia in 2007 in kind (TOP 10)

3.4. Consignees countries geography of frozen meat semi-finished items (commodity group 1602 and 1902203000 code) from Russia in 2007 in value terms (TOP 10)


1. Example of the brief supplemental information on a company

2. Analysis of financial figures of a firm "X"

3. Analysis of foreign trade activities of a firm "X"

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