V. L. Voyeikov, Ye. V. Buravleva, S. E. Kondakov
Blood as Active
Colloid System. NonmonotoneNature of Erythrosytes Sedimentation in Whole Blood
as Revealed by Video Recording with High Space-Time Resolution
(Non-linear dynamic behavior of
blood sedimentation has been revealed due to application of the principles of
the system of technical vision for the detailed analysis of red blood
sedimentation kinetics. An automatic computerized device for high-temporal
resolution of the process of red blood sedimentation was designed. The position
of the boundary between red blood and plasma may be registered each 30 sec in
several pipettes simultaneously with +-10 mkm precision. Data are processed by
a PC and presented as velocity-time curves (ESR-grams) and as the curves
describing the time evolution of the boundary position. Also TV-recording with
high resolution was performed at a rate 25 frames/sec. Color TV-camera having
image resolution of 470 lines and sensitivity 0,1 lux was used. Several
unexpected phenomena in the process of red blood sedimentation have been
revealed. Macrokinetic patterns of
sedimentation of whole blood, including several periods of the observed process
were found. Dynamic changes in the density of the plasma-red cells, manifested
in the oscillatory nature of the process rate changes, the phenomena of
“negative sedimentation” have been revealed. Video recordings of the process
detected nano- and microbubbles of gas evacuating from blood in course of its
settling. Active motion of the plasma upward along the settling mass of red
cells leads to the active movement of cells, their aggregates and gas bubbles
against the forces of gravity, on the border between the red cells and plasma.
A hypothesis, representing the blood as a complex liquid-solid-gas colloidal
system is proposed. It calls for reconsideration of many concepts of
haematology, rheology, cardio-vascular physiology.
Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002